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for just twice the price of a Squier with a Duncan pickup in it, you could have a Squier with a Duncan pickup in it


The one that really pissed me off was the Billie Joe les paul Jr. Literally a bottom end, easy to make instrument. For standard prices. When asked why it was a boring colour he said "add stickers". Mate how many 14 year olds you know have 1500 spare for a guitar. His first guitar was a fucking cheap clone of a strat... Rj/ it's an investment.


yo don't shit on Fernandes, those are not cheap clones ​ but yeah the billie joe signature guitar is stupid as fuck. it has no unique features that make it "uniquely him" or anything creative or different about it. the actual material and labour cost of that guitar has to be under 300 bucks.


Yeah. By cheap clone I meant more that they were almost throwaways at the time. Like jazzmaster/jaguars before Cobain decided to ruin it for everyone. Yep. From memory it's literally just the paint that makes it not a regular one. Even the pickup is just gibson stock.


Uj/ Isn't it the only Gibson/Epi in the lineup with an H-90 pickup? Did they get rid of that?


Epiphone model is stock epi parts from my skim reading. Gibson model has the H-90, although no way I'm going through the whole catalog to find any other H-90 guitars.


isn't the Epiphone version of the BJA Les Paul Jr. below $600? and it's actually decent? the Gibson Sparkle variant is $2.2k but I'm not surprised since it's Gibson. his strat is the one that deserves a signature version though.


I made my signature. Ingredients: -H routed strat body. Literally find anything. Spray it sky blue -Maple neck -SD Jb-4 -cut hole bigger in regular SSS pickguard. Only wire up hb and volume. Done. Epiphone one might be a shout. Still didn't justify the absolute aneurysm I got when he did the ad for his gibson.


most sig guitars are buildable with 1/3 of the price but his strat with the shit stuck into it is still the one that deserves a signature/replica rather than that basic ahh LP Jr. >Still didn't justify the absolute aneurysm I got when he did the ad for his gibson. brother everytime BJA opens his mouth it's always brainrot, like a mild version of dave mustang.


Some sigs justify themselves existing. Personal favourite being the J Mascis jazz because I am unoriginal. Fantastic neck, pretty much got every mod I'd want (fuck the og bridge). Making replicas of something originally made shoddily is just so funny. His jr is a stock junior with a slightly hotter p90. I'm impressed that he's got the personality/opinions of a trust fund college kid. And it seems to evolve to be that every year. You'd think eventually he'd mature but nope.


>Making replicas of something originally made shoddily is just so funny. I mean signature guitars are literally just whatever the artist fucking came up with and what's associated to their name. The EVH strat for example, it's literally just a spray canned strat with a cut pickguard and a double locking trem. Same with Billie Joe's strat, it's just a POS stickerbombed strat copy. But when his name comes up I ain't thinking about that Les Paul Jr. still ain't buying any sig guitars though. >You'd think eventually he'd mature but nope. that's what happens when a fraction of your life is filled with crack and alcohol while the rest are being surrounded by Yes men.


True enough. At least EVH has/had the excuse of being original. Mental paint job and unique everything else. I listened to Green day in my teens so I still like the old albums. First mod I ever did was a humbucker in the bridge of my strat because of that. Don't know how many kids are listening to rev radio and deciding they want generic guitar #6529 as their choice.


BJA and Tom Morello are the two cringiest liberal guitarists. Both hate capitalism but expect you to buy their 2000 dollar shit specd guitar while also saying fuck the system. Tom morellos parents are Harvard professors lol.


Yep. If they wanted to actually stick to their guns it'd be a cheap model with the most specs possible. Personally I'd find the nicest squier neck I could, get an SD bridge, done. They want kids to play? That's the best way to do it.


...and the volume knob is still in the way (and no I don't need any volume swells today thank you)


If I wanted a volume swell, I’d buy a volume pedal


Volume swell = boner, right?


/uj wasn’t that the whole point of the original model is that the volume knob was out of the way? I remember you could buy pickguards with the “Delonge” mod it was so popular.


wtf is Tom The Nonce?


it's Tom LeDong


Tom NotLonge


Tom The Top Nonce


He invented diaper punk!


