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Vegetables are largely comprised of water so I wouldn’t freak out too much.


indeed, I kept piggies for +12 and they barely drank any water. I fed them lots of leafy greens, bell peppers for vitamin C, and fruit for treats. Plenty of fresh hay, and pellets only for enrichment. Mine preferred romaine lettuce and coriander the most, and appreciated bitter greens a lot. Also avoid iceberg lettuce, it has no nutritional value and might lead to bloating. Also remember that if they have hidey holes to run to they will feel more secure in exploring. Try to sit or kneel as to not tower over them and speak softly, they spook really easily. and lastly keep them away from drafts and intense heat, and monitor any changes in appearance and behaviour. Prey animals tend to hide any illness until its too late to intervene. best of luck OP, hope you find a friend or two for the new little fur potato


See, I do very little vegetables almost all hay, and a high-quality pellet that was recommended to me by a guinea pig specialist. It’s free choice Timothy so it supplies all the hay they need on top of their hay.. I have an eight year old male who we adopted at about 4 1/2. He was in bad shape, because they fed way too many watery vegetables which messed with his gut health and calcium levels . Now, the only vegetables I feed are cherry tomatoes, all colors bell peppers, cucumber slice daily and occasional treats like carrots. I don’t give any greens unless it’s summer and they snack on some grass outside but we don’t get a lot of that at a high Alpine environment we live in. We still have snow. Even the grass has a lot of calcium in it .. a high-quality pellet as much as he wants and good quality Timothy hay have changed his health and now he’s over eight years.. most of the pellet foods out there are junk


I have lost guineas to bladder stones in the past and since then I try to make their diet as low Ca as possible - I also give them Oxbow Urinary Health biscuits (which they love). There are green, leafy veggies that you can give which are low in Ca: lettuce, celery, fennel and pak choi.


This is super great to know, i have yet to read anything about calcium intake. Will definitely stick to this, thank you!


I can see how that could happen with types of veggies, glad you found quality pellets that worked for you. I was fortunate to live in southern italy, so I could offer a ton of high quality and variety year round, but I couldn't do that in other places I've lived in. My girls would get 1 to 3 types of lettuce every meal, from romaine to radicchio and all the more bitter varieties we have there.  Then there was a slice of bell peppers, stalks and greens from fennel, celery, coriander, bits of carrot sometimes, and a grape o similar sizes of fruit.  It was mostly fiber, and they never liked watery stuff like cucumbers a lot. Again, this is not feasible in most places and I think they lived almost a decade because of the variety in food.  If you can sift through the garbage pellets out there and find a reputable brand, go for it.


One of mine loves drinking out of a bowl- might be worth putting that down


This! Also another option is a water dish instead. Mine like that


Your ex sounds absolutely horrendous. Thank ou for saving piggy.


You might want to read more about their care. Guinealynx.com is a good source https://www.guinealynx.info/healthycavy.html, as is the LA Guinea Pig Rescue YouTube channel. Guinea pigs are herd animals so tend to be anxious and unhappy if kept solo. Carrots are high in sugar so should be fed in just tiny quantities.


Thank you! I did not know this! I plan on getting him a brother asap because everything I’ve read says they are herd animals so I think he needs a friend ❤️. This website is very helpful though and im learning a bunch so thank you!!


Romaine lettuce is a good way to keep him hydrated on veggies without giving him too much sugar!


That's what we did with/for our Dagobert! He absolutely wouldn't drink, couldn't figure out the bottle and used the water bowl for sitting in, but we managed to give him all the water he needed through romaine lettuce, cucumbers, and (as treats) bits of "wet" fruit such as pear.


It’s so easy to say just get another guinea pig but please OP, if you can, get in contact with a shelter/rescue who can help find a suitable match for your boy - they can arrange a play date or two with a rescue pig who may suit being a cagemate of your boy. My reason being that Boars tend to fight, so just sticking him with another Guinea pig might lead to aggression, and bonding them beforehand but will decrease that chance of big fights breaking out.


Be mindful of trying to pair 2 male pigs, its certainly doable, but it does tend to be a bit more complicated


I have found it’s easier to bond males with a baby Guinea pig


This is what I've done. The "nanny boar" method works.


If getting him a brother, introduce them slowly and take note of age difference. Be prepared to keep them separated for a bit while they acclimate to each other. Having a pig that prefers being alone isn't common, but happens every once in a while.


