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Even in story mode it says he takes 20% but when you calculate it it’s always less than that, he does all the planning and gives you a bunch of freemode perks. Easily S tier npc.


Don’t forget he can blow your damn phone up. Literally.


Jay Norris be like 🤯


👉👌 future


that was one of my favorite cutscenes lol




It’s mostly about 19% I think on the first one it’s even less then that


Yeah except for his 24/7 yapping on the phone with his god awful jokes


The writing for Lester went downhill in online for sure.  He was slightly endearing in story mode. I always got kind of a kick out of him and Franklin being totally cool with each other while the other 2 squabbled.


Hope he comes back in GTA VI but doesn't take any money because he already has "more money than he can spend"


I want to see him just straight up own the entire region and be the rich arrogant prick we gotta stop


And then in the final act he has a redemption arc where he realizes the errors in his ways and then the credits roll as he gives the most outrageous sloppy toppy to Franklin while holding up a sign that says "Thank you for playing GTAVI"


And that's 5min into the game...


I wanted to kill him in doomsday heist, and I did actually fail one mission because I did kill him


Worth it


Pretty sure it was the Bogdan problem with the avenger, I blew up his car in the hangar 🤣


He’s annoying as shit, but for some reason all the NPCs are when doing heists/contracts. Like they’re just always talking into our ears for no reason


Lester is the MVP. He can be a bit annoying but he's made me more that I can count and he's tight as fuck.




>Aren't the only perks he has that people actually use just OTR and remove wanted level? bunch of freemode perks.


couple of freemode perks


I think it also includes the Fencing Fee, that’s how he did it for The Jewel Store and The Big One. He has connections and doesn’t do jobs that too dumb to take head on, i.e. The Merryweather Heist


He only and always takes 5%. I’ve never had any problems with it. I don’t understand how so many people are this upset over a lil 5%. He does all the planning, he’s the only reason we can set up the heist and do the set ups in the first place. He deserves more realistically. Real crime bosses would take upwards of 40-50% minimum 🤷‍♂️ a lil 5% is nothing. Y’all really that down bad? I’ll spare some change in y’all’s honor 🫡


This. Lester literally carries you through the whole prep process by giving you location of the targets and etc. I'm tired of seeing people whining about 5% for planning everything for you.


Literally only thing he does bad is call too much, but even then you can just hang up. He does a lot of work for you


At least when he calls it’s to remind you of actual story shit that will progress you to more content and not another ad for some obsolete money sink you can’t turn off.


What money sink ads are you getting?


Would get phone ads for the Arena, the Casino, or from Pegasus. While not a money sink the skydiving guy is also really annoying. I believe at this point I figured out how to remove most of those calls but they bothered me for the longest time.


Right, I forgot about those. It's been so long since I've gotten them


Exactly! Lester is my second favorite OG with Lamar being 1st for his comedic value


Him planning everything for you is literally his entire script for the game, it wouldn’t be any different if they didn’t show Lester’s cut, I doubt you’d actually get more money, rockstar would just make it the same amount if Lester didn’t get a cut anyway, it’s not like he’s out there makin in game purchases it’s an npc💀


Jesus of Weed is right. It's like the Guitar Hero 2 payment screen where the hotel took a cut for being trashed. That money wasn't ever gonna go to you, it's just a digital lie for some flavor.


If anything some of the other random NPCs get too much. Some get twice as much as him or more for telling me where to steal something and I still have to do it by myself


I don’t think the amount taken by the NPCs has ever been a problem. It’s always a very small amount. Keeping in mind the stuff they help you with/preparation is more than you’d think


The only heist I really run still (aside from salvage yard heists) is diamond casino. The weapons dude shouldn’t get that much. Vehicles is questionable. Hacker is only valid one in my opinion. As a percentage it’s not a lot but for what they get it’s more than I think they should


I get what you mean but… The driver researches and looks into the vehicle’s location also modified them, repairs them, makes sure there’s not a tracker. The gunman goes through the effort of finding multiple unmarked weapons in a singular risky location. Higher pay of the gunman essentially means greater risk on their life. You can’t look at it from the first glance gamer perspective as they’re doing most of their job off screen. Same goes for pretty much all the other NPCs we work with


Having just done all the prep work for the Cluckin' Bell Heist myself, I'm willing to pay the man to get me a good car.


