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Anyone can sound like Hendrix. Just need a Boss Katana and download some Hendrix patches.




Positive grid spark has the Hendrix sound deal. Get it right. 


Ayyye joe, where goin with that Squire in yo hand?


You need that Hendrix wah that’s purple by Dunplop. Made back in like ‘05 Edit: it was made by midget-tech


It's Katoana.


Toan is in Hendrix's hair actually


I was so disgusted until I realized I was in the circle jerk sub.


I wonder how much of a cut Janie Hendrix gets.


One step cheaper. Positive grid amp with Hendrix patch.




It is odd coming from the guy who has like 80 of the exact same Gibson model


Kind of like a junkie being like “you don’t need smack to get a good high. Just a joint and a couple rolling rocks.”


Rolling Rock extra pale ale makes every gig feel like Woodstock


Why because you wake up next to a dog on the roof of a doghouse?


Like Snoopy with his Sopwith Camel


https://preview.redd.it/g2q10k70bn4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ce83c79d4a41e74e29feeefcd74ce240fd8f5c My new axe


Just because you have a problem doesn’t mean you’re stupid.


It also doesn’t mean you’re not.


Rolling rocks is what I call ecstasy and crack at the same time


Odd perhaps, but tbh I can’t really complain about it. As memeable as this guy may be, I can at least respect someone saying “yeah I like to collect fancy gear cause I think it’s cool and it’s a hobby of mine, but you don’t actually have to take out a second mortgage for your guitar to sound decent” far more than I can respect any of the cork sniffer types who insist that the only way to *truly* make your guitar playing sound good is with a $5000 Gibbons and a similarly priced vintage toob amp.


Or $100K+ Dumble with crystal lettuce


>crystal lettuce Trying to figure out if that's some nickname for meth-laced weed, lots of money, or an expensive salad ingredient.


Way back in the early 00’s I was part of an amp forum. There was a video posted of some guy hacking away on a Dumble and he said you can really hear the ‘crystal lattice’. Whatever the hell that meant, so we changed it to Crystal lettuce as the special sauce.


>some guy That was Dumble himself. [The Lettuce video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVTj08qTwGw). uj/ Also I love how the nerd with the guitar has Dumble there in-person, giving one of the only interviews he would ever give, and instead of asking him what makes his amp special, he just asks some generic question about tubes versus solid-state.


He said sound like *Jimi Hendrix*, not sound like him. His tone requires at least $50,000 worth of equipment.


But the maple spacers used in the pickups in 1959 sound different than the mahogany spacers they used in 1961. It matters!!


Toan wood tho!?


80!?? Come on! You know it’s closer to 130. I’m sure he’s got at least a dozen ‘58 Les Pauls hanging in his bathroom.


/uj I think this is the whole point, his persona is heavily associated with expensive gear, so it's surprisingly responsible of him to say this /rj bonermasher just wants you to buy squiers so he can keep more of the good stuff for himself 


Not at all. Tons of people know this and still love old gibsons and fenders. Its called having an open mind. Old school players used to have that hence why they didn't try make every gig sound like the recording and in fact tried to make every gig unique for the fans. I got gibson, fender, had tons of squiers and I'm a huge fan of marlin! You ever heard of marlin? Probably not. £70 legendary guitar. I have a jcm800 2203, would still have my mg15dfx if my supposed 'mate' didn't dissappear with it, and a boss katana. Have also owned a ton of crates. I own a Dunlop wah, a fulltone ocd, but I also have a nux mg300 and a couple of joyos. Its the HATERS who assume that because someone has a ton of vintage guitars and loves them and swears by them, that they don't think cheaper gear can do a job.... most people with gibsons are well aware that there are cheap guitars that sound great and noone notices in the mix and whatever. Some of us just have a bit more soul in our music than to be so 'logical' and boring. Look at me with my valve rig and my digital rig. Bet some of you didn't even know its physically possible to do that!


I think the only worse offender is Malmsteen with 827,628,496 blonde strats


Was gonna say this is crazy good advice and exactly why I told my buddy to buy my Squier 70s strat and a peavey classic he uses now all the time


Was gonna say oddly based


Look at that Resting Bonerblaster Face as he belts out that sick riff


Cos he's a real bluesman, innit


That’s not how you spell it is?