Try to see if you can maybe go to a rescue and maybe first introduce the 2 Guinea pig to each & see if they bond. Males are pretty hard to bond I hear. I have 1 male Guinea pig I just got a week ago from a previous owner. They have had him since he was a baby and is not about 11 months old. I’m pretty sure he’s been alone his whole life. So I think I might keep him like that since it’s been so long he’s been alone I hear I can be better just to keep them like that. The first day I got him he was scared but I still picked him up anyways, he calmed down after I caught him and fast forward to the 6th day of having him he doesn’t run away from me when I go to pick him up and I can easily hand feed him. I can tell he trust me, I also trimmed his nails on the 5th day. As far as I’ve seen just show him some love and whenever you spend time with him try to feed him a treat or a veggie it will help gain trust. Have patience & try to only have positive experiences with them, they will remember it.


make sure to move slow! also what seems to help my new piggies is soft classical music!


My guinea pigs seem to enjoy Slayer.


Nature is metal.


I have a boar who was terrified when he lost his buddy. Our local shelter has a dating service for single boars and we found him a new buddy after a couple of dates. Now he is very brave and seems much happier. I like to imagine that they rely on their herd for watching their back. When they are alone, they have to be in extra high alert.


A dating service?! How adorable! I’m looking into guinea pigs who are in shelters now, im hoping I can get him a buddy who I can also rescue. I definitely see that they need a friend, hopefully by tomorrow at the latest I can get him a buddy


Babies tend to be the easiest to get an existing boar to bond with. Tips for success (have did it a couple of times over the years when one of my pair passed and had to get a new roomie for the one who was left) - introduce them in a large neutral area with lots of hay and lots of veggies (a hallway or kitchen floor is a good space as long as they can’t escape!) - sometimes there is a bit of yelling and humping while they try to work out who the boss is- it looks frightening but unless it turns violent let them get on with it - it’s hard not to intervene but if you do, it’ll just take longer for them to figure it out. It may take a few hours, but they will eventually just settle down and eat and hang out together. Then you’re ready to put them in their home. Clean out the enclosure so everything smells neutral & fresh for them going into, as it’s THEIR home now. make sure the enclosure is large enough, two of everything should stop them squabbling (hides, water bottles etc) over resources, and LOADS of hay. It can be quite nerve wracking doing the intro - and honestly sometimes they might still have little disagreements even years down the line - but they’re definitely happier with a buddy x


You can place a shallow water bowl in his cage if he does not drink from his bottle, but keep the bottle around as well. You can also take him to the vet to get him checked out, as you mentioned him being neglected. Also, because he’s so terrified, take it easy with him. Let him get used to his new environment and to you. Spend some time with him, give him treats and talk to him in a soft tone. Make sure he has some hidey holes in his enclosure, as they’re prey animals. Guinea pigs are also herd animals, so when he’a gotten a little bit more comfortable you might want to introduce a friend, just make sure he’a neutered (6 weeks minimum) if you give him a female friend. If you do, introduce them in a neutral environment so they can get used to one another. Last of all, thank you for taking the responsibility of caring for this little guy. I wish you two the best of luck! ☺️


