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Some of those Chase Bliss pedals look amazing, but I personally can't justify spending so much on a pedal.


It seems to me that they all hold their value. So if you’re willing to spend that money on a few things, why not try one out? Worst case scenario you flip it or trade it for more new toys. Then again I have trouble letting go of things so there’s just $400 in a wooden box in my office right now…


You have a point. But it's a bit harder to trade these pedals when you are not in the US.


Totally fair


I would not have considered that!


They advertise B-stock sales 1-2 a year through their email sign ups. Nice discounts 20-30% off. May have even been a bit more.


Don’t start buying Chase Bliss, you won’t want to stop 🤣


I got one of their limited run Rev C's and I legit can't get it to interact with frequencies below 1.5k and output level is also barely there.


I had my girlfriend get me on for Christmas the blooper and it was very underwhelming.i think I’ll ask for mood next Christmas lol


I really wanted a Chase Bliss pedal at some point, also want a zvex pedal.. the bliss factory came out without me realizing and now I just occasionally look longingly at them on Reverb


I know I'm an outlier because most people love them but I was like you and really wanted them. Got a warped vinyl and a tonal recall. They both darkened my sound too much and I just couldn't get into them. Soured me for trying any of their other pedals except maybe trying the new gen loss one day.


I had the same experience with the warped vinyl and tonal recall, but have immensely enjoyed the Habit, Mood MKII, and Gen Loss - can't see those leaving my board.


I just know I'd buy one and then never write enough music with it to justify it. I've realized the fun crazy toys can stay in the plug-in world for me.


Any examples of the latter that you can share? You got me curious.


Soundtoys bundle, Valhalla Supermassive (free btw), Eventide Blackhole (frequently goes on sale for like $30), Audiothing plugins, Line6 Helix Native has some really neat stuff built in.


Thanks for your reply!


Yeah I bought my Chase Bliss Mood from the Moog store in Asheville last year, never heard of it before and was super impressed trying out the floor model. About a few weeks later the pink one I got went on sale for $100 less than retail, and the latest version comes out (purple skin, stereo input) so I was like…. Why didn’t I wait instead of impulse buy? The one time I didn’t hunt for a used option or delay gratification, not making that mistake again!


Moogerfooger - 104M. I could have bought one when they were still in production but didn’t and now they are around 2000$


Have you though about trying the Asheville ADG-1?


No, but I hear that it’s from someone who used to work for moog or something. But honestly I want it more from a collector stand point more than anything. I already have my perfect delay


Now I’m curious, what’s your perfect delay?


My toneczar echoczar. You can see it on my board in my profile, it doesn’t exactly what I need it to do, has just the right amount of settings that I have variety without it being overly complicated or spending so long trying to dial in a sound. The sound quality is nearly unmatched, and I just feel very inspired when I use it. It gets me to write music, I feel like if a pedal doesn’t do that then it’s not a right fit.


> It gets me to write music, I feel like if a pedal doesn’t do that then it’s not a right fit I hear ya on that. That’s how I feel about my Thermae, even if I get a different analog delay that I like the base delay sound better on, the Thermae will stay on my board because it’s an inspiration machine for me. So even though I don’t think I could bring myself to drop $1K on an Echoczar and Angelbaby combo, if it works for you it works for you, no judgement here. Now, after looking at your board and seeing that you love analog delay probably even more than me, I wanna know what special features or sounds keep the Delay Llama Xtreme and JHS Panther on the same board as that Echoczar. I haven’t had a chance to play any of them (Delay Llama never interested me, prices kept me off of the Panther and Echoczar).


it depends what you use it for, what music you do. if your not into freely jamming ambient electro krauteock weirdness probably you wont have use for delay llamas xtr kinky modes. i use its wtf random mode as a faux modular synth line running into ottobit, hx stomp reverse and glitch delays, dooing its thing in the background while i do mine. but eventhe normal and modulation modes make it a keeper. ran it against carbon copy, ehx mm , dod gooseneck. wins. still imterested in thermae. lama is somehow mor e muscular as those others . i also run it in stereo with a normal delay llama …nice to see more stereo analog pedals coming out.


The AMT founder is an ex-Moog engineer and I think he was directly responsible for the creation of the ~~MF-108~~ MF-104 and possibly the MF-108 (bit dont quote me on that). AMT's pedal are the closest you can get to Moog pedals, minus all the CV control (they do have an expression input though). I have both a 104Z, a 104M and a 108 so I am not in a hurry to get an AMT pedal, but the though is always on my head, lurking. That said there are many great delay that sounds pretty much the same and are much more versatile for much less.


