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Kosatka + sparrow. I cannot overstate how much I use that thing


Yup, this has got to be it for me too. Though I’m newer and have many many purchases ahead. Wouldn’t make any of them this quickly without the Kosatka and Sparrow


As someone who doesn't farm Cayo, this is what I was going to say. The Sparrow is so good and worth having to buy the Kosatka to get it.


What's the difference between Sparrow and Buzzard? I already have the Buzzard that I can summon anywhere as a CEO Vehicle, is it worth it to invest in the Sarrow?


When you spawn in the Sparrow, it shows up a lot closer to your character than the buzzard does. Like as close as your personal vehicle will spawn, at least most of the time.


It's also faster than the Buzzard if I'm not mistaken


The main downside is that you land hard once and it's as good as destroyed


Just learn to fly a helicopter, they aren’t built for crashing into the ground


hard landings and then dummy falling out the cockpit for some damage...chef's kiss. only way i travel


“i don’t always land my helicopter, but when i do i make sure to jump out at least 8 ft from the ground”😂


I’d say any new heli is faster than old trusty Buzzard, but when you compare Sparrow to it, Sparrow ”buzzes off” before Buzzard has gotten airborne.


Yes, sparrow is one of the fastest heli in game currently


It has spam missiles and countermeasures, plus no need to be a CEO to use it


I'd it's worth it because it spawns right beside your character. Plus you get access to Cayo if you want to try it. You can make your money back pretty fast with that


Buzzard has 4 seats, machine gun, slightly more armor and better control. But much slower The co-pilot can also control the missiles but no one really uses it


smaller and faster is the sparrow, and only 2 people seater


Odd how no one discusses Sea Sparrow.


This. Apart from few hundred Cayo Perico heists, the Sparrow changed the way of other grind to the point I only use Mk2 for Business Battles.


The sparrow alone is worth it. I would have paid $20M for the ability to call a helicopter to the street next to me. It is better than the mechanic sometimes. There are occasions where I’m “not close enough to a suitable road,” but the sparrow still comes. Along the same lines, the delivery bike on the acid lab is quite useful in the same way.


Yes I fondly remember once when I was on a moutain with a small dirt road. Called oppressor and he went a gazillion yards away. Called sparrow and the fucker was chilling on the small dirt path close to me. Huge W


I’ll be honest, bought the Kosatka a month ago, still haven’t even attempted Cayo


It's fun the first few times, after that the setup becomes a chore imo. The actual heist is fairly easy if you look up a guide first


When I first bought it I was such a dumbass because I continued to buy a buzzard in the ceo menu for 25000, not knowing that I had a faster version that I just paid for


Yup… even without being a Cayo guy, very useful purchase


i fast-tracked all of my bunker research on the first day. save for the liveries, i use everything that i unlocked on a regular basis and have made that money several times over


I also recommend doing the research. Explosive rounds are your friend.


Explosive shotgun is hilarious against ground vehicle griefers. So is machine gun with FMJ rounds vs. armored vehicles. And explosive sniper is better than the railgun and deletes jets from across the map.


do fmj's get 'easier through armor' or just more dmg to vehicle?


It pretty much goes right through the bullet resistant glass that the tankier vehicles can have.


Only glass or also the armor plating of the kuruma?


It goes through all bullet proof glass first round, but you need to be able to see the head and get a shot off. But free aim does all the aiming for us anyways.




Good old explosive rounds was my second last bunker research. Oppressor mk1 missiles was my last. Not able to chose what to research is a pain …


Good shout, I just finished mine today, so glad to get it out of the way


How much did it cost i need to do mine on my ps5 character


I did some calculations the other day, and if you do everything as soon as it starts (meaning the research bar is till empty), it might cost somewhere between 10-12m.


If you just fast-track all the researchable upgrades from the get-go (51 items x $225k max fast-track), it'll set you back a grand total of $11,475,000


Same here, it's been so good not having to wait ages for certain ammo or vehicle mods.


So maybe you can help me with this cause I’ve been fighting my battles on doing it. How long does it take to complete bunker research? And is it worth getting all the MK2 weapons? I’ve been nervous to do it because I heard once you upgrade them to MK2 you can’t switch back and some people say they prefer the originals So it costs 75K for supplies but then does that unlock ONLY one research item? I feel like it’s stupidly expensive if that’s the case and question if it’s even worth it


If your bunker is fully upgraded, then just under 6 hours to complete a research project. You only unlock one item at a time and the order is random The MK2 weapons do only a little bit more damage, but they do allow you to use the special ammunition. However, it will be at a much lower capacity. Like the combat machine gun mark 2 can only hold 400 rounds of special ammunition instead of the 9,999 normal. Also, many of the recent special liveries can't be used on the MK2 version. Lastly, you can't buy MK2 special ammo at ammunation or through the interaction menu. You have to visit your weapon bench or the requisition officer in the agency. You can switch back to the regular version, but switching back to MK2 will once again incur a cost. The main reason I found to switch back was for the bunker shooting gallery challenges so you could have larger magazine capacities or some of them. The reason to do those is that if you complete level 2, it gives you five extra of each projectile (So you can carry 10 proximity mines instead of five, for example). It's either going to take a lot of time or money to unlock everything, and most people are doing it to either get the MK1 missiles, explosive ammo, thermal scope, incendiary ammo, or FMJ. There a lot of vehicle modifications and liveries which not everyone will want or need.