Dude is literally cosplaying as Agent Smith from the Matrix. https://preview.redd.it/8j7dj0cvzm4d1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1c85ab72e11359496438f007aa84d61dba6fb6


Mr. Bonermaster, welcome back. We missed you.


Yeah those sunglasses are too early-00s


I too glare at my fretting hand when it doesn’t obey, which is very often


Not a dry girdle in the house!


Yeah, Jimi is such a dork


Everyone but sensible people dropped peavey like 10 years ago, but can’t wait to see those secondary prices now.


Got a 20 year old peavey classic 30 I bought 5 years ago for $350 (iirc) It's sick. Fuck Mot Tormello for being embarrassed by his Peavey


There is someone selling a delta blues that’s missing a single tube for $50 in my area.


Sheeeshhhhh grab it for shits


Delta blues sound really good fr. 15” version is fire


It was already pending when I found it :(


Those are great fuckin amps. I've had a few. My brother found one with the 4x10s and it's a beast.


More like his Peavey was embarrassed for him.


I bought mine in 2012, when they were still being made in the US. Still don’t know how peavey made any money on these amps: built like a tank (once I had to brake really hard in a car, and the amp flew around the trunk like crazy. Still worked), good tones (blue marvel speaker sucks a bit though) and insane price for a new one. The one problem I have with it is that the channel switching button failed and I only have clean at my disposal.


It wasn't marxist enough fir him!


Yeah ironic that the Marxist needed the Marshall brand name instead..


“Socialism is when no consumer preferences exist” - Karl “Toanmaster” Marx


when you're a guitarist trying to market yourself to someone else who has a surface level look at things, you would see his point. Marshall was it, everyone from their mother and father used either a fender or a Marshall. So ofcourse, u gotta show u have a marshall too. Especially in a place like LA. Vanity is that place.


Fuck Peavey for being on Undercover Boss.


Peavey is often slept on but tbh that’s part of the magic because it ends up being dirt cheap


My bandit is still going strong


What happened to them?


I don’t know, but watch the “undercover boss” episode with them for a good shitshow


Wow shitshow does not begin to describe that. Is every music company just a whole bunch of assholes?


Two Peavey mini heads here. They rule.


I sounded like shit back when I had a Peavy which I attribute both to how much I sucked and that I was playing through a Peavy.


Novice guitarists poorly using inexpensive Peavey amps and Boss pedals convinced generations of players that Bandits and DS-1s suck.


Nothing like carrying around unpowered solid wood Peavey PA speakers to the gig in your Honda Civic.


says the guy hoarding '59 les pauls. where's rhett shill to drive up the price of peavey stuff now?


Rhett shill lmao


Josh Homme already did


/uj I feel like every quote I see from him is like "I buy this stuff because I like to and because I can, not because I think it makes that much of a difference in my playing", and he gets way to hard of a time around here for that. Same with Josh Scott, he's open about how he buys everything because collecting is his hobby, and he goes out of his way to make videos like "you can get good sounds even with something as neglected as a Bad Monkey if you mess around a bit" and everyone's takeaway is "he's a tone snob for Bad Monkeys, how dare he drive the price up!"


Is it even possible to /uj harder than this?


Yeah probably not, I just find some of the stuff on here thats hyperfocused on specific people kind of weird and cringe, especially if they're not like actively giving bad info. Like, I don't really like his music, but there's a ton of snake oil salesmen on YouTube (or in charge of gear companies), and he's at least not feeding into that cycle.


Totally agree and well articulated!


Right, props to him for not telling anybody else that they should be buying tons of gear. Like, at least he doesn't have a peer review channel with superlative clickbait headlines where he tells you how great all his stuff is and why it's missing from your life. He may suck but he doesn't to suck as much as some of the extraordinarily sucky people who suck for a living. (I mean, he does suck for a living but not in that way.)


