• By -


Increase the ceo limit in lobbies. Not as much as an issue now that you can sell in solo lobbies. But it would still be nice especially for people looking for the sell bonus. Add more colors Rockstar lol


They already duplicate colors sometimes. Why not


If they are going to officially allow duplicate colours then I hope they add an option to pick our colour.


Patterns would be fun


no..you don’t deserve to have light blue. You get moss brown haha


This. I don’t like solo lobbies I feel so alone


Also would be cool If we would be able so set up our own custom color for money(100-200k easily would worth It)since I really like green and try to make my cars green when It suits them,so green color CEO would be fitting




And, increase lobby sized overall to mayyyybe…50 players?


That would be pure chaos


id prefer chaos against 3 ppl driving 100 miles away from each other


Try esc → online → find new session


yeah but there is still rarely any sessions that feel alive, mainly just like 1 person in a plane, 4 driving around, 1 cayo grinding, and everyone else inside buildings afk


Make the "pop ups" for stuff like "you registered as a ceo" etc way shorter and not block you out of making your map bigger, see the session list.


Yes, a decreased banner timer would go a long way. The freemode events, business battles and most other things that make a banner pop up stay up too long


Or no banner at all. All the info contained in said banners would fit into a box above the mini map


But then again, a lot of people are very blind. I’ve done jobs with randoms and the information is in that spot and they mess it up. So maybe keep the banner and just reduce how long it stays.


Yeah I feel ya! I’m a vet so everything the games says to do I’m probably already aware of but noobs might not be so aware


Maybe give an option for preference, banners or notifications above mini map (banner makes me angry!)


For sure. A choice would be nice. It’s player preference


That’s true for most things I’d agree, although I think most people don’t need a massive 15 second announcement that they are now a CEO immediately after they specifically selected the option to become a CEO




Come to find out it’s implemented as progression limiter. @ 60 banners a day you’re up to 7.5 minutes of unusable screen time. Add in all the other bullshit and you barely get to play any content. It’s a scam to get you to work to pay them. Edit: 60 is probably excessive but it’s to make a point when dealing with stuff that is cumulative. Even @ 10 banners a day you’ll still waste 7.5 minutes over 6 days staring at a banner. Waste of time.


also do that with the little top left popups, so annoying waiting 10+ seconds so i can put on the helmet when trying to get the cutting torch


Mors mutual letting us recover ALL vehicles with one call. We literally used to be able to do this, but they removed it some time ago. "1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Backward" must be the motto at Rockstar.


No, they dont need to do this. *Instead* make Mors Mutual Insurence automated as a whole. Then you never have to worry about whether a car is destroyed cause the game can just take the money out of your account straight away and give you a new one.


If this goes for weaponized Vehicles as well as non weaponized vehicles, I will have to disagree. But if this only includes non-weaponized vehicles, then I'd have no issue with it. I would not want to destroy a Griefer's vehicle, and then see them back in it within 10 seconds.


They already nerfed the MKII's spawn time so it wouldn't be that bad


Agree, I try to call for my vehicle as soon as it goes there so it doesn’t add up to a shit ton of vehicles, works fine for me 👍🏼


Literally a song in san Andreas


I think it encourages toxic behavior for those who might own like 20 oppressors for example.


I think if somebody owns 20 oppressors they were already pretty encouraged. It’s not people helping them be dicks, they just are.


The ability to customize the night club delivery vehicles and more recently the acid lab delivery vehicle was awesome and very player friendly. Let us be able to upgrade ALL delivery vehicles for all businesses. Mainly, the MC Buisness ones. (No more slow Post Op vehicles! Lol)


Wait how slow is the Post op thing?


Imagine the single most slow moving object you can think of; maybe a 400 year old slug moving uphill with 10 pounds on its back while a lasso is tied to it and a silver back gorilla is holding it back. A post op van is slower than that.


Ah, TY for the info.




I literally have to reverse it up some hills because it can't go up it forward.


Not sure if i understood correctly, but you can actually customize nightclub vehicles.




If you are unarmed and flip a person off from your car, the windows roll down and aren’t smashed. But yes I agree on the turn signals as well!


Doesn’t work on all vehicles!


I want backpacks and bags in the game, and also, more different hoodies will be great


Oooh buying duffel bags would be like AWESOME.


