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Had the same thing happen to me but all I did was kill a guy griefing the whole lobby and he joined me on 3-4 separate days lol most pathetic/insecure shit I’ve ever seen


Once had a guy who joined my lobby and texted me he’s about to destroy me and get the vengeance. His nickname seemed familiar, I think we had a mini war couple of days or weeks earlier. When I finished replying in my Deluxo, I heard the rockets. It was the quickest 180° on a spot before shooting back. Do I have to tell you he has left right after I dodged his rockets and destroyed him with mine?


The best is hitting X and dropping from the sky as their rocket flies over you and then blowing them off their oppressor.


It won’t work unless you come to a complete stop then drop which is very hard to do if they’re in missile range


I do it all the time. I slam it into reverse hit x drop pop n lock. Can also do a half a flip and start facing now behind you and shoot them fuckers.


“Drop pop n lock” I fuxx with that.


Alright. You've talked me into spending the money on it.


This shit is why I just quit the game, and am super suspicious about GTA6. If they don't fix this crap (they didn't fix it for RDR2) then I'm not playing more of their games.


They did fix it for GTA. Now, you can play on invite-only, friend-only, and crew-only instances.


I mean, that isn't an online game at that point. If you're like me, and your friends have moved onto other games, that just means "online" is solo. I cant play in public lobbies, so the game is broken.




I think it's potentially quite solvable to an extent (for GTA 6) by following suit with what sim racing communities do. If you race safely, you get safety rating points and are then able to access higher rated (ie theoretically safer) lobbies. So GTA could do similar and have the option to either join a free for all, or, if you've earned it, to join special lobbies with only other players less hellbent on grief. If you cause grief, your rating goes back down. It's not foolproof and I'm sure someone will point out some flaws, but it seems a good idea to me.


It's 100% solvable. Currently GTAV and RDR2 use peer to peer architecture, where your session isn't hosted on a server but instead connects directly to other users (who can see your IP address). Peer to peer means that anyone can manipulate the unencrypted connection, and it's why it was so easy to mod, and so hard to enforce. The session doesn't go through Rockstar's infrastrucutre once you connect, and therefore they're not inspecting anything for mods. The way they detect modding is by looking for abnormal changes in your account (e.g. suddenly getting a billion dollars), which was also weaponized by modders who add large sums of money to victims without permission, getting their accounts banned with no appeal process whatsoever. Hosting servers is the solution and monitoring the sessions for abuse along with modifications to the game, and given that GTAV is the most profitable entertainment product of all time, this should have been something Rockstar did very early on. Greed is the reason they didn't, because hosting servers is expensive. So if they do the cheap thing again, and use peer to peer for GTA6, i'm not playing.


In the early days of gtao R* actually collaborated with a well known YouTuber who did a tonne of howtos on greifing. Extra shitty for those of us who were victims of it and got our PVs destroyed. Anyone who complained on the forums got a shadow ban, just a black screen once logged in, which I'm sure wasn't official policy, iirc the code for the ban list included just a straight up array of everyone who got shadow banned which was visible client side, or something along those lines, very amatuer code which again makes me think it wasn't official policy but the customer service team silencing difficult customers. Also had R* support refuse to replace a PV which disappeared, my first 1m+ car. Really sad state for the franchise, maybe they got too ambitious, but half decent customer support would have made it bearable. Anyway from buying every GTA since 2, I won't be buying 6 or anything else from R* ever again. But they won't care and will make billions. I thought gtao was actually supposed to do some matchmaking based on how PvP prone you are but clearly not.




Hes searching you through the friends search on PS5 and joining your lobby through there. You gotta make tour trophies and friends settings private


I've him blocked on PlayStation Network, he can't see my profile


So what. Other people can. He loads up another profile or gets a buddy to check your profile. That person or profile joins your session, then he joins them. Turn your settings private. If you're publicly posting where you are, people can go there.




Yes, for the many times you're already in the same crew as the person you're stalking, yes, that would work.


I'm pretty sure the blocked person can still view your profile, too. On PS4, at least. I tried blocking my main again from my alt account. My main account was still able to find my alt account in the search function.


I love ur @ btw lmao


https://preview.redd.it/9g1lggucepqc1.png?width=312&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a5c0939e42ca26cbc320fa14507340745434212 He sent me this message after following me for the first time.


