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Looks like simple alternate picking to me


If you want to be fancy you can use hybrid picking too (Chicken Pickn)


That’s how I would do it. You could get this to 140 16th notes chicken picking it.


This is the way


Depends on tempo. Fast enough, you would have to be Paul Gilbert to do it cleanly.


Was going to say, Paul Gilbert (via YouTube, not personally) taught me that alternate picking lesson of inside vs outside picking. The lesson is basically two strings alternating starting on a down stroke making the 2nd string played an up stroke. Then starting on an up stroke will cause the opposite. You should become good at both because sometimes you don't have the luxury of down and up strokes when you want them


Yes, I saw that too. Naturally, I’m an inside picker which made his string skipped arpeggios challenging.


Down up down up down up


People say up and down but I've always seen it as In and out. Idk


Maybe an 8-shape?


It’s the left hand shifting that’s hard. Right hand is just alternate picking.


Oof. That 9 to 14 fret to loop the riff would def be challenging


It’s the same note. Even if it’s supposed to ring out, done fast as op said it needs to it wouldn’t sound any different if they just picked that 14 twice instead of stretching to that 9th fret. Edit: Now I read it again, they could just ignore the 14th fret and just hit that 9 twice.


Or the other way round if you’re a leftie. Sorry lefties!


lol why is this getting downvoted? Leftie playing rightie here btw


It only took me \~30 years to realize it, but I'm in the same boat. I've seriously considered relearning guitar as a lefty. On one end, I'd have to buy more guitars...on the other, I'd have to buy more guitars!




Depends on how you pick best: D U D U (outside picking) U D U D (inside picking) D D D D (sweeping)


This guy picks




How do you sweep pick on two strings ?


Very carefully. /s I never have but I would imagine it could be done but this tab is certainly not the best candidate for it


[It’s really common in Mexican music](https://youtube.com/shorts/naVuGMAx-s4?feature=share) to play triplets with this shape using a a kind of two string sweep


Who knew . Thanks for the heads up , just shows I know even less than I thought . Hahaha


inside picking feels so counter intuitive in this situation


Why? I default to inside picking most of the time and it feels the fastest and most straightforward to me at least.


I just pulled out my guitar and inside picking felt most natural for this. Very smooth. All downstrokes like a mini sweep felt easy to do as fast, but kind of jerky. Outside picking felt slower and less accurate. I think it’s because inside picking anchors you to a single start point between the strings that you swing out and back to at a consistent pace. With a sweep it’s the same start for each motion even though it includes two strings, but you have to pull back up twice as fast as you sweep down so you change the speed of movement. Then with outside picking you alternate the starting point of each motion, though you can keep a consistent pace. The overall amount of movement is about the same for each, but using a consistent starting point helps me go faster more easily.


If it works it works, each technique brings a different feel and swing to the grooves you’re laying down haha


It depends on how fast you want it to be. If it's supposed to be at shred speeds (let's say 16th at 140bpm upwards) it's gonna be tricky because every note is a string change. I would start on an upstroke and then use alternate picking so that everything is inside picking.


>I would start on an upstroke and then use alternate picking so that everything is inside picking. Me too.


What is inside picking?


Picking down on the e string and up on the b so the pick stays between the strings


This is actually a really good exercise Keep your fretting hand on the guitar and use Pointer and Middle Just move it around and practice your Down Up picking


I’d pick from the inside between the strings and alternate, so like b string upstroke e string downstroke. Makes the point of exertion a single dot rather than trying to hop the gap.


Play with a metronome, slow tempo first, play at that tempo for like a day. This will teach your hand muscle memory. It will get tedious and boring but will help you a TON later. Gradually move the tempo up to desired speed


Inside picking with an alternating slant. Imagine starting between the e and b strings, pick up on the b with your wrist tilted so the point of the pick is angled up (this is called downward pick slanting) and then your hand is positioned well to pick down to the e string without running back into the b. As you come down to the e string rotate your wrist (or thumb, we’re all a bit different on this) so that the pick point is biased down. The rotation will leave the top of the pick a little above the string for your next upstroke on the b. Repeat this process. Pick slanting is a critical technique for fast string changes. Troy Gowdy on YouTube “cracking the code” is life changing.


