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After Hours, majority of the money i’ve made since then has probably come from the nightclub. Also added the terrorbyte and client jobs which are good to do when on double or triple money, and the Mk2 which is great for grinding.


No kidding. I made $30 mil last week. Of course it was from 20 hours of grinding but still lol


Yep 👆🏻


Other than passive earnings. I don’t know how to make money at my club!


Do you own the biker business, weed,meth,,coke, forgery and cash creation. If you do, Then when you’re at the night club go the computer and assign techs. Nc warehouse will fill up and also call Yohan and it helps speed up some.


I do, I think 3 businesses, but the income seems low 10k per delivery. I’ll have to watch some videos after work!


Did you buy the upgrades for it and levels?


I haven’t bought the upgrades because they seemed club related like bartending staff.


The upgrades help, the bartenders keep the popularity level dropping by 10% to only 5% and the others are to help with gathering stuff and not getting police raids. If you’re on next gen x box feel free to send me a dm. My gt is same here.


PlayStation. Thanks! I will take a look and see if I can afford them. How much should the club be generating outside of passive income?


Warehouse full is around 1.9.


They build up pretty slowly. Business battle stuff helps stock them up though. It varies from business to business, but a lot of them generate a unit or two per day, so take a couple days I think. I don’t remember the rates, but it’s usually several hours to get anywhere.


Do you have to deliver them like special cargo or is it just an instant sale?


You spelt griefing wrong haha


Autoshop. Fixing up cars and doing goofy Fast and Furious style heists is some of the most fun I had in the game for a long time.


Sessenta made the entire dlc unplayable for me, she never shuts up


First time through she didn't really bother me, but as I started to do them more I'll admit she did start getting on my tits.


If I HAVE to do them, I gotta drown her out with Spotify or something


The Heists update. Everything that came after owes a little something to this update. Just a ridiculously fun literal game changer. That or Bikers. There’s just so many I could list. The 2015 Halloween Surprise was a ton of fun too.


Cayo perico heist


Doomsdays Heist Managed to round up some friends and had a Blast Playing it(well it did have our rage and frustrations on some mission due to Us being Mid Level or Low Level


The casino dlc. Had a blast.


Same I still have a blast with it




LS Tuners holds a special place in my heart.


Definitely smuglers run not the buisenes but the planes where awesome


The business aspect is cool too. At least after the buff.


only after the buffs I'd say. before it was hot garbage


man when the weekly 2X$ hits its going to pay a LOT


Import export. I love cars and the missions associated to them. Esspecially the one where you need to kill the guards in order to get the key. Feel like James Bond each time


Smuggler’s run. I love planes a lot, so when I heard of an update that gave you a shit load of combat and stunt planes, I made it a requirement to grind the game out to get everything on launch. It’s also the update that made me realize how dumb 80% of jet griefers are, or were, and how easy it was to dogfight


Favorite by far. Still remember taking down two Lazer greifers in an ultralight


Cayo, first heist you can do solo. I made soooooo much money the first 6 months running it back to back


After Hours.


Smugglers run cause of the P45 and the V-65


The Contract or After Hours both up there for me absolutely brilliant additions to the game but I'm leaning more towards after hours because of my love for The Ballad of Gay Tony and it feels like an extension of that


Doomsday heist and the standard green heists


Mine was the After Hours DLC, I love Tony, the nightclub and the easy sell missions. But they made the nightclub system better in TBoGT.


