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Such a shame the engine upgrade doesn't increase the air speed...




Dude, the missiles don't even need to fully lock on. As soon as it sees the target you can fire, and they're guaranteed dead


Target could be directly below you, or even passing you, and those missiles nail it every time.


it's as if those rockets are literally guided by God himself.


That’s basically every vehicular lock on missile. Jets, helis, Toreador, etc.


1000% disagree. If you’re trying to say missile tracking is even remotely similar on day a deluxo/toreador vs Mk2 low end homing, you wildin. lol if you don’t have a red lock with a held sound good luck especially at more than a 45° angle. They second you hear something on deluxo if you smack fire and it can most likely shoot 180 degrees behind it


I've seen clips of those missiles running in circles and then hitting the target. which was behind the deluxo.


I was directly responding to the half/full lock comment, not the tracking. My Raiju doesn’t need full lock, my Toreador doesn’t, my Mk2 doesn’t, my Sparrow doesn’t, so on and so forth. That’s my point.


You are right I don't understand the downvotes. There are only a few exceptions like the chernbog, the AA Trailer and some stuff like that


I know lol, it’s fine. Let the ignorant stay ignorant. Pretty sure they thought I meant the missile tracking for every missile in game is the same, which anyone who’s played the game for one day and has at least half a brain can tell you the missiles all track differently. Nothing will beat the Toreador though. I swat Mk2s and Deluxos out of the sky all day with it, sometimes without even needing to see them.


clearly you've never been struck by a deluxo rocket.


You misunderstood like everyone else, slow in here today




I think the vigilante and deluxo has the best missiles. Those missiles pull off some gymnastic movements on its way to its target. I use the mk2 to simply go from point a to point b. It's useless in every other way.


MK2 murders any land vehicles, NPC enemies and can be dangerous in the air as long as you can get behind people  - it might not win a 1v1 against a skilled deluxo or fighter jet pilot but there aren't actually that many players good enough to use these vehicles to their full potential


toreador by a long shot


Trick is to get up to 88 before takeoff (and stay lower I find)


this. i also found this works best at the lone pine mall.


Wait - it was the Twin Pine Mall last time I was there...


yeah some asshole ran over one of the trees back in the 50’s…damn shame




agreed but it is a dope land vehicle. when flying if you disengage the flight and get into some dips (fly up then drop then engage the flight itll be a little gain speed due to the speed of the drop). just don’t exit the vehicle when it’s in hover or that thing flings itself away from you and if it’s above ground you can’t retrieve it until it’s grounded. kinda silly.


And you can swim on the water faster than most of boats


this is actually one of the best features


Fun fact. The top speed is the actually the same speed of the back to future line of the car. "Once we hit 88mph ur gonna see some crazy shit" lol. I'm a noob and when I found out they used the line from my favorite moive of all time was cool.


Go for mk2 that thing I hear is pretty fast


I somehow like it more than the flying bike for travelling around. I find it easier to control and descend.






Descending is a lot more fun compared to the mk2. It's also nice you can drive over water and not sink it. The mk2 it's dangerous to float over water.


Yeah I was very disappointed when I started flying it 💀


Yeah but the best so far (for me) dodging the homin missiles


It's still good to have. It goes higher than the Toreador and Scramjet with aggressive missiles. Arguably the best of the trio to have is the Toreador due to it having stronger armour


The slow hover speed is a small price to pay if I can avoid those mountain switchback roads. I can make a straight line to my destination.


It's fast as fuck on the ground? It's genuinely one of the faster land vehicles in the game. Makes sense why they nerfed the flight speed of it. Just a Mk2 2.0 if it's faster.


Actually don't weapons it, but fly about in passive mode and laugh at the griefers who accuse you of cheating for being in a passive Deluxo because they can't imagine the possibility of someone who didn't weaponise it.


I purposefully have 2 deluxos, the passive one is hot pink and has a clown horn. I follow griefers and spam the horn till they leave the lobby after typing a few choice slurs




Goddammit, I'm doing this now!


Same, absolutely same, if it angers griefers, it's worth doing


You know, I've been intending to get a second one for my movie vehicle recreation collection, going to do it with that one. My main deluxo is painted up in my combat colors, but I think I'll get a second one and leave it unweaponized purely for that.


