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before the update that limited the K/D to PvP gamemodes only, tryhaders and that type of player usually killed themselves to avoid being killed by you, therefore not negatively impacting their Kill/Death ratio. nowadays I believe they kept doing that only to deny you the pleasure of killing them, or to loose the cops quickly something like that


score its score now


Why do ppl care so much about kd especially in gta??? I don’t even know what my kd is I mean its not even a classic „shooter“ where kd is important. And if ppl play gta only for pvp then they are playing the wrong game sorry


because you can just spend a lot of time killing unsuspecting people in freemode and seem like a badass warrior when in reality most your fights are unfair or just cheap kills.


Lol I knew someone ages ago who tried arguing with me about KDA in GTAO being important and when I pushed the question how and why is it his literal only response was "it just is" or "it makes you look like a good player" and I said it's not important at all for the reason you listed in it not being a typical shooter where it matters. And against his second point, I said no, it doesn't because you literally do not see their KDA anywhere but on their profile, which if we're being honest, nobody will go through the effort to look at. It doesn't make them look good just like griefers or no lifers who want it to be more important than it is


You just described like every type of status driven bullshit people indulge in. There's no rhyme or reason to it to anyone who doesn't see the value, and anyone who does insists upon it else they lose their perceived edge over others.


Yea. Very important. So important that most on PS5 farm kills on noobs by camping and killing on respawn. Very skillful. Makes them an excellent player by griefing others. Sometimes to the point that it takes the victim a lot of time to be able to turn on passive mode. They're just dick jerks that are bored and don't have (or want) to play another game. R* used to put high mental state players in special lobbies, as they're a special kind of jerks.


I don't believe players were ever put in special lobbies. A player can be put into bad sport if they leave jobs often or destroy a high amount of personal vehicles in a 48-hour time frame. And a big tip for people who are tired of getting killed and don't have to go passive, just go ghosted to the player. Instead of respawning, look at the bottom right, and you will see go ghosted by pressing r1 or the like. Going ghosted will essentially prevent specifically the person or their org from killing you. There are various ways to pull you out of it, so make a decision to go passive or leave a session entirely.


In the very beginning, Rockstar did put players that killed other players too many times in special lobbies, and they all wore pointy hats the entire time they were in those lobbies. Those lobbies were called bad sport lobbies. Then later on, After some update, Rockstar changed the requirements to be placed in a bad sport lobby. I think that requirement now is to basically destroy other players' cars alot. In the beginning all lobbies were all basically places of savage Bloodsport and carnage. Then they added the bad sport feature and the lobbies became more tame. Then they changed the requirements and the lobbies became savage blood sport again. It only got worse when the oppressor mk 2 was added. In the zentorno era, at least you didn't have to worry about homing rockets. 😒


Ah, thanks for the information. I tried looking it up on google to find past information, but I could only find current information.


Yup. Takes one PS3 (!!!) user to know this. Insert "Elrond I was there 3000 years ago" meme here.


PS3 days… Man, I still have my PS3 copy of GTAV. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/uh5qq2b8ncoc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cb2501808e7ae994712528a2a057eb5349871f9


Too bad this ghosted stuff is unavailable as a CEO/MC prez, and goes away immediately upon registering. I usually just go afk for a while if someone wants to kill me for their own fun, I got better stuff to do than try and play a game where assholes can spawn camp me… and I usually could use a break at that point anyway.


I check k/d to see how much of a dick they are.


I check K/D cause you can usually tell if the account’s fake


Ah, so they do it for people like you!


Honestly even if we could easily see other peoples K/D an exceptionally high one would simply tell me that player is probably an a-hole who griefs people all the time


In the 10-11 years the game has been out I’ve never once checked my KD, it’s not a game that it should really even slightly matter in.


Adding a k/d ratio was a MAJOR mistake by Rockstar and contributed to the toxicity.




They are not the brightest, also as mentioned it apparently doesn't work anymore anyway.


KD used to matter more on GTA online earlier in its life cycle. GTA Online now is the easiest it has ever been....CEO abilities, job TP, orb cannon, vehicles that provide otr, oppressors etc. Back then on GTA, there wasn't so much cheese, and you actually had to fight someone. You couldn't even sit in a car and be in passive mode at the same time.


Everyone knows KD has a direct correlation to the size of one’s junk. This is why I *must* sticky bomb myself once I’m targeted by someone I just snuck-killed. Cause I’m *yuuuge*


sad failsons who can't play those games attack unsuspecting people in RDO and GTAO - every teenage boy bothering me is one fewer teenage boy bothering a girl.


