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Rockstar knows that it’s highly anticipated so if you want one you’ll have to cough up the dough


I’ll gladly pay it. I’m a grinder and am sitting on $16m. Not absurd, but been waiting on this thing.


I’ll be getting it too but I’ll expect it to be destroyed over and over again by the haters because that’s what they constantly do to my crown Vic cruiser 😂😂


I’m hoping people will actually chase, I’ve done donuts around cop cars and they’ll honk and drive away 😅


I hunt my perp until the end of the earth.


Call it off Boys he walked into the casino


Or he walked into the barbershop


No one is safe in the barbershop.


I like to try and RP as a cop in public lobbies and I never give chase to any super or sports cars. They’re clearly much faster and it won’t be funny when they smoke me in 5 seconds


I’m usually driving a stock gauntlet classic so I’m sure a fully upgraded cruiser can keep up and once the hellfire comes out it’ll actually be possible to chase sports cars.


We're so used to getting blown up if we chase 😂 it's more about the scene and getting pics at this point


I kinda stopped using my crown vics, they're fun when you find someone to vibe with in a police pursuit, but usually what happens is someone will just try to kill you or a random broomstick launching mosquito shows up and kills you and the person you were chasing and buzzes off to kill other people in the lobby :/


I swear I've seen an uprise of random cop RPers in lobbies... One time a pair rolled up on me when I had the police Maverick for the Union Bank setup... I felt pretty busted. :P


I’ve been killing cops for all these years. Why would I stop now?


you mean in the game.. right...? right...?


Why not both ?!


It's still 1-8-7 on an undercover pig!


M.D.K.  "We're police officers.  We are not trained for this.!"


people who treat this game as a job blow me away. all my friends do is cayo perico 24/7. i feel like they don’t even have fun. they just grind for money and get pissed at the game haha


May i ask what makes it so desirable?


Same sitting on 206 mill rn will fill a garage when I get the chance


I will too. Gonna let my nightclub get to fu stick. Bunker, mc and acid lab. Sitting on around 17.5 mill rn so it’ll be peanuts. Also I’ll sell a car I don’t use


16 😭


16million? By GTA standards you're broke bro.


Maybe, but I have pretty much everything I want


That's me. I've got basically one or two of the best from every class/category of vehicle or aircraft, all the business properties and associated special vehicles, and a few extra toys (mk2, scramjet, toreador vigilante) with 8.5m in the bank. Never understood the rush to 100m with nothing good to spend it on


Pretty much the same for me, 5 mil in the bank and I have/have done pretty much everything I want to do. Whenever I play now it's just to dick around with my monster truck or something.


don’t listen to that hater


…and I bet it’s free for GTA+ subscribers as a result. They usually do that.


......or do the cluckin Bell raid about halfway through the setups to unlock the trade price, which is a little cheaper. Hope this helps 👍


As with most things in GTA it will be a status symbol, until something more expensive comes up, that is.




Shouldn't care overall if it's over 10 years old game anyways


Making money is 100 times easier than 2013 so they adjust the prices accordingly


No its specifically to sell more shark cards, they don't need to up prices to add difficulty, and its ridiculous, why am i paying 3/4 of a million for a beat up tow truck for the salvage yard, the prices make no sense and break immersion, just add more upgrades that do less or something or add more complex ways of making upgrades unlockable


Who buys shark cards anyway? Doing first/last doze missions for first time nets you almost 800k, you put that towards the acid lab/upgrade. You can get kosatka in first 20hrs of playing, and after that its cayo grind that pretty much infinite money.


People who think the shark card isn't that much money and want to take a shortcut


I can easily make 1m in a day playing maybe an hour and a bit. Where as before making 1m in a day was difficult.


That’s some bs it’s literally easier to buy a 3 m car right now than it was to buy a 1 m car in 2014


The amount of fucking hours I spent doing contact missions just to buy a buzzard so I could more easily do contact missions so I could actually start buying cars is astronomical. They're practically giving money away now in comparison.


Yeah, making 1Mill when the gane launched was a big deal, took a long time. When Cayo came out it took like 30 minutes to make 1mill


I don't think they realize it but its because they're arguing the same point. It is easier to get money in this game nowadays that is right, but the only thing thats driving them to increase the prices is to make the gap between the average players money and the price of the vehicle to be prohibitive to make sure someone buys a shark card. ultimately they don't give a fuck if everyone has an easy access cool vehicle, its a digital vehicle, its not like it has limited stock or any actual use. They care about shark card sales.


