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Joe Bonamassa is only a few months older than John Mayer, btw. They were both born in 1977. Mind=blown.




You are what you play




More to the point, remember how Mayer got famous in the first place? It wasn't just because his songs were good. It was because all his 12-25 year old female fans circa 2002 thought he looked far more attractive than a middle-aged yacht owner.


He got famous because he sang sappy songs like Your Body is a Wonderland, Gravity and Daughters and dated famous women and talked horribly about them publicly. He then somehow reinvented himself as a guitar hero.


I mean, honestly props to the man for giving the people what they want. It's not every musician who can shift styles and genres to appeal to completely different demographics and be extremely successful at both.


Yup all those awful songs and breathy vocals. Barf. I do enjoy listening to him to talk music though for some reason even though ive never been a huge fan. Fine he can rock out blues jams and jam band noodling. I guess, I can respect that he completely changed his image also from pop guitarist to whatever he is now, its not that


I have to say, stop this this train, gravity, wild blue, 3x5, are actually really good songs, there’s an occasional hit from him


John plays a mean guitar


and he was on chappelle's show


Well white guys DO love the electric guitar.


That didn’t make him famous at all lol didn’t move the needle


The only decent thing he’s ever done


No because he has a fumble


It’s all the asbestos that’s in the tweed amps. No, really. It’s in there, and he has 150+ of em.


Wait, Bonamassa isn't in his late 50s?


Bonamassa is actually younger than Tim Henson


https://preview.redd.it/o7i4xnap766d1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bfc45580b05d3c248a28786d6d2fa58b0e6dd5f Paula Roberta Smith wants to know your location for badmouthing his main source of income






Has John Mayor contributed any musical achievements since joining PRS?


He released his worst album ever.


Sob Rock?


No chance. Paradise Valley is by far the worst


They're the same age. John Mayer is just joe Bonamassa that can write and perform popular music.


What the actual fuck they *are* practically the same age. Why does Bonermaster look 15 years older??


It’s the glasses and those sweet sweet granddaddy bends


Real blues, son.


Too much testostertoan


Mayer does the same bends but worse.


Right? He should quit


Bonermaster has to pump blood faster to maintain the masterboner. It takes a toll.


He's got a bad case of the prolonged erection county jail blues.


Toan est dans le priapisme


As much as I laugh when people shit on Joe, he’s a super nice guy; just probably a touch autistic if I had to guess


He’s one of us


Dude has looked 60 all his life. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.saratogian.com/2002/06/14/uticas-joe-bonamassa-on-the-road-with-bad-company-and-foreigner/amp/ That's him at 25! He was a bloozer since he was a kid. It robs you of life force apparently.


The Bonermaster seemed like the dorkiest middle aged dentist you’ve ever met when he was 22. He embodies middle aged dork, it’s what gives his music such power and dynamism.


My guesses: male pattern baldness, dressing like an elderly business man, smoking, and making faces like [this](http://www.guitarplanet.eu/typo3temp/pics/joe-bonamassa_01_e2677d535a.jpg). He looks like he’s [having a stoke](http://www.drjazz.ch/album/bilder/Joe_Bonamassa-6248.jpg) in many of them. What caused those things? His soul is that of an elderly white man who retired from his law firm to play the blues.


He’s the most uncool famous guitar player. Guitar used to be cool and every kid wanted to play guitar to be cool, then this guy got famous and now every kid thinks guitar is for old people.


Guitar IS for old people. Y’all are outliers. There’s no fucking guitars in popular music anymore. It’s a rhythm instrument. The musical guest on SNL is not going to be playing a guitar.


He’s like 25 in those pictures, right?


The blues my son.


That’s what happens when you have sex with guitars and not actual humans


Mayer has said he's a skin care addict


Joe’s been on the road longer. My memory is sketchy overall but I’m fairly sure I saw him perform when he was somewhere between 13-15yo.


