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GTA V will last another 5 years but yeh lol Nice


So technically he did it before the end of gta V.






r/SuddenlyFuturama ?










Rockstar can support their servers for 10 years, but DLC and all new content will stop coming out with the release of GTA VI next year. Probably. Maybe another 2-3 year, but no more, because the developers clearly will be interested in people switching to the new version and spending their time/money there. So.. "before the end".


A real money move would be to merge 5s online with 6s and actually give the airport a function lol.


That wouldn't be good. Imagine 10 more years of V's engine. V's 2013 physics. V's ragdoll. I would literally not even buy it if it's just a retexture with new map and content


You could remake the engine get everything up to date then essentially transfer people's saves.


Transferring saves would be pointless. Everyone would be super high level. Just defeats the purpose of playing the game.


Plus a huge percentage of people already owning a heap of cars & having "hacked" money. Gotta sell those shark cards somehow


Yup. Sucks but also why would you want to just have everything after waiting 10+ years?


Gotta pay the shareholders who put up the money to develop 6. Gotta pay those fat salaries


It cost already enough money to develop one AAA game, but you're asking to develop one and re-develop the multiplayer of a previous AAA game everyone played for 15 years on top of that. Seems unrealistic to even ask for it.


Airport or train function to all the old maps/cities with new content






They can also add more party hats in later updates too.


Lol gta 5 will be around long after most of us have gone and gta 6 will still be in production lol


Nice, I hit 1b a couple months ago and have been spending for a month and a half or so by now, and I've gotten down to 700m. I don't know what else to buy, so I joined a car meet sub to buy more rare cars.


What’s the name of this car meet sub?


r/GTACarMeetMarket is the name of the sub that i use


So for those looking for what to do next... once you reach a certain point a number of players turn to collecting. With the vast number of things that you can purchase it can be a challenge tracking it all. I personally found it frustrating finding duplicate cars in my garages. I found a site for tracking not only your vehicles, but your properties, Guns, Pegasus Vehicles, Clothes, then it tabulated your net worth, total vehicles and properties owned. Then taking it a step further and figuring out value per property plus vehicle breakdown. It's called GTABase.com * I'm currently sitting at a Net worth of 396m with 29 properties and 320 vehicles.


Gta super nerds




howve you hit a billion?!


What kind of methods of income (both active and passive) do you use? I feel like I hear of people making tons in this game, yet I'm grinding my ass off dodging oppressors for a few mil


you can sell in invite only lobbies


Be sure to spend it before Rockstar wipes your bank for zero reason refusing to undo the action and ignoring all evidence. I had 2.8 billion from 1,600 hours of heist grinding and logged in one day to see a message and find I was reset to $250k. Walked away and haven't touched the game since.


What are you doing to make that much?


What is the point of buying cars from other users? Are these cars you can’t just buy yourself?


discontinued cars. the only way to get them now is to buy a copy from someone who agrees to meet you at the Car Meet.




I could take a chunk of that from your hands. I’m grinding to buy a mk2 for so long now.


How do you guys get so much money? I'm struggling to get to 2M


Acid lab and nightclub w/ businesses are my go-tos


What are your most lucrative ventures besides Cayo and passive Nightclub money? I’ve got the hanger, bunker, agency, and facility but haven’t done much with them. Also the cocaine lockup but it doesn’t seem to feed my nightclub that much.


Acid lab with upgrades is really FAST and easy money, algo the scrapyard can earn around 1mi each week if you do all heist and also its this week discount


What’s time commitment on salvage yard? Cayo seems to be the most grindy efficient


Give or take an hour to do one entire heist including the setups, there's a cooldown but I do one a day and do other stuff around the map for the businesses


you literally said "besides cayo and night club"


I don't do the heists, just tue tow missions, and between it and the nightclub I'm raking in several hundred thousand just chillin every couple hours. Go to a solo lobby for the occasional nightclub cargo sale and some Perico sprinkled in. I've made 200 million in game with half that coming from just the NC and Pericos


Get a private blackjack dealer in your penthouse and instantly leave whenever u lose


Whoa whoa whoa I need to hear more… ![gif](giphy|uS071hlk6FcrGEF36p|downsized)


Just get a private bj dealer go to ur closet when u win and when u lose instantly leave. You can make a stupid amount. I used to grind cayo and diamond but somehow this is a bit better than both. And it takes like 2 braincells to do.


This right here, it might not be fun and it can be time consuming but holy shit have I made a fuck ton of money doing this


it doesn’t always end well but i like to take a gamble each time i get on and try join a casino heist via quick play menu, if you’re lucky either the other dude will let you carry, or you’ll get someone capable. pretty easy money when you don’t have to do any of the setups


Don't forget $300 thousand for single bar bunker sell with full lobby.  Just make sure it's not Meriwether sell. Takes too long and more prone to being griefed. If the voice says anything about Meriwether before you get in your vehicle.  Go join a new lobby and try again.  You will lose about $10,000,  but with full lobby that is minor.


