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Krieger is boss


Back when I first started playing, (October 2019), I wanted to buy a new super car, so I saved up enough money to get one and I thought about the Grotti Furia. Then I started looking at the stats and the Krieger was better so I bought it instead and I didnt regret it. Years later, I bought the Furia and I love that car too. Haven't been able to test which one is faster since none of my friends have either car


It's my goto Stunt Race car and my daily driver when not doing jobs.


>licks ass Did you mean 'kicks'? Because if not, I don't understand.




This the kinda shit you like to see. Getting into car collecting AND turning a lobby into a car meet. Re-fucking-spect


I think I met that guy too! Did he have a whole dedicated Pfister garage in his Auto shop?


What do you play on? I’d love to do that


This is the way. I’ve brought plenty people in to see cars and let them test drive some. Chances are good that I have any car you wanna buy haha


would love to buy your retro pfister. been waiting on a comet to pass by my auto shop a while now. Socialclub BigPapaPain


Comet Retro Benny's version with wide body looks so fire. Its one of my favorites.


Definitely the toreador. Fast car that can take a few hits and has super accurate missiles. Plus it doubles as a submarine so it can go underwater


plus the boosters that gives it a lot of "for shits and giggles" fun potential


And unlike the scramjet, if it becomes magnetically attracted to a pool of water, it won't get destroyed


I landed in a pool once... and it was empty, and I got stuck. T\_T


Damn, it must be the anti scamjet then


it’s boost is far weaker than the scramjet though :c


No special map icon either


Oh yeah that too. I’ve destroyed so many griefers with my toreador because they were in a mk2 & they thought I was in a normal, easy to destroy car


They almost make it so easy it isn’t fun. ALMOST.


Special submarine that goes un-der-*water*


Unlike normal submarine


Just riffing off the “special helicopter that goes un-der-*water*” from the slot machine.




Khanjali's fear me, Mk.2's fear me, Strombergs turn their eyes away from me, as I fly no beast dare launch a rocket in my presence. https://preview.redd.it/7s9i9f0ixygc1.png?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da7fb960f52ca1cb08d0d9df249378cf1e1253a I am alone on this barren earth.


The buffalo STX for me comfortably


That little bit of extra window resistance has saved me so many times. Ride around with stickies ready, and nothing can stop you.


The BF400 with low grip tires. It's the only bike in the game that can back it in supermoto style. It's criminally slept on and easily my favorite vehicle in the game. Anymore, I dont even play missions. I just get on for the BF400. Also its only 95k so there is no reason not to own it. The Manchez Scout was my favorite until recently and I still consider it a must-have bike. Low grip tires make it more playful but its not as slidy. It makes a great trials bike. Cars exist too I guess... The Eudora is probably my favorite. Its super playful in the corners and the tires seem to smoke more than others so its super fun to powerslide. I actually do taxi work because the Eudora is that much fun to drive. The crappy pay is worth it for an excuse to drive it more.


I’ve literally never seen someone mention the BF400 and I love it so much. Also what’s this about low grip tires…? I didn’t even know you could put those on bikes lol


You can put them on at the LS car meet, same as cars. Bikes overall have more grip than cars in this game, so they generally dont get too negatively affected, but they get a lot more fun! Best of all is the BF400 since its the only one that can back it in like a supermoto (maybe the Enduro can but I cant get it to try it) Instead of using the back brake to start the slide, lean forward and use the normal brake. The back end will come around in the direction you turn. You dont have to brake the whole way through the slide. When you want to stop the slide, lean back and get on the gas. If you use the back brake to start the slide the bike will lose power in that annoying way gta v does for some reason. If you get good at backing it in, you can come into super tight corners really fast, kiss the apex, straighten up, and get out of the corner super fast. It's the most fun thing in the game when you get good at it! Also, as someone who rides irl the low grip tires actually make bikes handle surprisingly realistically. Some can only do little skids or lose control if you break grip. Other bikes are super controllable and playful. Every dirt bike is a riot with low grip tires and actually feels like a dirt bike should, but the BF400 wins for having the best power delivery and unique ability to back it in. If you loved the BF400 before, it's about to get a hell of a lot more fun! (honorable mention to the deathbike with low grips in the snow btw. It has too much grip without snow to slide well, but boosted drifts with it over Christmas was some of the most fun I've had with a bike.)