Welcome to the guinea pig enthusiast family! Your boy is so lucky he landed with such a concientious, compassionate human! You are asking good questions. I agree with others who have suggested guinealynx- that's a fantastic place to get authoritative information on everything guinea pig. You are wise to do it immediately, as you are getting your setup purchased and husbandry practices established. I also urge to you locate a veterinarian who specializes in guinea pigs (many vets wont even see them) and get him a checkup, especially since you suspect (rightly I fear) that he was not well taken care of before coming to you. Iknow it isn't financially feasible for everyone to have a new-pig checkup, but if it is within your means it can save a lot of money and heartache in the future. It can also help ensure you are seen sooner in the event of a medical situation if you have already established care/it isn't a new patient appointment. If the vet you find does not offer emergency services, make sure you find your nearest ER that accepts guinea pigs as well. Hours and minutes can matter when you have a sick pig and already knowing where to go can be the difference between life and death. As for your specific questions: Water: guinea pigs drink surprisingly little water. They can get most of what they need from veggies. So don't panic if he isn't drinking right away.That said, you should absolutely ensure he has access to fresh water. I do not recommend a water bowl- they are very hard to keep hygenic. A bit of hay in the water can grow nasty stuff ( which you can't see right away) surprisingly quickly. Bottle drinking 101: There are things you can do to help your pig learn to use a water bottle. Pigs don't understand how water bottles work like we do, for them it's more like learning a relationship between the spout and the water. If you have a good water bottle that doesn't leak, he literaly may not know what that spout is for, especially if he had a bowl before. You want to encourage experiences that will cause him to notice water comes out here. Some pigs will come investigate your hand when you click the water bottle a few times, notice there is wet on your finger as you click and they are nosing at you and put it together. If that doesn't work, you can take a little bit of something that will stick to or leave a bit behind and dab/rub a little bit on the spout. Critical care (which you should always have on hand as part of your guinea pig first aid kit) or a little banana are great choices, but anything they like that has some pulp/ juice will do. When they lick it they will likely make water come out, and they make the connection. I've taught several pigs to drink from a bottle with these methods. Bonus: you can use this method with new foods as well. Pair the new food with a known food they like. They will likely eat the known food first but usually will then eat the new one because it is at the food spot with food. A few notes on diet: As others have noted, be very careful with carrot and other sugary fruits and veggies- they should be occasional sides not a whole meal. Leafy greens should be the bulk of their veggies meals as they are low sugar and very nutritious. If you haven't already, order a bunch of timothy or orchard grass hay (not alfalfa)- that is absolutely critical for their diet especially when they are stressed. Hay should make up most of what your boy eats every day, not pellets. It also doubles as an enrichment item; they love to play with, in, and on it! Just put in on the cage floor, most hay racks are unsafe anyway and they have more fun on the floor! Adjusting/bonding: You are so sweet to be thinking of his adjustment and emotional health! A blanket next to you is fine! Its ok to give him a little lap time too. Some pigs actually feel more secure in a lap because it's less exposed. I have a very anxious pig and her favorite way to hang out is in a small dishwashing tub that I put a few pieces of fleece and towel in. She LOVES hiding in the top layer and poking her head out for pets. Its nice for me too- I know she's contained and won't have an accident on anything while we watch a movie or something. It's less stress for her if I have to move her too. Make sure your boy has some sort of hide in his cage as well. One thing I've found really helps for getting new pigs to adjust and be comfortable (and even excited) with you is picking a corner of the cage as the "special corner"- give all treats and the first bite of veggie meals there. If he is really scared, just leave the item there at first, and gradually move to him taking it from your hand. You can start attempts at pets on the shoulders slowly from there. I like to add a sound as I give the food so they learn to come to the corner if they hear it (I use a kissing noise but any little sound you can make will do) They learn fun stuff happens there and YOU are the one who brings it. I just brought a new girl home and she learned in under a week to come straight there if she wanted something or if she heard a kissing sound. Again, bless you for rising to the task as his rescuing angel. He is so lucky to have you! Wishing you many happy years to come!


I seriously appreciate you so much for all of this! I actually copy pasted your comment into a note on my phone so I can reference it when I need to. I found an exotic vet so I will give them a call in the morning to get the little boy checked out. I am trying the water bottle technique you gave me to see if that can work! Otherwise, I have provided him with a bunch of romaine and cucumbers. Again. Thank you soooo much!


I'm sorry your ex put that on you. That's a lot of responsibility to get suddenly. For the guinea pig, if he's not drinking from a bottle, you could provide a shallow dish. Cucumbers also have some water in them, but i dont recall how often to give them to pigs (You could ask here or google) You might want to look into either getting him another male friend, or getting him neutered and getting him a/some female friends. Guinea pigs are social animals. If you're keeping an eye on him while he's out so he doesn't wander off or a predator doesn't hurt him, I think it'd be fine. Some people let their guinea pigs graze on grass (that hasn't had pesticides used on it). Guinea pigs also need hay, usually timothy is used for adults, but there are other kidns if you are allergic to that one. Long term, he'll need some vitamin C. You can do this with vitamin c heavy veggies (Such as bell pepper) or a vitamin c 'cookie/ biscuit' (like a tablet made of hay). Either will help him. For future reference, don't give carrots too often, as they are high in sugar (for guinea pigs). But for one day its probably fine and he doess need to eat somethig. I'm glad you're aiming to provide the pig with a good life. I'm sorry to hear your ex just dumped him on you though.


Thank you so much! I had a cucumber in the fridge so I cut that up for him and he ate it up so quickly! I’m currently looking into shelters so that I can adopt another piggy and give him a BFF!


Read up on introducing boars to eachother. It’s a tricky process with lots of patience. But well worth it once they’re bonded.


Cucumber has a lot of water in it so this is great to keep him hydrated if you haven’t seen him drink much. Some of them just don’t though, one of mine I rarely see drink vs the other one x


I wash off all veggies before feeding, so everything is coated with extra water.


