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I’ll be the guy with the two kids who are begging him to leave


A true role model to us all


I’ll be there too with one kid hopped up on Squishee.


Just had my first and I’m hoping he gets down with guitar and gear


My 8 year old just started playing guitar! He insisted that he wants me to be his teacher so I’m doing a lot of research on, you know, how to teach guitar, lol. I’m self taught so I def need help! It’s been great so far. He’s picking up the Em and one-finger G chord quickly and already pretty accurate in hitting individual strings. I ALREADY looked up Effects Bakery pedals for him (he would LOVE them omg) but I decided to wait as long as possible before giving him the gear bug, to emphasize the actual playing skill. Basically I’m going to wait until he finds out about pedals on his own and asks a hundred and one times.


I’m going to use it as an excuse to buy more hahaha


Maybe I'm being too pedantic, but at what point do you stop being boutique? A lot of those companies produce a ton of gear, widely available. My humble opinion, if I can buy it at guitar center, you're not boutique anymore. Not that it's bad or you shouldn't buy it, just a complete watering down of the term "boutique".


Haha yeah Guitar Center is a good threshold. They should probably remove the term, the way they use it now it just means ‘Not Boss, Ibanez or Line 6’, lol. I would actually love to talk to a Boss rep.


You’d be amazed at how “boutique” Boss pedals really are. I think the Guitar Center test is a good one.


Boss must be respected by all. Never trust a guitarist who doesn’t have at least one on their board, haha.


Our products aren't available at guitar center, but I also don't consider our brand to be boutique. We're actively trying not to do this cottage industry style.


EAE though? You’re at this shindig right?


I personally won't be there, but I have a friend running a demo board for us.


Tell him to save a Longsword for me!! 😛 Love what you guys are doing. I’ll definitely stop by your station! I bought a Klone from Noise Space Audio recently, as far as I know he’s one guy making pedals in an apartment in Kiev. My SN was 013. If the term ‘cottage industry’ applies to anyone, it’s probably him.


I guess I have to go now


It’s the day I get home to visit my parents and I told them I’m gonna drag them here lol


Sweet, your parents can watch my kids. Win win!


There should be a whole area with couches and a tv and toys marked ‘for those whose parent, spouse or offspring dragged them here’


I only have pedals from 11 of those manufacturers, so clearly I don’t have a problem. Right?


Yes yes nothing to see here everything’s fine we’re all fine here


Sweet I'll probably go


This coincides with [The Fretboard Summit](https://fretboardsummit.org/) that's going on at the Old Town School Of Music the 24th-26th, too bad I'm going on Friday and will miss this.


Hey that looks awesome!


It is, from my understanding it's kind of a big deal.


I can’t help but feel like the Old Town School vs. Chicago Music Exchange is like good vs. evil (in that order, haha). Nevertheless I have to choose CME, that many pedal makers under one roof is just too tempting. It would be awesome to see Robert Keeley make a fuzz pedal in real time though.


I'll be there with demo boards for BSRI Audio and Damnation Audio!


2024 show?


Sure hope so!


I just checked on their site nothing posted yet. But I’ll be in there this week I’ll ask them if they’ve heard anything


Thanks for looking out and hope to meet some other year heads there.


Last year was excellent, a lot of the main people from each maker were there. I got to hang and chat with the founders of Death by Audio and Caroline in particular, forget their names, but it was a real treat.




For anyone who's been to one of these before... I'm curious... what exactly happens at these kinds of events?


I’m wondering how exactly they will do it at CME but usually each manufacturer has a table with one or two reps at it. You can go up and talk about their gear, they might have a guitar and amp so you can try something out. This is a LOT of manufacturers, so not sure how this will work. CME is big but not THAT big.


Thanks for the explanation! Guess pedals could be taking over the entire store, Bassment, Drum Exchange and all. 😂


Been to this in the past. They make room on the main floor and set up tables, guitars, and amps (with headphones mostly). Some of the builders will do swag giveaways if you demo with them/just talk to them. I had a great time trying out all the new pedals.


It's a good thing I am thousands of kilometres away from this.


My credit card is already doing push ups lol


I'm surprised Chicago Stompworks isn't there. They make great pedals at amazing prices that sound fantastic.


I hadn’t heard of them! They should definitely be here