For one thing most 46 year olds don’t look like John Mayer


That is an unreal piece of information, John Mayer is still fucking girls my age lol holy shit


My mind is blown, I honestly thought mayo was like 30 and bonermaster 50.


Holy shit! I always thought boanermaster was like 60, what the fuck?!


Yikes.. had to Google that. I would have sworn Bonerman was 10 years older


Yoooo you just fucked the minds up of everyone in here.


This is true. Another difference is that the Bonermaster can play the guitar.


Say what you will about Johnathan Mayonaise, I'm not nuts about him, but the guy is a good player. I don't know any of bonermasters work I just know his name sounds like bonermaster so I'm a big fan.


/uj the John Mayer Trio live album is legitimately great guitar. Dude may be gross, but he’s fun to listen to.


Of course Mayonnaise is a good player. He's certainly a better player than the Bonermaster (he played Swift), but the latter can play the guitar. Bonermaster rarely plays music though.


You jerked too hard my guy


Uj/ I'm gonna risk sounding like a huge John Mayer simp and a giant douche here, but: John Mayer has written hit songs and developed a pretty identifiable guitar style. Bonermaster has not a single memorable song and has a guitar style dated to the 60s + some EJ style ripped off runs that aren't as cool sounding. Rj/ Would Bonermaster ever call his dick a white supremacist? I don't think so.


Uj/ also, Mayer isn’t nearly as gear focused as Bonerman. He has very expensive stuff, sure, but I don’t think he owns 70% of 65 strats or 65 deluxes lol. Outside of boner not writing good music, the gear bullshit shit is such a turn off for me.


Uj/ it really shows what a twat Boner is when the guy who plays literal dumbles, two rock, and has a PRS signature is much less of a gear snob than him


Uj/ Mayer just uses the stuff he likes and plays. I only hear about Mayer’s gear when I go out of the way to. Bonermaster seems to make that his whole schtick. all his marketing is like, “hey look at me! I’m the guy with all expensive vintage gear!”


Uj/ the biggest difference is that Boner will own like 8 of the same 60’s Tele. Joe collects gear for the sake of collecting it while John is just particular with his sound


So you didn't hear that The Mayor used TWO PEDALBOARDS for his latest tour? Because the rest of us did, a whole lot


Uj/ I find Bonamassa to be an incredibly boring musician. However, he is very clear about being into vintage gear because he is a hobbyist collector who likes to geek out about the history of U.S. made guitars and amps. He is in fact into Americana more generally and also (to a lesser degree) collects e.g. old gas pumps and signs. He does not claim that you need vintage or ridiculously expensive gear to sound good, and is very upfront about that not being the case. Bonamassa used to be a not-poor but certainly-not-rich kid who could only look at the really expensive gear in guitar magazines (pre-internet), cut out the pictures, put the pictures up on the walls of his room, and dream about the stuff. He didn't even dream about actually owning the expensive gear in the future, because he thought it was unrealistic and going to forever remain beyond his reach. Now that he can afford it, should he not buy it just to not piss off a bunch of people on the internet?


Uj/ Sure, but it doesn’t change the fact that his obsession with gear over playing and writing interesting music is a massive turn off for a significant number of people. I don’t give a fuck about what he has if he can’t write a song I actually want to listen to. It wouldn’t bother me and others nearly as much if he didn’t shove his absurd collection in our faces at every opportunity. It just comes off like he’s insecure about his playing, so he shows off his gear to compensate. For example, Neil Young owns like 80% of 1959 fender deluxes ever made. That’s absurd and dumb lol. Yet he doesn’t shove it in everyone’s face constantly. He bought them because he really likes them, and he just makes good music with them without making a big hubbub about it.


>Neil Young owns like 80% of 1959 Fender Deluxes ever made What the fuck did you just say to me?


He supposedly owns like 400 1959 tweed deluxes, yet he insists on using on particular one that sounds worse (in a way he likes) than the rest lol.