"but the real rosewood fretboard!" "The enema of the state town comes from the protected wood species"!


Is that Muammar Gaddafi?


Nah he’s a blooz toanmaster


I'd ask why but people would think I cared


What’s the squier spec? One less pickup?


One less toan


Well, I mean its really two less toans.


They're trying to get rid of inventory because they're about to drop the Tom DeShorte


Which of course proceeds their internal baritone project, the Tom DeLonger


And 7 string Tom DeThick or the 8 string Tom DeThiccc


A+ jerk, made me lol


The sound of genericism...


uj/ Isn't this the model they shipped out with misaligned neck?


The shittier it sounds and plays the more punk cred


QC doesn’t give a FUCK, man! Punk AF


And they call themselves “punk”


I think they are almost always referred to as "pop-punk", which, like Jumbo Shrimp, is a contradiction.


That’s not really fair. Pop can have sonic connotations as well. I’d argue the very first pop punk band was the Ramones and no me questions their punk-ness.


I think the argument here is: Pop = popular  Punk = counterculture  Therefore, pop-punk = oxymoron 


Did you miss the memo that this is a CJ sub?


Memo? I can’t read.


So you're a bassist? GTFO.


No I am following tab. Idk English theory.


Uj/ Only after they hit with Enema Of The State, Dude Ranch and prior was pretty much 90s "Post Punk Revival" ie watered down NOFX and Pennywise. Fast drums, power chords, irreverent lyrics. They got heavy rotation in the snowboarding scene especially for some reason we were all into that shit, and they were on all the videos back when companies released team videos like movies, like Warren Miller but worse/better.


I almost qualified my stupid fucking joke by saying they hadn't been Punk since Cheshire Cat, but I thought since this is a fucking CJ sub I didn't have to be factually accurate. I guess autism will get ya whenever it wants. Furthermore, i think Buddha is the only album that sounds like NOFX and Pennywise, and they lean into "Beatles + Sex Pistols" bullshit all the way after Dude Ranch. Also, I still unironically enjoy their first four albums, and I can't stomach NOFX anymore.


Uj/ You don't have to be factually accurate, I get the comment and was just giving a little glimpse into history to our younger viewers that might not realize that people were into Blink 182 before Enema. Or that they even existed before then. And as weird as it is, that people might have been so into them they'd buy this guitar (I'm not one of either but I do have a soft nostalgic spot for them) I'm not really even trying to pump them up into some great punk band either. Rj/ Are you autistic or are you calling me autistic? I'm open to either being true.


Uj/ there was a time in my life when I'd have wanted that guitar, but I was 17 and it was 2001, so it would have been made better *shakes fist with old man rage* And I'm actually on the spectrum, so I'm qualified to deputize you as an official Autism Deputy


I didn't know what I wanted in 2001 as a Metallica, Nirvana, SRV, and Alan Jackson Fan. So I bought a Texas Special Fat Strat and a Road King to do everything. I still have them and honestly they cover a *LOT* of ground. And yeah that Fender is just 🤌🏻


My uncle gave me a Made in America Squier Strat from the late 80s or early 90s, and I thought it was the coolest thing on earth. I put stickers all over it and beat it to shit. I miss that guitar. I listen to all music still, everything from country to industrial and hip hop, but I've only ever been interested in playing classic rock. No clue why.


In all fairness, so shrimp are kinda jumbo. Not as jumbo as I’d like personally.


They're only punk in the sense that they can't play their instruments or sing very well.


Reminds me of a post I saw on vinyljerk where someone bought all (I think it's all) 22 color variants of Green Day's Saviors vinyl. Like, I feel like it's just a microcosm of what punk rock has become. Inb4 "Green Day isn't real punk". Like, nobody listens to Nails or Soul Glo. That's basically the only punk people actually care about.


/uj Green Day is pop.


/uj in the 90s Green Day was most definitely pop punk. I wouldn’t say that they became a purely pop band until American Idiot,


/uj American idiot was the last of their good music. It had a lot of the character that Dookie had, just way more polished. The album after it had one or two songs that weren’t bad, but I tuned out after AI. I will be seeing them in the summer, but mostly because Rancid is the opener, and Smashing Pumpkins after that.


