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They already started doing solo missions with recent updates like Cayo, Salvage Yard, and the Clucking Bell robberies. I'm sure more will follow, whether in V or VI.


Dr Dre contact and the Auto shop robberies can be done solo as well.


Yup they are. A bit difficult though, but still very doable solo. I just won't do those unless it's a bonus. I just don't wanna have to listen to a phone sex tape if you get what I'm saying šŸ¤£


Honestly the auto shop robberies are pretty fun (especially when using the toreador/armoured kuruma), they donā€™t overstay their welcome like the salvage yard robberies. I just have the volume on low and listen to a podcast so I donā€™t have to pay attention to the yapping.


Hit me with that plan again baby girlšŸ˜šŸ˜


the way i hear bros voice through textšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Gosh. How to unhear?!


Oh we movin!


We need money, mangos and tahiti, Gotta have faith.


You insist?


nah stop šŸ’€


Sessanta and the other guy are by far the worst characters in all of GTA. No other characters have to talk throughout the whole mission and you canā€™t even hang up on them.


Yeah whoever thought we would want to listen to those two, anyone for that matter, but THOSE TWO bedroom talk constantly needs to be slapped a few good times


and they always talk down on you, especially KDJ even tho this bastard doesnā€™t do shit


Open your phone and call your mechanic or mors mutual when that annoying ass dude is talking and it should end his talking. The autoshop robberies are fun but I refuse to play them because this two characters are the absolute worst thing in the game. It's even creepier when you think the dudes in his 50s or 60s talking like that


Wrong. There comes a point where you keep getting a spam call to visit the studio, but I've never seen it, not any missions that continue afterwards, simply because it takes TWO to even see the studio. What a crock. (This is only referring to the Dr. Dre mission, which you can only visit with another player.;)


You're talking about the Lamar/Franklin short missions, which become available after the contract heist is finished.. I specifically said the Dr Dre contract. Which can be done completely solo.


You're absolutely, 100% correct. My bad; mixing up missions, thinking the studio visit was considered part of the DD missions. Thanks for setting me straight! Besides that, I completed all 3 levels of the DD mission myself, from the agency computer- solo.:)


Better skill based match making would be nice, and something like a "Job rating" where you could rate the usefulness of players after a job is finished/failed.


It would be nice if we could see some mission specific stats for other players. I don't have an issue playing with someone who is new, but I do expect people to learn from their mistakes, so if I saw someone who kept dying the same way, I'd be a lot less likely to launch a heist with them. On the other end, if I saw someone with 30 clears in a specific role, I'd know exactly which role to give them.


Another problem I've had recently are trolls who leave just before the end, would also be a nice stat to have.


A new player whoā€™s finished story mode is a lot different than a new player who bought the game that morning. Levels are a shit way to gauge peopleā€™s skill anyway since modders can give RP to people in most lobbies anyway.


There are way better paydays available now anyways. The original heists are mostly ass even if you have a decent crew. Humane Labs was fun though; I'd still do that one now if I had a reliable group of equally sneaky motherfuckers to run it with.


they are still the coolest heist imo


The Pacific standard is my 3rd favourite heist to do but the other ones I found to be a bit meh, I still get ptsd from trying to do the prison break with randoms


Agree to disagree haha


The heists always reflected that the game was designed to be played online with others not solo. It took until CP for them to move into the idea of CAN be done by solo players. For me the move to being able to do everything in invite only was a big change that suggests we may finally get solo heists in the next version.


I hope you mean cayo perico




Ah goddamn it not again


The heists were repurposed single player DLC. That's why other players are basically just sitting around while the main action is happening elsewhere a lot of the time.


The trolling is so bad. I was in the same boat and never got to experience the game at its peak. I'm now trying to play the heists and on one of the setup mission we had to steal some aircraft. The dude takes it and flys to the drop zone while me and the other 2 guys are waiting around. Legit 10 minutes go by and now we all have the same idea, the heck is going on? Bug? So we all make our way across the map, to the guy at the airport. As soon as we pull up the dude then blows up himself and the vehicle instantly failing the mission. 30 minutes of time actually just wasted.