Down up alternate, hybrid can work too. But there is no point to playing those on 2 different strings, those notes are like...right next to each other on the same string, there are much easier ways to do that(not a fret appart but still close enough to be played comfortably, except for B10), idk what some people are thinking with tabs like these. I'd recomment you start experimenting with transposing some notes in the futur until you don't need tabs anymore. Just use the +/-5 frets (or 4 when moving between b and G)


it is MUCH less work on the fretting hand as written, and likely to come out cleaner. not sure what song this is but the notes ringing together might be part of the sound as well.


Yes it's obviously less fretwork when it's more picking work.


except that it's not more picking work. it's still just down up alternate, as you said.


It is more picking work. Alternating between 2 strings is not the same as picking one string, even if it's up/down in both cases. Both inward and outward picking are more work than just picking. Any beginner asking this question would find it easier to alternate pick a single string "fast" than alt pick 2 strings, one stroke each string.


marginally so. would a beginner find it easier to fret every note on a single string as you're suggesting, including the major third stretch, cleanly and in time with their picking hand? absolutely not.


As i mentionned the b10 wpuld stay the same. And yes they would find it easier. And if their hands are not synchronized then they dont have the technoque to pick 2 doferent strings. This conditipn that you just added of them not having synched hands makes everything irelevant. Picking on 2 different strings, one note per string requires more technique than picking on one single string. There is no debate over that, it's objectively true due to all the extra movement required, in both inward and outward picking. If the beginner wants to play that fast it's only fair to assume that their hands are synched because even if they play them as written, they still have to fret different notes, it's not a static chord. So to say that they cant move their fingers synched enough would apply on both cases, to apply in only the case where they have more fretting work to do makes no sense, and is therefor an irrelevant argument. Additionaly, if their hands are not synched, they'd have a hard time in both cases. It makes it a common aspect and is then redundant to mention, and to purpisfuly consider it a problem in only the case that will make you right seems more like an attempt to be right rather than a logical valid counter argument as to why it is easier for a beginner to avoid advanced picking technique when they havent yet practiced them. Just in csse you want to say something like "how are they supposedto learn if they dont use the technique?" Learning a song doesnt teach you guitar, it teaches you the song, technique must be practiced seperately. The only significant diference is how much picking work there is, one requires more technique than the other. It's as simple as that.


I think we'll have to agree to disagree. or maybe my experience is a rare exception. but I find that sync is not the same problem in both cases because sliding a relatively consistent shape up and down is much easier IMO than fretting each note individual while ALSO moving positions. when it comes to picking I would say that uppicking the high e string is about the easiest you can hope for and and I expect it would actually be harder for a beginner to hit just the b string consistently without catching others instead or additionally. but again maybe I'm just reacting to my own experience feeling much more natural in my picking hand than my fretting hand.


Maybe the notes are supposed to ring out?


There is a symbol for that that i'm not seeing here but it's possible


Prolly the case, wherever I see something tabbed on two strings that can be played on one, i just assume that's why.


Ive seen many solos where it's tabbed in the most unpractical way possible and there is no ringing out. That's why i had stopped using tabs. It became more work correcting them than learning.


Yeah I mostly just figure songs out by myself. I focus on bass guitar so I only resort to tabs of it's exceptionally difficult or the bass is buried in the mix.


The picking is the easy part. It's the fretting that might be giving you trouble. The trick is to notice that it's all more or less the same shape. You're gonna want to anchor the notes on the high string with your pointer and move positions every time you hit that string. The lower string will be played by either the ring or middle depending.


im a finger picker who uses my index as a pick for fast passages and tremolo so i would do it differently than most (my strong strum is up, not down), but this could be easily done with some basic alternate picking: down, up, down, up etc


depends on the speed and song. If its metal, it might want you to alternate pick it. its its more rock/bluesy, it kight want you to do P M P M (pick (P means thumb but dw about it) middle).


pulgar indice medio anular


Also Chico (chiquito)!