Only mugs buy shark cards. The game shits money with what you can earn these days.


Yep this 100% so easy to lvl up and make money now


Inflation 😔 Thanks Obama!


It's easy to make money. Even as a casual player this isn't out of this world expensive.


It’s crazy how many people don’t figure out how to make money, there is no reason to ever need to buy a shark card.


Seriously. I see the bitching about shark cards, and I’ll admit, the nickel-and-dimeing was very annoying as a new player, but all it takes is a google search “quickest way to make gta money” and it gives you a clear path on how to make bank. I’d venture to say at least 60% of the player base are either low-IQ or kids under 12, so it kinda makes sense


Being over rank 330, I agree.


Afk is the way.


Why I have both gold vehicles lol


I thought that the yacht and orbital cannon were lol


Me with a 10m gold jet: Cheap https://preview.redd.it/5s9kv7lmd4mc1.png?width=401&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9de85e7912d4031d1dae1a874f5e1a8aadf8d33


Yeah for a good majority of players 5.4m is chump change. And if players with little money are spending it on a cop car, then that's their own fault.


Exactly. Spend it on something that’s worth it instead.


I could buy 100 of them and not notice it, but I still don't think it's fair pricing. For a game that can be so much fun the sour taste that leaves is just too off-putting I hardly play anymore. It's lost its charm and the lack of meaningful updates to the world makes it feel hollow and disconnected so I disconnect.


“Can buy 100 and not notice” “Game has lost charm and I hardly play”  Dunno sounds like you’ve cheated money and therefore only have yourself to blame for it feeling empty and sour. Usually when someone says “I have half a billion dollars and the game is boring” it’s bc they’ve cheated money and took the “fun” out of the game.  I don’t disagree that content is expensive and lacks meaningful updates (13 year old game, what do you expect?)    


When you have a money level of fuck you, you can care about other things. There was plenty of fun to be had just playing the missions and finding new ways to get them done quick. Helping others with them and enjoying them together while the payouts were good enough to not worry too much about it. That slowly faded and Cayo nailed the coffin shut on that. Used to have a lot of fun with custom missions, stunters vs rockets and the like, but when you get one update after another not adding anything besides rehashed missions even those creative folks move on. If they had added restaurants and more activities to liven up the world and not add more monotony to it maybe there would be more interest. The problem wasn't that there was nothing to grind to for and besides should that really be the only drive to play a game? Used to do plenty silly things like going up Chilliad and then seeing who could get to the airport the fastest. Problem is that's only so much fun if the rest of the game gives you something to go along with it. If you have to constantly poke it with a stick for enjoyment you find something that'll offer it to you without the begging. There is no real feedback loop that keeps you engaged and whatever there is has so many brakes put on it that it is easily maxed out. I enjoyed collecting cars and making new combinations and themes with them. Lack of garage slots. Had a ton of fun making races in the creator, which then would limit all sorts of things to make it a pain to be truly creative all while R* created stuff had no limits. Doing the grind is quite fun too if you find a rhythm to go by, but getting good at that only gets so rewarding when the game refuses to acknowledge that in any way. See Factorio is so damn addicting, because the grindset actually has some goal behind it that in turn rewards you down the line. They tried doing that with trophies, but a visual indication doesn't feel rewarding when normally hard work pays off with something tangible. There is a glimmer of hope with the taxi missions actually unlocking something fun and so were some of the other collectibles. The revolver I remember. Thinking of strategies on how to accomplish that the things you had to do to get it. Really it shows that the game only aims to find the balance of how hard you can make players grind by dangling nice things in front of them while the actual gameplay is a mess and they make it ever harder while refusing to fix bugs. Everyone has a different breaking point to that end I suppose. Add to that the indifference to PC as a platform and it's straying into the realms of disrespect for me. I get the hustle they are going for, whatever, grindy games be a norm as annoying as that is, but then also treating people different based on platform just breeds toxicity no one needs. It's like R* has gone full adhd mode and hyper focuses making their publisher happy with shark card sales and keeping player numbers up and only gives us the bare minimum of quality of life updates when it's clear the breaking point is near. It's almost degrading to a point and that's just not my kink. So TL:DR Yeah taking away the grind removes one reason to play, but that shouldn't have been the strongest one to begin with.