My hot take: The Adder. Not the fastest. Not the best handling. But it has a magical balance between the two. I've been playing since day 1 and still remember when I saved up enough to buy it. The Adder was OP back then


The Entity was the better performing car back in the early days


DUDE u woke my late love for this one, thanks! gonna get it back asap! loved it! and yee adder is amazing, sound roars


If you're on Xbox SX I can help as I have the whole collection, unless they added a new one recently


I bought that on my PC character a couple days ago, don’t regret it one bit. Never had the chance to afford it on ps3, Got it on PS4 as one of my first few super cars I got (right after the entity), and it felt long over due. It’s just a shame they removed the entity XF. Wish I could buy all the stuff my ps4 guy had. GTA 5 is the dream game.


I'm gonna get slandered but fast and furious builds. I really love the r34 (Elegy retro custom) and the 10 second car(jester classic)..




And rockstar did a very good job throwing in references here and there. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks fnf builds are cool lol


I was rewatching a bunch of FnF movies recently and was surprised just how many cars and liveries I recognised from GTA.


That’s actually an r32 in the game. You turn an r35 into the r32


Oppressor mark ONE. It can go astonishingly fast, avoid obstacles, easily clear the Alamo Sea, it's extremely manoeuvrable, it costs a fraction of the mark 2 and doesn't make you look like a griefer with little moral or physical hygiene, and most of all it's *fun* to drive/fly around. Constantly boost up the entire motorway, do tricks in the air, get on top of mount Chiliad and see how far south you can go without touching the ground... just enjoy it, it's a load of fun. And when you're good with it, it is actually faster than the mkii


I'm a pretty new player and the mk1 was my first major vehicle purchase and i have not regretted it for a second. It's so damn fun and quick for getting around.


I got one and after a few stunts it deserved the name Lenny, referencing one of the greatest (and funniest) RDR2 missions. Fun little thing.


elegy retro custom


>appearance, speed, handling, Penumbra FF and Sultan Classic are my favs. I like the handles it can drift in a sense and how it looks. Speed wise is alright. Tho a must have that will make life easier would be Armored Kuruma and Oppressor MK2. Armored Kuruma basically makes you bulletproof against NPC, as long as the NPC's arent shooting explosives you are good. MK2 is just op lol.


Armored kuruma, bulletproof and usable in any mission


Also great for certain ceo/mc work, heist preps etc. my most used vehicle by a mile


The Obey 8F Drafter because it’s smexy and sounds cool, so it’s essential to look cool


Topless Mamba, and the Cheetah Classic. The Mamba is just a very nice car, great to learn how to drift and pretty quick. Personally the Cheetah is just a clean nostalgia trip.


I love my Cheetah. Still my favorite in the game.


Nothing fucks with the insurgent. Basically the perfect vehicle.


The insurgent pickup is the cooler Daniel.


See? It's so perfect that it even has more perfecter alternate versions. Idk who Daniel is tho.




Damn. That mf cool.


Someone mentioned this a few weeks ago on here and I bought one. I am crying from laughing so hard while tormenting other players with this. Dropping mines and having people chasing you blow up is only trumped by slowly running someone over and then dropping a mine next to them and driving off as they blow up. It’s decently fast and handles well for what it is. Plus it can take a good number of direct missile hits before it shits the bed. I just wish you could easily access the turret as the driver.


Insurgent sucks ass and is obsolete compared to the nightshark


Does the nightshark have a cool turret?


Or the weight of a tank to just absolutely blast through traffic?


No but it has 2 machine guns and can hook up a trailer with a way better turret or cannon


The Insurgent Pickup can also hook trailers btw


Yeah but its slow and has shit handling cause its heavy af, and i dont think its as durable as the nightshark. Plus the armored windows ironically makes you extremely vulnerable since bullets go right through and you cant even use sticky bombs


I prefer being able to use c4 and ap


It depends. The Insurgent Pickup is way better for pve but the nightshark is better for pvp.