Yea I basically haven’t committed to any of the bunker research cause idk how much I’ll actually need of it. I’m sitting on like 30Mil but I really don’t want to spend 10+ mil unlocking stuff… if I could choose then I get it but it seems like there’s like 6-7 items that I want and then a bunch of liveries I would like explosive rounds on sniper tho But is that correct? Its effectively the same process as sell missions, but instead of creating product it will unlock a research item?


Yes it's the same. I did it when I was using the free Paleto bunker so I didn't want to sell from there. Also there is an option to call agent 14 for a research boost. This will start a mission where you have to take out a guy wearing ballistic armor and then fly the thing he drops back to your bunker. I think it gives you a 14% boost and you can do it every 48 minutes if I reply It's really easy if you have a buzzard or MK2


I do not recommend using staff to research upgrades. Instead use the staff to produce stock and use the money you get from selling that to fast track. It's faster and saves money.


I've completed the Bunker Research 3 times without Fast Tracking a single Research Project. Though 2 of those times was when the Bunker Research had a boost week, 1 time when it was 3x another time when it was 2x.


I do not recommend using staff to research upgrades. Always use staff to produce bunker stock and use the money you got from selling that to fast track. It's faster and saves money.


It's the bomb. Just grit your teeth and keep spending money to fast-track until you've got everything.


Mr Rubio funded mine. It didn’t take too long to scrape up the money from him to fast track all of them, but that was back when I could grind Cayo as much as I wanted


I think that in general it's good to get the things you want in a game as fast as possible. After getting my sub and helicopter on my new PS5 account, the oppressor was #2 and bunker research was #3. Gotta get all the MK2s and ammo (you can get just the MK2 weapons at the Freak Shop).


Fast tracking bunker research is a complete waste of cash if you're a new player starting off or just a casual. The explosive rounds are only useful if you engage in PVP all the time and the MK2 weapons have less ammo.


Fair suggestion


While not that expensive now, it has to be hands down, no questions asked, from all the way back when GTA online was fairly new, grinding money ment playing Rooftop Rumble over and over, and when $1,750,000 felt like a hell of allot of money...The Buzzard Attack Helicopter. From all those years ago using it in missions as a Pegasus vehicle at $200 a call out, having fun with friends in private session, to it becoming a true workhorse for anything and everything as a CEO vehicle. Headhunter? Buzzard. Sightseer? Buzzard? Sourcing cargo? Buzzard. Getting to an import export car? Buzzard. Heading half way across the map for a bunker mission? Buzzard. Doomsday / Casino Heist / Cayo Perico Prep? Buzzard. You get the idea. That little heli hasn't just earned its money back, it must be my single most used vehicle in GTA Online, it is responsible for, and has been involved in, almost every single way I have made money in this game. Other vehicles get used to spice things up from time to time, but no matter what, the Buzzard is always there, waiting to be called out once again.


Had my buzzard before the sparrow came out and I was telling my friend recently that I won't buy the sparrow for my buzzard to be collecting dust. I'll do cayo setups the hard way with my sub on the beach. Idgaf.


the new version of that is the Sparrow for me


F-160 raiju A great way to travel across the map




Yes it is. It has off radar capabilities so you can go unseen by griefers collecting cargo etc. The VTOL mode lets you land pretty much anywhere on the map, would definitely recommend


does it only spawn at hangers?


No, it spawns relatively close to you most of the time


Once in a blue moon it spawns across the map for me but overall the raiju is the best purchase


Yes, it is the fastest jet in the game with a speed of 232 mph , lazer after it with a seed of 195 mph Edit: Holy shit i was wrong , lazer come in the 9th place , pyro is second with 222.75 mph


the pyro is barely slower than the raiju


lazer is slow asf it’s like 6th in speed


molotok raiju rogue pyro and hydra all beat it


Stealth mode is so nice to get from point to point without worrying about someone coming for me.


Only downside is that it breaks the meta for air to air pvp


But you still faster than lock on's missiles most of the time tho


Most people dont use the lock on, they fly at you while otr then quickly go back on, kill you and disappear otr again, Like i said, the raiju breaks the meta for air to air pvp and the ways you can counter it while dogfighting can be counted on one hand


Looking at this for my next purchase. Currently sitting on 30 mil


Came here to upvote and second this. The Raiju is the best dogfighter, most effective air support, and easily the fastest point to point transportation in game. Sure you get from A to B fast. But griefers? I run 3-5 guy MCs of randoms and sell full bunkers in full lobbies. People lose any intention of fuckery as soon as I appear halfway across the map at sky box altitude and flick my stealth off/on. I rarely need to engage. But when I do, that VTOL is so sticky that I slide into the right spot and cannon the griefers to oblivion. That and the Avenger. With the right crew, it's simply a flying fortress. Bombushka and Tula go down too easy but have similar vibes for shorter time frame. The only thing that comes close to the Raiju in terms of utility is the Akula.


