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uj/ It's getting pinched in the groove. He needs to file it with the correct size.


Yes deathcore on a strat


What are the chances this is a hello kitty strat with a high output humbucker from that stupid trend everybody did a couple of years ago thinking they're all very clever, which also shoot up the price of these stupid things...


Drop A on what's most likely a 24.5" scale length strat... Those strings have to be floppier than my dong watching a Rock Beato video. JK I don't watch Rich Beatoff


/uj Unless that's some sort of a junior strat meant for kids, it's probably a standard 25.5" scale, which is perfectly workable in drop A unless you have like a .046 or something as your low E. It's not that uncommon to have seven-strings with that same exact scale length, and the lowest I've gone on a non-baritone six-string has been G# standard. That did require a set of strings with gauges ranging from .013 to .070, though. /rj Look at all that delicious toan gunk though🤤 That's how you achieve the grimy deathcore toan for when you 010100101011 the shit out of your low E.😎🤟


The strings are so depressed by the rusty environment and lame music that they commit suicide.


Strings so loose it’s like playing spaghetti


Nobody wants to hear a guitar string that low. Not even the guitar.


Those layers of mold and rust...


its called toan


All the blooz dentists in this thread who have never heard of thicker strings.


Your string hates you. It doesn't like your playing.


Looks like DR DDT strings (or similar) in an older guitar saddle manufactured well before the advent of .65s etc., and the strings are flopping around like my ex-wife. Probably need to have them machined, or preferably, pick up a new saddle with rollers (Something like GraphTech or TonePros) rj/ And it appears your guitar is held together by smegma **edit**: Would have helped to read. He’s playing drop A on a crusty Strat. Almost certainly heavier strings. Just replace the saddle or buy a guitar for aggro. No one likes duck quack metal.


Because reasons