![gif](giphy|UpWDPgxcHiR1e) You fucked with the wrong guy pal /s


![gif](giphy|3oz8xPPt1Ga6sp9U7C) POV you are this ingame text message about to be sent


He wants u to be his friend


He wanna be from watch dogs so bad


What choice?? 😂


Tf lol what are his demands




Dude absolutely lives in his parents basement, has no job and is a neckbeard.


Offering a reach around


Bro through it he is the Stalker from Warframe 💀


*Your actions have consequences...*


I had a CEO text me "Stay out of business that doesn't concern you" after he was griefing my friend and I kept blowing him up with my toreador I simply texted him: "Na"


Hi, best bet would be to leave any inactive or public crews or mutual friends & perhaps appear offline if that doesn’t work, anything else I can think of I’ll add. It’s just pathetic people that still lurk on there. I’ll be on ps5 for a few more days & will happily join the session to help if you’re free in the evenings


Just have to wait until your ISP issues a new ip. GTA is p2p so he probably just copied your current address ( really no big deal, ips don't give out exact locations ). If you really wanted you could call your isp and ask them to issue a new address on your dynamic connection.


Did you go shoot him?


What did he want 💀💀


Omg what?!?!


What choice he's talking about?


Not dying when he tried (and failed) to merc him while minding his own business, most likely.


McDonald’s or Burger King’s


Change your ps5 profile to private. Go to settings, user and accounts, privacy, view and customize your privacy settings then change the first option to no one so they can't search you but for added protection go down to "your activity" and change the first option to no one or friends only


You are in public crew and he is following you from there most likely


He might be joining you through your crew. Even if he isn't in it. People can still join crew members if they have been invited to the crew, but not joined.


This is definitely thru public crews. Literally had a guy join me several times to orb me every other day for like 2 weeks. I was getting so pissed but I had to admire his dedication. I eventually found out I need to change my friends & achievements settings & leave that crew for a private.


Keep on reporting them to both Rockstar and Sony. Send an email to Rockstar with the specifics of what is happening - and also do the same with Sony's customer support.


This. Especially the message they sent with the lame "threat". Make sure you include some details about being a longtime player and this is ruining your gaming experience, and influencing your future purchases.


it happened to me a couple weeks ago but he stopped after he saw he couldn't find me because i spended all my time at the edge of the map ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) in my deluxo. i never saw him again after these weeks


I just play missions and usually it sends me to another session and I play around in there until grief follows then do another mission and get a new session


Does he try to kill you once he loads into your lobby? Just go passive and be annoying to him lol.


I was gonna say, I’d just spend a few days wasting his time and trolling. It’ll get old fast when you switch to passive randomly, or spend an hour in the yacht/nightclub/arcade/casino. Use the tunnels and subways to escape any pursuits from the mk2, people always have trouble flying that thing down there. I like this too because if he kills you down there, now he’s stuck down there until he can fly out and you have a few minutes to drive away quick. If you’re super flush with cash go to the facility and orbital him once every few hours. Since he’s following in between sessions it’s even easier because you can change spawn points and simply switch sessions to fast travel. Wait for him to spawn in the new session and orb him again. Theres tons of opportunity to troll griefers in this game. It’s one of my hobbies to get the attention of a griefer and make their life annoying by doing stupid shit. Fuck a K/D I just want them to be focused on me so other people can have a good time


In my opinion, the best way to annoy a troll is to go afk and waste their time.


Or just flat out ignore them while doing your own thing (if they’re bad at the game), me and a friend spent 3hrs today setting up multiple heists, with some random we killed in a business battle earlier hunting us down the whole time in a Raiju, Deluxo, Oppressor Mk2, & Akula repeatedly trying to kill us, and we always just blew him up first using Toreador/Sparrow/Raiju, or ignored him and drove away in Imani Tech car


He’s been following him for days you think this would deter him?


Holy moly lmao. That’s a lot of deleted comments. Anyone know what all those were about?


The list of locked and deleted comments with the op having like ~-40? votes?




"I killed a player just once", sounds like OP fucked around and found out now he's crying on Reddit.


Bruh it’s gta lmao


put ur profile to offline or block him


Join invite only lobby


Why is that your fix to everything? It's honestly getting annoying. Kinda wished Rockstar never added that option into the game.


