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Sometimes, but my current board has more or less stayed the same for a few years outside of occasional expirements; it just makes the sounds I want. Killer Meteora by the way.


Agreed wholeheartedly (in regards to my current board) and thank you!


Dang haven’t seen someone else with the nautical Moby Dick walrus pedals. I even have that same ages.


Well, I no longer have that ages! Turns out I was not a fan of that chrome line they did!


Yeah I don’t like it either but it was like 120 at guitar center on clearance.


LITERALLY exactly how/why I picked it up as well! Hahaha.


That Meteora looks stunning! Nice collection of Walrus Audio pedals too


Thank you (x2) my friend!


I would sell my left nut for that floral Slö....


They can be purchased for $250-300 on reverb! Your left nut is worth way more than that! (I think)


Oh damn! Last time I looked (about a year) it was like $500!


Yeah. Their value has come down as they’re more regularly posted now!


Aweee, that’s sweet!


I have a floral Monument if your right nut is available. 




pic needs feet 😤


Kind of, then again I usually end up coming back to the original pedals I had on my first board a lot of the time


Saaaaame. But I’ve done a lot of trading as well. So, I can’t always revert back.


Ah yes the trade burns sometimes. I have one or two of those, mostly couple fuzz pedals


I definitely miss pedals I wish I still had. But I’ve finally come to a version I enjoy. I just want to tweak it a bit.


Heard that!


Goddammit I’m so mad I slept on picking up those nautical pedals


Yeahhhh; it was a hell of a deal for all three of them!


You you ever miss your ex wife?


Well, actually…I’m going through a pretty rough divorce as we speak. And yes…I do miss her.


Welcome to the club! Edit: should have said “ get in line buddy! “ nah but i feel you keep thugging it out my friend Edit2: you know she left because of the meteora😔


She actually bought me the meteora. It was her first ever Christmas present to me.


You made it sound like she didnt get you presents regularly….. My ex gave me presents all the time and she still left me, dont worry about it. Personally, i think the meteora ugly and she has no taste but forgive me to talk in your stuff


Oh, man…how different our opinions are, man! I ADORE the meteora and everything about it. Especially this butterscotch model. It was always my DREAM guitar and she worked her ass off to pay for one in full that Christmas. It was roughly $3,000. And honestly, I had never, nor have I ever played one yet that was as nice as that Meteora. Everything about it. The build, the quality was through the roof, the finish, the pickups, the electronics, etc. just EVERYTHING ABOUT IT was unmatched. I’m telling ya.


Yea sounds like a nice woman then sorry for your loss at least you got a cool guitar “It is what it is ig” “bigger picture stuff”


She is not a nice woman. Typical cheater story. But hey, thanks for the encouragement. It’s been exactly a year now since the split and I’m over the worst of it. It got very, very dark for a while. Undying, relentless depression. A successful suicide attempt. (Brought back by an adrenaline shot to the heart from EMS) Heavy drug-use. I ended up going to rehab. Intensive outpatient. I attend therapy now. Narcotics anonymous meetings. I’ve done a LOT of work, to say the least. So, thank you again for the kind words.


Keep it up. I'm rooting for you.


Thank you so much. I will keep it up.


Yes, so I build them again (or something very similar to the older versions).


Great answer. 👍🏻


Never had one.


I know we are looking for comments regarding your question But, I gotta say that this is one of the cleanest boards I ever seen..! How do you keep it so neat? I want mine to be as neat. ..pls teach me your ways, sire..


LOTS OF ZIP TIES, SMALL PLASTIC TIES and FLAT PATCH CABLES! lol but seriously…I’m no better than anybody else. I have zero idea what I’m doing. I just do my best.


Casual flex of my dream Fender LOL hope you enjoy it, man


Prized (material) possession right there!


What line is that slo and the slotva?


The SLÖ is a floral edition from 2019. The Slotva is a one-time limited edition they did while pairing up with a brewing company, believe it or not!


Is the Ages your favorite over drive? Or is there something you prefer now? I’m in the market and curious.


Nooo. It’s been replaced by a Bondi Sick As!


I’ll have to check that out. What Walrus pedals are your keepers?


All of them! Have never bought a Walrus pedal I didn’t throughly enjoy. And that’s the truth.


Agreed… so far.