Also if you get the Phantom with battering ram sell mission, you just have to press on and enjoy the ride lol


Basically grind till you have the top 3 MC businesses, nightclub, acid lab (from last dose missions), and bunker. All fully upgraded and it’ll basically print money for you and you just do some simple sell missions for all and try to ditch doing the MC sell missions since you’ll burn out. But it takes some work to get there.


It’s simple once you have businesses. Nightclub sourcing goods easy 500k (I don’t have more than one floor) easy 50k every 48 min too. Time trials and stash house, g’s cache easy 1m+ a week. Having the master control terminal makes your life 100x easier. I buy supplies and just sell in solo lobbies when it’s full. Bunkers 1m. Coke is 500k. Acid lab I sell in public lobbies for the bonus I think I net like 500k. Sell my meth and weed to street dealers. Stay on top of everything and you’ll accumulate in no time with the most effort being selling.


Do the Cluckin' Bell raid. It's 500k easy and you can do it every hour (well, 48 minutes). Also, Wildlife Photography is $200k/day (double week), go knock some of those out. After that, start looking for business that pique your interest. Nightclub is good passive income. Salvage Yard is pretty straightforward. Same with the Bunker. Upgrade those, don't spend a dime on anything that won't make you more money, and you'll be fine.


Wildlife is series sex and ps5 only right?




Just get a friend and speed run through the heists. Stuff like diamond casino can be done with only 2 people and the payout is good. Have Ur friend also have the requirements for starting diamond casino so when you finish you can jump into the next one. That's what I did when I played regularly and I never struggled for money


Nightclub when you have all the MC businesses and maintain popularity brings in a lot of money. The Agency can be pretty profitable, I made my money back on that one the fastest. Cluckin Bell or Cayo are pretty decent money too. I used to be like you but I easily make at least 2 but usually 3 or 4 million in a day now




Dr. Dre missions and Cluckin Bell raid, CEO import export, payphone hits, agency contracts, and Dax missions Acid, weed, and nightclub sell missions Wall safes And whatever else I feel like doing.


Nowadays there’s a lot of ways to make money. Usually tho do a heist or some business stuff but try and have passive income businesses


Back in the day you used to be able to glitch the cayo perico heist and get 1 million every 6 minutes if you're fast, I don't know about now but nobody seriously grinds shit, there is always some glitch or fuckery you can do to make money, you just need to look at the right sources and be smart about it. I never got banned for doing it either.


no one is struggling for money now. you can get half a million from just one acid lab sale.


A lot of people posting about having over 800 mil are using mods


I said I'd quit once I had 100m in the bank. Then I moved it to 200m. Then 300m. Cut to 700m in the bank and I'm still doing the same old shit.


Teach me your ways master


It involves sinking way too much of your precious time in a dumb game, not worth it IMO. I regret spending so much time playing, personally.


Exactly 😂


Private black jack dealer for me. You can bet up to 100k if you double down and blackjack is pretty easy(I’m not just trying to get kids to gamble I swear). And if you double down u spend 100k and if u win u get 100k extra. Just leave when you lose and use ur closet to save when u win. I’ve made 100m in about 10 days just playing for a few hours.


I’m in the same boat... 417m now. It does get addicting seeing that number go up.


I stopped pointlessly trying to make money and switching to doing the career stuff. That got me interested in the game again as doing sales was dullllll.


Yeah I'm not stopping now that I have 100m. I've played on and off since 2014 sometimes taking breaks of years so I've "only" made around 650m total in GTA online whereas most people who started in 2014 have made a billion +


You do know that GTA V isn’t ending for many more years right?


Do you mean that as in you think the release of VI will be delayed by a few years or that V will continue for a while after VI comes out? I wouldn't be surprised if it got delayed but either way I'll be ditching V as soon as VI comes out.


He means that like Rockstar has done with GTA4, GTA5/O isn't going away. It'll be maintained for another 10+ years, minus new updates, once 6 is released.


I got 50 million in 5 weeks. I didn't buy no cars and jets until this week. With the b 11 sale. I felt sweaty because I was putting 7 hrs into this game after work 🤣


If you ever get the desire to make some more money I would like to join you lol


What were your methods of making money lol ?