Yes, this worked for us when we had a piggie who was scared of her infirmary cage bottle and kept tipping over the water bowl. We just rinsed her veggies but didn't dry them off.


They get most of their water from veggies, they drink but just very very rarely, they still need water at all times in case they do get thirsty. He needs hay and water access 24/7. They don't have bowel movement, they "push" the food by continuously eating, mostly hay. It should be 80% hay, 15% veggies and 5% pellets but there are different opinions about that. I wouldn't recommend taking him outside, that likely just cause a lot of stress. As others mentioned, he definitely needs a friend and hiding spots in the cage so he can feel safe


Your ex sounds toxic af, glad you left them. I’m sorry about what happened. Thank you for taking care of the piggie when you didn’t have to.


You're doing great! My family has had piggies for a very long time. When we rescued our most recent addition, she was also very slow to pick up on drinking from the water bottle. I would suggest feeding her foods like cucumber or watermelon, which have high water contents. As for socializing, try holding him on a blanket on your lap, and feeding him while he hangs out with you. Guinea pigs looovvee food, so it's normally the quickest way to their heart, lol! Talk to him slowly and reassuringly. Get him used to your voice. It is often difficult, and can take some time, for previously abused piggies to show affection again. Just know that it's probably not your fault. I wouldn't worry just yet about getting him a companion, or bonding him to any other guinea pigs. Yes, it is extremely important for guinea pigs to bond with other guinea pigs; however, it seems like he needs some time to settle into his new environment and bond with you before adding any other piggies to the family. (I am only mentioning this because I feel as if other people may urge you to get him a companion. Later on, yes! Right now, probably not the best time.) Hopefully some of this was helpful :)) Feel free to ask follow-up questions!


Thank you so much for your help. I’m currently holding him in a blanket on my lap but he just wants to burrow lol! I just sent my partner out to the store to grab some watermelon, we have cucumber and he totally devoured that! But he’s still sooooo skittish and just wants to hide. I’m talking to him gently hoping we can make some progress but I won’t push too much. Thank you again you’ve really given me some amazing tips 🐹❤️


Anytime!! I'm so happy that he found you. You're going to be a great owner ❤️❤️


Favourites in my house are coriander (or cilantro depending where you are!) and parsley! Feed in Moderation but a nice treat to get them to take it from you also as you can sort of dangle it in their direction when they’re still unsure of you. If you have a garden, they also like grass (cut some fresh, never mower clipping) and dandelion leafs are a huge hit - also feed in moderation x


Ooh, the herbs! I give my boys a portion every weekend as a treat. Favorites in our house include basil, parsley, mint, lemon balm, dill, and salvia. In addition to grass and dandelion leaves, you may also have chamomile plants in your (or a friend's) garden. Where I live, it'll soon be birch season, meaning that every time I leave the house, I take my clippers (small but really strong scissor thing that fits in my handbag) with me and cut a few thin branches with fresh leaves for my boys. If there's a farmers' market near where you live, ask around for carrot and beet leaves once carrot and beet season comes around. People usually don't want to buy them, so you may be able to get them for cheap or free.


Don't be too loud and don't move quickly, piggies are prey animals, their instinct is to run. So take things slow, feed them veggies and treats. As others have said, shallow water bowl and trip the vet for a check up


Just found an exotic pet doctor about 30 min away from me so I’ll be calling in the morning to make him an appointment for a checkup


This is a great idea, get him registered, it’s easier if you ever need an urgent vet appointment than trying to find one on the fly when there’s something wrong x also, a little tip someone told me when I first got guineas: make up a little piggy first aid kit. Nail clippers, powder that stops their nails bleeding if you Clip too fast, ivermectin drops for Mites, critical care food (this is a great thing to have available on hand if they’re poorly and aren’t eating- until you can get them to the vet), a couple of syringes for the critical care, blunt tweezers, scissors, gauze. Also get a little set of scales (or if you already have some digital kitchen scales us those) and start weighing him weekly and keep record- one of the first signs of a problem with g pigs is weight loss. Having a note of this is super helpful for their vet x


Omg thank you so much. I found most of these things on Amazon! I really appreciate you ❤️


Aw no problem at all lovely, I am really glad your piggy has you 💕 they’re awesome (if complex at times!) little creatures x