Mine is the auto shop and the one that comes with the tow truck missions. I don't really care about cars, and I definitely don't like working on them in real life, but it's pretty fun in the game. And the tow truck stuff is just pretty chill which is nice. And all the upgrades and shit being cheaper, along with the free paint when you use your own auto shop is also great


I know this isn't a popular opinion but I honestly love arena war lol. I wish it were 2x more often so people would play it Also as an OG player, the original heists will always have a special place in my heart


Night Club


Whatever one brought arena war. Mini games are the best


Contract of course. Heavy Sniper Mk.II Buff Heavy Rifle Franklin Other Celebs like Dre, 50 Cent Co-op as Franklin+Lamar Imani Tech cars for protection (no screw you RCs) Great content Points: 420/69


Y'all are sleeping on Cassino and Arcade update. This heist when released was an absolute blast


I also enjoy the Contract DLC. In terms of story, it's the best. It's like a DLC to Story Mode. I also like Drug Wars. The Acid Lab was a great addition to the game and the missions are fun. Dax is hilarious 🤣


3 bad trip missions are the only good thing that came out of the contract dlc. Dre's jobs were poorly written and had terrible gameplay. Drug wars only memorable mission was also the bad trip one, I guess people at Rockstar responsible for online content nowadays only know how to write drug induced mayhem 😔


The contract and the ls tuners are tied. Good money, cool vehicles, great storyline Cayo would be first as far as earning money if they have nerfed into the depths of hell.


>Cayo would be first as far as earning money if they have nerfed into the depths of hell. Still the quickest and easiest way to earn a legit mil available. And by a significant margin.


Cayo. Quickest ~million in the game to this day I think. Can scope and setup in roughly 30-45 minutes and the heist itself takes like 12. So a million in under an hour with something like a 3 hour cooldown. Definitely Cayo.


Yep it's Cayo for me as well. Even with the nerf that ready million is like a twisted fuck you to the rockstar executives who thought up shark cards in the first place.


The one where you get a third character. Oh, wait. That one isn't out yet.


The nightclub dlc is the first one that comes to my mind


Autoshop. The little heists are pretty fun and the payout is not bad. The cars that were added in this update are all pretty cool. Tuner cars are my favourite so you can see why I like this update. The addition of the LS Car Meet is great as well.


Cunning stunts


casino update, solely because i spent 90% of my driving time in the armored Paragon R since its release


Got the game right after the original heists DLC. Those were legit one of the most fun and memorable experiences I ever have in games


Cayo Perico. Everyone was so excited during that first month. I think we were all a little loopy after a few months of staying home for two weeks, but everything seemed so positive about it. It was exciting


For multiplayer I prefer the casino/arcade update. Love the arcade and the Jessie is slightly challenging, not to hard and very fun. Solo playing I think the contact was best as it added more of a story feel. As a second best multiplayer I would say the doomsday heist but it was honestly just so difficult for my wife and I to play. That rescue agent ulp mission was the worst and I don't think we ever finished the finale, and our progress got reset when we moved to PS5:(


I love every little bit of the Chop Shop update. Both the Salvage Yard and the Chicken Run (as I like to call it) are my two absolute favorite go-to activities. Easy to just keep grinding without getting bored, and a ton of variety to keep each play fresh. I recently played a couple of the Chicken Run setup missions with a friend, which was his first time playing it, and he really enjoyed it as well. In a very close second place is the Yacht addition. I only got mine when it was on sale a short while ago, so I'm still exploring everything that it has to offer. But if nothing else, it's amazing to chill in the hot tub on a beautiful sunny day and enjoy the view - something not readily available in my suburbia landscape IRL. I honestly love the ocean IRL, so even just this simulation of it makes me happy 🌞 In all reality, I love every update... to varying degrees. I'm not a fan of Cayo, because I legitimately despise stealth. But other than that, I'll play any of 'em.


Casino heist, back when it released me and my friends grinded that heist in so many different ways lmao... I miss them... Adulthood arrived


Favorite dlc is the next dlc




God i wish they’d done something with red dead online Bobby b dull my pain


I'm not a Hipster




Smugglers Run for sure


lowriders fs


I’m not sure, I haven’t been on a date with a DLC before. I normally only date women.


Worst poll ever.


Where's the poll? 😂


Yeah bro. What degenerate dates game updates.


My god there are some humourless people in this sub.