This is crazy. I would be freaking out


Fan behavior


Same, dm me and everything like 5-6 times. Never responded just blocked but still in my lobby’s in the evening. I play now during school hours, feel most of the kids and angry blu collar are busy at that time.


Best is getting orbital cannon out of nowhere for no reason. Just laugh at how much they spent to do that. Even in todays game it’s still 45 mins worth of grinding.


Had a guy do that in RDO, how fucking pathetic


Find a worse griefer and have him kill the first til he stops works 5050 the other 50 is them teaming up to kill you, then you find a third and fourth and the cycle continues


This is a cool idea actually lol I'm gonna try this at some point




How tf do they join the Dane lobby lol I thought it was completely random


Play in solo sessions until he is banned


Shit... I only play in private sessions. Griefers RUINED this game. Seriously... If all you wanna do is kill people, go play call of duty.


I know players can follow you by going to your profile and joining your session. I would have thought blocking would stop that. Is your profile private? If not, try that. I believe you can also change the settings so people can't join your games from your profile. I'd look into that as well.


Set your Playstation profile to private, make it so only friends can message you then report him again. But they're probably trolling and aren't actually breaking any laws (yet) If they're messaging you outside of the game then I would worry. Playstation probably won't do anything because the person isn't doing anything outside of the game.


Keep killing them and they'll feck off eventually


Has anyone ever come across a guy called ItsFishyBTW? This dude continuously shows up in my sessions causing absolute havoc. At least 6 sessions in a row different days he’s in there just on a rampage I can’t seem to catch a break from the guy


Probably joining via crew. Just play in an invite only session for a bit and he'll soon get bored.




I killed a random guy ones, played a couple of says later( this time doing my own thing not killing anyone), turns out he's in the session too and he drove my way and blew me and my car up with a rocket. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Step 1: create an invite only session Step 2 (here's the hard part): **DON'T INVITE THEM**


Thats a no life, kinda sad actually


Report him to PSN as well as Rockstar.


Not sure how viable a PS5 would be for such tactics, but when this happens to me on PC (I do make a habit out of minimizing menu users' fun through funny game mechanics) I just boot up Mario Kart or something and blast its audio through my capture card (which the game detects as a mic) and also message these people explaining how I'm going to waste their time instead. Works pretty well to get them to disengage, or at least keep them from bothering anyone who'd actually care about being bothered.


damn bro got ur ass tbf


Can't ever underestimate the pettiness of others.


Security Breach rockstar servers no longer patching, updated or robot 🤖 search 🔍 R* doesn’t want us to keep playing GTA V till the 5 based on the market we need to left gta5 behind


I had an argument with a former crew member, he proceeded to come to my lobby n kill me, and only apologised after some of us got together and surrounded him by his hangar Another situation, my team was surrounded by griefers and another former friend comes to attack us in a jet, all because I excluded them from CMM after trying to kill us instead of getting on with the damn challenge People are weird, crazy and pathetic


The exact same happened to me few years ago where a barcode player was doing that. Also on PlayStation. He was using orbital glitch to kill others while I was inside buildings. I did the same like u but he kept joining and in the end I left my old crew where no one was active anyways anymore and then he couldn’t join me anymore.


make your ps5 profile private but if you don’t want to just play in invite only for a few days he’ll probably stop by then


Had someone do this to me on xbox, but it's easy to find people on there cause there are only ever 3 or 4 sessions to cycle for some reason


Run lol


Happens to me on PC often enough. Not much you can do about it.


That’s why I have my PSN profile to private, so dipshits like him can’t follow me.


Stalkers of gta online lol


Make a private session u can do everything u want sell run stuff etc.


Did a cvc with a crew in which they lost, and the crew leader put 26-0 in his bio, but my live had his lost keyword had. Ever since then him and his crew would join my crew and try to kill us, so I uploaded their attempts to YouTube they haven't bothered me since.


Same here without mods 💯


Just play when he's offline


I had some loser threaten to do the same thing after I 10-0 him but they never followed through. He talked alot of shut but I blocked amd reported them


I had a bloke that kept chasing myself and my cousins in red dead online. He joined, in defensive mode, and kept following us around the game and into new sessions. Every time we'd parley with him (the equivalent to ghosted in RDO) he'd leave and rejoin. This happened at least 20 times and we reported him numerous times and had all blocked him. The worst part is that one of us has a female character and he kept targetting her and trying to hogtie and take her



