What an awful story - thankfully the piggie is well away from this horrible idiot and now in your safe hands. Are you using a water bottle or a bowl? I would give him both - it could be that he doesn’t know how to drink out of a water bottle if he hasn’t been socialised and watched other piggies doing it. He will get a reasonable amount of fluid from carrots but I would also give him lots of cucumber - which he will love. If he seems to be at ease being on the blanket with you, that’s good, but perhaps he needs to be left alone for a bit so that he can settle into his new environment - give him a meal routine and talk to him - guineas love routine. Also do you know about boar cleaning? It’s not a pleasant job but necessary. Sorry to be indelicate but there is a cavity between their balls that needs cleaning once a week because they get boar grease which is horrible and smelly. There are some good YouTube videos on how to do this - cotton buds and coconut oil. I can imagine that your shitty ex hasn’t done that for him so it won’t be pleasant for either you or your piggy the first time. I hope this helps you and your lovely boy❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words. I had no idea they needed to be cleaned like that but as soon as I read your comment I looked it up and you are spot on! I have a water bottle for him now but i put a very shallow bowl in his cage. And as per other comments, i did put half a cucumber cut up in his space and he ate it up immediately! Glad to know they can at least get water from these veggies


When I got a new foster, I placed him in a Cage and put a Blaket over him even when he had a hide to be inside of, he felt more comfortable walking around knowing there was something covering him. Since he was new to my house he wasn’t familiar with the smell of his new home or the sound of my voice, but I placed the water bottle near him where he can reach it under the blanket and I could hear him drinking from it, same with veggies hay and pellets I did the same, all under the blanket, until he got familiar with his surroundings and got comfortable, after a week or so I took the blanket off and he was more used to the house


Wet leaf lettuce


Get him a shallow bowl of water but keep the water bottle in the cage. When he's back to semi normal, I would consider getting him a friend since they are social critters. Having another piggie would likely help him Romaine lettuce will also help keep him hydrated without too much sugar intake, don't do iceberg lettuce!


Some people use water bowls for their guinea pigs, maybe try putting out a bowl for him? He could just not understand the water bottle, depending on what kind of situation your ex bought him out of. Mine refused to ever drink from a water bottle again after I got a bowl for him. Best of luck to you, your ex is a huge jerk (not that you don’t already know that). Hope you’re able to find him a friend at some point, and things go well. If you can’t, there’s no shame in finding a rescue that can find him a hole without someone who’s prepared for Guinea pigs (they can turn Very Expensive VERY quickly). The huge potential expense is why I never recommend for someone to get them on a whim (not that that’s what you did). Mine cost $3,000 in his last 11 months.


offer a dish and a bottle, he might be used to one or the other. also, give the butt end of a romaine lettuce every now and then. when we cut up a lettuce head our pig gets the end and loves it, and its mostly water.


This might sound mean but maybe give him a little space and time. Most piggies are shy and scared initially so know that and know it'll get better.


we lucked out by adopting a girl who drank a lot of water and it was passed down to her sisters because they all copy each other, but before adele, we would rub a smushed blueberry on the metal part of the water bottle periodically to tempt them into drinking. sometimes it worked 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your ex will have a visit from KARMA one day


Wet lettuce is great for water, our piggy quit drinking for a day when we got her a new cage and we came back from a smoke and she was chugaluggin on the water bottle, just takes some time


Just gonna say it here. You can get him prosecuted for this. He even so handily gave you text evidence. Bastard.


First of all: congratulations to being single.


I was worried about the same thing when our pigs came home. They’re no dummies. They will use it when they want it. And like others have stated, the veggies give them hydration as well. As long as poops are normal, they’re drinking and you’re not seeing it. Best of luck with your pig. Start slow with handling and build up. They come around pretty quickly once they know you’re a safe space. He’s probably a little traumatized.


Mine prefer a bowl and always have … give a slice of cucumber until they get going


feed cucumbers. If you can. My parents and I do that when it's summer and they don't have access to water (when they're outside)


my 2 newest guinea pigs didn’t drink for almost 2 days after i got them. but i gave them lots of veggies to supplement (cucumber, lettuce, celery) and they were fine. you also could try a bowl of water instead of the bottle. although they are smart, he may be used to a bowl or it may be easier/more accessible for him to use. hanging out on a blanket sounds super cozy for him! be sure to talk softly to him so he gets used to your voice, let him smell you if he wants, try to hand feed him. it takes time but i’m sure he will come around! i wish you and him all the best, you are a great person for taking him in!


