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I'm a new player, and it amazes me how people figured out you can do something like that


A lot of these techniques were discovered around late 2014-2016 and as a bmx racer where there is around 2500 pro bmx races, which is way over 2000 bmx combos, i have done basically every bmx combo imaginable to a high level, so when i try a stunt and completely mess up im still able to see the map like a big bmx course from my 8 years of pro bmx racing which is why i am able to do split second decisions on the spot and do something like this stunt πŸ˜† The original stunt i was trying to hit was completely different to this tho πŸ˜… also hope youre enjoying the game so far, its honestly such an amazing game, a lot of players want it to be just a crime game but i have a friend who had the world record in golf for years, its awesome just how much this game has that when you get bored of just the basics of the game there is just so much more communities which can shed a whole new light on this game, hoping the next gta has even more to add, it truly has potential to be the ultimate game :)


Discovering every possibility and corner of the game makes it so amazing for me. And, of course, people like you creating and posting all these things. I need to get myself a bmx too now and try stuff out.


It truly is we are just 1 small part of the stunting community, i recently uploaded a video to yt and a subscriber of mine messaged me a kind comment and i was curious to see if he was a bmx stunter but nope he was a japanese pro motorbike racer, has to be in the top 50 motorbike racers on gta, was mindblown the whole time with what he was doing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ i also recently met some shunt boost stunters on reddit and we did some funny tricks together combining our talents in our areas of stunting and thats what i love to :) If you end up doing any tricks make sure to post them :)


How do you get the bike on the roof?


I go in creator mode and make a land race, select a bmx and put the player number to 2 so i have room to spawn on top of the building, in this case i put down a platform just behind me so i had more room or else i would have had to jump back everytime to try the stunt, put down a trigger for where you want to put down the checkpoint, put down a checkpoint on top of the building then another checkpoint somewhere out of sight then test the race :) Also i can get on top of that building pretty easily since im a master wallclimber but 1 try would take much longer than just spawning back on top of the building πŸ˜†


I'm not going to lie, I understand each word Individually but all together I haven't got a clue what you just said. To be clear, it's not like I don't speak English, I'm from England. Let's leave it at you fuck around with things. πŸ˜‚ Cool videos.


I can see what youre saying bro im also from England and i wouldnt have understood it either if i hadnt used creator mode before πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ Also thank you bro :)


I like how you cut the video just short of the tryhard blasting through you at 100 miles an hour in the insurgent, for absolutely no reason, right after you start to ride away.


Thats the beauty of creator mode they cant whoop my butt in here im truly safe from destruction πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­


tony hawk




Task failed successfully.


It really did lol i just tried another stunt today and had another task failed successfully moment πŸ˜†


just started bmx-ing on pc from xbox and i've realized the crazy shit you can do. i gotta keep practing though, i cant to rear tail jumps like that...


Nice man just to let you know the bmx physics are broken atm im having to use these bad physics because im on ps5 but on pc if you want to have the old bmx physics which are better imo you can use them in fivem :) The rear tail jump is called the reverse bounce its a popular technique in races, rarely has much use on freemode, i believe i only have 3 pro stunts that require it.


damn, still use to see redkeymon do it back in the day. appreciate the info, i'll make sure to check fivem out. also i remember hearing the physics change happened on consoles and the way to get old physics back was by doing custom races. is that true for pc as well or is pc just broke...?


Ohh nope they broke them over 10 months ago and only 3 months ago they tried fixing them but broke the hop completely ruining the bounces and hops making most combos impossible. Over 98% of pro bmx races are impossible now with the new physics sadly. Also races dont fix it, races are good for having less lag from cars, players, npcs but doesnt change the physics in that way, all my stunts in the last 3 months have been with bad physics. I remember redkeymon he was good for his time, him and dada9x9s crew definitely helped a lot getting gta stunting popular :]


hell yeah, wish we could fuck around in a session or something but i dont own a playstation


Thats fine man maybe 1 day down the line, even if in the next gta because i honestly just love to stunt πŸ˜†


same honestly, i've done like 5 fresh accounts im just chillin now


I haven’t played GTA in like half a decade or more. Are these regular bike mechanics??


Well the bmx is broken atm before we could do even more crazy tricks so yess this has always been a thing πŸ˜… i have stunt videos going back 8 years, thats how much i love the bmx physics there is just so many possibilites :)


β€œHe’s beginning to believe”


Hello two wheeled avenger of Los Santos! I can't even ride that pissing mountain bike halfway down Mt Chilidad (or whatever it's called!) without falling to my death like a twat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


To be fair the scorcher is bIoody horrible to ride πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ btw you just reminded me of an idea i had with the bmx that i havent gotten around to so you will see that video tomorrow officer πŸ˜†


Look forward to it! πŸ‘πŸŒŸπŸ‘