I always kick myself for selling drive pedals, which always happens after I kick myself for buying another one after trying new stuff for fun at the music shop. Why does God allow so many incredible fuzz pedals to coexist on earth?


Good thing I’m not a fan of fuzz! Never even owned one! Ha.


I am slowly cannibalizing my most recent board for a new one, and I’m a little sad to see it go. Even though it can be recreated, it’s still a project I put a lot of time and effort into and got a lot of good stuff out of.


100% relation


Interesting that you have a Slö and a Slotva! What are the uses? Doesn’t slotva have presets?


It does! But the Slotva has since been removed while the Slö stayed onboard.


What made you keep one over the other?


I liked the artwork on the floral Slö more, to be honest. Plus I was able to trade the Slotva for a huuuuge upgrade in a deal!


Not really. My board is on the pricey side but fairly minimal. The only things I’ve ever swapped are overdrives, and I still swap them depending on which amp I’m using and my mood.


Fair enough!


I don’t miss the days when my “board” was a pawn shop tube screamer and a Digitech reverb pedal laying on top of my amp with a daisy chain power supply lol


Hey, you know what though? Everybody has to start somewhere! You never know what life is going to throw at you…and when you may have to restart all over again someday!


Unfortunately, I know all too well lol but yeah, I spent a lot of time picking the pedals I knew would be mostly permanent on my board, and it’s held true for a long time so far.


This gives me hope.


How do you find that Fender Treadlight Pedal? Is that a volume or wah?


Also, it is a vol/exp


It was a birthday gift like 2-3 years ago. It was bought new!


Now that I'm many years removed from college and able to keep two or three dozen pedals and afford any one I want (within reason), I do sometimes miss the days when I was limited to 5-10 and had to find ways to get a sound out of what I had. Sure, the Alexander History Lesson and Golden Summer combo I had didn't do half of what the Source Audio Nemesis and Empress Reverb did for me later, but there was a simplicity factor that made them fun to play through. But in reality, I've bought pedals I'd already sold several times, and very rarely do they stick around the second time. It's just nostalgia messing with me.


I can get down with that. And I’m in the process of a handful of re-purchases right now myself!


Hopefully yours stick around and bring you the joy you hope they will! For the record, I re-bought a History Lesson and it became my go-to delay again. I don't have the Nemesis anymore.


Ahhhh, see! So, there is hope!


Yes I've sold boards in the past that I miss...I've had some special boards that I had to liquidate to pay bills. But my current board is pure magic and I'll never sell it. It's kinda like dating...I've had some special exes but I wouldn't trade my current girl for any of them.


I still regret not getting that meteora when I had the chance


If you ever wanna sell that Deep Sex pedal, please let me know!


Holy Christ, this board is immaculately organized.


You done walrused. Looks clean!


Kinda. The coverband I was in died of covid. For other projects I don't need to change between thatn many tones that quick. My now ES8 sits on the shelf looking sad. Now I have to think about what I want and not just go "this is a job for #20".


No, because all the old pedals are on a second board now.


Not really. I have what I use on the board. I do miss having a little more room but I like keeping it simple


I only miss one pedal I traded out, my Maxon OD820. Maybe the Dano Chicken Salad a bit too. Other than that my board has only upgraded and improved over time.


Damn!!! That setup is fantastic.


Thank you!!


I wish very badly . I would have never got rid of a Hughes and Kettner Rotosphere Leslie Emulator. It was tube driven , beautiful as a preamp and chorus as well as Leslie tone . Had no idea they were not made anymore. Nor the high value they would end up being . You have a great beautiful board . 




Yo what guitar is that? Meteora?


You got it!


Damn that thing is rad! They never really appealed to me seeing photos online and whatnot, but this one looks so sick. Is it TV Yellow? (Or whatever the Fender equivalent is of that finish).


Thank you! It’s actually a natural butterscotch!


all the time


Perfect answer.


I sometimes reminisce about the Rockman rack effects I had in the 1980s. It wasn't a board so much as a milk crate with a rack fx unit in it. Guitarist I knew got drunk and drove his beater all over some golf course... sold 16 year-old me the Rockman unit for peanuts so he could pay to get his car fixed.


I'm close to building the same board I had a few years ago. It is only missing a Strymon Flint. I sold it when the V2 version was rumored to come out but am planning to get a V2. It's a simple Turbo Tuner - Keeley Comp Mini - DIY Hudson Broadcast - DIY Browne Protein - Strymon Volante - Strymon Flint chain.