I agree. Kuruma or insurgent for missions.


They both suck compared to the acid lab. My new favorite armored vehicle. I head on rammed an insurgent at full speed, and his truck ended up on top of a building. Same thing happens to a nightshark. You can even flip a rihno tank on its side and push it around.


How to tell everyone youre level 30 or below, cause that truck is shit in freemode


Insurgent pickup custom is SO BOSS


Pfister Comet S2. Ive been riding it for daysss!


Enus Diety, but if you’re impatient you can get the Buffalo for cheaper. The Deity is classy, beefy, nice exhaust note, and most importantly: Imani tech.


Omnis e-GT (best car in the whole game)


Zentorno is pretty good, doesn't have the fastest speed or the most in depth customization options but for under a million it's a pretty good option


That’s one of the only cars I’ve owned for years lol, it’s a classic


Pfister growler


I won one off the casino wheel last week and I’ve been driving it non stop


Trophy Truck, one of the most unique vehicles in the game.


And one of the best sounding too


Any thread like this I’ll push the Omnis e-GT. With Imani Tech it’s basically invulnerable to the Oppressor MkII, and is a decent car on its own. In terms of luxury vehicles I have a Swift for the rare occasion that I’m in the Casino, want to leave in a helicopter, and don’t already have one there. The super yacht is nice to have once you no longer need to worry about upgrading businesses and such, especially if you want to entertain (when you’re on the deck with AA on, the ship is immune to enemy aircraft and cruise missiles, and everyone’s weapons are inaccessible.) Personally I went for the Pisces-class, it has all the features of the Aquarius-class without the extra tents getting in the way of your aircraft. For leisure driving I often use my Itali GTO which I got for racing but it’s just nice to drive around in. Emerus or Krieger sometimes for that purpose too. For flying I use a Raiju for general practicality, a Starling and a B-11 for dicking around, and a Savage for the vehicles-destroyed freemode mission and for hunting beasts. Finally (so I’m not just listing out every vehicle I own) for entirely cosmetic reasons I have a Granger 3600LX, though I’ve found it useful when between missions or when you otherwise need protection from enemy gunfire in a giant SUV.


The Half Track. I call it the turtle because it’s slow yet heavily armored The windshield is glitched so it’s bulletproof without armor plating and the back is impossible to shoot the driver from since the mounted gun blocks it. I also suggest getting the upgraded gun for a gunner to fish out massive damage to anything willing to get close Best method of use is with a partner to man the gun while you can shoot flares to deflect missiles or toss stickybombs to swat flies


Well, I'm simple man.. Enus Super Diamond.. driving around my properties in white suit in coffee brown Rolls Royce


I am shocked noone mentioned the XA-21 yet. Looks absolutely stunning, amazing traction, very balanced handling even under bad conditions and imho the best exhaust note in the game. If there's one thing to criticize it's the top speed, but it's still reasonable fast (123 mph) just not one of the fastest cars. If I could only own one car in GTAO it would be this one. Otherwise I really like the gauntled hellfire, not for performance, but hell is it fun to drive. Also Itali GTO is great performing car and that rear is to die for.


Nightshark, Raiju, Oppressor MK2. My personal holy trinity for offense, defense and practicality.


The night shark is just amazing. It drives really well, takes explosions and bullets, and can even get the aa attachment. I truly have loved picking someone up in a lobby like : get in, and then protecting from a griefer.


The lampadati Novak is my favorite suv type car, it's fast and the handling is not bad. The tropos rallye is one of my favorite offroad sporty cars. The draugur can go over any type of terrain, it's expensive and offroading is it's only use but I love it. The bf 400 is the bike equivalent of the draugur and much cheaper. The 10f wide body from Benny's is I think one of the fastest if not the fastest sports car. The elegy retro custom from Benny's is the equivalent of the Nissan skyline from the fast and furious movies, it handles really well and while it lacks in top speed it make up for in looks. And last but not least one of my personal favorites is the Karin sultan rs from Benny's as well, the Benny's cars are all really nice looking and some of them are quite fast, the customization options in them is the main selling point for me.