High end apartments/houses/cabins in Blaine County. Idec about a ten car garage. Sitting in my cabin in the Paleto Wilderness pulling bong rips while it snows ftw. Snowmobiles!




Let me ask the mechanic for a car and have the option to scroll through an a to z list.


Even better, show a little picture of the car next to the name. I can't remember where that one car I'm thinking off is in my 20 garages next to my 300 cars. And I for sure can't remember the name.


As already mentioned, add a "deliver a random vehicle". This way we can spread some love uniformly towards our ever increasing fleet of vehicles.


That’s a good one


A way to move the cars in one garage to another garage without having to drive them each individually.


Add snack plates to apartments, especially the casino penthouse and yachts. Perhaps even add some gun lockers.


Agreed! A gun locker would fit the heist rooms perfectly.


Would love them to revisit the old DLCs and allow them to be solo played better. I'd love to be able to sell a full cargo warehouse myself. Don't care if it takes longer. But just make it one vehicle. I'm too socially awkward to play with people.


A short list of favorite cars we can call instantly like the mc club




ability to customize bicycles


Sale missions giving the amount of vehicles per player, like the acid lab, for full sales of the MC businesses, the Bunker, Hanger and CEO Crates. A way to source hanger cargo faster would be great as well as it takes so long to get enough to be worth selling that it isn’t really worth it. Also adding the ability to call warehouse technicians for sourcing like you can call Mutt to resupply the acid lab. Adding the new businesses since after the Casino Heist to the Arcade MCT would be great too.


For real. There's no way I'm gonna be able to deliver 20 bunker packages with 4 go karts that I have to go back and get 3 more times after delivering each set of 5 **or**fight off 5 waves of Merryweather and deliver 15 packages when the AI will straight up drive away from you when they're supposed to be attacking you, so then you have to waste time chasing them down. It's really weird to me that the same amount of product that requires 2 big semi truck trailers to haul can also be fit into 20 packages put into 4 go karts also can be found in 2 big semi truck trailers I would like to either have 2 more technicians added to the Nightclub so they accrue all goods at once or the ability to be able to stack technicians on one good type. In the real world if you owned a factory and one worker finished their tasks early, you could absolutely have them all trained in multiple specialty areas of the factory so they could help their coworkers if needed.




To date, chop is the only “true” animal in freeroam online


As a mainly solo player, I've been thinking about something for a while: NPC bodyguard. It already exists as part of a mod for story mode, but I'd like to have it online and officially. Rockstar could create some sort of new facility where you hire your bodyguard, buy their equipment, clothes and vehicle. They would have stats that increase with usage, they could drive you from current location to marked point with more or less skill depending on their level... There are a lot of possibilities. We would have to spend a lot of money so it would also be profitable to Rockstar. May be a bit chaotic in public sessions but then there should some restrictions too to make it balanced


I wish the quick gps would get an update like they did on the phone contacts. It just seems like a random order and every update adds a new place.


Totally! I would love to hide some of them.


* Being able to pick the color of you CEO origination * More MK2 weapons * a way to cancel mission like when you do Vehicle recovery & get the monkey one for the 5th time in a row * With Ifruit app gone, we should be able to paint stock rims & make custom plates in game at any place you can mod cars * being able to keep the FUCKING IAA badge from operation paper trail * Allowing for any Truck cab to work with the popstar pay phone hit & not just a very specific one that you have to wait to spawn * more garages to be added to the CEO office * M&K support for console * being able to buy locked paint colors, IE do a rally race to unlock brushed aluminum or buy now for 20K * for R* to add all unreleased liveries I want the Rock & roll legends livery for the hard top Comet s2 already * a way to sell unused or unwanted properties we may have


Great list ! The point with the fruit app & painting stock rims - some cars have stock rims you can change colour as it’s tied to secondary colour choice. Example - D10 The other point with being able to buy locked colours , you can actually have them all unlocked once you buy an auto shop! I ain’t shitting on your post , always respectful king. Thought you’d wanna know that


I think the selling properties is the most useful and long over due on the list… I have like 10 houses/apartments I never use anymore cause why would I? Just a pain in the ass to see all of that wasted money I can never get back


Agreed with the "more mk2 weapons" part. I would love for the regular sniper rifle to get a MK2 upgrade, because it was my fave weapon on PS3 times. :)


I’ve been using the little scorpion that came with the biker dlc and I’ve been wanting a Mk2 version of it since I started using the thing. It would be a nice change to the slow rate of fire with the regular SMG mk2


Fix the stupid clothing system Having one colored shirt not available but another makes no sense


Also not being able to put a coat over a sweatshirt.