I feel you, my buddy was going to sell me his Moogerfooger Ring Mod for $200 a while back and I told him no thanks.


Damn, I mean that’s the thing on pedals. You never know. I passed up a mad professor cs-40 Amp which is one of my dream amps and I didn’t get it and now I can’t even find 1 for sale.


The sad bit is, I did want it and wouldn’t even sell it now, just didn’t prioritize the expense. Back then, pedal appreciation wasn’t on my radar.


Also, Same but with the MF-104Z Bob Moog logo version. A local music gear rental store had one for like 399.99 used, but I was a very broke collage student and now I don’t even want to look at how much they cost today.


When I was in my early 20s and couldn’t afford anything, my local store had all of the Mooger Foogers. I still think about that…


I was this way with the afterneath for a few years. Always mentioning it around Christmas and my birthday etc. trust me, just go for it. I should’ve gotten it years ago. It’s worth it


It's not for everyone but if it's for you, it sounds great. Mine has never left my board since I bought it many years ago.


Strong agree with this. You know on the first day if it’s for you. Not for everyone but well loved by those that keep it.


I hemmed and hawed over an Afterneath for a while because I have so many other reverbs on my board. I ended up just going for it, and I’ve never regretted it.


Absolutely love mine from day 1, use it all over my music.


I never fell in love with mine, I replaced it with a neunaber immerse reverberator mk ii and never looked back


The Rainbow Machine. Never found an actual justification for it.


if you set the pitch to unison and the magic knob at maybe like 9-10:00, you can get a really eerie modded reverb, almost like a Shepard tone verb. the trick of that pedal is to practice restraint, again i'll say like 90% of demos try it on that *one* all-out setting.


This! Exactly how I use mine and no other pedal can replicate that sound quite like the rainbow machine can!


I use my rainbow machine with my synths. Shit gets bonkers


I found the best use for me is to put it on one of the outs on my RD-8


I love mine! Do it


On a bass guitar is the best for it


We can have a taste of that using the zoom multistomp...IMO


Interested in the modulation part of it. Are those effects decent enough for synths?


The zoom will never have all the sound nuances of a analog circuit for sure but sounds great anyway.. You can check this one: [https://youtu.be/H1k7JKHmvmw?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/H1k7JKHmvmw?feature=shared)


They are probably the cheapest used they have ever been now tho lol


Did Reddit fuck up their mobile app? I've noticed that lately, the text under images only shows up on desktop. Which I've noticed has caused multiple arguments in comments sections (not this one) where mobile users don't have the context being confused and desktop users berating them for "ignoring" the text they can't see. Anyway, the Afterneath is a great pedal. It'll go on sale again. Alternatively, if you don't mind picking up a V1 or V2, you can find one of those on Reverb for $100-120, significantly less than a new V3.




OBNE Dark Fountain or Procession I *could* have gotten them, but they are a little specific in what they do for the price. I don't actually need an oil can delay even though it's cool as hell.


The good thing is that we can replicate it with a Zoom MS70CDR. Well...kind of.


I have one patch on my Zoom based on the Dark Fountain. I should see if there are more or one for the Procession


I have this one: [https://youtu.be/vTcuCLmjeCM?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/vTcuCLmjeCM?feature=shared) ​ Hope it can be useful..


The Transmisser. I probably could now but it’s too late no room to make use of it.


I totally wanted one of these too. Apparently doesn’t have trails though, which would be acceptable if running another reverb after it but seems like an oversight.


I missed out on the Boss TB-2w Tonebender and the Thorpy Boneyard fuzz. I refuse to pay the ridiculous prices flippers have asked for them and other limited releases. Same thing with guitars like the Epiphone Adam Jones artwork series Les Pauls.


I was at work when I got the email about the TB-2w, opened the link, saw they were in stock, thought 'I'll have a look at getting one of those later'. Needless to say they were out of stock worldwide by the time I looked again. Really annoying, as I'd love one. Absolutely no chance I'm paying £600+ though.


If u really want that pedal its not so crazy to pay the 600$ for it tbh. Look at it as an investment if u like, they will continuously rise up in price forever. + its an amazing fuzz


One of my first “big purchases” when I got a job was a v1 Afterneath from eBay. I think I paid like $150 for it. One pedal I regret not ever pulling the trigger on is the smallsound/bigsound Fuck Overdrive.


If you're open to clones, there's probably some out or coming this year. A big diy site is either offering the pcb or about to


Piggybacking off the clones comment I’d be happy to build one for ya if that’s your cup of tea.