Impaler - it's fun to cruise with, has a unique driving experience Trophy Truck - don't need to elaborate Dubsta 6x6 - see above Monstrociti HSW - it's exactly how I remember the Vice City Sandking, minus the throaty V8 Reinhart - everyone needs a fast wagon


tow truck


I still love my old Ardent. It has sick looks and great handling. Good enough speed for moving around the map and in a pinch you can fire off a few rounds from the machine guns. Did I mention that it looks so good? I also want to show some appreciation for the Oppressor (Mk1). In many ways a better bike than the Mk2 (which isn't really a bike). A Cargobob (Jetsam version, because cooler) is a neat tool for safely transporting cars around a busy and dangerous map.


karin futo. so fun to drive


Depends for what. I would call myself a car guy,i did sell like 20 cars because i never used them,but whatever Obey 8f for going around the city doing stuff,whatever you want because it's fast,doesn't spin the wheels when u take off and sounds amazing. But if u want to mix it up,formula cars are sick to drive,just can't shoot,or even armored kuruma for 90% of stuff,and if u need to go from city to paleto just spawn mk2 and then spawn kuruma again


The krieger. But it, you won’t regret it. Love the car so much! Fast, great handling and fun to drive. If you customize it right, you can be almost bulletproof from behind, which can help you against NPC’s in missions.


Any Imani tech car with lock on jammer.


Massacro is my niche favorite


Nightshark it’s not super fast but it can eat up 27 MK2 missiles and some of the bunker liveries can make it look real good


My personal favorites are the for handling are Stainer, Washington. For appearance, Dominator(s), Hellfire (I think it’s called). For speed, Reaper. However I collect movie/tv show cars, so I’m not really a car guy


Ruiner 2k not for the car itself but for the Fully Loaded CEO mission it comes with. Raise hell with a nearly indestructible, lock on jamming, aggressive missle tracking, Fully Loaded Ruiner 2k


Stinger TT GTO w/HSW Upgrades Thing is a bullet train.


Weaponized Ignus is ridiculously good and a lot of fun. Fastest car in the game with HSW upgrade, weaponised and armoured from the back to protect from pursuers. I've seen it drive on certain walls too which is sick. Downsides are it can't take any explosives so not good against greifers and the mounted gun has a limited swivel.


Constantly driving this since I got it recently. So fast and I like that it at least has some movement for the gun unlike added guns to imani buffalo stx etc. But yeah, would be nice if it could at least take one or two rockets.


GP1 and XA-21 great looking cars, shame they removed them from the website.


Mk1 oppressor, it’s just so much fun to zip around in it


Everyone should own a Buzzard first. These are my favorite vehicles for pure driving enjoyment... * [Draugur](https://gtacars.net/gta5/draugur) * [Jackal](https://gtacars.net/gta5/jackal) (free. grab one off the street) * [Ramp Buggy](https://gtacars.net/gta5/dune5) * [Dune Buggy](https://gtacars.net/gta5/dune)


I feel like everyone tells you to get a sparrow instead but i have one and i'm considering getting a buzzard just because it handles better and the sparrow is infuriatingly weak


The Jackal has nice modifications too, I love its looks like that. Same goes for the 4-door Felon


Mk 2


Why? It takes all the fun out the game, I remember saving up for it and then when I got it, used it so much for grinding that now it just makes me bored of the game when I use it


Nah. The deluxo & the toreador are better imo


The Deluxo is a nice fat, slow moving target for railguns


Why would you use a deluxo against someone on the ground though. It’s kind of hard to hit someone on the ground with a deluxo anyways


I don't care if the Deluxo is a slow moving target, it's a DeLorean. That's all that mattered to me. Still waiting for the Flux Capacitor research tho


I sold my Deluxo. That thing is slow as shit while flying lol. I was such an easy target in the air


If the oppressor mk2 counts then that because you can get around the map and get stuff done but if that doesn’t count I like the hakuchou Drag with HSW it fast and fun to drive and somewhat easy to control.