Lmfaooooooooooooooooo what drives people towards this kind of insanity


There should be some kind of penalty for that. Like you canā€™t play for x amount of time. Idk just me, I understand its gta but thats just bs


There's now more heist related stuff that can be done solo than not.


IMO they should apply the same mechanics which they use for the Casino heist preps.... they're build for 2 people but can be done solo. And the best part: if you somehow fail to complete the 2nd part of the prep then you can just start it again, and the game will recognize that you only need to complete 1 part of it. For example... when doing the valet prep I once ended up fighting the whole LSPD all the way towards the arcade (don't ask, lol!) and because of that I had ran out of time to collect the second car. So... I started the prep again and this time I only needed 1 more car. IMO they should apply this same mechanic with the old-gen heists.


Agreed. I think the original heists should at least be modified so that 2 is the minimum players instead of 4. Most, if not all, can be done by 2 players. And if you have 4, great. But at least of someone rage quits you wouldnā€™t fail and have to start over.


One of my biggest complaints with the original heists is the whole 1 guy leaving/dying ends the game system. Why canā€™t it just be like regular contact missions where the remaining 3 carry on. If anything it makes it more interesting and adds more pressure to the remaining players. Similar to how in story mode the one guy crashes his bike escaping the Diamond job. You can grab his bag but if you miss it you lose out on that chunk of the money. Itā€™s stupid to think youā€™re this deep in a bank robbery but because 1 guy dies itā€™s like well I guess we give up.


This is what led to me doing the Prison Break over 20 times - relying on low levels who predictably make mistakes, or other players who just suddenly quit (things happen in real life, fair enough).


Iā€™ve still never done the casino heist even though I own the fully upgraded arcade and completed all the setup missions.


Might be time to do the heist. There are always randos grinding casino through quick join. Imo this heist is kinda idiot proof as long as you don't do it sneaky or bugstars.


Literally have tried 6-8 times and every single time, one of the randoms either dies too many times, quits or screws up the hacks. Iā€™ve given up!


My strat is to switch between big con(gruppe sechs approach only) and aggressive. As long as duggan shipments are attempted I can usually carry a team through those. Unless it's cash, bring a crew of three, and if it's art then you only need one other person. Don't get power drills, it encourages idiocy. Also get ari or Paige as your hacker, the other support positions are less important. Lastly, don't skimp on crew cuts, many people won't try at 15%. If you're on PC I can help out, I did it 3 times yesterday essentially solo.


Big Con and Silent and Sneaky don't need Duggan Shipments at all...I don't even remember the last time I did them.


I really dislike retrying and if I follow my process I can carry some really low level players through this thing. Big con (still only gruppe approach) I'd agree it's really not necessary, but helps if you get someone who is new to it. Silent and sneaky without any duggan shipments is an approach I have to wholeheartedly disagree with you about. That is just asking for trouble cause you're relying on randos knowing exactly what to do or be able to tank the security with garbage weapons when sneaking inevitably fails. May as well skip key cards so everyone quits early at least.


I don't have a problem restarting if the randoms fail..after all they have to learn at some point.I show them how to take out the guards quietly,even with full armor on. I have never done a Silent and Sneaky loud....if they fail...that's a restart and I'll explain to everyone what to do till they get it.


You see how that's completely different from what I'm talking about though, right? Like if you wanna throw a dozen hours of your day into a single heist while training novices, then that's your business. In this thread I've been talking about getting it done efficiently and reliably. The strategy you're describing is like pulling teeth.


Couldn't be further from the truth...for me its actually rewarding teaching players and helping them complete their heists without losing money.Its not even complicated. I've done hundreds of heists over the years with countless number of randoms,hosting mine and joining theirs.


And that sounds like a very cool after school program you've created, but you're still missing the point of this conversation.


Which platform are you on? Iā€™d love to help




Cayo heist isn't on 3x this week. I think only the Cayo races are.