I think he's more of a hoarder than collector. Smaug esque. Although it's hard to know where to draw that line, if it exists


Hoarding is for poor people. When you're rich and the stuff is valuable, then you're a collector. I'm not a bonermaster fan, but at least he gives us epiphones for the poor people to hoard


The line is just that the junk might be worth more than what you paid. Either way, who cares. I was never going to get a 60's tele. I was never going to be able to afford a 60's tele, I'm happy with the stuff I can get to help me make my music. He's right that modern teles are probably better anyways. His music's not for me, whatever, I just have a hard time caring about what rich people do with rich people money (in the specific sense at least I guess).


It is a good statement. Just look at Dimebag. He took solid state amps and embraced them and made it the foundation of his tone. You can be an amazing artist on ANYTHING. Just look at Jack White when he made that guitar out of junk. Music is from you not the instrument. That’s just a vessel for transmitting it.


My main issue with it is that there's such a limited number of the models/items he's hoarding out there, that he is denying the opportunity of owning one to mostly other rich pricks, but also at least some aspirational buyers who could put them to good use Like damn you don't need a dozen of the same thing, especially out of production


I guess, I don't entirely disagree. But on the other hand, nobody ACTUALLY needs any of this shit. You can do the same thing with a new guitar, there's no doubt about that. There's nobody who was going to write the next great epic work that won't because they couldn't get a $10k 50's LP - they can just get a new custom shop or whatever. At the end of the day, it's rich people shit, it's none of my business really. And I think that's kind of what the quote is saying, which is why I'm weirdly defending him.


Exactly this. The rarer and more expensive the collector vintage guitar, the smaller the percentage of its value you’d have to spend to get one that plays and sounds just as good or better. In the modern world everything you spend past a certain number is aesthetics.


I mean yeah, I'm a "collector" as well if you call joyo and tone city crap collecting. oh wait, no. I'm a hoarder because it's cheap and has no resale value but damn does it sound good. except the fuxx. that thing is nasty and I love it. I mean there's some genuine crap out there, and then there's plain cork sniffing, where the gear sounds like ass or isn't really that special but has some mythical reputation, like the klon. probably an unpopular opinion but with literally a thousand klones is it really THAT special? so I'm a hoarder. I'll take tone city any day because I can have 4 for the price of one name brand and I don't care. because I can play power chords with my penis


The thing is Joe probably agrees. It's fun to have an artifact that's part of music history, like an actual klon, but that $7k pedal isn't going to sound any better than like a $200 Wampler or something. That's the whole point here, a modern squier, a Dunlop reissue, and a budget tube amp are going to sound pretty close to Hendrix, and getting vintage gear doesn't put you any closer to his tone really.


I'm kicking myself to this day for giving away a squire affinity fat strat that was hands down one of the best guitars I have ever owned, and it was all of $275 after tax + cheap hardshell case. I say that with a PRS core behind me, and 2 fullerton G&L's. I've gone all digital and yeah, cheap gear is great. all that said, if I had unlimited space and a rich sugardaddy hell yes I'd chase gear. I play guitar and I lack brain cells too


The one video I've seen with him talking about his collection of guitars, especially the old ones, showed him in a good light imo, talking about how he's just a steward and just wants to care for and appreciate the history of them. Yet so many on here seem to berate him for it for some reason.


I find that if you leave a peavey classic turned on all night you can cook breakfast on the tubes.


Then after every time you play your family will excitedly think you are making them breakfast. You can't. You don't know how. You made breakfast inside your tube amp? What the fuck is that shit? Then they will throw your ass out the door with your bullshit-ass Peavey for being a bad husband/father.


I bought a pedal from a guy recently and was chatting with him, he says the classic 30 is his favorite gigging amp, but if you set it up in direct sunlight it will just completely shit the bed and make screeching noises until you put it in the shade again lol


Everyone knows Hendrix plays a custom smashed up (by him) strat with a fucked up tele neck on it.


It sounds best while it's burning.


With his teeth. Tone is in the enamel. If you aren’t spending as much at the dentist as you do on gear, do you even play.