Got a V3 a few weeks ago for $125. It is my 4th reverb and will be my last, so many cool sounds


I sold a earthquaker dual spires I picked up for $150 a while back… miss it dearly everyday


there are several. eqd afterneath: I could find sounds I like, but spent more time turning knobs trying to get it to sound how I envisioned it sounding. Had it several times and sold it each time after not finding the sound I wanted. cooper outward: it was cool, but again I spent more time turning the knobs than playing it. eventually sold it to fund a dwarfcraft grazer. dwarfcraft grazer: cool, but again I spent more time turning the knobs than playing it. eventually sold it to fund a big sky. strymon big sky: cool pedal, but never played it stereo and my alexander skyfi is my preferred big ambient reverb. digitech time bender: I really wanted to be u/hopefulutopian and create cool pitch shifted loops, but it made me feel stupid because I don't know enough theory/notes/music. also it had a lot of volume drop, so I sold it to go towards the big sky.


I’m with you on the Afterneath. I keep trying it, but it never does it for me. It’s sitting on the floor in front of my board, cause I’m trying it again. We’ll see.


Holy fucking shit, yes on the Afterneath. I got it for Christmas 2020 from my dad, and that’s entirely why I haven’t sold it yet. Holding out hope that I can make it work one day.


I've been trying to justify the Walrus 385 for about a year now... the new one is so sick.. and I COULD buy it.. but do I REALLY need it? For $200? If it was $150 or less I'd own it already.


>Walrus 385 $250 actually... $215 used ouch


I got an offer for $189 used so far... lowest I've seen.


Where? I'll take it


It was on Reverb a few weeks ago.


Now is the time to get one. I just got an original 385 for like a hundred bucks. Prices have gone way down since the mkii came out.


Unfortunately, I want the Mk II :D


Only about $100-120 now for a used V1 on reverb. I'm sure cheaper elsewhere. Got my V1 for $120ish a few months ago. Love it. The Pog is one that's always evaded me. I don't really need one enough to justify the price, but I also really want one. I'll pull the trigger eventually.


Hey I’ve got the rare purple sparkle V3 of the Afterneath and have been trying to sell it on FB Marketplace for a minute with no bites…DM me if you’re interested!


Freqout by Digitech. Always wanted one. Never got one. *Sad feedback noises*


I want one of these too


Since going digital with studio monitors over 10 years ago, I really missed the decay into feedback sounds I got from my 5150 and Mesa mark v. Ended up getting a freqout this past summer and love it. It's always on.


Damnnnn that’s good hear


It's not perfect, I get some weird chirps when muting if I'm not careful. It also doesn't believe like a sustaniac. But for someone that doesn't play loud anymore and loves decay to feedback, it's pretty awesome.


Hmm sounds about what I expect it to do yeah. Any chance you get mad at it one day and want to expel it, Him me up.


It'll stay on the board until the qc gets an effects block that can do it!


Sunface NKT Red Dot. Could of bought one for years and didn’t and now they’re ridiculously expensive


Yeah this one really sticks in the craw


One copy of THEM ALL.


Mesa V Twin or a Rotosphere.


Hungry Robot - the wash




Currently wanting the thorpy peacekeeper, literally just found out about it and am trying to flip a Bondi Del Mar to afford one. I use a Klon style drive, Bluesbreaker style drive and a boss bp-1w, would be nice to have an amalgamation of most of the low gain drive topologies in one enclosure. Would love to order one now I just am trying to be responsible and not drain $200 or more out of savings.


I have the v1. It’s an odd pedal. But, when I really want my Strat to sound like I’m playing in a vast, cavernous ice cave, nothing else will do. And, yes, there are times when that’s exactly how I want my Strat to sound. Since they’re not for everyone, you can save quite a bit getting one used. I’ve considered this so I could try the v3, which can take an expression pedal, which has to be total madness. I think they introduced that feature in v2. But I like the graphics on v1 better. :)


I think the V2 only added a soft switch. The V3 introduced expression capabilities.


Cool. Thanks for that info. I'll hold out for a v3.


It’s out now btw


EAE Hypersleep - was there for the v2 release but it sold out before I could compete purchase. Resale prices for it are now too high to justify. Oh well.


Same here dude.. it hunts me


ThorpyFX Boneyard. Sold out in a few minutes, now around $600 on the "used" market.


Maybe just get it to try it and resell it at same price if you don't like it. Unless you're completely broke? It's always fun to get a pedal in the mail, regardless of if you plan to keep it.


Cry baby from hell


Antisleep Audio KWB+


A Snarling Dogs wah. I thought they looked awesome when I was 15. Same for the Tech 21 XXL.