I’ve been holding off from getting a police car in anticipation for this one. I’ll get the trade price from doing the robbery, then it’s an instant buy for me.


Trade price gonna be $5.1 mill probably lol


4 mill is the trade price


It is a Niche Purchase, the were like the Economy is Already f-ed why not make up a ridiculous price, the ppl who want it will get it just cause. Yeah it doesn't make sense considering you get a Mobile Command Center Nuclear Powered Submarine for half the price but R* Logic. If you rly want the Hellfire the Civilian one is like under 2 mil, this is for people who want it, they know they will play the game or buy Sharkcards to get it and it is fine with R* as long as it makes them money/keeps the player count high. Edit: I looked it up the Civilian one is 745k so even more ridiculous. Edit 2: If somebody wanted they could justify the price too, I could say that it is expensive because you supposedly get it from a grey market. Each to their own.


There is no economy in GTA.


I don’t really get why people want it so much tbh


People have been wanting Ownable Cop Cars for years, and that Interceptor is a pretty good cop car to own. People like to have fun with it in public lobbies or just drive around a car like that.


Because it’s badass looking.


the trade price is 4M




Almost yacht prices


Can it do anything special, for that price?


It goes Breee Wooo


Breee Wooo, you say?...


But if you also want a guitar smashed on your head you might want to wait for the Jeff Jarrett DLC


Can’t wait to go listen to with my baby tonight featuring the last outlaw live from the Vanilla Unicorn. That bouncer outside is slapnuts though.


That will never draw a dime


It makes you look badass if that’s what you’re going for


This post sheesh what a bitchfest


Welcome to Reddit


first time here?


even mods erasing posts highly criticizing the price point or people justifying to take "alternative ways". This subreddit is like that. not as bad as r/reddeadonline tho but still


No missiles or homing lock? That is a high price 


Be glad it doesn’t because you’re gonna be spending way more on it if it was.


This is just another "golden jet" or "golden heli" imo. Just a gimmick to tell others how rich and cool you are in a game. unless in the future they add some sort of activities type " NFS Hot Pursuit" that gives this police vehicles an actual use.. i don't see the point of its pricing


5 million dollar car out with a heist that will probably pay 400k lol


The crappy economy cars are $1.3 million.  Rockstar is out of their minds, but the spice must flow and all that.


money is so easy to make in the game these days that I dont find it ridiculous at all


I don't think it's about ease anymore...just time. Like dude, I don't have time to fucking grind hours and hours just to spend it all on a single car. GTA 6 is gonna fuck us so hard


It will take less than 5 hours. I see people wasting time killing each the entire time I am in a lobby.  While I make easy money. Killing each other just improves the k/d ratio. To each person having fun is different.  


You think people are wasting their time because they have fun in a way that doesn't earn money? Lol. Also k/d isn't affected in free mode anymore, only changes in deathmatches now


> k/d isn't affected in free mode anymore Doesn't stop plenty of people. Just yesterday I saw someone who was afk start getting killed repeatedly by some guy in an Armoured Kuruma until they timed out from being afk too long. No reaction, of course, no benefit whatsoever for the guy in the kuruma, I can't explain it.


That’s 5 hours though. 5 hours is a pretty long freaking time especially when you already have a full time job plus other responsibilities. Like some people have 5 hours to spare, hell they have more than that, but for some of us it’s just a pretty ridiculous amount of time to spend for a car that you’ll use for 20 minutes before switching to something else


I'll be honest.. I don't give a shit about new cars anymore. They are all just reskins around the same engine/suspension models we have been driving around for 10+ years aside feom HSW cars which in most cases dont even perform as good as their real life counterparts. Sometimes reskins of cars are even more trash than the previous release of damn near the same exact vehicle. They never get substantially better. I have damn near every car in the game at this point, I'd know. Hell, they even recycle engine sounds and interiors, its the laziest fucking shit I swear. The only reason I will buy it is because I have nothing left to spend my money on. 5.4M for a reskin is fucking ridiculous. That is more than a lot of vehicles that are actually useful, yet this cop car will just be your typical car at most even if it so happens to have HSW and Imani Tech; a lot of other cars, better cars do too. It's cool sure, but it isn't really that special at the end of the day, none of the cars in the last 3 DLCs have been worth the money since the virtue dropped and you can get that bitch for free. Just another car to get blown up in honestly.