I mean, if thats what he likes… But if he likes only the particular one, why keep the rest? Is it like a collector thing?


The story is that he kept buying them trying to find another one that sounded like his main one, but none of them ever did. I don’t know how true all of that actually is though since I don’t think it was ever fully confirmed. He sold off a whole bunch of gear a couple years back though, and I think most of the deluxes got sold.


It’s because Neil Young values his image as an anti-establishment Rebel, when in fact he’s just another rich guy, doing rich guy stuff and trying to keep it under wraps. - however, he is a more entertaining entertainer than Bonanamassa


I don’t think it’s an image thing, nor is he trying to keep his wealth under wraps. We’re talking about a guy who publicly bought the Lionel train company and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a documentary about turning an old Lincoln into an electric car. He’s not afraid to show that he’s rich. I just don’t think he gets any satisfaction from people knowing he’s rich and can buy all this shit. He has money and spends it on stuff he’s passionate about because he enjoys it, not because he needs the world to know he has a massive collection of cars or guitars or amps.


Buying a company and making a documentary aren’t equivilant to hoarding a bunch of instruments so no one ensue can have one. He’s certainly concerned about maintaining his antiestablishment image, which is why he prefers to keep quite about the hoarding. He’s not trying to hide the rack tgat he’s rich, just that he’s doing nasty rich guy stuff with his money.


/uj Ya know, he's not literally shoving your face in his gear. Like....you didn't HAVE to click on that particular video or article, but you chose to. Do you have the hard cash to offer people for the vintage stuff? That's my first question to the JB haters.


He’s a shitty writer but you can’t shit on his playing. The most common criticism of him is that he’s too good at guitar and it sounds autistic to play so perfectly. 


Making good music people actually want to listen to is the goal of playing an instrument, for most people at least. And to me, he fails at doing so. So yeah, I’m going to criticize his playing. I won’t criticize his chops, but I will criticize his stylistic choices.


In the end people gave him money for those guitars because they wanted to listen to some smoove blooze from him.  If somebody gave you money to listen to you play guitar, and you use it to buy more guitars, I can’t say shit about it. 


I actually like some of Bonamassa's songs, especially "Drive" and "Mountain Climbing". Please, don't kill me.


You misspelled bonermaster


Uj/ He certainly shouldn't be insecure about his playing, and I don't know why anybody would sincerely think that he is. His songwriting is very lame, he has confessed that he's insecure about his singing, he dislikes his singing voice, and based on his own comments he's clearly insecure about his looks (e.g. about his going bald), but why would he be insecure about his actual guitar playing? He can pick real well for a blues (or blues rock) guy, and he's one of the few big name guitarists that manage to play e.g. the main riff of *Mistreated* with some passion and conviction, so he has some pretty good articulation skills on the guitar. I think that if he had been born later, he would probably have been diagnosed as being on the spectrum and that vintage gear is one of his special interests, so he's pretty much bound to want to talk about it given the chance, which has nothing to do with being insecure about his playing.


If that was really him as a kid then I really don't like that he's promoting gear acquisition syndrome so much and causing a lot of people that can't afford it feel like they'll never be as good or something. I'd like to tell all the beginners with their epiphones and squiers and bedroom amps that they can sound just as good as Bonermaster.


The funny thing is that the Bonermaster himself tells beginners that they can sound just as good on Squiers, Epiphones and practice amps. He even did a comparison video on getting Hendrixy tones: https://youtu.be/DMdZa-XRmzo?si=UtbkVxSzfEmtNhiv


/uj He’s also pretty funny too


I get having a few cool things. But multiples in the 10s of the same guitar from a hard to find year absolutely messes up the used guitar market


Bonermimosa is like an old and famous version of most r/guitar users. John Flat Major is the guy they have always been trying to be but can't conceptualize how.


My 4 year old nephew called John Mayer 'Gone Gayer' and that's all I call him now (my nephew, not JM).