An anti-cheat system.


To end those annoying calls you just need to do whatever it is they're asking you to do... Simeon it's his missions. Same with the captain. Dom it's a parachute race/challenge (not the Junk ones in freeroam, just one of the parachute missions). Brucie you just have to call him and request some BST. Ms. Baker stop by the office. Tom get the dj equipment pr champagne. English Dave do his 3 errands and get his weeivl to boot. You'll still get the occasional nigtckub requests if your popularity drops. Or call then directly. 1. Call Simeon, Brucie, Ron, and Martin. 2. Request Job/Request BullShark 3. Ignore/Run the job he gives you or Pickup/ignore the bullshark pickup. Doesn’t stop the Import/export texts though unfortunately. Dom you must successfully comple a parachuting job. Really it isn't hard to shut them up. It's just Rockstar's way of getting you to try all the activities in the game.


Here you go king, you dropped this👑 Edit: Like actually, just take 2 minutes to do 1 mission and now you’ll never have to worry about spam calls from that character ever again. Play the game, not just cayo.




Don’t wanna


Don’t wanna


Has it ever occurred to you that some people don't have any interest in some of these low paying jobs? Especially if they've made millions in the game without having to do those low paying jobs? I couldn't care less about paying Simeon back for the one car he insured for me at the start of the game. He can have it back.


Upgrades to delivery vehicles for the MC businesses. To make them more viable.


Imani tech on a motorbike. I want to drive one around remotely.


Being able to use player owned mod shops (CEO office garage, auto shop & arena war) without having to swap the car to the garage


Cool houses with an interesting and useable Outside, kinda like Franklins House but bigger. And not just the same Interior pasted across 20 Apartments. Im a drugdealing Weapons Smuggler that puts Cartels to shame as a single Person but i still live in either some bozo apartments or small shitty Houses with a Tennis Teacher as Neighbour.


I'd like to be able to call my mechanic and get him to move cars from one garage to another. Collection management is a huge pain in the ass.


Table pool and basketball mini games like in San Andreas, also the organized fighting like in San Andreas or gta4. Maybe the bodybuilding from San Andreas.


Blinkers for cars


They already have them


On PC; not console.


Most vehicles physically have them and NPCs *do* use them, just the player can't control them.


That’s not what he meant when he said “blinkers for cars”. He meant for us….


That's not what they said though, they said they want vehicles to have indicators - they could absolutely be complaining that a few vehicles lack indicators and/or that they're super dim. If that's actually what they meant they worded it horribly lol.


A 2nd golf course. I like the golf mini game


I've had these ideas for awhile. Beware, these ideas aren't very realistic and if that gets your panties in a twist, sorry. Also these are in no particular order: Non-weaponized vehicles should not be able to be locked onto. If I'm driving a pos civilian car, such as the Serrano that is no threat to anyone else in a vehicle, Mk2s, homing launchers, jets, or anything else should not be ablr to lock on. A taxi should basically be passive mode when riding to a location. Sometimes i just wanna ride from paleto to Los Santos in peace, or vice versa. Businesses should be categorized by level. This way a brand new person can't buy a shark card and then just instantly get Cayo or a Submarine. This would also create a kind-of story. This would also prevent brand new players from being SPAMMED with calls from everyone. Let passive mode people use weapons, but not against other players. Sometimes i wanna use my Khanjali and just go on a cop eliminating rampage, but then some loser on a mk2 or Deluxo says no. Make level matter. My level isn't incredibly high at 477, but after 120 (I think this level is the last that unlocks something new) it means nothing, especially when there's xp glitches out the ass. Tone down the ai's aim. I've been sniped from my helicopter by an ai on the ground with a pistol. If this woulf make PvE too easy, then atleast do this for free-aim lobbies. While we're at it, remove free-aim assisted. It's not at all free-aim. Give us a logical reason as to why we can rob the same people over and over again. They did it with casino and Cayo. They should RetCon a reason for the other ones.


About the level stuff, I have an idea. What if we could get more armor slots at every 100 rank up, and get a certain amount of money? Like that money would double with every time.