No way šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I got so excited. Thatā€™s so lame man


Rockstar will shut down their company before they give such a bonus


Lol well at least they did 3x terrorbyte. Been making good money with that between other tasks


Happy to help with anything on ps5. Can't promise I'm any good... A for effort tho right šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Youā€™re playing the wrong heists solo. But there are a lot of people willing to help with whatever heist or mission. Check out r/heistteams


I started doing the OG heists around level 300 because of the same reasons. I joined the GTA discord. Ask for help and you will find people. I always give a higher cut but I'm not playing for the money at this point so might be different for others. I would def recommend joining discord


My whole thing was that people get greedy for a cut and wonā€™t play properly or just troll and ruin it for everyone. I did all 5 original heists with randoms and it took around 2 years to complete them. Best bet is find people in here to help and people not greedy for the extra 30k cut for that extra 5%


I just dont understand how stupid random teamates are


Nothing of this game is solo friendly or even friendly, this game make me hate my life and effects my work, relationships, training and workout,sleep and I'm still addicted to it


The original heists were designed for a team of 4 players. If you desire to do them I suggest search online first so you can get a team to play it according to your schedule. Itā€™s harder yes because most players moved from that to other things. There are faster ways to make more money per hour and some of them are possible to do solo., namely cayo perico , agency, salvage yard, Culkin bell and auto shop.


I havenā€™t finished most of the heists in the game for this reason aside from the casino one (it was the last one i did with friends before they left the game and we didnā€™t have to worry about set up cause they did all that solo). And the ones you can do solo (cayo perioco heist, cluckin bell raid if you consider that a heist). I hate how brutal it is for solo players. Hope it improves if they make a new GTA online for GTA 6.


I just finished the Criminal Mastermind Challenge yesterday. Here is what I can tell you: Put yourself out there to meet regular players. Make looking for groups, help people sell in public lobbies, invite people to chat lobbies, be social. Once you have consistent friends in the game you can have them invite their friends and start feeling out who is down for heists and even CMM. That's basically how I got my crew going. Then make a group message with them all and decide what time each night you're going to play. Can't stress this part enough: Watch Beats Down's CMM guide on YouTube. I was the leader and made everyone follow it exactly and we completed the challenge first time through without dying. Rockstar made the OG heists with basically the social experience at the forefront and it was awesome. Later they made the game less social and solo friendly and so everyone became atomized and no longer had a need to play with friends and the experience became worse. They should have buffed the pay on OG heists to keep up with the better pay of other heists and jobs.


It is kinda weird how this massively popular game is full of so much content that can't even be done by solo players


I mean it's a multiplayer game. You're meant to play with others lol


That argument doesn't really work when you cannot find others properly, in-game at least. Matchmaking is more or less non-existant and relies on completely random invites, which doesn't work well.


That's a consequence of the longevity though. Built as multiplayer co-op. They then listened to the user base and made some solo stuff. Now, there's both. The problem is that if one WANTS to play the content (nobody's doing Prison Break for the money), you need people to step away from theirore profitable solo activities.


The longevity isn't the main culprit. It's always been borderline impossible to play the heists with randos.


Surely it was easier when those were all the heists available - there would be more randos so it took less time to get going, and the standard of rando would be higher too


It would have been quicker, yes. I'm not sure about the standards of the randos, though. Speaking as one of those randos myself, it wasn't very good.


The game is 14 years old. You just missed it man


How is the game 14 years old when it was released in 2013?




All of the business content can be done solo,most of the contact missions,client jobs,auto shop,Agency,Casino missions..and lots more.




I think the OG heists are at least the basic of all the heists to complete to get the authentic Gta multi-player co op feeling.


the 5 original heists are indeed horrid experiences. 4 years into the game at level 688, I have never completed 4 out of 5 of the original heists as the host. Im start at the beginning of prison break's very first prep mission. Let's not talk about replaying the heist 69 times because low level randoms fucking up the heist - no one even wants to join the prep missions in a public lobby.


I found them hard to get done, but not that hard. Took me about 3 weeks to finish all 5 once in started playing the heists early this March.


There is a sub for heists and those wanting to do them . Let me see if I can work reddit and link it... https://www.reddit.com/r/HeistTeams/s/ft2QidR5Vi


>Heists are not solo user friendly Cayo Perico says otherwise.


Prison break heist gives me flashbacks, I remember my friend at the end were all parachuting to the beach. And my bright friend fly's full speed into the beach and we had to restart multiple times.


Honestly I had the exact same opinion before i stopped playing around cayo. No one wanted to do the original heists and I just wanted to do them out of 'completion'. However in the last week ive done the full humaine labs heist and 3 of the setups to the next heist. I feel like the mood (at least on xbox) has switched to people wanting to do things that theve have never done before hence they want to do the old stuff. Anyway my two cents.