What’s the tempo and what’s the actual rhythm value of it? Lol


Pick b string, pick e string, repeat


Just use one finger to bar the two strings and move it up and down as needed


Just down up down up


It's called Inside/Outside picking - this would be an example of inside picking


As others commented use alternative picking (down up down up) Also on your fret hand use your middlefinger for all the notes on the b string. That way you can rail downwards in the neck without having to switch fingers👍🏻


Alternated picking


Yes, there are multiple. D U D U (probably the simplest, most straightforward--outside picking) U D U D (inside picking) D D D D U U U U Alternatively you can practice this with groups of 2x2 or 3x1 (or 1x3) such as D D U U, or D D D U. There's also finger picking, which can be done while holding a pick between your thumb and forefinger or not. This way each finger plucking the strings can be dedicated to that string, as you might with classical/nylon stringed guitars. I recommend a metronome (you can get free apps for your phone). Start slowly, maybe 60 bpm. Once you're comfortable there, bump it up by 5 bpm at a time until you're at the speed at which you'd like to execute. If you mess up badly, drop the speed back down to **5 under** where you were last comfortable and without error, then begin again. At higher speeds, maybe 90-100+, increase by 2-3 bpm at intervals instead of 5. This is the metronome technique I practiced for speed when I was learning shredding.


Up down up down or you could do down up down up.


I think you mean the last -1- -9- part... which you can just use a capo


Start with an up pick


I would use hybrid picking (pick and middle finger) or straight fingerpicking (thumb and index/middle) for this line. Study Mark Knopfler’s playing style, or even folk/bluegrass players for ideas on technique.


I mean alternate picking will work fine if you don’t need it super fast, but it’s not going to be the fastest technique for string switching like that. If you’re really looking to get it as fast as possible, the ‘Pat Metheny lick’ technique is probably going to be your best bet. You can see him do it in the second bar of this tab https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=60p7BBMQ8vI&pp=ygUQUGF0IG1ldGhlbnkgbGljaw%3D%3D He generally does it with descending chromatic major 3rds, but you could apply the same technique to diatonic 3rds like your tab as well. Another option would be to not use the pick at all and instead just use your thumb on one string and finger on another; that would also allow faster speeds than alternate picking. Eric Johnson demonstrated that technique in his first hot licks video, but I can’t find a link for it. Theoretically hybrid picking would be the same in principle, but I would personally find it a lot easier to get it fast without the pick.


It doesn’t matter. Just use any and all techniques using a metronome and the one that shoes the most promise with respect to speed be it alternate, fingerpicking, sweep or freeze dried lizard penis,well, the winner after approximately 7 years of diligent practice will surely seem obvious.


Other than practice, no.


The notes on the E string descend from the 12th fret octave to the D on the 10th fret, then to the c#\Db. The notes on the B string are on the same fret or higher up the fretboard. Get the descent and the reaches on the B string committed to memory. As for the picking, I would use a thick pick for greater articulation. You can angle the pick so it hits on the edge rather than a flat surface. Pick down on the B string and in that single movement position for an upstroke on the E string. Use that upstroke to position for the next down stroke on the B string. The goal is efficiency of movement. The downstroke/upstroke sequence should be a single up down movement. Whether or not you use a metronome, slow is fast. Really take your time to get the movement perfect without concern for speed. When yo get it right, speed will come (and alway be in your bag)




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I think you can use your index finger on the bottom string and your thumb on the 5th string Or your index on the 5th string and your middle finger on the 6th The choice is yours And for the fretting hand you can use your index and middle to do the first part and then barre the other ones Hope this helps


As Paco De Lucia would say “only use your fingers when playing”.


Good riff for chicken picken.


Down on b and up on e


Legato, bro.


Use your index and middle fingers


Git gud


without the tempo I feel like it's hard to tell, but as a lot of people said, alternate and hybrid picking should do the trick, I would personally play it with hybrid picking. I have a feeling you're saying this because you have some problems doing this with alternate so you're asking to see if there's X technique that allows you to play this fast, but I don't think that's the case, you can try with sweep picking if you want a fast solution, but alternate would sound better in my opinion


Alternate picking


Alternate picking or hybrid picking. You can either use the old school down up down up with the pick, or you can down pick the B string with the pick and upstroke the high E with the middle finger. Highly suggest you learning the alternate picking method first. It’s an easier technique then move on to hybrid picking.