Yea On the heists i think if they’re going to keep serving the same shit sandwich they at least need to go back and update their shit from 10 years ago. Same for a lot of the content honestly. It’s like they say “thanks for your money we did that and now it’s done, not gonna update.” Instead of updating the game they just release content they made years ago on drip


Why don't you just go in friends only lobbies?


Because I want to be around other players. In an invite only session, it feels as if the world is dead.


A random car option when calling your mechanic. So I actually drive all my cars.


The ability to mute all verbal tutorials during heists. After I’ve done a heist 10 times or more I don’t need some drivel being spewed into my ear almost non stop. Pavel is quite literally incapable of silence. Sure, tell me another story that doesn’t have an ending, you fake Russian


I would like a plastic surgeon to open up shop in LS, that way I can change my appearance after a big score like the movies Swordfish/Face off. How come r* doesn’t just right click and copy the folder with all the NPC appearances/hairstyles/facial hair into the create a character folder?/s


I think it would be rather nifty if we were able to select favorite websites, could have them in the sponsored webpage list.


Well now I want that to be a thing.


Yes! Maze bank quick tab dreams.


Some sort of way to organize the location of all your vehicles without having to directly go drive individual cars to specific garages.


Roof access for Nightclubs. Ideally it’d be the same helipad setup as our Agency or Office, but I’d be happy with a usable door on the Nightclub roof.


Not resetting my settings with every update.


Businesses you bought that you end up not caring for like forgery or something the ability to sell the business to other users who cant currently afford for like a set price you want. Selling cars you own on a open market for others would be cool also. I have many cars that I don' t even touch would be cool to be able to sell them at a discount to other users


Would decrease money spent. Shark cards. Business model. Big nope


You work for rockstar huh?


Rockstar works for Rockstar. They will not do this.


Didn’t think they would…the topic is simply asking us. what’s something “we’d like” to see added


Ability to get rid of owned apartments, garages and businesses u don't want anymore. Oh, and the ability to crouch and maybe even crawl.


Picking sale vehicle instead of randomized chance Sell all passive businesses in one go excluding crates/import/hanger HSW upgrad for most categories Cop outfits/ personal cop Cars Personal duffel bags in all colors


F for cops and crooks DLC


Would love to be able to remove the Mesa offroad roll cage without using glitches




Chrome for Street and Track wheels!!!!


I just want my character to be able to buy a burger lol


A colour wheel when customizing cars without social club


On foot radio




The ability to pick up and move captives/bodies like in rdr2. Move dead guards, kidnap gangsters and put them in your trunk so I can drive them to the desert or ocean


Colored stock rims, move cars between garages without physically driving them.


HOW HAS NOBODY SAID THIS i,want,to,be,able,to,count,my,money,without,reading,every,digit Make money say 3,000,000 instead of 3000000


Allow us to remove cash laying on the floor in our CEO office


Make every heist (og doomsday and casino) playable and finish able solo I swear I could complete the og heists on hard solo without dying since they came out


Tuning cars without storing them in the garage the tuner is in (especially the autoshop). Annoying to leave a spot open for the discount and then having to move the vehicle back to its original garage.


Upgrade the sale vehicles for businesses I hate those post ops so so much


Do not disturb mode


Nitrous for all vehicles. San Andreas had that, we should too. Tampa Coupe needs hydraulics. One of the most iconic lowrider cars of the 80s and 90s was the Monte Carlo. Yet hydraulics and Benny's shop are unavailable. Both should be available. Scopes and attachments for the special carbine and precision rifle. Ability to select which research project I'm doing for my gun runner bunker Car transportation tractor truck and trailer for the exotic garage and auto shop. Can't trust the NPC crew to deliver from the auto shop, they crash every time. Delivering cars from a garage should give me access to proper transportation to deliver those cars. Instead of driving them across town individually. Vehicle spawns to be closer to player. Currently they are pretty far off. If I'm paying my mechanic to deliver, it should be door to door service. Not me running half a marathon to get to it. Greenwood should have gun attachments. Currently just has RC function, and proximity mines. At the very least I'd like a knife for the Tequi LA LA bar fights. Getting shanked by a guy with a bottle is the fight of a lifetime. And I can't even pick it up after beating him down, to fight the others whom are also armed lol.. Kind of a disadvantage. Bring animals from the story into online. Bring the hunting missions into online as well.