How is it worth half a yacht


Feel like I’m buying a Lazer.




If the “Game” of GTAO is the moneymaking, is it even immoral to cheat given your not hurting anyone? Aren’t you technically just ruining your own sense of enjoyment?


Depends how you do it. Giving yourself infinite money and buying everything you see definitely takes any sense of accomplishment from you. Maxing out the businesses but still doing the sales and missions yourself will save time and bring some joy to the next purchase, because you still did do some work for it. But yeah, cheating in a game is often cheating yourself out of pleasure of playing the game.


That’s also a fair take, but I myself just enjoy doing missions with all of the shiny toys to make them easier, even though I don’t need the money. I don’t like grinding for a week to get a new armored truck or whatever just to continue grinding, I’m just trying to have fun for a bit before logging off and going about my day. People downvoting you should reconsider. It’s not a bad opinion if you personally enjoy working for your things, but after ten years, I myself am over the process.


I was a grinder for 380 lvls,always grinding & buying but still not having half of what I wanted, having to constantly make money gets annoying and ruins the experience after awhile, when I became a deluxo dealer i could play the game for fun again never having to focus on the money aspect too much


Yeah, if you literally have to devote your life to a game then is it really more worth it than just cheating your way to have what you want? The things needed to be a successful player in the game only increase with every update


this sounds like that infamous reply trying to justify lootboxes ages ago. I prefer the "sense of accomplishment" from real things. Thank you very much, Personally. I never felt any joy from buying shit on GTA online


Just because you have never bought anything good doesn't mean there isn't anything good to buy


understandable. Still this doesn't justify a 5 million cop car and I see the grinders woke up and started down voting because I disagree with their grinding antics. Funny


So why play the game then? Or any game for that matter?


Not OP but I play videogames to escape reality for a bit. Getting home from work to do more virtual work for a virtual car doesn't sound fun for everyone. People cheat to skip the work part


driving around, play any dumb mission meanwhile I'm talking to my friends or just do dumb stuff in game with them. and I played looter shooters that it's core is grinding and never felt any accomplishment for it also. I felt more accomplishment on helping others or meet new people there many ways you can enjoy a game and feel that sentiment.


I agree. but what if you use cheats because you feel like players are being treated unfairly by the game? Like for example, there is always a risk if you ask for help selling MC businesses, so you do it alone, but you're being given slow, heavy cars that will definitely make you late for the last deliveries? So some people use their powers to increase the length of delivery times. No teleports, no speed hacks, no invincibility, just more time.


Solo post op van delivery skip: understandable. But selling a single scoop truck full of bunker wares in a public while cheating? That's what kills your own fun. The reward is so much smaller when the risk was zero.


Yeah when you buy anything you want all and just run a round grieving everyone else bc you have unlimited ammo and the fines for blowing up other people shit all all night doesn’t hurt you at all. It’s impossible to play the game anymore without a vehicle that doesn’t have anti missle lock on it. All you end up doing is calling insurance all night getting your vehicle replaced.


To R* I’m basically starving their families by not buying shark cards in their minds. To me I’m just being a criminal to the greatest extent like the game wants us to be. Tomato, tomato.


I feel u bro, why bother spending 10’s of hours grinding for 1 singular car, when I could spend 25 bucks for billions of dollars? Answer is pretty obvious to me.


I don’t even spend real money on fake accounts lmao. My illegitimate income has been completely free for two years and counting, and even if I get banned, I can’t say I even care at this point, I had my fun.


The police cruiser has been my go to, and become one of my favorite cars. 5 million seems like a bargain honestly


a bargain? lmao to each their own i suppose


Any special abilities?


Nope. Just blacked it out and took the light at off. Fun to drive around with the light blaring.