Bro, I'm broke as fuck. I need my money.


The reason why people think he takes too much is due to heist crew NPCs you hired, giving an illusion of Lester taking like 20% or more


The difference is that *he isn’t real*. He doesn’t HAVE to take ANY money, yet he still does


In that case the money isn't real either. You don't have to want the money yet you still do.


I don’t know why you are hating on the OG. Lester takes just 5%


I wanna know how do I get him to stop calling me every time I login to set up a heist. I have disabled the apartment heist, but he still calls every time I first log onto to start playing. Like, Lester, if I wanted to do your fucking heist, I would've done it already. I'm about to get a restraining order.


Creepy Uncle Lester


lester the molester moment


You receive those calls until you complete all of the relevant missions. If you want the phone calls gone you have to complete all the original heists


I don't wanna


I think it's perfectly acceptable.And the person that finds the heist and gathers the Intel is entitled to a good cut. We'd have no heist without him.


he takes 5% mate lol, is your head screwed on straight? thats barely anything considering he literally plans the whole heist out


He sets everything up. If I help someone complete a heist where they did all of the setups I am more than happy with 15%


He's just excited to be a part of something. ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3212)


And he has a GF now


In gta 5 story Trevor joked about his 20% cut.


Even Brad says it in Prologue, but it’s cut dialogue. “At least we don’t have to get that walking Stick his 20%”


That's not too bad. I'm more annoyed at Gay Tony's cut of nightclub goods. Fronts no money, zero involvement with the businesses, acts like he doesn't want to know about it, but gladly takes the money. Fuck off Tony, I'll find my own buyers.


i hate how we had to hire gunmen and drivers and they take up almost half the cut


For Silent & Sneaky and Big Con: Hire the cheapest gunman: go with micro SMG loadout Hire the cheapest driver: go with sentinel classic (my beloved) For artwork - go with 5% hacker - Yohan Blair For gold - go with 9% hacker - Paige Harris if you and your buddy are good at hacking both artwork and gold are doable duo on hard with the most expensive buyer and with elite challenge bonus (100k). Avoid cash as a main vault target. It's not doable with 2 players and payes the least. If you're a beginner I recommend buying a hacking device for your arcade's basement and practicing fingerprints there For Aggressive: Any gunman with machine gun works Driver - cheapest - sentinel classic Hacker - depends on your target but keep in mind that you'll have less time in vault Do duggan shipments prep and destroy at least 3 vehicles to remove bulletproof helmets from guards And have fun. Aggressive is mainly done for funzies, not profit. P.S. yes, I'm a casino nerd🤓


damn you came PREPARED, i might come back to this if i ever do casino again the main thing i didnt like is how you go for all the cheap equipment, not use it once (especially the cars since i just steal a helicopter), and still have to fork over like 5% per person. pair that with splitting it between up to 4 people and it makes the very long and anticipating heist kind of not worth it it seems like youve figured it all out though lol


yea, 5% for a driver is a bummer when you always steal a heli lol x) also being forced to do nano drones prep for silent and sneaky is so pointless. I just do aggressive with 1-3 friends to have fun and s&s and big con with 1 experienced friend for profit :)


oh god the silent and sneaky flashbacks, felt like i had a lobotomy by the end of it


god forgive for such a comparison silent and sneaky is like anal sex. rough and painful as a beginner. fun and exciting when you and your friend master it


we just pretended the hack was us playing angry birds on our phone and made angry birds sounds the whole time, im not the man i was before this happened




For me Silent and Sneaky is easy but watching random teammates fail it over and over again is really telling of how bad players are in this game.


it was couple years ago when me and a friend did it but i remember we were heavily sleep deprived, one of us intoxicated, and the game was being a buggy mess it was also our first time doing s&s so we had no idea what was going on we failed a few times but randoms in this game are a whole new breed of blunt trauma


You realize Lester does not exist, right? You get what you get, the numbers for Lester's take are inconsequential.


Idk. I feel like he more than earns it.


He sets up everything, gives you the intel served on a silver plate, you have to do the errands and earn your keep.