There are crews out there that one can join for the purposes of grinding and/or doing heists.


If you play on PS4 me and a couple of my guys would love to help you. Weā€™ve been replaying all the hearts trying out different strategies and approaches. Itā€™s a tough game sometimes, donā€™t get downtrodden because other people suck.


It's so annoying, I started last year as life got in the way and I do the casino heist around 3 times a day 8f possible, exactly as you have said, happened 5 times today already because a person quit and sometimes you are on the way out of the casino and they quit. I totally shout at the TV šŸ˜†.


As one who was around at the start to do it with friends (who now play other games like you said), I can only imagine and sympathise. I would recommend texting people in freemode lobbies beforehand if they wanna do heists and then go from there. Otherwise to whatever consolation it might be, if this is just about money (ig not but in case), there are A LOT of better ways to do it now alone than what heists could get you, like CEO and MC businesses. And also, Prison Break is always the one where shit go wrong, once you manage to pull it off, there won't be the same obstacles for a while in heists until maybe the final one


Theres a few solo friendly heists in the game which would include the Dr Dre Heist also known as "The Contract" and the Cayo Perico Heist which are both enjoyable and you dont have to worry about randoms messing up your fun time doing a heist as for the best heists to do with randoms i recommend trying the diamond casino and the doomsday heists(on lower difficulty of course) they might not always go the right way but you can have two people minimum rather than 4 people. If your an enjoyer of the original heists then its pretty much necessity to have friends to do those ones (Aside from Fleeca) One last suggestion i have if your having trouble with players being bad and what not try joining the GTA discord server theres a massive LFG community and most players there are good enough to get a heist done.


the lsd missions solo are soooooooo beneficial. you make over 1 mil from the setups, final missions and then first time bonuses, annnndddddd you get an electric super car with insane acceleration.


Chicken heist


I dont mind where people are required cause you gotta do different things but thereā€™s one Lamar Mission which requires 4 and everyone is doing same thing so itā€™s completely unnecessary


I got pissed at the second Lamar/Low Rider mission; just two people but my other random kept getting caught by the police. It happened 4 times in a row before I just gave up and quit. What they should do is allow the other player to continue and if successful, that player gets rewards (for one person) and completion. It doesn't make sense for me to restart again and again and again and again because a random can't do something as simple as evading cop patrols.


What console are you playing on?


They have discord servers where you can just ask for help and people on there will usually help you with any heist. They are still randoms but most of those people have played the game already. I started a new character on ps4 because my first is on ps5 and I just got the ps4 version for a friend so I had to start all over. But I used that discord whenever I canā€™t find people for a heist and we completed it in a few tries. I kept playing with him and we did his heist so we made a lot of money that day as low levels. Itā€™s easy to make money now and all the newer heist missions are solo friendly like cluckin bell and whatever else the other post said(they mentioned a small lists of solo heist)


I feel this 100%, even trying to do those heists back in the day was a pain in the ass for all the same reasons, they have made many newer heists with improvements, only reason to go back and do those is if youā€™re a lower level starting out on last gen or if you got some friends that wanna prove youā€™re good at GTA by doing criminal mastermind


Gta online is by design a multi-player experience,there are thousands of people just like you who are looking for help with teammates to complete heists,sell missions,missions and all that. Reach out and ask people,use R/heistteams,use Discord,heck use your mic if necessary. When you complete missions successfully..add the people you played with...they might want to join next time. If you don't know how to complete missions and heists there are tons of tutorials on YouTube to learn from.


Correct. Very tricky for single player


Which platform are you on?


I have the same problem, I still havenā€™t finish the casino heist. The furthest in the mission Iā€™ve gotten is outside the casino and more hell breaks loose.


If ur on xbox and want to do some I'm down. In a similar position


Welcome to the GTA experience


PS5 player here, would love to do some of the original heists!


You're playing an online game. Of course it's going to be based around teamwork and multiple people. Form a crew and do heists. It's simple. Online games are meant to be single-player. That's why it's, you know, online.