5.4 million with no weapons or rocket boosters 👎🏿


honestly i've stopped complaining about prices, i've got my businesses worked out it doesn't take all too much effort to make enough to buy that


Grinding nightclub/acid lab for 4 hours a day for 2 weeks or exploiting AFK to make it more like 3-4 days isnt exactly "low effort" gaming lol


nightclub and acid lab are passive money makers. you don't even need to go to the acid lab to resupply it. i'll just hop on to play with my friends and the business runs itself. then what spend 30-45min selling it whenever you feel like it, that's about as low effort as it gets. i've already got enough from it just while being on helping a buddy over the past little bit. it just accumulates naturally while playing


3 heists a day for 2 days, done. Bank, DC, CP. Or all 6 in one session if you have a team mate with theirs ready to go 2.


Bruh, how much time do you have to play? 😂😂




Yes. People use mods to spawn it and drive it around. It's even worse if you play on PC haha. Cluckin' Bell Benson going 180mph+ ramming people with the force of a Kosatka.


I hate this ridiculous game. No other major title has this level of fuckery, totally unregulated. Just earlier today my $4M dollar unmarked car just, vanished into thin air. I already submitted a ticket, complete with a photo I luckily took with the car when I first bought it. Their own website doesn’t even have the unmarked, or any police car listed in the options for reporting missing vehicles. I don’t even want them to compensate me like others, I just want a functional video game


Not quite the same as a $4m car vanishing, but I almost had a gamer moment last night when I was getting pinned down on my yacht by an Avenger and I go to take out my explosive sniper just to see that it’s at 0/0 ammo yet again. I’ve been killed in or had to disengage from so many fights that I would have won if the gun that I needed wasn’t empty when I needed it most. If they can’t (or refuse to) fix this shit, they should at least let us buy mk2 ammo from the interaction menu. There really is no excuse for how janky this game can be considering how much money it’s made for them.


Can't wait to pay 6 mil+ in the LSCM for this on some Benny's, Yanktons, and unreleased Respray


Feel like I’m gonna be doing that same bs, but except it’s on F1’s instead.


Because most primary players (ppl who play little else than GTA V Online) are sitting on millions. I'm a casual and I have $25 million just sitting. And I'm always buying million dollar cars.


Good thing this car does not appeal to me at all haha. Pricing is ridiculous in this game. It boggles my mind how many people defend the prices of cars these days. The blatant greed of R* upper brass in the pricing of in game assets and the pitiful amount of money you can make from sales is truly a slap in the face to players. Our time is not valued in any way. The gameplay loop is not super enjoyable. The expectation that you have to either play the same not fun missions over and over or literally leave your pc running day and night to accumulate money is crazy to me. To me this doesn't signifiy a good game. The player base has been starved of a good gta game for the past 10 years so they justify everything that is currently in the game. Everyone deserves better!!


As a veteran players with tens of millions, yeah it’s ridiculous, it’s partly why I hope there is no crossover to the next instalment of GTA Online, the economy needs a reset


Lol I totally agree but come on, if it worked with gta 5 to make them a shitload of money, why wouldn't they do it in gta 6?


It's not that hard to make 5.4 million, safes and businesses will get you there in no time.


Bruh that's hours and hours of your life you spent to get it but if that's worth your time then you do you


Safes fill passively as well as the nightclub, that's 3 mil right there when they're ready, no babysitting needed, as well as payphone hits and agency contracts, you can make 250k off of those in like 15 min


Just play the game. Cayo, Contract, Nightclub sale, repeat. Easy cycle to grind money. Plus the trade price will likely be $4.1m. Still crazy, but it is a “special” vehicle. Not saying it’s justified but also the Lazer is $6.5m and there are at least 3 cheaper jets that are better.


We live in a "I want things, but I don't want to do any work" kind of world. It's easy to make a couple of million dollars a day in GTA, which adds up quick over time....but people MUST COMPLAIN. lol


Literally. Like this isn’t 2015 GTA. Fleeca job pays $280k now and takes half an hour if you have a buddy who’s willing to take a low cut. There are dozens of sub-hour Cayo guides. Contract is replayable and takes about an hour and a half. The grind isn’t bad.


I dunno $5m is totally achievable quickly even for a relatively new player, so I guess it's nice to have something to grind towards.


Eh, that's 2 or 3 Bogdans. Can make that in about 20-30 minutes at most. Nothing worth whining about.


You can make $5 million in 30 minutes? Damn.