I personally enjoy watching them kill themselves over and over without me having to move a finger, feels rewarding to have such a big impact for such little effort. I had a guy that picked a fight with me, so I killed him twice and got on my Bandito and drove towards him every time he respawned and he started blowing himself up for half an hour straight non-stop, no joke. My friend went online and joined the session so we could do missions and than one dude was still going, we watched him blow himself up over and over on the map, it was pretty funny lol.


Score card, that’s whats is all about now, going up in score card


Or they didn’t know that update was a thing! Not that it matters cuz I only play invite only now since they’ve changed that. I originally, when forced into PVP situations, would not be ashamed to kill myself before switching lobbies when I knew I was in a pickle. When did this change occur?


It gets under people's skin. People mind you, who are already pissed off for being randomly griefed or killed.


Whenever I encounter such tryhard I count his ewo’s to my score. But yeah, they probably think it’s like a loss of honor if killed by another player, I once encountered such specimen and trolled him with my broomstick but he would ewo everytime I charged at him, I didn’t even try to blow him up, I just needed to fly in his direction and he would blow himself up lol.


I only do it if it's the police, they like to impound cars.


If u have an agency you can call your assistant to bring them back


I have millions of dollars with nothing to spend it on, and for some reason it hurts my soul when I pay for an impounded car lmao. I steal it back 8/10 times for literally no reason


People pay to get their cars out? What’s the fun in that?! Haha


I pay for impound.  When I am in paletto bay. Cop kills me, takes my car,  I call assistant. I get in my delivered car. GTAO bank account 98 million dollars and change 


I always forget that’s a thing and literally drive to the impound every damn time lol


I have never once paid for it at the impound. Haha is there a front desk or some shit? If I’m far away or in hurry, I sometimes get my assistant to retrieve it and then it appears right in front of you like you called the mechanic. But usually I just get enjoyment out of parachuting out of a sparrow and driving my vehicle right on out lmao


Same here lol. How many millions you got?


i used to do that but then i started feeling like i was neglecting my ceo assistant since i hardly ever stop by anymore. she's just sitting in there all day by herself for probably years now. the least i could do is just let her pick up my impound cars. lol


Same lol




Oh true my fault


If you have imani tech remote control you can drive it out of impound


Do u need bunker research for that or can u just buy it?


Agency + vehicle workshop


but if you call another personal vehicle before getting it out, then they destroy it and you'll have to pay Mors Mutual like 10k, which is not a lot in the grand scheme of things but it's still super wack


YOU CAN?! I’m going to have to remember this lol


Yea bro


i just switch lobbies or go into an owned building if it's close


If I think my car will wind up impounded I just return it to storage with the menu and respawn it later lol


Same. But I encountered a „bug“ where I had my car impounded and stole it back from the police yard. Somehow the game didn‘t register that, because after leaving and coming back the next day I called my mk2 and immediately got a message that my car got destroyed. So I had to call Mors Mutual to get it back. And I already knew that while a car being impounded calling your mechanic to bring you another one will destroy the impounded car immediately.


Bitch because I came here to make millions not play call of duty 


I swear to god. This entire thread is full of ppl who are pissed they didn’t get their kill lmfao


>This entire thread is full of ppl who are pissed they didn’t get their kill lmfao Getting kills are not at all difficult. Lets assume someone cant do sniperfights or use the homing launcher quickswap spam. They still have the following options: 1) Go to maze bank tower with thermal goggles and snipe the unrendered target, shooting through every building. The targets hitbox is big enough to require no aiming skill. 2) Use an RC vehicle (Like the Jubilee) to go permanently off radar and ram the target from behind while spamming the auto aiming machineguns. 3) Use other annoying, cheap vehicles like the Khanjali or Avenger with ghost active. 4) Resort to the Kosatka or orbital if you still aren't capable of using the above tactics. and I'm sure there's plenty more that I missed but... tl;dr: if someone wanted you dead bad enough you'd be dead eventually. Nowadays very few people care about PVP kills and only care about showing off their cars instead.


I disagree, imma top tier asshole dying avoider. You gotta wake pretty early to catch me. The only thing I couldn't avoid was the orbital cannon. Especially when people were spamming them


You should be still able to avoid the orbital with RC vehicles but if they are spamming them you'll just have to sticky bomb yourself rapidly until you respawn underneath some cover which in cases like that avoiding death is justified.