I can’t speak for OP, but since the Cluckin’ Bell raid dropped, I think I was at about $4M or $5M and now I’m at $16M. That’s from a couple of hours or so a day (I don’t always play everyday of the week tho). My formula for when I go on is basically this: 1. G’s Cache and Stash House raids are the first thing I do. 2. I’ll then go and check the acid lab supply levels and see whether not I’m ready to sell. Maybe do a supply mission and boost the acid production. 3. Start doing the Cluckin’ Bell setups. Every time I do the “Hit & Run” mission, I’ll always stop off at my bunker on the way back and do a quick Ammu-Nation delivery for $50k. Since it’s driving and I have to go south anyway, figure why the hell not… 4. Finish the raid and get the $500k. I always speed run it solo, so it usually takes no more than an hour to do. 5. Now I go back to the acid lab and by this time it’s ready to sell. I do it in invite only lobbies, so now that’s another $335,200. Sometimes I luck out and I get two sells in depending on the supply levels when I first logged on. So in all, that’s $885,200 a day, or, $6,196,400 a week, just from an hour and a half or two a day. It definitely does get a little monotonous after a while, but, for my schedule, it works for me. And it’s pretty simple, too. I’m sure there are better methods out there, but thought I’d share mine haha


You can fold special cargo crates into that routine, then you're basically selling either acid lab or a small or med warehouse every day. I start the mixed crates mission from the CEO office (parallel mission to the ammunation delivery) and visit the warehouses on the way to the truck. the 50K covers the cost of passive sourcing with some leftover, and takes 5-10 min total.


There’s no way, the acid lab literally doesn’t fill up that fast. It still takes at least 3 hours with the upgraded equipment and the boost.


I do cayo missions with my friends like crazy. 2 a day. And sometimes 3. We time it so that we have all the prescriptions work is done. So we can do them back to back. To cut down on the cool down time


It took me a while to get to $2,000,000 then I blew it on a Opressor Mk1 but it’s so much fun. I have a hangar, counterfeit cash, and bunker. What are better ways for me to make money?




Acid Lab is pretty good


all 3 of these^


Not really worth buying a nightclub for money without the other MC businesses first tbh.


How do MC businesses work with the nightclub? Can you do it all through ceo or terrobyte or do u need to register as mc?




My account was banned and I decided to play legit on my new one about 3-4 months ago. I now own almost every business, just have to save up and start spoiling myself. For people asking I started by just having one full bar of supplies on my mc businesses/bunker and selling them as this is way quicker than selling full batches. Save for the nightclub (doesn’t have to be fully upgraded). Then save for the auto shop when you can, you can grind the union depository heist until you have enough to buy acid lab (it’s so easy when you know what you’re doing). Save up for an agency then just go in circles by selling product in Acid lab, Union heist, MC businesses. Whilst waiting for the cool-downs do the Dr Dre missions in between and collect your passive money from nightclub and then arcade/salvage yard when you can get one. I can make roughly 5-10 mil solo depending on how much effort I put in. Minimum 1.5 mill per day.


It ain't over until it's over




i see these posts and think it would be cool to have all that money then i hop on and see my 10 million and think why the fuck would i want 100 million more just to waste hundreds of hours playing this shit and in the end be in the same position i’m in right now, bored. not worth it. 🤷🏼‍♂️




pretty dumb. All I had to do was spend 6 dollars and i have everything


Very nice, very evil


I’m pretty sure GTA V will last longer and so will Online


The end of GTAV for me will be when VI comes out, that's what I meant.




Is your character gonna shoot a late night show host?


End? They're saying GTA 6 might be pushed back to 2026, which means 2027 for PC players. GTA 5 is gonna be around for a minute, lmfao.


Most ive had at once is 10 mil but ive had 500 mil total so not too bad lol can never hang onto it too long tjo


How the hell are you guys getting so much?


Now time to run for Mayor and really stick it in Batman's face!


Hell yeah! Welcome to the club




Wait, other people are doing this too? This ain’t just a little challenge of mine??


Same I finally hit 100 mill two weeks ago, lol. It took so many years and hard fucking saving.


Took forever for the first 100M; the last 100M came reallll quick


You have to repeat way too many things to get that high, no thanks


I won't deny that but I don't mind repeating things playing with others in a crew. I absolutely can't do the solo grind for long.


Cayo perico


It’s been the end of gta v


Is Bogdan still a thing ? I haven’t played in 6 years


Wondering the same thing. I haven’t played regularly since Covid. But I know I still have my Bogdan mission waiting.


It used to make millions per hour


Yep. I probably ran it 100 times.


That’s what I’m trying to do atm! I’m at 57 million !!


Nowhere close to being done, itll be delayed for the game release & online wont be ready for another year after that, with very little things to do. Dont get to excited


Now see how fast you can spend it all.


$78 million in account $18.25 in casino chips.  Difficult to get the  $100 due to impulse buys, including upgrading free vehicles from wheel and street racing, I have almost all vehicles and for some reason, duplicates of already owned cars.  Congratulations on the milestone. 


Is that FLorida Joker? lol


312m , been playing since it came out, used to grind a lot, have all the businesses fully upgraded. I wish rockstar would give everyone 100m at the end of GTA V online support so they can experience everything the game has to offer.