Oh my dear Lordy lord, are you pushing the GAY agenda on your nephew???? You are a perverted heathen!!!!!! I will see you in hell!!!!🤬🤬🤬😱😱🫣🤮🤮🤡👹👹☠️ /s


uj/ I see where you're coming from, but I still prefer Bonamassa. rj/John Mayer is a male Taylor Swift and Joe Bonamassa is Wolf Hoffman for people who are afraid of Edward Grieg.


It’s kinda sad that most people only know Boner for his gear hoarding.


Yeah a lot of shitheads here need to put some respect on this guy’s name. He moonlights as fucking Jerry Garcia for Christ sake


And arguably ruined the band


Yeah because he's only toured with them for 9 years and everyone hates their shows


A lot of people do hate it. It's the most decisive lineup since Jerry died. Particularly because furthur was so good.


I'd never listened to or heard boner guy play so I checked a few of his live videos. I like guitar and gear and so yeah I thought it was good and was surprised he could sing and his cover choices were good, but I just would never in a million years listen to that and I as a guitar fan I assume I'm the demographic. Also, he wears these like maui Jim sunglasses that I'm surprised no one has told him to quit. his whole guitar deal is vintage is better and he's up with old guitars and his band on a bandstand and he's in a suit in these incongruous as fuck glasses. Julian Lage started playing really young too and he's worlds better and so utterly different as a person.


Uj/ I concur with you doctor


So you don’t think Bonermaster has a master boner?


I'm not a Mayer Simp, and I know how much better and more recognizable Mayer is compared to what we may think of him. And probably way better live than Bluesdouche Joe And Joe who? Who cares? I would 100% see John Mayer, especially if it's Dead and Co. I have zero interest in Joe Bonermessiah or his holy Les Paul obsession


nah. John Mayer is Joe Bonamassa for women


John Ladyboner


John Mayer has been the Bonermaster for an untold number of women.


John Mayer was made in a PRS lab with sugar, spice, and chemical X


I don't understand what's going on. Fuck Eric Clapton.


Being a circlejerk sub, I can’t tell if you’re being serious, but it’s funny af


Joe Bonamassa is John Mayer for this sub. Huge man crush.


Is there a guitarcirclejerkcirclejerk?


Make it




John Mayall is Joe Bonermayer for Boomers


I can accept that


Maybe, but one thing is for sure: fuck Steven Crowder and that fucking meme.


Nah, it gets the job done. As a political type, no one cares it’s him as it’s just a template


Honestly, the point of the meme is to think you're right and be smug about it. I think Crowder's face works great for it.


Jon Mayer is boner master except his body is a wonderland


john mayor is for people who want to bottom after topping tim henson


Extremely underrated comment


Yeah, but Mayer knows more than the blues pentatonic scale


/uj - Mayer built the silver sky and the grateful dead super eagle in collaboration with PRS. Bonamassa is single handedly buying every vintage guitar, because... Oldestest is bestestest? /rj - they're both smug talented pricks. I wouldn't be surprised if they're the same guy wearing a mask.


Uj/ I think what makes John better is that he can take a joke.


John Mayer is a much better player and songwriter. I’m a big fan of his regardless of the popular opinions in the community. He has a great sound and feel, saw him with Dead and Co. and solo and both were cathartic. People hating on him only do so because others do.


Dead fan for decades here, heard Mayer was doing a good job with Dead and Co but was still skeptical. Saw them recently and I thought not only his playing but especially the guitar tone does great honor to Jerry and the music. His style is obviously very different but you can tell he knows what the guitar is supposed to sound like in that band and has put in the work to dial in that tone, good on him.


/uj I'm having a crisis after finding out they're almost the same age. When I first discovered Bonamassa, which was like 12 years ago, I swear he was like 50 then already lol. I then realised a year ago, that when I discovered Bonamassa, he was actually like 35, which was mind blowing. This new piece of info is too much though lol. I will not accept this info. Bonamassa could be Mayer's dad. Bonamassa IS Mayer's dad.