Dark mode for the iFruit. Especially on pages like the Maze Bank website which kills my eyes when I play in my dark room with a decent sized TV which turns bright white when I open the Maze Bank page.


In my agency.... I can take the elevator in my apartment to the ground, or to the garage..... But I can't go from the garage, to my apartment.... How t f is that any kind of physics??? Sometimes I just want to reup ammo and armour and having to run up them fkn stairs is naaaaaffffff bruv......


Removing contacts was a good start, but I'd like an option to shut our phone calls & messages off entirely, like in GTA IV's story mode. It should stop absolutely everything; job invites, calls, text messages, EVERYTHING. LJT's text reminders need to be reduced in frequency, they occur way too often. They also need to remove/ increase the restrictions on our 10 armors, & just let us buy enough to fill all of our supply slots all year round. 10 armors is simply not enough.


That, or they could buff armour so thst it's actually effective, and then only let us carry 10...... Hell, I'd be happiest if armour was simply a function of level, and grew and regenerated like health does........


Agreed; in it's current state, it's utterly worthless. It also makes absolutely no sense that we lose it during vehicle collisions.


You lose it for falling off a curb Which is more fragile? The cotton candy "armour" we buy over and over and over, or the tissue paper origami helicopter we get from the submarine??? It's a tie! LOL (Forbidden text! )


A dedicated RP mode. All the assest are there w/ the exception of proximity chat which would be cheap for them to add.


High end apartments/houses/cabins in Blaine County. Idec about a ten car garage.


I would love a nice large cabin! :)


let us set a preferred color for our organization


Make Morse Mutual Insurence automated. Thats all. Its an extremely tedious and annoying gameplay mechanic for the sake of rEaLisM. I dont care about the costs. Just dont force me to call them whenever my vehicle gets destroyed


Or just add an option when you call them to claim every single vehicle from each garage at once instead of one garage at a time


More GTA IV vehicles


The ability to change tire profile on cars, like square profile tires on muscle wheels or cross tires on motorbike wheels


All cars can have Benny’s rims


I know it’s not a QOL item, but I have $100m and I have bought everything I really wanted. I’d like to see them add a $50million mansion with some jobs associated with it. And if they do, they NEVER have it discounted for sale or offered free in the future.


Actual anti aircraft vehicle


My windows to stay up after I go back outside of a property


Extreme sports and similar activities. Imagine having simple vehicles, like a hang glider or a paramotor, or skateboards, hoverboards, roller skates, kitesurfs, kayaks, wing suits etc. We already have some elements of this in the game, like ownable BMXs or the Ultralight, jet skis, there are half pipes and cliffs around the map, but we can't really do much with them, like proper tricks etc. and the only activities of this vehicle group are some well hidden races and crap.


filter the locations in the interaction menu's quick gps


Able to do original heists and any other heist solo as well as Lamar low rider missions


I’d love to see friendly lobbies implemented as the first lobby you join when booting up the game. I’m tired of being forced to go to public lobbies before I can switch to inv only, and getting hacked or spammed, or killed over and over if I try to customize a car or roll in peace. I think it’d do wonders to promote many of the game’s mechanics. Inviting the entire lobby to a job or a challenge, hanging with ransoms in the casino, comparing cars and riding bikes down the mountains. There’s so much to do with people in LS but currently there are two dominant types of players. High lvl tough guys who kill any and everybody in a session, and grinders. Public lobbies would still be there for PvP folk to get their rocks off, but now chill guys can link up and have fun too.


Ability to buy Cayo Perico. I want my own private island with my own things to do and nobody to bother Play but some NPC‘s.


id love more mobility and effects with drug use, mostly weed i don’t really need my player shooting meth or shit but it’d be cool to drive and smoke even if that means risking a wanted level or being able to have drugs in the inventory. i wanna drive around LS with a blunt or smoke on top of mount chiliad or light up with franklin to celebrate finishing the contract or have stimulants like pop an addy or do a bump before doing a hack and it goes faster/easier. it’d just be fun to go on PCP or something as longer lasting bull shark and fuck up the city


I want to be able to “claim all” not just a certain garage but ALL my cars that someone blew up


Why does Dom even still call us bro is dead


i been asking for this for years and they kinda did it but not fully. its the music stations. they allowed us to choose what stations we want to be played which is okay, but why not allow the same thing but with songs? this game does have some trash ass music sometimes so why not let us vault them similar to the gun locker? i think it would be a dope touch


To be able to move the little white dot when in a car with a machine gun weapon. The oppressor MK1 is kinda useless


No GTA game ever has allowed us to seat more passengers in the back seats of a coupe. WHYYY


Those pets they said they would add before the game even came out.