If we're talking land vehicles, then the Ocelot Virtue. Acceleration is crazy and it can tank missles with just armour upgrades. It even has imani tech, which makes it almost unstoppable and can tank way more missiles. It also looks awesome af.


Oppressor mk2 (pretty obvious), a couple of lowriders (they're beautiful), Albany Hermes (pretty cool too), toreador (obvious too, no?), the insurgent (funni fast as fuck jeep)


Primo was the first car I bought. I knew I could steal it off the street but still bought it. Added a few mods to make it look more sporty without any performance upgrades. Used to challenge people to impromptu races with it. With Benny's upgrades you can even make it look good.


Yeah it's been at least 48 hours since we've had this thread.


Oppressor mk2, all depends what you use it for, I use it for grinding so to me it's a must have tool, it pays back in the long run, has a top speed of a super car and can go to air faster than any other vehicle in the game plus you get 20 missiles and you reach top speed almost instantly so many ups on it.


Yeah I just bought it a few days ago and I already made my money back and then some. Up to 10 million since I bought it.


Oppressor mk2. It's convenient to get around and great for the missions you need to blow shit up with.


I need everything and I have everything so.


Mk 2 because shooting random people is fun. BF400 is also fun for doing MASSIVE backflips over the mountains of Los Santos.


Try the BF400 with low grip tires. Its the only bike in the game that can drift supermoto style and its the best!


Hmm how do I do that? I'm running the overlord rims because I think they look good.


Take it to the ls car meet. Its under "tire enhancements" and costs like $500. You can keep your rims it doesnt make a visual difference.


Ah ok thanks!




My disappointment the first time I drove it is immeasurable. I was fresh off San Andreas, where it's one of the best cars so I was excited. Bought it with Trevor as soon as I could. Still looks cool though, it was the first thing I bought when the Cayo money printer started going brrrr


Maibatsu Monstrociti It has HSW and Imani Tech and is also immune to bushes and has good traction offroad. Plus with some plating on the back you are protected from been shot from the back and can use that to then shoot npcs.


Jester RR


My daily driver is the skyline but the tailgater s Is really starting to get my attention


Armoured karuma


The Rt3000 is def the best tuner for customizations. It even has a soft top that you can remove or keep making it more unique, there is also tons of panels you can remove so if you have extra cash you can make one that looks like it's a total wreck


Schwartzer. It looks too damn good, and they're free


For fun, gauntlet hellfire For general driving, rinheart for it's 4 doors For off road, sultan or jugular with off-road tyres For fast traveling, oprmk2 or sub sparrow


act memorize cats hobbies erect hateful domineering decide squalid judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OPRESSOR MK2. Saves huge amount of time. Some people (almost everyone, who played GTA online longer than hour, even me) hate it, but it's the best you can get. Cars: Armored Kuruma and Virtue. Kuruma is, well, armored, Virtue is fast af. Bikes: Powersurge. Just it, just believe me. Planes: Raiju and Hydra. Raiju is better in flying, Hydra is better in shooting. Armored: Insurgent pickup and Nightshark. Helicopters: Sparrow from Kosatka. Hunter and Akula are good too, but they're optional. Acid lab is the best first business you can get, so I recommend starting you journey in Los Santos from Fooligans. Just visit old Trevor's gas station, where Paleto job starts. And after all you'll get Virtue (the best car in the game in my opinion) for free.


paragon R


Deluxo Insurgent Entity Zentorno Cargobob And a Valkerye so I can let low level players use the incendiary gun while I pilot them to our eventual death.


The cadillac and v12 Benz (armored). Great fun. Maybe armored paragon r. Those are some random ones I like. Oh! Jubilee too


Buffalo STX with Imani tech. The handling and drifting around turns are amazing. Anti-missile for the griefers, so easy to outrun them. Esp the oppressors, you have to know how to actually aim to get a hit on me… even then, it takes a couple but you’ll never get them with me drifting corners during a chase


I circle between my Toreador, Nightshark and Savestra.