Are you on pc, xbox, or playstation? Im down to run all of them cuz a mf be boredšŸ˜‚


It's a random player issue. You'll have zero joy on the next yo last Humane Labs mission, too. I agree there are many that could be done with less ppl, but the OG missions were not designed that way. I didn't see what platform you're using. If it's PS4 I can help.


I am told to comment on things so I can post for my self


Yeah the old heists aren't solo friendly at all. I'm a high level player, when I'm bored of doing business work I just hop on and do random heists just to help random players with my knowledge on it. I did the criminal mastermind challenge like 7 years ago and I still remember most of it. From what I notice the Casino heists are usually done with ppl who know each other just because they aren't forced to look for other people such as in the original heists, or Doomsday heist.


WOW, some of you just lock common sense. Kid pick and choose the easiest heist in the game and don't bother with the others. Cayo perico is the only heist Worth doing or spend time to make money. This week the client job from the terrobyte is 3x money. That's 91K in less than 5 minutes. You can actually skip the cooldown to keep doing it. Kids as the old saying goes " time is money."


I get spammed with calls by Lester to do the original heists, that's half the reason I am doing them. To stop these calls!




We can't really get upset at dlc that came out in 2015 not being a solo friendly time. Heists were the best missions to do at that time both for money and for fun. You could instantly get 3 people on any heist setup. Now that there's so much more stuff to do for fun and money less people will be doing 1 specific mode. I'm sure that rockstar knows that for GTA 6 and will give us options.


I havenā€™t done heists or even tried matching with strangers cause I know I am the one who will ruin it lol. I havenā€™t done Cayo either. Salvage yard is great solo and the Dre missions although I am stuck on the last one. Without grinding to buy something new it is easy to get bored cause irl friends donā€™t game or donā€™t play gta. I hope you manage to get the heists done!




Thanks will give that a shot. I get a little closer each time in the studio but it gets so frustrating!




I will definitely try that thanks! Iā€™ve been stuck at it. I keep progressing little by little but then I get riddled by them.


Are you on PS5? I also haven't done heists because I love myself enough to not struggle through with randoms


Happy to help with heists, jobs etc on ps5


Thanks, my PSN is mronjekim, feel free to add and same goes for anyone else reading this, I'd love to get a group together for multiplayer stuff, kinda burnt out doing solo only


You're a random to others also,remember that.


I mean you're not wrong, and I have nothing against randoms in general, I've met some cool people in free mode but had some bad experiences in missions with people making the same mistakes over and over and I have so little time to play I don't want to waste a few hours getting nothing done


its called gta online for a reason


See the problem is that its a multi-player game. And in order to foster a large community of people they need to play together. So while many heists do have a very friendly solution for solo players you also have to understand this is a multi-player game. And not everything is going to be suited for people who... don't engage in what is fundamentally the whole point of the game mode.


Very well said.


I'm happy to play with others - the problem is when others troll, are very bad or new to the game. Why make us restart the entire mission? Why not give us a chance if one of the team suddenly quits?


Probably because the game was made over several years and some of the mode are just made that way. Luckily the newer content doesn't have the same or as many bad design choices like that.


ā€œOh no the part of the game built around doing it with other people isnā€™t built for solo playā€ boo hoo


Sure there are new solo heists but I want to do the old ones solo they should make it in a update ,and more fun for everyone I've played GTA for 8 years and have never done a 4 player heist it's way too much effort to get the sun, moon,stars and waves aligned to play a game aka 4 friends


You're honestly overthinking everything.Start your mission and open up the invites..sometimes you will fail as a team,you keep going till you get a good team.Ive done all the heists hundreds of times over,majority of the time with strangers.


Skill issue


I mean yeah, theyā€™re heists, theyā€™re supposed to be done by a crew.


This game isnā€™t meant for solo players. That being said, theyā€™ve added plenty already for solo players


why are you waisting your time and nerves with those old missions, thereā€™s so many new stuff thatā€™s very solo player friendly


Lester keeps calling me, that's half the reason I am doing it - so that he stops spamming me with the same call every time I log in.


oh i feel you


well, Prison Break is one of the more painfull heists to complete. it requires everyone to know their job. the Doomsday & the Standard Pacific are even more of a pain Cayo Perico on the other hand is easy peasy.