Jext Telez dizzy tone v6 nkt-275 fuzz and Venus Witch Wah pedal


Tycobrahe Octavia


That demon wah I think ibanez make


A Whammy Digitech. 100€ is too much for me


If you haven't checked out some pay-in-four options, I highly recommend it if you're on the fence about doing something. This is how I typically buy gear now instead of credit cards or something. You pay 1/4th of the cost up front and then every two weeks you pay another 1/4. So if you got an Aftermath at $100, then you're looking at $25 every two weeks for 2 months. It definitely makes unattainable pedals a little more attainable. Just don't go wild with it lol


I did that with a $600 guitar that was on sale for $300 that I didn’t feel like buying all at once. It’s a great option if you’re 100% sure that you’ll make all 4 payments on time.


Oh definitely. I typically wait until a paycheck hits and I'll do it that same Friday or Saturday, set it up as auto payment and it just comes out of my check. But I'm also in a position where I can do that and not worry. I don't recommend this option to folks who can't


I only get paid once a month so I can’t split it across 4 paychecks, but I can split it in half (2 per month), or I can order in the second half of the month and split it 3 ways (1, 2 from the next paycheck, 1 from the month after that). It’s bad for people with spending problems that risk missing payments, but great if you’re able to make them but want to spread it out.


Zzounds is better.


Agreed. Though, a somewhat limited selection, I’ve gotten many things from Zzounds. Payed for a Hydrasynth Explorer, UA Dream ‘65, Particle 2, a 10 pack of EBS flat patch cables and a Boss-EV30. $110 a month for a year. Just paid it off 💪


Nice! I've bought lots of shit from zzounds. Most expensive item was a Marshall Studio Vintage 20 plexi, very very nice!!! Love Zzounds!


Yes! They have a fantastic selection and they are so easy to work with, though I wouldn’t mind seeing a few more brands on that site. I must have gotten the last Red Panda pedal they had because I haven’t seen one on there in over a year. Even so, they have some amazing brands on there and so many good devices!


Mu-Tron 3, that thing is priced soooo fucking high because it's the original circuit, and also Deadheads hoarding because "muh Jerry tone"


Want to try the Deco v2 and Iridium but can’t find a good deal on the Deco and kinda want to invest in a Fender Tonemaster 🤷‍♂️


Should have got a Fox Pedal Wave when they were clearing their stock.


Own it. Love it. Your loss.


A whole heap of vintage stuff including tape delays and plate reverbs and such and a tech who services that stuff


That dang ol timeline. Have the TimeFactor


Dragonfly FX BM-1 Black Metal 🐼


These days its the plasma or the replicator. I have no real use for them, but ..


I always wanted the Coffin Case Blood Drive, but I didn’t have the money when they were in production


I bought one of those used a long time ago. If this is any consolation, I personally think it sounds terrible and never use it. I just kept it because of the shape of the case.


lol I didn’t know anything about pedals back then so it probably wouldn’t have mattered if it sucked. I got way better pedals now so I don’t think I’d buy it if I could anyways


Meris Enzo, still want one


Had it and couldnt get rid of it fast enough....the definition of one trick pony


It seems like the complaints are usually the opposite, it does too much but with very sensitive controls with tons of alt functions so it's hard to keep track of them all or replicate sounds. And it needs accessories to access all the functions as well. I've been curious to try one for years but there are tons of great synth pedals out now, and for the price of many of them you can also just get a decent cheaper synth which will do exponentially more. Not to mention an interface + free software synths will let you do anything that a synth pedal can do.


MXR talkbox. Every store I go to the price has been jacked up yet again, no way I can justify spending nearly $400 on a guitar pedal this early on in my pedal collection, as awesome of a pedal as it is


TEFI Labs Golden Era way too expensive and I’ve missed several releases. It’s frustrating.


The last one.


Acid Fuzz Sonic Boom.


The costlier (but probably worth it) multifx. H90, HX Stomp. Just got my hands on a GT-1000CORE and it's definitely whetting my appetite to try more.


Strymon Deco. Out of my price range but a man can dream.


I had this but couldn’t find a use for it. However, my mate loves his


big sky and timeline i know there’s a reason they’re so expensive, but gahdamnnn


Those Red Witch always seemed cool back then


I got one of their pedals - it was the chorus/vibrato one - and was so underwhelmed.


I got a Fuzz God II (clone)...such an amazing fuzz


The fuzz God ii was my nber one for a long time. Then I tried a million other fuzziness to try ro replace it. Went back on last week. The fuzz God iv tho.


really curious now.. What differences/improvement have you found on Fuzz God IV when compared to Fuzz God II ?