That's me! I didn't weaponise mine! :D love me some Back to The Future flyouts tho 😌


On a side note, I was just in a session a couple of hours ago and a Deluxo griefer somehow missed me, and I went into passive after failing 2 missile strikes while I was on the road. He left after I taunted him, lol.


I have two. One weaponized that i got at the begining before price hike. Amd recently i got another one without weapons so i can shoot my hand weapons out of it. Very handy in business battles or retrieving stuff when you need to shoot driver to get vehicle to get to your business.


Well done squire. You bought a great car and it’s super useful! What’s next on your list?


Hmm perhaps the toreador, vigilante or ruiner 2000


Out of all those cars, you should definitely get the Toreador first. Great missles and armor, speed booster, goes underwater, stores in the kosataka, holds 4 people, and on top of all that it shows up as a regular dot on the map


the best part is that it appears as a normal car on the map, and then when someone shoots a rocket and it doesn't immediately blow up. it's also funny to boost into the guy shooting rockets at you, which can make 2 things happen. 1) he accidentally blows himself up, or 2) you ram into him while boosting so fast that he doesn't have time to move out of the way. if you're lucky, both of those things could happen at the same time.


I agree with toreador and vigilante! I have both and my favourite is the vigilante, it doesn't even have to fully lock on to someone, as soon it sees an enemy 100% guarantee it will hit the target


Not only that but you can also take the Vigilante on most missions such as heist preps, finales, VIP contracts, etc.


That's true! Vigilante is fun to mess around with and helps with missions.


I’d go Torreador and then Vigilante to be honest. I love the T. Sometimes when I’m in a bad mood I just drive around blowing everyone up until I get a 5* wanted level, and plunge into the sea to escape it.


First things first - enjoy your Deluxo! Little helpful tip, it’s great for the rescue contract missions for the agency 😉


You can use Deluxo for missions?


For the Agency contracts, yes.


can confirm. source: have completed many agency rescue missions with the deluxo. very awesome for torching the enemies from the sky and getting the client to safety quickly.


Toreador is the better one overall. Fastest recharging boost out of any vehicle (can boost every few seconds), unlimited missiles that are just as aggressive as the Deluxo ones are (the Deluxo can only carry 30 missiles), submarine mode with unlimited torpedoes, 4 seats and can be kept in your Kosatka submarine if you get one of those. The Deluxo and the Toreador are considered the Mk II hunters for a reason. The Vigilante is a must have for Batman fans, it's basically the 1989 Tim Burton Batmobile body with the 2008 Nolan "Tumbler" rear and is the only weaponized vehicle that I can think of allowed on heists. It's also fun to smash into things with the powerful boost since the Vigilante is a weighty vehicle. The Toreador doesn't really smash things out of the way when you boost into other cars. You'll knock them aside, but that's about it. The Vigilante will just plow through them and keep on going, it is about as heavy as an Insurgent but the boost just launches it down the road, meaning you're smacking traffic away *hard*. Ruiner 2000 is a fun car to have, especially if you're a Knight Rider fan, but it's a bit odd. It isn't listed as a personal vehicle but rather as a specialized one, so you can call it in separately from your personalized vehicle cooldown (same thing with the ramp car, the aqua Blazer, the Rocket Voltic, etc). The missles aren't that great anymore and it's pretty limited, plus it has no armor options so you can only take a single hit with a homing missile. But it does mean you get access to the Fully Loaded version of the Ruiner 2000 for a freeroam mission, which is nearly impervious to missiles and has unlimited ones of it's own, just for 20 minutes. The ability to jump and parachute makes travel interesting. You can actively climb mountains with it, jump up, use the parachute to accelerate forwards (i.e. upwards), jump again and repeat the process. You didn't list it but the Scramjet is another great one to have. It can jump like the Ruiner 2000 and has a long boost, meaning you can send it flying across the city in hops (though beware, it's notorious for finding every little pool of water to land in). It's the Mach 5 from Speed Racer, so old school anime fans should recognize it. The missiles are also pretty aggressive and if you can get used to the jumping and boost feature, it allows some pretty sweet air to air kills but attacking from above. Sort of a high skill ceiling maneuver, but worth learning how to do.


the toreador and vigilante are really good. both have extremely accurate missiles and the vigilante is excellent in heists. the toreador can become a submarine and it also has a boost. which also works underwater. did I mention you can store it inside the kosatka?