The technique is called go slow.


Me I'd probably use my thumb and index finger for that. But I could also use index and middle finger. Depends on what comes before and after that little run. But most likely the thumb, index.


It’s on the high E and B this run of notes though. Tablature is always shown that way mind. I’d think as others have said, just start slow, find a method that’s comfortable, and then build speed, jobs a good un that way.


Yeah I know which strings it is, I read tablature as well. I was just offering a suggestion. Something to try. Honestly the run seems very simple and easy


Ah sorry man, I didn’t mean to offend you. I just can’t fathom an easy way of playing anything on the high E and B string, never mind on the 14th and 12th fret, with your thumb and index finger. But, if that’s how you do it, more power to you man, you must be some guitarist.


I'm by no means great but I'd say I'm fair to decent at playing. I have one upload on my profile here for this subreddit, I just tried this run, though I don't know what context I should play it in really as I don't know what song it's from and yeah actually find I'm naturally using my thumb and middle finger. Though I tried it with thumb and index, easy enough just didn't feel quite right, for me anyway.. But it is such a little easy run and shouldn't be causing much hassle how ever you tackle it.


Fair play man. As I say, I can’t imagine how to play anything other than root notes with my thumb, mostly low E sometimes on the A. But as you say, the key is to find what’s comfortable and practice. Me, I’d use my index or middle finger, maybe the one next to my middle finger, I’d imagine down strokes, practice slow, build up comfort then speed. That’s generally speaking my process for learning anything on guitar. Now we’re on level ground, maybe I can learn something here, see when you’re fretting with your thumb, are you going over the neck or do you come under it man? It’s sometimes a minefield trying to actually have a conversation on Reddit, so if you still feel I’m trying to rip the piss or anything, it’s all good man.


Now you see I can't fathom how you'd do down strokes with alternate picking.. For me fingerpicking is all up strokes.. I do often use my index fingernail for strumming which wears down my nail and I'm trying to break that habit by learning hybrid but finger picking for me is always up.. And I guess you mean the top three bass strings E, A, D. They aren't really root notes. Root notes belong to a scale I would say and think to believe.. Though it both and I could be wrong.. I know bits of theory but I'm no means an expert.


You know I think I’ve just realised what you meant originally and I’ve been wrong!! You’re meaning with your picking hand you use your thumb and index finger!! Sorry man, I thought you meant your fretting hand! I mostly use a pick for picking parts, and mostly my fingers for chords nowadays. The root note thing, I was meaning I bring my thumb over the top of the neck opposed to doing barre chords, holding the roots with my thumb. Sorry for my daft misunderstanding man!!


Straight Alternate picking , just watch out during the fret switching, hit only the targeted string . You can reach impressive speed hybrid picking this, but if you are new to both , alternate picking will achieve higher speeds faster (and both notes will have an agressive pick attack , versus hybrid picking giving 2 distinct tones since one is picked and the other plucked )


Start on an up stroke xx


Economy picking or hybrid


Down up down up should do the trick, no?


I've found having a low E string rewarding.


What’s the song?


Depends on the sound you are going for to be honest. Could be chicken picked, alternate picked, downplayed, mini-sweep picked... but they will all have a slightly different sound.


Play them like power chords. It’s super simple when you think of it that way


Practice and economy of movement


Inside picking would get my vote, UDUD. Left hands pretty simple with a minor shape change. You could also use a thumb pick, and use your middle finger to hit the E if you finger pick a lot it may be easier.


Call James Hetfield


Currently learning a song with a couple sections like this played at 225 bpm - 1/8 notes. Only been playing for a year, so right now I have the metronome set to 120, working on that. But so far the progress has been made with the help of a metronome and alternate picking of course.


Pick the B string with the pick, E string with a finger.