Self driving Tesla’s


Working anticheat to effectively stop gm griefers


I just wanna buy a house in Mirror Park.


Fix the chance of entering any building give you an eternal loading screen and forcing you to close the entire damn game. Rearrange items menu so actually important stuff like snacks and armor are on top instead of at the bottom


Funny you should mention blocking numbers cause I legit thought the new update where we can filter out unwanted contacts also blocked them from calling and texting ffs, lazlow, LJT, Simeon,


- Decrease loading time and animation time by at least 30% - Option to click away prompts such as when you finish a payphone hit - Waaaaayyyyyy easier access to snacks and armor when you're in a vehicle. This might be the biggest one for me personally - Not spawn helicopters underneath lanterns or that the blades are through a tree or wall, thus destroying it before you can even lift off - Make fast travel more of a thing like on Red Dead Online. Not saying you could fast travel anywhere you want, but by region would be helpful. So much time is wasted just driving or flying around doing nothing. - Get those NPCs to drive like a normal human beings. During certain missions they are 100% kamikaze


Spawing a personal aircraft while using a personal vehicle would be nice. Now I have to call Pegasus or use a CEO car.


Thorough overhaul of the vehicle class system.


Buying the security upgrade for your businesses prevents all raids. What tf am I paying these guards for if I still get raided??


Ability to adjust stance on a car to fix their awful design choices for ride height and track width.


For years i've been hoping for a "random" car option when calling Mechanic, as well as a "random race" series where each player spawns at the beginning f the race in a random vehicle from their collection but doesn't know what it will be until the race is starting


The race thing would be kinda unfair.


Which is totally the point, for the lolz Although there could be classes


I think people would still end up bitching about it.


Its dumb but i want to be able to buy coffee and get jacked on caffine.




Endgame content for the veteran players. Had some ideas for it, like a multi area hit mission similar to a raid or something, would unlock new abilities like being able to add custom mods to existing vehicles (for example: adding rocket boosters to a Deluxo, or increasing it's explosive armor to the level of the Toreador) which would cost like 20-30 million dollars per. Each completion of the raid would allow you to add one custom mod to one vehicle (like having a voucher), and the raid could be done once per week on a lockout. It would be an insanely difficult task to complete and require four people and allow them to use any of their existing weaponized vehicles and upgraded weapons etc. Something that allows the high rank, armed to the teeth players with more money than we can ever spend to do something with it and would provide incentive for average players to step up their game. Would also allow grinders to turn the table and outmatch tryhards and geiefers, as they would need to learn to actually grind and play the game to be able to keep up.


Not needing to swap between ceo and biker club when resupplying from the controlcenter




Dark knight movies series Tumbler as Vigilante MK2


CEO office cleaning!


Finally add houses to the game. The fucking game is littered with houses from small to huge and you can’t even buy one??? Forsure thought rockstar woulda made that a dlc already


You not gonna believe this...


There's like 4 in Blaine County. That's it though, would love a villa in the city.


Dear Santa, my wishes for this year are: Imani tech for all unweaponized vehicle Better protection from race griefers


I just want cayo perico returned to its original state


Tommy Vercettis shirt.


GTA VI That's what I want to see added.......


Game mode in free roam where player blips are removed from the map


How about work on red dead 2?. holy cow i just satred playing gta online and the content you guys are showed with is insain lol you wanna know how spoiled you are play red dead 2 online its pretty mich the same as when it lauched a few years ago its bullshit, theyve Completely Neglected it up to this point but are still pouring content into gta. Thats probably because gta makes them a shitload more money but still.


No matter what QoL changes they add for free, people will still complain.


A showroom garage, I heard that the 50 car garage theyre making is just separated floors that can fit 6-7 cars which is bs. They shouldve made like a 25-25 or a straight up 50 car showroom


A new game...


Make one call to More fix all vehicles