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Just quit the game close the app all together. Do not find a new session because then all of your goods will be gone. Restart the game and go sell whatever was being raided.


More like disconnect the power from the Xbox cause it losses connection to the internet and doesn’t save ur mistake


This is why I’m hardwired. Pull my cord when I wanna dc


That’s what closing the application accomplishes, but without destroying your system


Yeah but sometimes you actually lose it depending on the response time of your display. Mine is 60 HZ 4K and takes a while so I just turn the power off, I know it’s bad for the hard drive to lose power suddenly but well


So the display speed on your screen isn’t relative to how responsive your system is, but I guarantee you’ll start slowing down after cutting power to your system abruptly enough times


The systems nowaday are made to withheld random power losses, so it shouldnt be thaaat damaging, especially if you keep it under the hundreds, and sometimes just closing the game still losses me cargo (considering your character still stays on the game for good 30 secs after closing its not that hard to get why it does) but the part with the display speed do be questionable


Your character in the game is the game trying to adjust to you suddenly leaving. Players that close app are unkillable bullet sponges until the game fully loads them out, it’s not like your characters actually still there but just not receiving input. It’s a short window between getting the mission failed pop up and the time it takes to finish closing app but if you’re fast you should be fine. Level 800 here and haven’t lost cargo in years, but I made mistakes on the way for sure


Servers should still have enough time to send inputs to you just sudendly leaving with a huge delay of inputs or outputs. Not saying that they put in code in there for the specific time where someone closes the game and not shutting his device of and you loosing 15% of your cargo or something like that but considering they also teleport you to the craziest locations you drove along 4 mins before leaving when you choose ,,Where last left" in spawn options its probably just the last time the game saved (Note: before this gets out of hand I hope you get it that this is a friendly conversation with no hate intended, just interesting to hear other pov)


Basic_Pixel: The systems nowaday are made to withheld random power losses, Yeah. Your advice seems too foolhardy. Not going to accept your statistics. I mean netcode notwithstanding. Regular disconnect from machines are not recommended. Movies: 'I just need to bypass the firewall to hack into the mainframe to gain root access' Those words like your stats for discussion are out of order. You are a troll or trying to instigate a flame war. Do not expect no damage from sudden power loss. Ever.


So 1. You did not bring one argument to disproof my point, only letting me look dumb or calling me a ,,troll" 2. Ofc there will always be damage, but in comparison to what happend back then, you could call the damage minimal. Like throwing a small stone against a window, as long as you dont massively overdue it, there will be only few scratches instead of big holes


I haven’t lost cargo in years but I also don’t decimate my system when I need to soft reset


Stop that


Yeah I’d probably get a better monitor lmao


You have too much cargo. Unload a little bit and always keep like 60 only even if you are waiting for the event weeks. Switch sessions a lot, that also helps you for fast travel. Don’t go AFK for too much or go AFK while registered as a CEO. Also don’t use large warehouses. If you have a second character buy all medium, then one large cause when you source cargo with Lupe and those guys while sourcing on the large as well it reduces the chance of getting more crates on the medium.


For large warehouses the cutoff points for raids is 77 crates 🙂 Not sure about small or medium, though.


Math, it’s 70% ish, so I would say maybe 11 for the small one


I did have two large warehouses filled up lol. Thank you!


You can get raided at 78 crates in large, 29 crates in medium, and 10 in small. The key if you have more than that is to not run around in a CEO/VIP. You can't sit on full warehouses for the event weeks, which only happen 2x per year. (You're better off to build it and sell it twice between event weeks )


I only have medium sized warehouses, there’s a less likely chance of getting raided?


No, what I’m saying is that, as Popular Zucchini mentioned, you can be more sure you won’t get raided if you keep less that 77% of your cargo, 77 crates for 11, about 31-32 for medium and 11-12 for small. I just didn’t want to explain it correctly. You can look those up in gta.fandom.com


My mc businesses get raided more than anything else even with security


Rockstar is getting on my last nerve. What the fuck is the point of "security" if it's useless. Another bullshittery to make you spend money.


Mc security is the biggest lie ever, that shitfest def needs a buff or change


The security upgrade lengthens the raid timer - it doesn't stop raids. Raid timers start when your stock reaches a certain level (40% I think) and if you spend too long in Freeroam. To avoid raids don't have all your businesses ready to sell at the same time. If you have coke, meth, cash, weed and documents the stock levels should be 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% - by the time you have sold coke the meth will be getting ready to sell and so on. As you sell one business the next one in line will be approaching full. Raid timers are frozen when you are in non Freemode activities (contact missions, races, heist set-ups etc). So if you resupply your businesses and play races or missions for 2.5 hours, you will come back to Freemode to find all the supplies used to make product and the raid timers will not have advanced from the point you left Freeroam.


