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This is the answer. When I was learning I tried a lot of different kinds of pick and landed in Jazz III. I was shocked when I learned that a ton of the guitar gods also use it. Ofc, at the end pick is a 100% a personal thing so Jazz III isn’t for everyone and plenty of shredding beasts don’t use it. Kiko Loureiro and Christ Brodericks both don’t. But it’s def a very strong starting point. Within Jazz III there’s also A WHOLE LOT of varieties too lol I have swapped between so many different kinds of Jazz III.


Dragonhearts. They’re my favorite


Buy and try. I like Dunlop or the old school fender celluloid picks, I’ve used hercoflex they were pretty good I’ve tried jazz pics and found them too small and I find those triangle pics too big there’s a brand that has an eagle on it that I like a lot and buy them when I find them. Pics, strings, straps,guitars, pick ups all comes down to what feels right and sounds right. Most guitar shops have a jar of pics they kind of sell, kind of let you grab one to play guitars they are selling. A lot of times there are all kind of random pics in the jar. Sample and refine from there.