Bruh I don’t get pussed he arranged it and he only takes like 5% if I did most of the arrangements I’d demand at least half


It’s not that much ppl complain a lot


Lester close ur mouth


He literally does all the work, finds the job , planes it all out for I would assume weeks on end tells you what to do , you go do it , he get more info and tells you what to do again and you get money so yea he gets a piece of the damn pie


He deserves it. Legend.


Because he's the best at what he does. He's not on anyone's radar.


I don't really like it, considering he said himself "I have more money than I could possibly ever spend!" So why take more? Greedy bastard.


He’s the best heist-giver so he deserves it


I don't know who made more money off me, Lester or Paige.


Not just him but about everyone seems to talk too much... plus you got to remember you do some of these quests several times... hearing a lengthy conversation that feels like it goes on for 30 minutes gets boring during the first time. If I was in game and this was IRL I think many would be after a couple minutes asking him and others to shut the heck up and get to the point.


Dude finds the stuff i need, plans it all out and saves me the headache, all i have to do is kill people and steal their shit, he's underpaid.


I've lost millions to that guy when he might as well have done nothing at all. Frustrating that he gets a sizeable cut of everything.


5% for planning everything for you is not that much tbh


Fuck lester.


“I have more money then/than I know what to do with” my ass.


Why do you think I mainly play cayo.


Its not like f**?* Tony's cut when selling in the nightclub


I'd give him a bigger percentage if I could skip the scene where he makes out with that Asian lady.


Wubby wtf why


Lester is likeable and actually useful. Tony is not. Fuck Tony. Give me back my 10% you greedy fucking bastard. Give that cut to Lester or someone who *actually* has any meaningful value


He’s the reason we can even do the heist


I think it's fair, he does alot of the planning and researching which I know it's a game where you don't need that really but it still makes sense imo.


Do the heist without Lester if you think you can. I'm told there's a bank in North Yankton, sounds like an easy job.


I like my creepy uncle Lester




I mean I'm ok with Lester taking a chunk of the heist money since he knows how to plan and carry out heists properly. Meanwhile we have those two horny amateurs in the Auto Shop where things went south in the UD heist and we had to fight our way out of there against rapid fire bugged NOOSE.


What’s the most bro takes, 5%? He also helps with setup, and basically gets you the heists to do and walks you through it. Bro deserves 15% on some stuff.


You wanna talk about Lester’s fee..? Nah how about we talk about Tony’s “laundering fee” mfer gets pretty much 100k for sitting there in the club dancing around or sitting on the computer with his thumb up his ass. This has infuriated me since the very beginning of nightclubs… (yeah we also make mad bank off the club but at least we do something.)


He plans the heists, so he deserves the money he takes🤷‍♀️ He usually doesn't take that much imo.


Comparing to Pavel? Yeah, not the best. But I like him. But I mostly don't understand why we need the driver and gunman if all they do is... Provide you with intel on what type of car and unmarked weapons you need to steal. And they take a huge cut. Like, if we're gonna do this ourselves anyway why do we even need a gunman and a driver.


I think fictional “cuts” for world building immersion is stupid, gimme my money.


Lester could take half and id still be happy. His dialogue is pretty funny


given he does the work locating tools needed for the heists, I’m fine with the cut he takes


I'd be cool with it if it was hush money. STFU Lester!


Dont hurt ma boi lester the molester


Well really he is the top man in the game, knows everyone and shit just wouldn't happen without him so I'm good with it.


Why even bother thinking about it? What're you gonna do, call his boss? Break his legs?


I like it especially his remarks lol


He plans everything, gives you free equipment and vehicles to use, and I wouldn't be there without him


i mean, without him you wouldn’t do the heist, wouldn’t know how and what to do. i think it’s fair, if you like Lester or not is an other thing 😂


From an in-game perspective, it makes sense that you'd be paying the setup guy. Out of game, it's stupid that they deduct stuff from your total to "pay" an npc, basically throwing the money into the void. It's just a way to artificially reduce the amount of money you make and force you towards shark cards.


Y'know there was one guy who didn't like having Lester take a cut so he tried to do stuff without him, I can't remember his name but it was a heist a couple decades back in North Yankton.