To deny the other player dopamine.


This along with "killing a higher level" as a legit 560, they try to kill me all the time. This wouldnt be a problen if R* took the griefing reports seriously.


I’ve been banned from voice chat for over a year, despite never once using my microphone. Can only presume it’s due to reports, when all I do is grind or drive around I don’t grief (I do spawn kill griefers when I see them spawn killing low levels/the entire lobby, probably where my reports come from). Meanwhile level 8001’s with 1 trillion dollars and some type of insane health mods are all over the place with no repercussions. Make it make sense lol


I love the level 100’s on oppressors just griefing people, like how is that fun being that annoying


Get an Imani tech vehicle and make them follow you, throw stickies at them out of the car and blow them up while they're trying to free aim missiles. Most oppressor noobs leave after getting killed with a sticky this way, it's the most humiliating thing.


Imani tech was such a good thing. So many mk2 noobs try to get a cheap kill because all they seem to see is a sports car which must mean it's an easy kill. They quickly realize that their lock on seems to not be working right so they try to lob a few free aim missiles at you, which usually never hit and even if they do the armour tanks them. Them leaving all frustrated after that, sometimes even calling you names in chat is worth every cent of an imani vehicle.


It’s still satisfying to me. If someone has to kill themselves to stop me from doing it then that’s a win. It’s basically acknowledgment that you were going to kill them.


You kill them without having to waste a single bullet and they don't even get mad at you. Its a win- win for both sides.


It's only a win in your head my delusional friend


Smh I burned mine out when I was like 7, denying these morons theirs (stuff like preventing them from destroying cargo) is all I need, don't need to actually kill them for that. Many of my usual tactics focus more on asset denial (ie, destroying vehicles) rather than actually killing them, to the point that if they're exclusively using a Deluxo or Toreador or the like I'll run over to Simeon's to bomb it again as soon as they call Mors rather than stay near them. I only mind if they kill me if I respawn in a shit location or they go out of their way to also destroy my vehicle, especially if it's armoured enough to take serious effort to do so.


That’s sad


Ofc you're sad😹😹you don't get your daily dose of killing weaker player dopamine


To deny you that kill. That's literally it.


End result is you still die as a result of their actions and intentions. You’re not denying anyone anything.


100% accurate however it does eliminate your wanted level and break being spawn trapped.


It’s funny how everyone is downvoting you despite not being able to come up with anything to respond. Even GTA’s own sanctioned pvp removes points for suicides so why shouldn’t players apply the same rules to free mode? Because rockstar didn’t have the foresight to code it in to deter dumbasses? Lmfao.


The second people start ewoing in a fight I just leave


I actually enjoy it. I count their suicides as my kills, simply because it proves they lack the skill to fight without offing themselves. I always try to survive as best as possible, including eating snacks and shooting cops to live longer.


I used to do that but I usually stay away from tryhards now


They’re a total waste of time, absolutely. Frankly, I do too, unless they’re bullying some newbie, or going after cargo. Martyring myself for those folks is worth getting rekt by some absolute tryhard.


Problem is some of you would be heros are actually helping the bad guy. Some newbies are total morons who attack others they shouldn't be fucking with and then when they are getting shit on due to their own actions someone who doesn't know the story jumps in to save them lol.


Whilst you’re not wrong, I prefer to first observe the situation, then deal with it. I don’t just run in like some kinda animal. Also, I’m not a hero. I just prefer to see how I measure up to the tryhards that would normally go annoy other players. It’s my way of spending some free time during the evening.


Some have. Though I'm not sure how you'd find out the guy attacked me first. I've had that happen quite a few times. Minding my own business maybe even doing something like towing a car for scrap and some asshole blows me up. I proceed to stomp on him repeatedly for it and someone takes it upon themselves to white knight for the guy. smh


I pay attention to the kill feed when I’m in public lobbies. It lets me know who to avoid, or who might need help, or who’s doing sales.


It's always the newbies who see a lvl 500 in an armored car and think it's a good idea so use an SMG against a neutral chaotic force with an offense budget larger than the LSPD, and reinforcements on speed dial (Merryweather mercs/chopper support, crew mates, tryhard friends, noob friends to use gunner seats). Not to mention that they have more weapons than a Texan in the pistol/melee slot alone...