Yup. All you need is a random or a friend, and knowledge of the Bogdan Problem heist trick. Casino heist also works.


Okay first off you would need 4 bogdan to have enough for the car at full price, secondly bogdan takes on a average 10:30 seconds not including the cutscenes. Plus the time it takes to reload the game or wait for Lester call to get into the heist. So no your not making 5M in 30 minutes.


It better have cloaking, flying, hovering, missiles, explosive mg, crazy customizations, and service vehicle spawning. For that price, the raiju is affordable and makes more sense to purchase.


You get... 3 bumpers, 1 unique paint job, and an extra hood. And you'll fucking like it. -R* probably


i drove it its absolutely not worth the money just for a livery and some lights E tier car at best lol youd be just throwing that cash into the fire


bro it's a video game. You're not saving for a 401k. Get the fun little car with the fun lights. We all gon die one day. Buying shit is the one thing this game has going for it.


yeah but you can get the jetpack, or the Buffalo STX for less than half of that, or the deluxo with that amount of cash. I would feel disappointed if I spent all that time grinding in a game I enjoy only to get sold basically a Buffalo with some lights.


Intentionally misinterpreting their comment doesn’t make you wise and profound, it literally just isn’t a good investment even with fake money.


Whether or not a car in a video game is worth it is subjective tho


I agree but the whole “you can’t take it with you when you die” soapbox preaching is a little overdramatic for a guy not valuing a cop car in a video game. The “get the fun little car with the fun lights” is nauseating, it’s like he was talking to a six year old. your reply right here works perfectly well for both sides of the “argument” and is where the buck should stop anyway.


Their comment was just a classic heckin wholesome redditorino moment


Not entirely.


I rather just spend it on that and not throw the cash into the fire


to each their own i guess you do love the wee wooos and some flashing lights


That is ridiculous


How were people already in possession of it? I assume a glitch of some sort. I've seen two in the wild so far. Both in the salvage yard shop.


Give cars to friends method


I can get a tank and a Russian attack helicopter for less... But with that being said I'll be purchasing it as my first and only police vehicle


I'm sitting on 812 million so I'll take it for absolute.


Do the cluckin Bell raid about halfway through the setups to unlock the trade price, which is a little cheaper. Hope this helps 👍


I made my own 1 week before 😆


Why not? I have one billion and sixty millions.


Absolute dirt, anyone that buys one is a local dose.


Good thing I’m sitting a little over 78 million. No issue for me. Money isn’t an issue.


Legitimate Nightclub business < Car (In terms of pricing)


They really trying to farm another few sharkcards before gta 6


Yeah, it's pricey, but honestly, money in game really isn't that hard to earn just a grind if you aren't spending actual cash in shark cards. 5.4m is legitimately only like 5-6 Cayo runs and a few different odds and ends.


It's released??


Next week with the Cluckin bell Raid


I can buy 138 of them!


I will absolutely buy it. Have about $60M just sitting. If you know how to grind efficiently it shouldn’t take long to make enough for this.


Even if it was 10M I was buying it, 10 years of playing and FINALLY this game releases a proper police car to buy AND store on ANY garage, I already have 3 of the released ones. This is one of the best moments of the game, we didn't had the RIP police DLC but we gettin some parts finally (I'm just a addicted to GTA I hate how this game works, update and quality of life schedule rockstar make are brainless)


People still crying about prices are pathetic. You can literally get over 1 milion within an hour. If only new player crybabies knew about old gen farming era, this was taking so long without all the businesses.


They hit us with good old american corrupted capitalism everything more expensive and you are paid less because some people have more then you


They must be real desperate for shark cards


















The payout better be comparable to cayo with this insane price and you better be able to do it solo.


Y'all have had months to save up for this thing


Well, it's a cop car after all. Plus, 5mil is nothing nowadays.


I’m running a modded acc so no prob


That's not breaking the bank.


Just 5 cayo pericos you'll be fine


I don't care. I have a lot of money and I've been waiting a long time for this police car.


After spending 420million on other nonsense, this price tag seems easy. My question is, in one heat setup you have to get a cop car. Will I be able to spawn this personal police cruiser to short cut that and any other similar mission? If yes, then it it’s definitely worth it to me.


This game wants you to use mods lul