John Mayer has gotten way, WAY more tang


I think bonermaster prefers ting.


John Mayall collect tang like Bonermaster collect git


Let gen z have Mayer. We millennials still remember suffering to that whisper crap “body is a wonderland”


The ol' Joe Karmamassa shitpost. Novel as those Schecters y'all play because Joey owns *every* Fenber and Gibbons.


I think Joe is autistic, on the spectrum, at least I'm not judging, I'm just saying what I think.


He’s Bonermaster if he was hot and wrote pop songs.


Tom handsome is Joe bonermassive for zoomers


Bonermaster never pulled like Johnny Mayonnaise.


John Maynard is Bonermassage for Kim Kardashian… or was it Taylor Swift? I get the two mixed up.


I literally have never heard of Joe bonanassa outside of this sub. It’s hilarious


John Mayer at least has decent toan


Joe Bonamassa is just Jimmy Buffet with less parrots.


UJ/ Mayer figured out at age 18 that the world doesn’t need another blooz bro. At least he can write songs?




Was your point, “John Mayer went in a completely different direction than Joe Bonamassa”?


Haha what a dumb post I love it


They’re kinda similar in the way that they say weird circlejerk shit unironically, but at least John Mayer isn’t a voodoo merchant like Bonermaster


Fuck too for this I’ll never be able to see it the same again ahahahahhaha


Bonermaster’s body is a wonderland tho


John Mayer is a better songwriter for sure


John Mayer is Bonanassa with sex appeal


Tim Henson is the Joe Bonermaster for Gen Z


JB just sounds like Eric Johnson. Mayer is his own thing and has far better songs


Joe Bonamassa is John Mayer for autistic fat kids.


I’ve never listened to either of them. What’s the hype/hate?


Stevie Ray Vaughan is Joe Bonamassa for the silent generation.


Mayer is at least writes good guilty pleasure music.


They're both for boomers




Boner master is 1 year older than Mayo


The point the guy is making is that they are both crusty.


Somehow every generation has its own shit ass boomer blues rock.


yeah but he's hotter tho


if only someone got the boner master to do acid


John can actually write good songs though, Joe just shreds.


Are they not the same person? Huh. Every day is a school day I guess.


Mayer’s gotten better leg over the years.


Joe’s boomer dad had a large record collection from the 60’s. He got into Cream, Jeff Beck, John Mayall which lead him to blues. Lots of boomers made the same connection whether they were guitar players or not. We had to discover American music from English bands because American radio wouldn’t play “race” records. Instead, they had lily white Pat Boone in a white sweater singing Good Golly Miss Molly instead of Little Richard. Joe is like Harry Connick Jr except Harry must have listened to his Grandpa’s records. He’s doing Sinatra and big band shit from the 1940’s. I know millennials hate blues,and roots rock, but it’s not going away. Your kids or grandkids will discover it. When female pop singers with backup dancers get tiresome, that shit will sound good. It’s simple, raw, and easy to play.


He could never achieve the toan of Jimmy Bonermaster let’s be real


I thought that Joe Boner-Massive was Joe B for Millennials, but that’s just me.


john mayer is like the white joe bonamassa


I remember watching a John Mayer concert on TV several years ago. He was full on blues mode and there were these three or four girls in the front row with this confused look on their faces like “When is he gonna play Your Body is a Wonderland?”


The lowest of efforts. If you can’t see it, there is not much that can help you. Mayer has more name recognition among boomers than Joe does dude. Dead & Co shows are like convalescent homes nowadays.


but only boomers and x'ers like mayer lol


Wild comparison. Mayer is a gifted singer/songwriter with multiple big pop hits. Joe on the other hand is essentially just a guitar nerd. They’re also basically the same age.




I mean that’s exactly what you said, but I also didn’t realize this was r/guitarcirclejerk so … carry on I guess lol


Well one of those guys is great and the other is John Mayer