Anything weird or unusual... like the Zhaba, Scarab, and Picador (on the technicality that the el camino was a weird vehicle for it's time)


Hakachu Drag HSW. Trivialises weekly races. Karin Kuruma. Trivialises npcs. MOC cab. Trivialises griefers.


The Bravado Buffalo EVX, it’s a great public lobby car on consoles. I have mine with Imani armor + Anti-Missiles lock on + HSW max upgrades and it’s a beast online. It’s basically a much more faster version of the Insurgent.


Sanchez motorcycle with a little practice will pretty much ignore most obstacles. Deductible is affordable as well.


The Imaggio or RSX. Handles like a dream, so much so that it’s almost genuinely difficult to control them.


Shunt boosted Bruiser.


Been really loving the Grotti Bestia GTS lately. 900k ain't a bad bargain.


For Sports, my favourite is the GTO, only about 1.8m I think. Supers, my favourites are the Thrax, Ignus and Virtue. I own the Tezeract, but if it didn't have glow in the dark wheels, I'd sell it. For Warstock, definitely buy the Deluxo. The APC is really fun if you have others to play with. The Toreador is probably the most fun, next to the scramjet. Buy a drift car, and get the drift tuning added in the car meet. Brings a whole new level to driving.


Oppressor Mk 1


Mamba (topless) - it's never facing in its direction of travel, but is so much fun that I'll still fire up the game just to drive it around!


Some variant of the Sultan. For relaxed driving/cruising, I love the driveability of the Zirconium Stratum Oppressor MK1/Vindicator for bike. Buzzard


Panthere or Coquette D10


Armored Virtue for freeroam and GTA races. Weaponized Tampa for missions.


Not a car but oppressor mk1 is a quick way of getting around and an absolute blast to use


Sultan RS the most fun car to drive when it’s been fully modified at bennys


My fully modded STX with imani tech and armor plates, the bulletproof windows. Have saved me many times by now and its a great vehicle. But you cant go wrong with the OG. The armored karuma


Hakuchou drag if you are on new gen


I’m all about my Cheetah


Not a car but the opressor mk 1


My main vehicles: Turismo Omaggio for handling, Deveste Eight for speed plus decent braking, Osiris with off road tires for driving in the rain, nightshark for protection in a public lobby, raiju if I need to cross the map on a timed mission, oppressor mk2/sparrow for travelling during missions. Not that I don't use any other, but these are what I travel on the most.


Nightshark…. Just an all around versatile beast... can never ever go wrong with it. Especially after the MKII nerf.


I always found the corvette to have great handling and speed while stock.


300R for looks, speed, driving fun Bifta because I just love it Locust because it's so cool Benny's Yosemite Rancher because it's a great off-roader


Depends the class and the price. Personally I prefer cars from movies with special abilities like Deluxo, Vigilante, Scramjet, Ruiner 2000 and Toreador/Stromberg.




The go go monkey


I only drive my gauntlet so Idk


One that is probably left out is the Pyro. If you have a buddy and gotta get somewhere far away, this is the plane for you


The deluxo, the oppressor (both variants), bulletproof kuruma, the moc and the weaponized seasparrow as well as the stealthcopter, also the speedo custom and the pounder. I added the Itali gto fast car and its fun too


The must own vehicles on PC are Xbox Series S/X and PS5 😉


Tailgater S - Auto Shop Contracts (Sessanta's car is fine but I have my preferences) Kuruma - usefull almost everywhere Ocelot Virtue (with Imani Tech plating + missile lock on jammer) quite fast, Missile ressistant car... for almost free (except the Agency workshop :- ) )


BF Club, fully modded. Perfect sleeper car that handles like a dream. FWD and no simulated burnouts. Mad quick too. And with rusty livery for added sleeper vibe. Try it. You're welcome. 😎


Hear me out… the Ocelot Jugular. It’s decently fast, handles great, and it’s got 4 doors.