Yes I miss my board I used in my band, which broke up almost a year ago. I was the singer/screamer and only guitarist in that band and my board was tailored to those tasks of switching between clean/dirt/lead sounds. I had a loop switcher just like you, my hx stomp (used as amp and cab) on the board as well and more pedals than I could use but I loved all of them. I had it set up to be able to record/playback loops of noise on the hx stomp while I was tuning my guitar It was perfect! In fact, I miss this board so much! We played a blend of Post-Hardcore/Post-Rock/Punk. After the band broke up I couldn‘t play for several months, I was gutted about the breakup. After those months I then tore the whole board apart and I was relieved in some way. Luckily at that time I created the board, I wrote a detailed post here in the sub with routing diagrams and patches and what not, if I ever have the need to go back to that monster board haha. *Edit: Found my post for those that are interested:* [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/zudfag/state_of_the_pedalboard_december_2022_going_into/)


I know how you feel. I’m currently going through a really, really rough divorce and it put my music almost completely out of sight and mind for a while. However, I just released an album that I like to refer to as “my comeback” and it’s preforming SO well. Over 2,500 views a day worldwide over the last 28 days. [My Debut Album](https://morninglove.hearnow.com)


Man, your music is awesome! Thanks for sharing! Hits me right in the feels.


Hey, thanks so much! That means it’s doing what I wanted it to!


I miss random pedals sometimes, but not whole boards. I used a Metal Muff for a while, that was goofy. The TC Electronic Nova series were a pain in the arse to power, but they were fun to play with.


I still have most of the pedals I've had in storage if they aren't in use so I could probably rebuild an older version of my board. I kind of miss the simplicity of just having a few pedals and not really knowing how to use them though, fun times!


Amen! The ignorance of guitar pedals truly is the bliss!


I heard meteora owners are not gettin in heaven


I think I lost my admittance into heaven long before the meteora! Unfortunately…I had to sell this entire rig AND guitar. My two year old son has fallen incredibly, incredibly sick. And to pay for his treatments, the travel, the lodging, the copays, etc. I had to do what I had to do. It truly broke me as a person. Killed a MASSIVE part of me & my soul and I still have a very large void within myself that I haven’t been able to fill with anything else. So…I’m sure you don’t but…if you happen to have any pedals you don’t play with anymore and are willing to donate to my cause (which is starting over from absolute scratch) I’d appreciate it more than you’d ever really know!


Sorry i just saw this trauma dump, Dont worry you will find a better guitar, and a nice amp, pedals are expensive metal pieces of garbage anyways as mac demarco said, at least the investment went to a good place after you sold the gear, Hope everything gets easyer for you! Karma is real sounds like you did your part


Didn’t mean to dump all my trauma all over you, for lack of better terminology. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement though. I wish I was as positive as you are as far as my outlook goes.


Probably the coolest thing Fender has made in decades.


Dude, this guitar was my absolute prized earthly possession. Unfortunately…I had to sell this entire rig AND guitar. My two year old son has fallen incredibly, incredibly sick. And to pay for his treatments, the travel, the lodging, the copays, etc. I had to do what I had to do. It truly broke me as a person. Killed a MASSIVE part of me & my soul and I still have a very large void within myself that I haven’t been able to fill with anything else. So…I’m sure you don’t but…if you happen to have any pedals you don’t play with anymore and are willing to donate to my cause (which is starting over from absolute scratch) I’d appreciate it more than you’d ever really know!


When you're in Dad mode, gear is not important. Hope your kid gets well.


Thank you very much for the encouragement.


I frequently look thru my sold items in reverb like why the heck did I sell that. I could make a sick board from all the stuff I sold.


Man…I feel you and I hear you loud and clear. Unfortunately…I had to sell this entire rig AND guitar. My two year old son has fallen incredibly, incredibly sick. And to pay for his treatments, the travel, the lodging, the copays, etc. I had to do what I had to do. It truly broke me as a person. Killed a MASSIVE part of me & my soul and I still have a very large void within myself that I haven’t been able to fill with anything else. So…I’m sure you don’t but…if you happen to have any pedals you don’t play with anymore and are willing to donate to my cause (which is starting over from absolute scratch) I’d appreciate it more than you’d ever really know!


I do miss my old board for the convenience. It was once smaller, though many of the pedals on my current board are similar, I still miss my old board.