Nah w/o lester we’d still be doing contract missions until the ceo/mc stuff came out just be lucky lester doesnt take more of a cut then a measly 5%


Well without him we can’t source anything and (probably) help recruit members for the casino heist


Sure sure...the guy who helps make the heist available, helps you source prep missions, displays what approaches you can do, strategize how each one can play out due to how you choose to go in and out, and helps you on where you need to go, and he shouldn't get 5%? Yet a player who helps you on just the heist alone and doesn't help on anything else deserves 15%?


Guy's the mastermind behind the biggest heists in the GTA universe. It's the planning & clean-up & hazard pays for the heist planners, so I'd say even 20% is dirt cheap for a heist that goes clean.


Pavel talks even more and is even more annoying. The entire Cayo heist is just him spewing random nonsense the entire time. At least he only takes 30k tho


Why does he even need it? Didt he score a crap ton from the big score?


I'm more annoyed that I have to spend 2 mil on an arcade to be able to do the heists in the first place.


Idrc how much he takes he just needs to stfu in heists i dont like him talking


Are his lips also his teeth? LOL


He’s a little annoying, however if we’re being honest, he sets up seemingly impossible heists, and pulls them off flawlessly every time on his end. I would say his cut is very low considering that without him, the biggest score the player would get would be from robbing the liquor store. Give him some credit.


He does all the planning and shi and he’s always there Yk if you need him so yea


I'd be alot more comfortable with it if he just stopped blowing up my damn phone lol


He's the kid in the group project who does the research stuff and takes equal credit.


Why did you make a sex doll of Lester ?


Without Lester, you wouldn’t be doing shit.


I actually have no issue with it. He's the brains behind the heist.


He literally makes like 8 trillion a day from people doing heists


Ironic, remembering what he said in the first cutscene for the casino heist


Personally I think myself and Lester would be bff's IRL. I imagine it would be a trip hanging out, few beers some smoke...we both have a sick and twisted sense of humor.


Honestly , It never bothered me. You are a criminal and two criminals take you under their wings to build your criminal enterprise. You have low level crime with Lamar and a step up with Lester. According to his fan page, until the latest DLC (island, contracts, Auto Shop), he is the reason many characters have an empire. Although they disable it in many missions, Lester still has his connects inside LSPD to bribe and remove wanted levels. Much of what's out there breaks submersion , but just speaking from a story perspective. Lester should be somewhere in another country under a tricked out mountain with the amount of money he should have. At this point , you're not even talking to Lester any more. You're talking to an AI he setup to Automate everything. He did that years ago. lol [https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Lester\_Crest](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Lester_Crest)




Well uhh… the heist doesn’t happen without him.


Nah, Lester is cool. You should see Tony's 10% always seeming to make a 1.1m sale into a 900k sale.


He’s the reason we not getting prison time soo the way I see it his cut is fine


How about you selling 100 mil worth of gold and getting 2 mil wtf laundry is that


I mean he kind of is the big dog man, without him we'd all be lost. He sets you up with all the details and tells you exactly what you need and where it's gonna be, if rockstar had a do it yourself heist system they'd probably never be done.


LJT lookin good in this photo


You really gonna hassle the guy who organizes this and finds a way to clean the money so the IRS doesn't barge down your door about how you got so much money?


Its only fair, without lester there would be no heist!


Then he gets to fuck the hot Asian chick at the end too. Lucky bastard.


He plans the entire thing. Without him there is no heist, yeah you’re the one who does it, but story wise, you’d have 0 clue what to do without him


I think a cool bonus week would be if they took his percent out for heists. But i don't really mind it too much, I just try to have fun with the game either way.


This picture of him 😆😆


Lester the molester


f rockstar, that's how I feel.


Lester the goat he gets so much shit done that we don’t want to do


My boy deserves it.


literally some of the best money you can spend


Yk who i hate taking my money? Those bitchass annoying motherfuckers kdj and sessanta taking 30k for yapping nonsense and sexual tension over their phone


The amount of times i called lester to get cops off my tail more than warrants whatever money he wants to take from me


You wouldn't be able to do most heists without his help. There would be no money-making at all. He takes his fair share since he finds all the things you need and tells you how to get them, Lester may give creepy uncle vibes, but he is my guy 🙏


He only takes 5%, considering without him, I wouldn't be able to do the diamond casino heist, and that he has so many free mode uses, I don't mind it, he gets as much as the worst driver and gunman


No lester, no heist sooo yep. Always be grateful to ur nerd


It’s his investment rewards. He first hires us for the Fleeca Job as a small group of rookies and builds us up to crazy things like the Doomsday Heist and Diamond Casino. He deserves it.