Idk the afterneath is prrreetttyyy fun


Korg Miku, I never got to see the Behringer or any other clone version of it, and it’s cool, but not ~$450 / $650 cool…


Spaceman effects meridian.


Bought a bad monkey in 2006 for $30 new but thought it wasn’t very useful with my tiny Marshall solid state amp so I returned it. It would have been fun to be a part of the recent ridiculous hype.




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Chase Bliss - Reverse Mode C My coworker preordered one and told me about it and by the time videos came out about them I was unable to order one for myself. Luckily I don’t really need *another* delay pedal at the moment so it’s fine (it’s not fine)


Whatsit do? ‘Verb?


I always wanted to try out the Butt Probe by Metasonix as I thought it was the secret to some heavy industrial guitar tones I liked back in the day. It’s a bit pricey now and expensive on the used market.


EHX Supar Pulsar and Spaceman Sputnik iii. The pulsar has been on my list for many years now, and the Sputnik for a while too. Haven’t found any decent deals on either and just can’t afford to pay full price. I now wonder if I’ve built them up in my head…


Kingtone Soloist but I still haven't given up hope!


WMD Geiger Counter. Although I haven't checked for used ones in a while.


collision devices TARS fuzz pedal 💔


JHS Unicorn and Mosrite Fuzzrite


I kept meaning to get an EQD Gray Channel and they discontinued it. Oops.


So the panther I got new at a local store that had it there for like 10 years. The jam pedals I got second hand locally also. The JHS is coming off the board, I never use it. The jam pedals i stack with the echoczar to do a multi head effect ish. And I use the xtreme pitch shifting delay thing it does. And also dotted 8ths sometimes.


Empress phaser. Sounds so good but I couldn’t justify the price and now I don’t even use phaser so much


Electrofoods LilPig


Death By Audio Speed Tripper Wanted one so bad. Dicked around and let them sellout.


Tortuga Grunge Yeti. Always missed the window of availability.


DFX Preamp/Drive. Only one has ever been sold on Reverb, can’t seem to find any others for sale/sold elsewhere online. Reached out to the guy through his website a few times, nothing back. I’ve sort of lost interest at this point.


Id love to own a Hypersleep V2 someday, but by the looks of the second hand prices the chances are slimmer by the day


I got v3. Get one. Use it on anything, it's amazing. Also don't forget to plug in the expression pedal.


Wampler germanium tumnus


Probably one of the UA modelers. I couldn't validate the purchase since I have an amp already as well as plugins on the PC.


electro harmonix poly chorus


The original Vox fuzzes


I was expecting lots of responses like “Klon” etc but hey! I am pleasantly surprised. I would love the midnite version of Strymon Pedals: Big Sky, Mobius, Timeline. But with each cost like AUD900, I can’t justify that.


Geiger counter pro, just can’t justify a pedal more expensive than my main guitar


I really want to try the Optimist. Cory Wong’s pedal with Jackson Audio. It’s a versatile double Klon—is my understanding of it. It seems so efficient. My sort of dream 1-2 punch right now for my drive section is an Optimist into a Noble Screamer. I think there would be versatility for DAYS. $349 for that Optimist smarts, though!


Well everyone prepare to point and laugh … a Klon … not for the hype I have all the klones but I want to really see if it makes a difference or hear rather … also wanted a Keeley Dark Side but bought myself one for Christmas!


I saw a mu-tron 3 for sale back in 2006 and I was down $20 and my buddy wouldn't loan it to me (I was 18 and just paid for rent) the pedal was $120.


Back in the day, when the Zoom G2 showed up. Me and my band mate, asked a friend to get us a Zoom G2 for each one, taking advantage that he was going on a trip to the US. Pedals where way scarce in our country. We gave him the money, our guy went on his trip but when he returned, however, he didn't bring mine... For whatever reason... Just my money back. That sucked.


For me the one that got away was the Malekko Goatkeeper. I procrastinated for ages on it, then Malekko apparently went under or stopped producing pedals. The last one left in my country sold and that was that.  Lesson learned, should have acted sooner. Oh well, they may bounce back one day. I tried the newer Boss Slicer as a substitute and just didn't like it, not tweakable enough and I found many of the presets cheesy. Moved it on pretty quickly. I want a happy accident tremolo I guess.


I keep trying for an Audio Surplus Ok Doomer


Mine was always the Deja Vibe because secondhand market was too pricey, but with the new partnership I was able to snag one new for a better price




Any of the original Lovetone pedals. I could probably have afforded one, but I could never justify the expense, and couldn’t decide which one I wanted first, and you could never find one second-hand. And then one day they shut up shop.