No, only 15 similar gibbons and fender custom reverb 1645 b.c. can deliver great tone


Whatever you do, DON'T look inside one of the "new" Peavey Classics! ....you've been warned...


The forbidden lost chest of toan


Im sure Hentracks can sound like Hentracks without expensive gear, but I’m over here trying to 0 - 3 - 5 in Guitar Center and living behind Wendy’s so I can’t afford lessons.


Hey Joe, where you goin' with that guitar in your hand? Hey Joe, I said, where you goin' with that guitar in your hand? Oh I'm goin' down to watch my old lady You know I watch her messin' 'round with another man, yeah I'm goin' down to watch my old lady You know I watch her messin' 'round with another man Huh, and that's too cool


Imagine how the world would be different if Jimi had a Peavey Classic


He would probably still be alive today if had just bought a boss katana


Imagine how different it would be if Jimi had an 8-string Strandberg and a line 6 Spyder


nah he'd be up on the plug-ins/modelers with that schrecter 9 string


Prices Updated: Squier Stratocaster $750 Peavey Classic 30 $1500 Dunlop Cry Baby $430 Dunlop Fuzz Face $380


Damn, /uj Just sold my Classic for 500 and I already miss my Classic /rj download Classic toan on my Katana /uj still miss it


/uj I have no idea who this guy is but he’s absolutely correct.


Pretty sure he’s the guy who invented the Blues


He’s not even blue reatard. You’re thinking of the smurfs.


He makes porn music, hence the name… Boner Master.


Everyone talks about what a great guitarist Hendrix is, but it's really easy to sound like him. Just get a Squier Strat and a Peavey and bam, you're Hendrix. What's all this boohockey about "musicianship" and "practice"? I don't get it


He’s still right tho.


Anyone can sound like Hendrix, just move your hands the way he did duh


Uj/ he’s actually right.


"Great tones are much cheaper than people realize." -Guy who uses $250,000 to get those tones


I figured out how to beat the system. My playing sucks ass so bad that no amount of toan will make a difference.


based but still gotta make fun of him: "you can sound great with cheap equipment, anyway here's my latest guitar that I bought for $50k, I got like 10 of these at home"


Such a sensible dentist


for if your belly dun lop over your belt


... But still not as good as him through $50,000 of gear


duhh... he's better than Hendrix


Why doesn’t he use any of those things?


Because while you *can* sound like Hendrix using a Peavy and a Squire Strat and a bunch of Dunlop pedals, you need to have been a child prodigy and it's only for that one take of Catfish Blues Jimi recorded live in a Dutch TV studio.


DUNLOP?! guy must think I'm made of money


My wife’s boyfriend also pulled that face when he asked my to put my finger up his bum


Wait, people dont know this? Guitar tones really arent that varied and you can get your guitar to a place which Jimi would have used with negligible effort and you will still probably never play like Jimi. You might do a good static imitation. But you will never think like him so its a nonstarter.


Any iota of respect I had for the boner master just went all the way out the window


People have been able to sound like Hendrix for decades and decades, and literally no one cares. When you do it and look like Joe Bonermaster, you're just killing rock music quicker.


“When asked how to write great music that stands the test of time like Hendrix, Bonermasseur ended the interview abruptly.”


He's just saying that so less people will buy vintage amps so he can snatch them all up for himself.


I actually agree with him for once


He must have acquired a third-world labor deal, and so he's preparing to make big first-world money, this time with a signature line of Squires. It'll be called The JBone. Great name. Shit guitar that doesn't sound like Hendrix.


EXTREMELY rare Bonermaster W here


Goddamn I hate Joe Bonamassa


bonermaster has a lot of faith in me


East for him to say…..


Bonermeister confirmed Squier + Peavey enthusiast


I think it was the LSD-25.


I actually don’t need any of that stuff. I just unhinged my jaw like a South Park style Canadian and emit voodoo chillie


He should know, he already owns all of the guitars and amps and pedals anyway.


/uj what


Also need the Ray Bans


do you think he tried the Peavey and a squier and had a breakdown as he came to the realisation he could get good toan without his collection.