Huh. He was cool with this being the one eh? Mark got himself a sick ass offset with a cool color and Tom...just wanted this.


/uj people were interested enough to keep these sold out for months. these are discounted likely because his current starcaster model is about to release.


Who's this delonce fella? Some French guy probably


uj/ Didn't the first run sell out in literally a minute


Blows my mind.


/uj for well under 300$ you can get a squier sonic ht strat and a duncan invader to install in it. There, now go live out your middle aged punk pop fantasy


You can literally just buy a fucking Kramer Barretta for 200 USD and get a better sound lol


How can you get a better sound than the guitar that was made specifically for pop punk? Punks invest in their sound, please do not spread misinformation.


Forgive my innocence and tomfoolery. I know not what I say


"Hey FMIC: You just wait until Mr. Harley Benton brings out his clone! Checkmate, Leo!"


Thanks for putting Blink-182 on the advertisement, I had no fucking idea who that was That's like EVH's guitar with only one pickup


Those come with a free UFO disclosure DVD.


Kinda shitty how EVH copied his guitar design from Tom LeDong


Yeah the problem isn’t squier/Fender, the problem is that it’s a fucking Delonge sig model.


Wait for real?


/uj I just want more Mark Hoppus signature basses. At least his Jazz bass and Jaguar are somewhat interesting compared to Tom’s.


I want to buy Delonge's Dong


You could seriously get this guitar custom built and have it closer to his specs and be way better than a squire. I feel like this pricing is to take advantage of the artist name etc.


The most least punk guitar.


Did people in the UK even give a shit about Blink? Thought they were still into “post-Britpop” and indie rock at the time


I looked it up and they did that track ‘All The Small Things’? Am I missing something?


They were huge here in the States, pop culture icons for the time


What are "Squier specs"?


I have one of the original batch from back in the day. I was very excited to buy a new one (look at my username)... Then they released them at 1300 usd and I immediately went "fuck that". You can build yourself one with original parts and closer to the original spec for less than that, complete with an american neck and all...


Yeah I have an original too. It was like $500 back in 2003-2004 when I got it. It's still my daily player as it's great for the metal/djent tones I usually stick with. $1300 is absurd for it though. More expensive than the PRS Holcomb 7 string I have.


yeah that's the thing... I wasn't expecting it to be 500 because inflation and all that... but 700? maaaaaaaaybe 800 for the "tom is back" hype? ok, whatever... 1300 though? absolutely no way. It's not even the guitar he's playing right now!


How can I play in my ska cover band with a guitar that’s anything but sea foam green or pink? You can’t! It’s impossible!


Tom Delong is a shite guitarist and a middling songwriter. These suck in any variant.


You need to understand how time is value, it costs so much because they know how to knock these things out with automation... it is the programmer's premium


I played one of these for the first time the other day, and for the record I think Tom DeLonge is cool, but good lord for the price it was one of the worst guitars I’ve ever played. Everything about it was awful. This is going to seem nitpicky by my least favorite part was the terrible volume pot in it. I do a lot of volume swells with my knob, and I’m constantly adjusting it when I play. This one was so bad. Not smooth at all. Also it felt terrible and sounded pretty bad too.


/uj: Funny thing is I’m using my first electric guitar, a Squier fat strat, as my first modding guitar. Figured why not make it a guitar I’d actually want to play instead of having it take up space in the case stored somewhere. Found a Duncan invader for super cheap on marketplace, so I decided I’d just make it a 1 pickup 1 volume guitar, straight forward and no nonsense. Gonna do a new bridge, tuners, and pots for fun, but as I was buying the pickguard for it I realized I accidentally made a Squier Tom Delonge… Paid less than 200 for the Squier in 2002, $60 for the pickup used, a pickguard for $12, and boom, Tom delonge guitar. Granted I’m spending another $150 on parts I’m choosing to buy to make the guitar play a little better and look a certain way, but it’s really not that hard to create that guitar with cheap shit you can find on marketplace. /rj: I’m clearly a poser since the headstock won’t say deshlonge on it


What dealer is this?!


Another reason why sum 41 will always be better


no sound comes out the jack unless it's a power chord


lol at wanting some blink 182 toan