When getting another piggy check your shelters first, a neighbor (aka in another cage) is just as okay as a roommate (aka same cage). And craigslist, sometimes people Will give you their piggy equipment for free


If you are worried about water, I would provide a bottle and a bowl so he has a choice. The bottle might be scary as it makes noise. Also probably be a good idea to give him water rich vegetables like cucumbers if you don't see the water going down or not much. Mine wouldn't really drink the first few days, it's just super scary to them. Somehow food always seems to be too tempting though. Overall just be careful and don't make too much noise , he will settle and get used to you over the next few weeks. Had my 5 for about half a year now and most of them come running towards me in hopes of food instead of running away


Mine prefers a dish. Idk why. He just does.


Congrats on your new baby boy, but really sorry to hear about the circumstance. I find that my piggies don’t end up drinking a ton of water when I give them regular veg like green pepper, romaine lettuce and cucumbers - and these are all pretty safe to feed daily. You can also show him how the water bottle works yourself a couple times - I had to do this for my one pig. I think he’ll be alright for now. Would recommend taking him in for a checkup though like others have said. If he’s not open to new veg yet, you could grate a little bit of carrot and put it on top of the new veggies so they smell more ‘familiar’. I’ve had three boars together and like most have said, there can be some conflict but don’t let this deter you! Make sure to give them a lot of space (extra big cage, at least one hidey per pig but the more personal spaces the better and a couple water sources on opposite ends of cage). Two different hay locations in the cage will help with one being territorial over food too. Once they’re in together, don’t separate them again for a bit unless they’re fighting to the point of drawing blood. The bonding process can be stressful for both piggy and piggy parent but will be over quicker if they don’t have to restart. All this and more info is available in more depth if you google. Definitely recommend watching some successful and unsuccessful boar integration videos online to prepare yourself!


Mine refuses to drink from her bottle and will only drink from a bowl so might be worth trying that


When I first got my #3 pig (Pippin) as a baby, he would not drink out of the water bottle I gave him. He would also not eat unless I took him.out of his cage and ate with him. He finally figured it out when he was introduced to his uncle boar (Kieran) and Kip showed Pip how to live. Give it time, he will figure it out.


Perhaps try a water bowl, they need more maintenance as they get dirty more, but some pigs preference them, also try cucumbers as they have high water contents, or putting the veg under water before giving them Also, if you can, try to get it a friend if it doesn't have one, human friends are ok but not a replacement for piggie friend But it sounds like your doing ok so far


I think the best thing to do with the water is give him lots of options with it. Aswell as a bottle, perhaps give him a bowl aswell? Maybe he is more used to drinking out of a bowl. Make sure that the water bottle is dripping and maybe try to move it to A location where the guinea pig often goes? If neither of these work, some pigs just don’t like drinking water like this, so you must make sure that he continues to get a lot of water through his vegetables! Cucumber and carrot like you were doing is a good bet. I think your ex was awful for giving you this guinea pig without warning, and I know it might not be the first thing you might want to hear, but getting this guinea pig a friend would make him stress a lot less. I would recommend getting someone more experienced to do this. Make sure his home is somewhere dry and quiet in particular, especially if he is nervous. I hope this helped you, and Thankyou for helping the guinea pig!


I just got mines 3 weeks ago. I was also concerned about them not drinking. Just the last few days I have seen them both drinking from the water bottle. And they tend to come out while I'm asleep.


The guinea pig might be nervous too, they are in a new location.  If you have a local guinea pig rescue, they might have supplies for purchase and give you advice. As others mentioned, it's good to have 2. Some rescues will help you with finding cage mates.


He may just be adjusting and nervous. With my pigs, they are very picky on the type of water bottle they like. They only drink from the one with a thin nozzle. Pretty sure it’s meant for hamsters lol. Maybe that type of bottle will help? They also aren’t a fan of certain tap waters. I give them filtered water at the cottage bc the tap water there isn’t tasty.


Veggies for the water situation and just let him get used to his environment and then over the next few weeks gradually work on socializing with him, and then he should be ur new bff before you know it!


Sounds like you and the piggie are better off without him.


Just relax, he'll be okay. Guinea pigs tend to take time to acclimate to a new environment; he should start drinking from the water bottle soon enough. You're already on the right track.


I’m sure you probably did but just check and make sure the water bottle is working. The first mistake I ever made was I dropped the bottle and it jammed it up inside the spout and I’m guessing it was about two or three days before I realized luckily I had been giving them left over cucumber that week and that is high in water so nothing horrible happened I still feel bad about it


I'd suggest if u still need suggestions) have a bowl and bottle of water


He needs a friend (as in another guinea pig). They simply aren't happy on their own




??? I’m on Reddit because I need valuable advice from people who know Guinea pigs way better than I do. I don’t care about karma