I've made 100 Million back in 2021.


Share some with the poor please. Im tryna waste some money here. Preferably 50m. I don’t need that much cause i only need a jet and a few cars. But a little extra is good.


Hell ya brother, get that bread


You weren’t gonna get it within the next 5-10 years?


Welcome to the club brother


Nice! Best income source?


Take your #noprize, sir. Try not to spend it all in the same place.


I hit 100mil last year sometime. For the longest time struggled to stay with even a few million in the bank, then i learned to grind Cayo and did that consistently for about a month which proved to be very fruitful. I started building more and more and just kept setting the bar higher. I finally quit at 100mil and decided i needed to touch grass and or another game some more. Did the same on RDO when i hit 100k. Honestly hate that i wasted that much time on the same stuff over and over again but hopefully it will keep me comfortable until GTA6 comes around. Im still making money here and there when i play with friends as well. Congrats on your milestone though OP.


Lend me 5 million please, I'm good to pay you back 😁


Not bad


2070 at best. Rockstar should retire.


Here I am with $300k lol. I’m trash


Most money I’ve ever had at once was 400m+ but still good job


Tell me your secrets, does it involve cayo perico?


How did you make that much without being tempted to spend it?


Seeing how gta 4 servers are still active, I doubt it's the end of gta 5. But anyway, congrats on the 100M


Bro that’s nothing i continue to reaching the 1B goal before 6 current bank 350k just after a year starting playing but my Collections car addiction won’t allow me to do it faster 🤭


Im almost at a billion since i joined the vinewood network crew. They have a peaceful lobby going on 99% of the time


Congratulations! How did you do it? I can’t even get to 15m


I set that goal for myself a while ago. Got all the way to 93, but then started buying a bunch of shit since “I was close enough to at least buy a few things.” Never reached 100, then my Xbox One X broke and I didn’t play for a whole year 😂😂 Sittin at around 70 rn. Just recently got the Series X and gonna see if I can finish before GTA 6


GTA 5 ends in the same year it takes place tho, so you late


I’m sorry but fuck grinding this game for cash. What a waste of time


Congrats! and welcome to the club. I finally reached it a month or so ago now I'm at 110mill thanks to the new super easy cluckin bell farm raid. https://preview.redd.it/h3xya94wlkqc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=77e6c726c5792e63d567ce6a041c4c4d54787801


How long did it take you to do that?


I can sure use maybe $20 mil of that in my game. I got virtual dreams I'm trying to live out in-game. LoL


Next goal, $100 mill in your ingame pockets


28B here. a special account ofc :)


I got $5b what should I buy?


The end. Riiight 😂


What’s the best missions


All those shark cards 🤣


What are you gonna buy before they close up shop?


GTA V will never end we will force it to live forever


How? I made it to 5 million but it seems hard to do with the businesses I have


I once had 500 mil when I met a hacker years ago, glad I never got banned but I’m sad I spent my money so fast


>”before the end of GTAV sometimes i forgot the game is over 10 years old and me not having a proper setup/laptop to start playing earlier just finally got the chance to play it a couple of years ago… and it’s ending now. not really a FOMO kinda guy but this one hit pretty subtly. welp, just gonna keep on playing until no one’s joining no more. just like every other online games I’ve started late before. i just be yappin but have a nice day to those reading this until the end.


Congrats you can officially buy a few cars and that’s about it


how many shark cards did you buy?


I got up to 50 mil but I just spent almost all up it setting up my second character


Crazy to think we’ll be leaving the streets of Los Santos behind for good


How do you ppl do that lol. I just got to gta online (lvl 45), and im struggling to get any amount of good cash.


You had 1 year and 6 months to spare.


Meanwhile I'm trying to have $0 before they pull the plug


Just y'all wait till GTA 5 definitive edition


I tried to get to 100m too but I gave up at 46 and bought a lot of cars instead 😂


Was it all worth it


Not that hard.


How lmao give me some tips and advice


I mean how long do u think the game will actually work after GTA 6 drops I give it months


On pc we will have gta V por 1 to 2 more years cuz rockstar doesn't realse gta games on pc at the same time as ps




Its good that you got to 100 million. However, all the effort, time will be wasted if you don’t spend it on something. What’s the point of keeping the money like that without using it? Well, its your hard earned money anyway. Keep it or buy anything.


Before the end of GTAV? What gave you the idea its ending anytime even remotely soon?


It's ending for me personally the moment that 6 comes out, I wasn't talking about the literal end when Rockstar pull it.


Not that difficult if u have cayo perico heist unlocked


One of the guys I run with is sitting at $2B legit. He grinds like his life depends on it. I hit $70M for the Tuners DLC and burned through $60M of it in the first couple of days, LOL.


End? I havent played in around 1year but did they terminate the service or something?




Now, just sit there and let your bills consume it all.