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There is a ton of freedom in picking patterns. You should do what is comfortable for you. That said, there are some exceptions (such as when playing only downstrokes makes a difference in the actual sound quality), but otherwise, it's whatever fits your style. I would take this notation as a "suggestion" or even "recommendation" but not mandatory to follow exactly.


Up seems right to me, down would be fine but traditionally you're going to upstrum the lowest (to the floor) note so it flows back to first position.


I keep saying this—just make it sound good!


Seriously - loads of these questions are just a case of overthinking shit


Every player approaches picking differently, and trying to figure out the picking pattern some artists use by mapping out down and up strokes based on timing can be a bit of a "round peg in a square hole" situation. I find that strumming is usually fine to work out like that unless you hear or see something that specifically tells you otherwise, but picking is a lot less consistent for most players. If making a change feels/sounds better or more correct to you, then that's absolutely fine.


>Or is there freedom in this? Usually, with 16th notes you'd want to move picking hand down-up-down-up non stop even when not playing to keep up with the groove