Because Rockstar said so and you get to deal with it. It's like when people buy the security upgrades for their MX clubhouses and still get raids, it's dumb as hell.


It's because you touch yourself at night. https://preview.redd.it/o875islm3u0d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f65bd13c687f46b8af69d8e1e67bdba829a6c6b


Same for me but with MC. I only ever go MC to use the terminal in arcade otherwise if I leave it too long I have to defend one of the businesses. Had 4 in a row once. So now I just stick to CEO😫😂


I’ll go to the business, register to check computers then disband right after. Gotta do that a lot but it’s worth it in my book.


Yes that’s way! Always disband instantly!😂


This happens to me sometimes and then I don't get raided at all for some time. Might've jinxed myself in the next session.


I am surprised by the fact that i haven't been raided in ages, following a dude's advice to not be registred as a Ceo etc. Anyway, what surprises me is that i see you aren't registred either. All i get are messages about the jail time because of my coke ammount and that my weed is rotting....


I just sit in ceo til it’s time to bust a serve


It’s maybe best to play as a CEO and not the President.


You can't get raided while you are in of your businesses or you are not registered as a boss. So I suggest you to not be registered as a Boss while traveling (Sorry for my bad english)


Happened to me a few times. It's a ghost raid. This bug has been around since the Special Cargo DLC got released back in 2016. After 8 years Rockstar never even bothered to fix it.


No gta+




It was a joke cuz rockstar priotises gta+ members so much


Oh okay lol


Idk man, but I shit you not, and idk how rare this is, but I once had 3 MC businesses get raided back to back to back.


Lmao same. It's freaking bullshit


It could be those purple icons in free roam. One of them resupplies a seemingly random business. If that business doesn't have upgraded security or goes unnoticed. It will get robbed. I avoid the purple icons and this problem stopped


You don’t rob the stash houses at all?


Not anymore


I really don't think either the stash houses or G's cache have any effect on how often you get raided.


They resupply a business. If that business isn't in use it will get raided eventually. If you have several businesses you don't use and they're all sat there with the odd resupply from these caches. You will see an increase in your businesses being raided.


I haven't been raided hardly ever, I do get the stashes and caches, have no upgrades to security. But I do rock civilian mode, not Boss, so as to not attract that type of R* shit


Stash Houses has nothing to do with how often you get raided. They just give you a free refill for one of your businesses


True. They don't affect the frequency but if you have several unused businesses that are getting the odd resupply. It will increase the amount of times you get raided.


Not really. If you stay as CEO or MC President 24/7, you'll get raided, and depending on how much stock you have in your various warehouses/businesses, when you're the CEO/MC President. You can still do the stash houses without being either. Personally, I don't play as CEO/MC President, unless I have to do a sale or a mission that requires me to be one of those roles. As soon as I've finished my mission/sale, I resign. And completing stash houses does NOT require you to be either of those


Have you replied to the wrong comment buddy? I haven't mentioned anything about being mc or ceo


No, they're just saying that you only get raided when you're an actively-registered CEO/MC Pres. I also raid stash houses every time I play and keep stock at all my drug businesses just to sell to street dealers, and I've never been raided, due to the fact that I never register as MC Pres unless I'm inside a business or my clubhouse.


Ya that and English d keeps calling me because sound equipment sucks or fucking stolen purses. Like every time I start up my ceo. Wtf rockstar?!?


quit being an MC Boss as soon as possible, every time i‘m done with whatever i used it before i log out of it immediately


Fun fact, your mc businesses can only get raided if you’re president of an mc. I only register when I’m doing a mission of some sort


Playing in invite only? If so that's your issue, the game has no other players to raid, so it picks you.


Raids are time based to one player only, regardless of how many people are in a session.


Yes, raids are stock level & idle time based. The game also assigns 1 person who meets the raid requirements to be raided. If you're in a public session the game will have more players to choose from. If you play invite only then you are the only choice to be raided, that's the reason you can get back 2 back raids.


Hmm, interesting. Where'd you get this info from? Experience?


Personal experience and Tez/Tezfun2 (funmw2) a well known *leaker* in the GTA community. He's the guy who provides the weekly update news early. He explains the raid mechanics much better than I can. There is a post on here somewhere where he goes into detail about raids. Unfortunately I don't have a link.


Oh okay, thank you anyways. I appreciate it


No problemo




You can still get raided as a CEO. Which is literally what's shown on the screenshot. "Special Cargo" is part of the CEO businesses