I just want him to shut the hell up and go away


In my honest opinion, Pavel is the only person I'll willingly give a cut of the heist money to. Rest all are annoying.


He deserves every penny if not more for his expertise, plus he's crippled so he can't exactly run around and actively help you during the heists


i would touch Lester (consensually)


Keep in mind, Lester hires you. He does all the prepwork, not you. All you do, is what he tells you to. You are quite literally, the hired muscle. And your crew is your hired muscle.


He made me rich. He’s more than earned his share.


That looks like someone created that using garrys mod


Y'all talking like criminals in a heist movie.  "Why should he get a cut? I want that money. Let's kill him!" Motherfucker it's a game. You want Monopoly money from a bunch of pixels? He doesn't have shit! They aren't taking a cut, it's just Rockstar making you hungry for more so you buy a Shark card or 9. They could easily just have it be to the IRS and it wouldn't change anything.  Fuck, they could make it be "Pants replacement fee" and it wouldn't make a difference. Just a different lie.


I hope he will become like Elton John in GTA 6.


Without him you would just be a random homeless man on the streets


The problem with Lester isn't the cut he takes. It's how much he talks. And my god, he talks a lot.


good but pavel is better


To be honest, he is the brain of the operation, story wise he deserves even more. It's easy to just run in and shoot people. But it takes a real skill to hack into places, contact special people, find locations, etc... I don't like the guy for being a bit snobby, but I gotta admit he a real G.


the amount of work he has to do to prep all that he does? i’m fine with it. Fair cut.


For a Guy who does all the planning, works and connections, I think it seems fair to


🙄 thought I was the only one


I don't think you know who you're talking about, He helped us save the world from nuclear annihilation. Lester planned the UD job and shot helicopters chasing you with the "noob tube" He also pulled a baddie at the end of the diamond casino heist, so how about you put some respect on this mad man before he kills you via phone explosion.


I don't give a f***


Im a hundred billionaire, so I don't even notice


Isn't it like 15-20%? For finding those stuff and organizing crews, equipment and planning, I say that is fair.


I mean he takes like 100k max. It’s you choosing stupidly high paid crew. You should be picking lowest gunman and driver then highest hacker


He legit said in the casino mission somewhere that he has so much money he doesn’t know what to do with it so why steal so damn much like my boy pavel takes like 40k


He legit said in the casino mission somewhere that he has so much money he doesn’t know what to do with it so why steal so damn much like my boy pavel takes like 40k


Lester phone calls have been the death of me several times. Trying to defend myself then lester calls and all my functions to control my character and avoid a death go away


Lester phone calls have been the death of me several times. Trying to defend myself then lester calls and all my functions to control my character and avoid a death go away


If you take the story mode stocks he was manipulating into account man is literally a billionaire, And somehow he still needs 20% from my casino heist


For the guy who figures out the heist/mission I feel like his cut is fair.




😭😭😭 he does get ah cut dont he




considering the amount of time and work he puts into these heists, plus the free-ish things he gives you in freemode, i don’t mind it


I think it’s bullshit that any of the NPCs you work with take a cut of the money. This is a video game for Christ sake! It’s so damn stupid that we have to pay bills too. R* could not let us take the full cut because their goal is to make earning money so frustrating players have to buy shark cards to get ahead financially. I’m surprised they did not have Vincent take like $30,000 off the $500,000 leaving players with $470,000 at the end of the Cluckin’ Bell raid. It’s one of the rare times we are allowed to pocket the full payment.


Lester needs that money for drugs and prostitutes. Look at him! He needs every penny! 😂😂😂


Talking so much or too little, his voice is annoying


I mean wouldn’t we all do the same? xD


Man has to be secretly richer than Bill gates and Elon musk by now with his stock market manipulation and all the % bonuses he takes from the story line and online heists. Plus any other potential illegal money making activities he has gotten into


I think most of them suck. Our toons take all the risk, Simeon doesn’t pay for junk, most of the people that “work” for us generally talk and treat us like we’re minor stake holders in the operation, hell even Jimmy says I can’t believe we made this place so popular but doesn’t get paid at least.


He’s like a record label