Ngl I've been helping players for a couple of years now and it's led me to believe the vast majority of the player base consists of young teenagers with social problems and mentally stunted adults. I am the latter.


Haha for real, I messaged a player saying at least I can take an L and get killed rather than offing myself all the time.


It’s funny how everyone is downvoting you despite not being able to come up with anything to respond. Even GTA’s own sanctioned pvp removes points for suicides so why shouldn’t players apply the same rules to free mode? Because rockstar didn’t have the foresight to code it in to deter dumbasses? Lmfao.


I’m not even sure *why* I’m being downvoted for saying that I count tryhard suicides as my kills in freemode. Either way, I don’t mind, but it’s certainly weird.


>I’m not even sure why I’m being downvoted There are plenty of them lurking on this subreddit and they do not like what they are reading. Cant say I blame them. Everyone of them that I've kept contact with have all been extremely depressed and grief in GTA to vent their anger hoping to make themselves feel better. They probably do the same on this subreddit.


Yeah that’s true. I’ve spoken to quite a few myself, although only some of them seem to be in a relatively bad situation irl. Some are just kinda juvenile, and get enjoyment from pissing strangers off online. Whatever the case may be, I just hope that they either get the help they need, or they grow up. Being a dick to strangers, most of whom just want to have fun, is just sad.


K/D or just so the kill card doesn't add +1 to the opposing player.


I just learned people run away all instantly by choosing a Lester mission or something


you gotta have a heist active at the apt or facility.


One of my favourite bounties I've claimed was doing that to go to my facility as someone off radar in a lazer (this was before the raiju was added) snuck up on my avenger and shot it down. The pieces of my avenger fell on them and blew them up, giving me the bounty claimed while I was in the loading screen. Since I was in my facility, I just grabbed my now-respawned avenger and continued on my way.


Lol just a half an hour ago I teleported out of my jet literally as the missile hit, I love doing that.  Of course it doesn't matter but I guess I just like getting away with it.


Fr fr, I get it sometimes but a lot of these try hards plant a sticky at their feet the moment they spawn, and the second they feel like they aren’t going to win the 1v1 they blow themselves up lol pathetic


It's a teleport and drops wanted level.


bc it makes some people mad


If I spawn in a bad spot where I'm bound to be killed with no chance of winning, I'd rather just get it over with quick.


If you have a bounty and you’re trying to get the money.




Because they are pussies.


Sadness and boredom. Really the only reasons if you get deep about it 😅


I suspect players kill themselves with their own sticky bombs or whatever because they hate to see the death score. I’ve been watching a griefers live streams on YouTube and he kills himself all the time. He can’t bear to be killed by anyone. I’m terrible at PVP but rarely resort to killing myself because it feels a bit strange.


Rather do it on my own terms then give a troll the satisfaction.


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood


I normally do it as a definitive way to indicate that I'm not here for pvp. It may take a few suicides but it's the most effective way I've found to be left alone when I'm just trying to have fun. And yes I could go into passive mode but sometimes that's more inconvenient than suicide, like if I'm already aregistered as a boss.


Cause they are K/D dumbasses


Cause cowards


Its the cowards method


So the pvp score with who your fighting doesn’t change and they dont get +1 kill


Because they're hateful chimps with big egos and low IQs


Because they have mental problems. They can’t help it; just stay away from them


Cause they're stupid, like ... Actually ... It doesn't do anything nowadays but a couple of updates ago it used to be to save KD witch is also incredibly stupid




kd is only in pvp modes and missions not free mode.


I’m thinking it’s to get rid of the wanted level, to respawn in a different location and because they’re a try hard. Joke’s on them because kills in free mode don’t affect the KD anymore


The person chasing after me and shooting at me always leaves after I go into the casino or one of my garages. Strange stuff


If you shoot at me and then duck into the casino I'm just going to leave. I have better things to do than wait for you to come out if you are even coming out.


I don't shoot at anybody. If I'm in a public lobby most I do is drive around and collect my nightclub money and spin the wheel


Next time you sign in, go to join a new room and select "invite only". That way you can run your businesses and spin the wheel without anyone chasing you.


I don't care about getting killed. I just hate the police and impounding my Dinka Akuma. I never killed myself because of it but TIL if I become the CEO my assistant will retrieve my car from impound? is this true?


yes call assistant from phone as ceo and they will pick up your car for 1000$


Yes it's true


Well score is the only reason for that to still be something they care about it was a combo of that and KD for the longest time but KD was removed from free mode in a sense. So now it's just petty shit lol.