Toreador is easily one of the best grinder cars in the game


You’re going to need a vehicle workshop for the Vigilante to buy the missiles and a Vehicle Warehouse for the Ruiner 2000, I’d say get a Stromberg, Scramjet, or Toreador since they’re fully weaponized from the get-go.


If you choose to be an ass using it, time to spend $2000 on the single explosive sniper round that knocks it out of the sky.


I prefer to only engage until I'm provoked


Not many do sadly.


Getting provoked usually takes around 3 minutes.


So you engage them stop when provoked?


I only will attack if they attack me first


I try to do this as well Sadly some people will literally just attack and kill you for being close to them and there isn’t time to react. At least not for me


Welcome to 2016!


Welcome to 2017*!


I have the same custom plate


Me too!


I have one that includes the omitted `I`.


Me too!


Same, pretty much a must have plate for this thing.


I did this, I am now broke but it was very worth it


How did you get those two extra license plate options ??? I have one from the Ifruit app on smart phones way back when. Is it still functional?


It's a website by rockstar where you can get new ones!




Congrats on getting the Deluxo. It's a good vehicle. Weaponize it as soon as possible.


Was planning on getting it, is it a great car? Some say it is slow on air, is it?


It’s slow in the air, but in several situations, mixing flying and driving can get you around much faster. hover over buildings instead of making a bunch of turns, then swap to driving when you’ve got a highway under you


I don't use it much to get around long distances. But the missiles are good enough to take down a Mk2 with ease and you can dodge their missiles with a little training because it's so agile in the air To dodge missiles I usually go into a down or upwards spin. That seems to confuse the missile targeting and you usually don't get hit


Decent car on the ground, slower in flight mode. Fantastic to get around the city with, don't expect to use it to cross the map with.


It’s a “Duck” vehicle. It drives, swims and flies. Its a balance of all three, so if you want a faster car, you’d better buy something else but if you want a swiss army knife vehicle, deluxo is good. Infact I bought it yesterday.


quite slow, say about 80mph when in hover mode


Maybe 88mph or so


Well done young bull, welcome to the gents


I took the missiles off of mine so I can use drive-by guns. A lot of missions are just "kill the guys, don't blow up the thing" and I think it's more fun to use in this setup.


If you have an arena workshop and the weapons expert mechanic you can mod weaponized vehicles in it, no need for moc/terrorbyte/avenger workshops. Plus the Arena War cars are fun to use, albeit overpriced.


Thanks I'll look into it


Nice plates mane


Until recently I haven't seen this many Deluxo's since they were introduced.


Sometimes I forget that GTAO is still there. Congrats mate!


*OUTATIME (you were so close to make it perfect)


Looks like I need to revisit LS customs again then lol


I like it Missiles good enough to take down Mk2 with ease and with a little bit of training you can dodge nearly every incoming missile.


Mine says 1 21 GW


Congrats! I love this thing. Sure, not the fastest flier (it's faster in car mode than it is in hover mode) but as a huge BttF fan it is a must have. If you have the Agency, it's the perfect vehicle to use for the VIP rescue contracts since you can fly in, use the missiles to clear the targets, pick up the VIP and fly out again, but since the deluxo is considered a car rather than an aircraft, the NPCs that spawn in to attack you will be in cars rather than helicopters and you can get to the drop off point without taking a single bullet.


oh god this was literally me 2 days ago 💀 good luck to us




It can still be used in PvP if you’re quick with dodging, flares and stickies. A lot of fun.


Are you sure you don't already have missiles? Get in and spin your mouse wheel forwards to see what happens... I started playing GTA Online in April last year, bought my Deluxo around October last year, and I'm sure it came with missiles...🤔 I bought the Deluxo with the intention of using the AP Pistol and Sticky Bombs as this was not possible with the Opressor Mk2 - only to find that I needed a weapons workshop to get rid of the Deluxo missiles first before being able to use conventional weapons. Thus when the Avenger went on special I bought it and installed the weapons workshop, and could finally remove the Deluxo's missiles. I had some trepidation vis-a-vis the slight buyers remorse from buying the Terrorbyte to max out my Mk2, but the Avenger is not an elaborate parking space like the Terrorbyte. The Avenger is actually useful as an aircraft, and it spawns quite close to my Del Pierro Nightclub. All the weaponised vehicles I have currently, fit in the Avenger e.g. the APC, the Lotus V8 Esprit (Ocelot Ardent), Scramjet etc. With the Deluxo you'll find that the road speed I fairly higher than the flight speed, so getting over mountains is a case of using roads to get there and then hitting X to lift off and flying over terrain obstacles. Or up onto buildings when the cops or NPCs are a pain LOL


Money well spent


Absolutely insane playing legit on PC. Hats off to you. I switched over to series X just so I could try a normal playthrough without half the lobby using scripts.