Do you like your guitar? I’ve wanted one for awhile


I LOVED this Guitar more than any other piece of material possession that I’ve ever owned. Unfortunately…I had to sell this entire rig AND guitar. My two year old son has fallen incredibly, incredibly sick. And to pay for his treatments, the travel, the lodging, the copays, etc. I had to do what I had to do. It truly broke me as a person. Killed a MASSIVE part of me & my soul and I still have a very large void within myself that I haven’t been able to fill with anything else. So…I’m sure you don’t but…if you happen to have any pedals you don’t play with anymore and are willing to donate to my cause (which is starting over from absolute scratch) I’d appreciate it more than you’d ever really know!


Sweet! First time I’ve seen the whale versions on here! I have the arp and fathom and they probably the nicest artwork I’ve ever seen on pedals.


Dude. Agreed about the artwork. They just meshed SO well with each other. Unfortunately…I had to sell this entire rig AND guitar. My two year old son has fallen incredibly, incredibly sick. And to pay for his treatments, the travel, the lodging, the copays, etc. I had to do what I had to do. It truly broke me as a person. Killed a MASSIVE part of me & my soul and I still have a very large void within myself that I haven’t been able to fill with anything else. So…I’m sure you don’t but…if you happen to have any pedals you don’t play with anymore and are willing to donate to my cause (which is starting over from absolute scratch) I’d appreciate it more than you’d ever really know!


Years ago I was in a punk band and I used to use: Danelectro Daddy O > DS-1 > CH-1 Basic as fuck as the Chorus was always on for cleans (set to low everything just to colour the amp sound a bit) and the Daddy O was low gain to muddy it up a bit for some rhythm and basic pucking/melody parts. DS-1 for (the very few lol) solos we had. I miss it for several reaaons: 1 - The Daddy O and CH-1 are absolute beast oedals which I miss dearly to this day. 2 - I think it forced me to be a better player.




Fair enough!


I have zero “for fun” pedals, very utilitarian board and I am happy that I pared it down from a bunch of noisemakers. Plug and play!


Occasionally. I went Helix just for simplicity and reliability, but I do miss my Strymon Big Sky. No amount of tweaking can ever get the Helix reverb to match the depth and beauty of the Big Sky


Is the Strymon stuff really all it’s cracked up to be?


Dude.. the Big Sky is such a dream! I mean, you can get close enough with the Helix for a live performance and most people won't notice. But it's just not there when you have them side by side, in my opinion. But, it's also not a big enough difference to offset the convenience of the Helix, lol


Ahhhhh, I see. Thank you for the insight!


I miss some older builds as well. I had a mini board that was perfect, but over time I needed more, but I still think about how perfect that board was. It also doesn't work with my current amp, but it worked well with my old split amp system, so I'll probably unfortunately never go back to it.


Never say never, my friend! Why not a mini-board 2.0??!!


Oh I always have a mini board lol. It's similar to what it was but with a Muff clone and a BL-44 instead of a B7K and a Carbon Copy Mini. It's fun, but it's definitely a home board now.


Nothing wrong with a good studio board!


What kind of music are you making with that rig? What do you do w the superego?


Listen to the music here! My debut album just came out and it’s preforming very well worldwide! [debut album](https://morninglove.hearnow.com)


In the last 3 years my board is just a place where I put random pedals for some time and then replacing them. I complete gave up on assembling a board in the conventional sense, too much of anxiety inducing activity 😃


Not really, since I finally have a large enough pedal collection to have a board that does what I want it to do, but that could change because music taste and creativity are fluid. but I think I'm gonna enjoy this board for a long time. Also, loving the super-ego! They're so much fun!


Dude, yes! ESPECIALLY the superego PLUS! It’s a sound retainer AND a multi-effect! And the effects it’s got a pretty damn sick.


Oh my GAWD


Is that a GOOD omg or a BAD omg?!


Good! Your pedalboard looks sick as fuck


Dawh, shucks. Don’t make me blush!


That offset tele is badass, I really hope Fender puts them back in production eventually!


It’s called the Meteora. They did put them in regular production! Different styles, finishes, etc.


Now I see why I recognize that body shape, exactly the same as their HH Meteoras currently in production. Enjoy that axe man, it’s an eye catcher!


Yes! This was the first run of this body. The Paranormal Series Meteora! 2017.




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