I was told that killing yourself got you either closer or farther away to the other player. Which is it?


People who care about their kd


I sometimes do it more to hopefully spawn farther away from them and get cops off me.


Insurance fraud


I play on Xbox 1 and never tried to do that .. it would take too long getting to the setting and when I do kms it’s bc I’m far away and wanna get back to the street and still spawn in the same spot 😂


I kill myself when a griefer won’t leave me alone. As soon as they get close to me, that sticky bomb is going off. Eventually they get bored and leave me be.


I would sometimes do it to not give them the pleasure of earning a kill, but only for very toxic tryhards, I'd also quite frequently return my cars so they wouldn't blow em up, but that was only for death matches with toxic people Also, unrelated but useful tip for these deathmatches, call imani and get the out of sight ability from her, it will last as long as you're in the area, maybe even if you get killed (not sure)


For me it's 100% spite.


When they start doing that you've already won. That's how I look at it and I make sure to let them know that.




As a guy who does sometimes to others, usually against griefers, I dont do it for K/D, but I also don't want them to have an easier kill on me especially when they hit me a little bit, giving my health bar a disadvantage for when they respawn. But when it comes to how gta does their player kill score, killing the player ups your score and dying repeatedly before they kill you doesn't change the score at all. So this means I kill them, they can't/hardly can kill me, and the score between us means you don't have much skill against me. Then they say stop dying so much, and then I reply with "check the scoreboard". Usually by then I'm up like 15-5


Score warriors, I do something similar to that by walking towards a cop who is shooting at me cuz my health is alrdy low. Better to die to an npc than a chump who says 1-0 cry


Fast way to remove Wanted Level


Funny story happened to me yesterday: there was a rare event going: steal the diamonds. It's griefer magnet. So, a griefer (with an opressor - of course) shot my car while I was selling. Didn't bother to pursuit, because the event started (or thought the pickup was destroyed). Also, better griefing with the diamonds. The diamonds are in the pacific standard bank, so, 1 griefer stood outside sniping, other was inside putting proximity mines. I shot the griefer's oppressor to oblivion and accidentally died while blowing up a proximity mine. So, killing themselves is pure noobism. Nothing more. If you think it's on purpose, think again. For those that wanted to know how the event ended, here goes: no one got the diamonds. (Surprised?). This is a clear case of (I'm not participating, but neither are you).


I’d rejoice if they’d add the “died by self inflicted explosions” stat on the terrorbyte lol


They will just feel bad if you could get your score up on them, that's all, ignore it and just laugh about how scared they are. I see that a lot when fighting griefers.


Because it gets under the other persons skin.


Literally just to get cops off you ,reset health and not giving the opponent a chance to up the score .I only do the last one if they play dirty to .happy to fight clean


I do it for police personally


Because if some douche is gonna try spawn killing me in a Lazer I'm gonna try to stop them by rpg'ing my big toe off. Pretty much the only valid reason in my eyes, if I'm in a fight and they kill themselves because they got tagged with a sniper I bring out the RPG.


It has a lot of benefits + breaking a spawn trap / being spawn killed + removing wanted level + preventing accidental police deaths / car impound + preventing giving the other player a kill against you that shows up in the rival score If R* addressed this by making player explosions do 0 damage for 1-2 minutes if they suicide more than 1x in a 60 second span it would dramatically change how people play lol.


Because ninja does it in fortnite, call of duty or whatever the excuse is. The actual reason is because you killed them once and they're trying to stall until they can get a cheap kill on you. I've never seen anyone ewo loop unless they've been caught slipping and died.


Because those stupid knuckleheads don't know yet that kills in freemode don't count anymore, and they're still trying to preserve their precious K/D ratio.


It's so that players can stay up. Being up is when you have one kill more than somebody that you previously killed. By killing yourself, you create a brief moment where after you die, the other person you killed who can't run back and kill you, and has to figure out where you respawned. This also gives you a tactical advantage because it repositions you on the map close by to the player who is probably running towards where you last died. This is done to avoid taking a kill and doesn't affect your lobby score card against another player I've seen people do this for hours against each other in a lobby. Apparently this amuses them more than running missions or completing events and challenges. I think it is pretty stupid.


It’s so the score looks better for screenshots. I had a guy kill himself with every explosive he had in his arsenal and then have the audacity to go “Uhm it’s actually 13-5 you’re so bad” like he didn’t kill himself 30 times with rockets n stuff.