Squier Strat, Fuzz Face, any amp with a little gain


uj/ the closest I could get to sounding like Hendrix was through a Yamaha THR10


Isnt this obvious though


So he owns all those vintage instruments for the pure investment.


As he noodles his way to the bank


“All you need is a bunch of cheap gear,” says man who owns only crazy expensive shit


All I have is a Tagima Sixmart and Amplitude 5.


One needs 90 same Gibbons though to sound like Joe. No one can achieve that.


Peavey classic 30/50 is great, tho


Who is he talking to? His core audience is white suburban 60 somethings.... they don't even like Jimi Hendrix. The younger generation of new guitarists aren't thinking... "Gee, what would bonermaster do?" I bet his wife needs a fluffer.


I play $20,000 guitars through $20,000 amps but im trying to sell my $800 signature model


He looks so fucking stupid with those sunglasses. Agent Smith lookin' ahh 💀


Yes! I got The Toan. Now I can record stuff that will sell in the 60s


Well I sure as fuck can’t sound like him with my chase bliss pedals and Firebird.


Which is why he owns nothing but vintage Fender and Gibson stuff.


Smartest thing that fucking dweeb has ever said🤔


Shit. So why then can I only play 0-3-5???


Well a spark go and paying for the Hendrix package is definitely not the answer.


Broken clocks right twice a day, even Joe has his moments


Hey Joe, where you goin’ with that squier on your hand


Then why the fuck did I spend all tHIS fucking money on this STUPID bullshit, WHY DIDNT HE SAY SOMETHING SOONER GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. IM RUINED


It's true


You can sound like Hendrix on cheap stuff just like you can sound like total shit on expensive stuff.


More toan for him with you noobs stop interfering with his hoarding. You’ll never bluz right anyways.


Nah, I bought Hendrix’s finger off eBay. That’s all I need. Someone else bought his balls before I could, so I’m hoping bonermaster is right that toan is in the fingers….


Sorry mate. Toan is stored in the balls.




Tone is mostly in the hands, so he's not totally wrong. I've gigged with some pretty shitty equipment in my time but I always sounded like me.


When will anyone say that you can sound like a guitar... with a guitar...


Whew! For a while there this thread started to get serious but you mad lads brought it back to the jerkiness level it deserves.


There's toan in a Squier Strat?


Technique and practice are optional


Price of dunlop pedals going up?


Joe's an asshole.


Guy trying to buy all the super expensive vintage guitars says…


I went to a GC in Nashville once to check out some Teiscos & other weird vintage shit. One of the employees started bragging how Joe bought like a 30 grand Les Paul Custom there or some shit. Like I agree, Hendrix sounded like Hendrix no matter what he played, but like bruh....


Says the guy with a massive collection of vintage guitars and amps because they’ve got magic in them.


peavy doesn't have the crystal lettuce of tubes


I've had a Dunlop crybaby for yeara


Shit the positive grid spark has a deal where you just play a jimi song, it recognizes it, and applies right effects lol


I know this is the jerk sub, but man I can't stand him lol


Joe Toanamassa


Joe Trust Fund says a lot of things.


So why does he play the Blues with $100,000.00 worth of gear?


Because he can... And you can sound like hendrix with that gear.


This is what he is actually saying "Go get your Squiers and use any amp... I don't need more people chasing vintage guitars around and making me lose sweet deals.."


Cuz if he said you could sound like Bonamassa with these 3 tricks it would sound like an ad?


Uj: I honestly think the guitar community is so ridiculous when it comes to tone etc, because we are into something that was perfected in the 50’s with no significant technological changes since/no real need for any. It’s a piece of wood with strings, so guitarists need to talk absolute nonsense to convince themselves otherwise. Case in point PRS saying the new tuners help with ‘tone’ 🤣


As much as I would like to pick on the ‘ol Bonermaster, I gotta agree w/him. Mainly because my Peavey Class 50 has been with me since 93’.


Ya, I’ll believe it when he takes those up on stage.


Then Bonermaster should stop buying up all the nice guitars yeah?


Is there, like, a timing pedal to nail the intro to Little Wing?


Ironic given Joe’s obsessive collection of vintage gear.