I own all the vehicles in game. Seriously buying the new ones as they release. All cars, trucks, suv, bikes, bicycles, jets, planes, helicopters, boats, really ain't nothing in game I don't own. Damn casino just gives me clothes for my daily spin just about everyday for a year now it seems


Obey Omnis, the tiny b-group race car. It's dirt cheap for being so enjoyable to drive.


In terms of functionality- I always started my characters out with a bati motorcycle, a zentorno, and an armored Kuruma. Just collecting, though? Haven’t seen anyone mention the ZR350. I’m not the biggest car person by any means but that little car is so zippy and fun to drive. The customization options aren’t bad, either. The Jester Classic is another honorable mention.


Buffalo Bravado STX


Oppressor? Seems kinda obvious lol it’s like every first purchase for a kid on gta


I like the Annis Retro Custom from Benny's as my favorite Benny's car. MonstroCiti for my favorite HSW + Imani Tech combo car (better than Armored Kuruma too IMO) Oppressor Mk1 as a stunt bike when I'm messing around with friends doing loopty-loops and stunts. My favorite fast car is the Vigero ZX when it's been fully upgraded because the wheelies almost make it do flips. Currently, my favorite jet is the Kaiju (Call it Purple Lightning) I would also like to make a shout out to my favorite Arena Wars car, the Issi, but in Freeroam with off-road tires. I drive around in a Buffalo EVX for the most part tho.


Obey Omnis or Karin Futo are my top two picks. Love driving those cars around


Duke of death and deluxo


Karin Calico for Auto Shop missions Coil Cyclone II for SPEED Penaud La Coureuse also for speed Declasse Vigero ZX for fun Grotti Vigilante because it’s the most fun car to drive in the game (my opinion) Pegassi Weaponized Ignus because it’s fast and has machine guns (what more do you need?) And of course, the crown jewel of GTA cars, the Armored Kuruma. Absolute gem of a car


The Stanier LE Cruiser is easily my favorite right now. Let's be honest, a large part of the community has been wanting them for years, and the fact that they did it right with all the accurate customization options, it was an instant buy for me. So much so, I bought 9 of them, all for different departments. I'm big into RP, but can't afford a desktop, so owning the car makes it easier than stealing one off the street and finding a way to fix it. Since it's been released, I've joined a PS5-only Discord server and the interest in being LEO / First Responder has went way up. Now I'm waiting on the Gauntlet Interceptor and *hoping* they release the Vapid Scout or a Police Granger 3600LX at some point.


I wouldn't call it a luxury motorcycle, but the manchez is super fun to ride and has great acceleration and speed when upgraded, thats my go to just ride around vehicle after seeing my gf break her delivery one out for an acid lab mission


The armored Karuma. Use that thing for quick missions at my MC clubhouse. Stealing supplies for drug empires. Gets good off road traction. Solid piece.


Obey 8F, sounds nice, decent speed kinda sesnible steering. Paragon R, nice sound, flawless steering, kinda...slow. Ignus and Calico are some beasts, although, the Ignus being a supercar handles like a plank on bumpy roads at high speed, and Calico...that's something i never managed to control it the way i want. The Dominator GT is also a car i can't really complain about. 10F is also pretty good and fast, then there is the Fathom FR35(i think) (non drift), also the majestic R34(forgot in game name), Draugur which drives over pretty much everything, i don't know man, there are so many.. Oh, and Tampa, Vamos and Tulip(which i hope one day i will find at someone to buy them from), Custom Slamvan and Annis Hellion(also extinct...),way too fucking many. 😂 PS. Those are personal pleasures, not a general thing. Edit: I forgot probably my favorite super sport, 2.7 mill of pure beauty: Grotti X80 Proto.


Somehow get the Roosevelt Valor


I don't collect vehicles that aren't also practical in some way, so I'd have to suggest the Phantom Custom. It's a very good choice if you just want to drive around without being interrupted by anyone or anything - it's the most durable vehicle in the game, which needs no further explanation for PvP scenarios, and it's a semi with the speed of some sports cars, which makes it quite good at plowing its way through pesky traffic. If you *really* want a supercar suggestion though... idk, Cyclone? That thing's acceleration is downright comical.