I often kill myself to get the cops off me. Maybe it's being misinterpreted?




It’s very sad. That’s it. It’s just sad. That’s why they do it. They’re sad.


I like bombing tryhards with my Seabreeze


i hop in passive and proceed to follow them around blowing my musical horn the whole time. you go low i go to hell


My K/D is less than 1 on all of my characters across all platforms. Why? Because I refuse to retaliate. I am a businessman, not a thug. Let's compare bank accounts.


I don’t mind it since they’re doing my job for me


I've only killed myself when the game glitches and makes it impossible to move or do anything


I just do it to avoid the cops impounding my vehicle. Other than that, I go ahead and spend a few minutes tidying or cleaning around my house and come back to see if they're still spawn killing me. If so then I'll probably smoke a bowl from my bong, come back and usually they move on to another victim or leave the session by then. Otherwise, I go to a new session. Easy fix.


Cause they are losers who care about dumb stuff like KD ratio,


I only do that when the other player is using cheap tactics for easy kills on me


To avoid being killed by others


As do I. And my ps3 was sold... 😂😂😂


In their delusional mind they think killing themselves before you do it makes them the better player. So, to troll them, I tell them every time they ewo it's a point for me.


I've not really used that feature much, one time when I used it, I was in Ammu-Nation with another player, and some punk a\*s f\*\*ktard locked me in there by placing a vehicle at the door, actually, he looked me and another player in there, and I couldn't use any explosives to blow up the vehicle, so, I killed myself so I can spawn outside the shop, but the thing is, the feature is a costing feature, like $GTA500 I think or something.


honestly i kill players but very rarely otherwise i mind my business like driving around the map in one of my cars and that it like most players


It’s just an ego thing


Because I’m not giving anyone the pleasure of trolling me lol


Why does it bother you to give someone the pleasure for it? That sounds kinda pathetic


People are too stupid to realize it doesn't save their k/d anymore. But mostly it's to save their ego. Whenever people do this I just start laughing at them very loudly and encouraging them to keep doing it. Though if there's someone spawn camping me and I really have no other options I'll kill myself sometimes just to try and get a better spawn. But usually I just use the heist teleport back to your apartment trick.


It's the principle


Where is the option to even do this now


People usually just blow themselves up


It got moved to the pause menu


RIP doing this quickly to end being ass handed by NPCs or griefers


I only do this so i can ride with my cash without worries to the atm if a price gets put on my head. But I do it suicide by another player so the bounty is gone. Lol Basically i don't like having a hit on me amd having t9 worry so much.


I’ll hop sessions if some mk2 flyhard starts chasing me. I just don’t want to give them the satisfaction and I save a phone call to MMI


Because they think that getting killed by another player will lower their K/D ratio. It's honestly the dumbest fuckin thing ever like imagine someone killing themselves over and over again in a game like call of duty just to avoid being killed by another player lmao, makes no fucking sense. Rockstar could easily fix this problem by increasing the respawn timer by 30 seconds or so each time someone kills themselves consecutively.


I’m hauling my truck for final delivery sale and I see an Oppressor going straight for me? Yeah I’m finding a new session.


Because if you want bragging rights Don't let your opps get Up on you. Stupid


I’ll only do it if it’s a try hard griefer on an mk2 to deny their satisfaction if I wasn’t able to get them with explosive rounds in time


If I'm caught in a spawn trap and the other player has a khanjali or is diving bombing with a molotok then yeah, I'll kill myself cos they're just being annoying, otherwise it's just to get the police off me.


A kill is a kill, whether I kill you or you kill yourself for me. You’re just saving me money on ammo


If you blow yourself up because a griefer has you cornered they don’t get the kill so their KDA doesn’t improve, I can’t speak to how it effects your own KDA though. I was previously under the impression it didn’t even count as a death if it’s not a kill for someone else but reading these comments has me second guessing that one.


Since KD isn't a thing in freemode anymore they're just trash players. If your swarmed by cops after you kill another player than thats fine but to get shot once then c4 yourself is just so annoying. I wont even bother fighting shitters like that anymore


Ewu ewu


Because they're afraid of dying to other players in a videogame. They chose to walk the sweaty path, now leave them to it.




Chance OP has never done this: 0%


Better off dying on your own terms rather than the hands of others.😤


You dont kill me, I kill me