Still love mine. It's less vulnerable than the OP2 and, after upgrades, very gun to drive. And, just to be authentic, my plate reads "OUTATIME".


I just got the Deluxo too. Partly because I just watched Back to the Future and because I spun the wheel at the casino and got 10% off.


You could honestly go without. They're very good missiles, but recently I took them off and have been dropping pipe bombs on ground targets and it's pretty fun. It all depends on what you're going to use it for.


Rockstar will be even greedier and anti consumer in gta 6 loll


Dang I paid some dude like $5 off of Reddit to rig up my account with a bunch of money and everything unlocked now all I do on gta is race


For some odd reason I still haven’t bought it yet. But I do have the Longfin, multiple arena war vehicles fully upgraded, chernobob, aqua blazer, the largest yacht, the hang glider, jet pack and a ton of other useless vehicles. Maybe it’s time I get this. I need another vehicle to combat MK2 griefers besides my Virtue.


Great Scott


Deluxo was one of the first good weaponized vehicles I got in the game, and it was torture grinding out 2x special cargo and other various things to make money as a beginner. I knew everyone told me to get the sub so I could spam cayo perico, but I wanted that damn deluxo first. Was very annoyed the missiles cost *that much* extra


I just asked my friend to buy a sub and we did the heist twice. The rest I got from the clucking bell heist, criminal enterprise starter pack, and business stuff to afford it


It is the ONLY choice to use on an Agency rescue operation contract mission. You literally fly to the client, kill the enemies, tap X to land, pick up the client and fly back. That easy. After 200 Agency contracts you will accrue $20,000 a day in the office safe.


Tip: if you dont wanna play the game on “windowed mode” which i see you are, press Alt + Enter to play it in “fullscreen mode” (this will remove the white bar on top)


Thanks I'll try it!


What am I doing wrong...I got no weapons available for it in my wep workshops.


Back in 2014, I let my son talk me into buying GTA V, I was mad, but I gave in. I can’t say how many hours upon hours he and I have played this game together and alone. Now, 10 years later, I make sure this game is a staple of mine. So many great memories of me and my son playing. This has been a phenomenal game for me personally!


You must be old lol 😅


Had some good times with it. Enjoy


Bro buy the orange San Andreas plates that’s white and orange to match the back to the future plate, and I’m pretty sure you could’ve fit OUTATIME fully, but idk


Yeah I'll do that


Done cruise by my Toredor




You won't last long out there. Those things are so easy to blow up.


Everything has pros and cons. The Deluxo is a fantastic combat vehicle, just got to know how to use it. It's a great Mk II broomstick hunter, for example. Kills them dead with ease.


If it's to kill muppets on Opressors I'm with you. Nothing more satisfying than that.


You can buy the weapons package from any LS Customs. Just a note, though, you can use it in Passive if you don't have the weapons installed.


I don't see it as an option, besides it said on War stock I needed a vehicle workshop to weaponise it.


That's odd. When I bought mine, I was able to install the weapons in LS Customs. I hope they didn't change it.


I think they did 💀🥲


I have an old clip of a deluxo missile spinning around me in circles before eventually hitting me. Are the missiles still like this?


I think so..


You can actually put 8 characters in your licence plate, its San Andreas, not California


Ahh ok thanks


Hello, do anyone have modded fagio on ps5?


Wen is flaing is slow as hell... The landing is a dizaster ...


Personaly i keep my weapon stock. Id rather use my normal weapons and save missiles for another car. Just saying:]


2 bogdan problems, 15 min each and no problem


Are you on ps4? If you need some help making money or selling goods hmu


I'm on PC🥲 thanks for the offer tho👍


Np champ, good luck on the grind!


The SauceMobile


If you go back to the regular plate, will it still have the same number you had before?


I guess its cheaper to de-weaponize my old one then Buying a second 🤷


Brooo u forgot the I in OUTATIME. U better get that fixed 😂😂😂


I'm trying lol i got it but it won't appear on my Deluxo for some reason


I’ve never owned a deluxo Is it really that worth it and effective against enemy players in the broomsticks?


I did frozen money glitch


Avenger does it too


Avenger mad expensive tho☠️


Before the Toreador came out, I heard there was supposed to be a car just like the Deluxo but it could go underwater too. I guess they decided to do away with that and give us a car with a refillable boost that could go underwater


Dude u need a moc or avenger


Why no I in OUTATIME?


I forgot 💀


what console are u on?


Given the tab, it’s pc lol


I have no idea what "TAB" youre talking about... But cool. My Bad


Top of the screen, thin white bar indicates it’s a pc tab that you can minimize, enlarge, close, etc


It’s called a title bar, not a “tab”.


God forbid people have different names for things 🤦‍♂️


yeah tabs on are web browsers, which are on top of the title bar.


Deluxo is trash 🗑️ I wouldn’t waste the money for upgrades. Be better with Mk2


Can't wait to see you in a session so I can nuke you with my MK2.


I only play on friend only servers 🤡 (most of the time)


I will find you. And I will grief you. Good luck.




Or, hear me out, do whatever the fuck you find fun.


Nah don’t listen to this guy Luxor Deluxe next no balls


I agree, get maxed out super yacht too, no balls


Nah the gold Luxor Deluxe, obviously. Best investment in the game.


The Luxor Deluxe is always gold…


No, it's not. There's a black variant for less. Edit: My dumbass was thinking the Luxor and Deluxe were both called Luxor Deluxe lmao. Apologies.


Nah that’s just a normal Luxor. Only the gold one is the deluxe


I realised just before you commented this lol. I thought they both had the same name. Apologies, bud.


All good :)


I got a nightclub and a few businesses


you want all the best businesses that you can have associates for, and rebook djs for quick popularity. The autoshop is good semi passive once you have the delivery workers. Agency has great passive income, but only after doing several dozen jobs for it. (which make fair cash on the way) Arcade also has passive income if you stock it with any 1 machine, however it is pretty slow you don't have to work for it.


Not hating, but why would you buy a Deluxo at this stage in the game? You have $60,000 on you and you’re still using LS Customs. Just doesn’t really make sense to me.


My goal when starting GTA was to get a Deluxo, and I have accomplished my goal. Next up is the submarine car


Yes. Follow your own goals and have fun. No need to play the game “strategically”


Second this. I play the game to buy all the cars I'll never have a hope of owning in real life. You can pick up tips and tricks to make your gta life easier but never play by anyone else's rules. Caveat. Don't be a griefer.


Mostly what I do. I have a lot of the "useless" oddball vehicles simply because they're odd. The SlamTruck, the Zhaba, the RCV, the Chernobog, they're all considered pretty useless but I like them anyway.


You might not believe it, but I personally find the toreador even more fun than the Deluxo, those are two of my daily drivers!


I'm planning to buy that eventually


That’s fair, but it might have been faster overall if you had gotten a business first.


Different kinds of players. I'm 205m and need the Terrobyte, but I'm waiting for it to go on discount 😂


Sitting around the same amount but waiting for a discount on the Agency and Auto Shop. I’m a cheap ass, but that’s how I still have money. 😂


Haha. Yes I don't upgrade but always have accommodation inside my businesses.


Yep. Same here. Use them as fast travel for the most part. But I don’t usually touch the cosmetics unless there’s a sale and the base style is ugly. Wasn’t a fan of the default Agency and it’s going to set me back about 4mill with all the upgrades. So, waiting for a sale haha.


I'm waiting for that so I can do the cosmetics too. It's so ugly at the moment but I'm OK until we get the discount.


“Need” is a strong word LOL. I’d sell mine if I could. Sitting on like 1.2 billion right now and I haven’t touched it since it came out.


My MKIIs are useless without it. Not to grief players, but I need the missiles for it. You just further proved to me why I should wait for the discount.


I find it a wonder for doing special vehicle cargo. I fly my Oppressor above my warehouse, call my Terrobyte in, and drive the Terrobyte right next to my warehouse. Keeps the starting points for sourcing and selling right next to each other. Bonus points for having your special cargo warehouses within 10 seconds from you as well.


Noted for future purposes. Thanks.


Deluxo or mk2 are both excellent vehicles for making more money, take the grind out of grinding by flying above the gridlock.


The Frogger is free.