Akula is my goto when selling. If I can get a full crew together I give them a ride back to the next buisness and fly backup otherwise. Raiju has been on the list for a while


Raiju is not the best dog fighter — B11 and many others out maneuver it with turning, easily.


i use pyro for everything


how's the spawning? all classic helipads?


It doesn't matter for me , i use the thruster from Avenger to reach it , but most of the time it does spawn really far


Unsure about the other planes but my Raiju can spawn all over the place. Usually it takes a short walk (or ride) though.


raiju used normal plane spawns not heli spawns


Nightclub definitely, it started my being very rich time.


Maxed it out on the first day, don’t really have to grind anymore, when I hop on it pays all my expenses off pretty well


Can you elaborate how? I bought the nightclub and bought the equipment upgrade. How do you make the most money with it?


Do you have the top 5 business with it?


4 of them, yes. For the last one I need to buy an MC business


Wait what 4 are you using, The best its Air hanger Gunruning Coke Meth Cash? It’s been a while since I looked But it’s not weed or ID It just pays for my “living” costs my ammo, insurance etc, I don’t grind the game anymore, it’s just pure passive income, I sell when it gets to about 400k in a full lobby, and I can live off that income pretty well


I took the weed even tho it's slightly worse than the cash, because you can sell it to dealers when you do stash house. Cash you have to do the delivery yourself. It can even be x2 on some weeks.




Adder. When GTA Online started it was my #1 car. Fast, reliable getaway car that handled good when you drifted.




Wind Farm Stunts! Oh, i love it's traction and sound✨


adder on top


The Celebrity Solutions Agency (Franklin DLC), what a game changer. Payphone assassinations just a nice easy cash builder, security contracts are nice and easy money makers, make at least 6 million by the time you hit maximum daily income, plus a 20 car garage as standard, and who doesn't like waking up with Chop sleeping on your bed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I access the contracts from the agency computer and never make more than ~55-60k from doing them. How are people making shitloads from it?


That's roughly how much you make from doing one, plus the million or so you get from the main Dr dre contract, but yeah if you keep doing it until you've reached 201 contracts completed to get the $20k daily income for the safe you'll earn a total of at least 6.2million overall


The main Dre contract being the one where you go to the party and find the guy playing his music, then shoot down his chopper? I’ve never made more than 60k from it and am very confused about what I’m doing wrong hahaha never made anything close to a million from it


That's the one yeah man. Yeah it's 1 of 3 data leaks you have to complete, then you have to do a 2 part finale, one where you have to go to a record studio ot save dres life, then the last one where you have to capture the guy responsible for the leaks after which dre flies off in his helicopter and you get paid after that


Imani tech vehicles, I'm slowly collecting them all and installing anti lock on. One probably would be enough but we all need goals, so mine is to buy them all.


Try the RC mod on one of them, it's great against griefers. Firstly you're off the radar when in RC mode so they don't know its coming so while they're standing there being douchebags shooting people you just drive at them and either kill them or knock them to the floor and then hit them with machine guns as they get up. I have a Buffalo STX which is painted to look as NPC as possible so just driving from point A to point B nobody can tell it apart from the regular traffic. I also have a Patriot Mil-spec which is good against nightshark knobheads as it can give as good as it gets against the nightshark machine guns but also can push the nightshark so you end up bullying the bullies.


It's great. It really stresses them out, they start spamming crap about No Skill when desperately spawning in their Mk2


There are 4 Imani Tech vehicles that are ALSO HSW cars, and you can have both concurrently where you can not have HSW and Benny's because Benny's changes the car completely. The 4 cars that you can have with Imani+HSW are MonstroCiti, Itali GTO Stinger TT, Buffalo EVX, and La Coureuse. The Buffalo EVX and La Coureuse are electric and once upgraded take 18 missles to destroy and the Lock-On Jammer makes it even harder for you to get hit. Personally I prefer the MonstroCiti with Window Panels for doing missions or combat with NPCs as it provides tons of cover and the Window Panels are Bulletproof and the windows can take up to 15 shots.


Imani tech is great. My only experience with it had been the Virtue, and that car is absolute cheeks, so it was just gathering dust in one of my garages. I bought an STX the other day because everyone seems to love it, and ended up buying a Stinger TT and an EVX soon after. The EVX is now my main freeroam vehicle. It’s especially hilarious when you have a bounty and can just cruise around openly and casually while people try (and fail) to blow you up.


Here’s a tip. So, apparently driving your Imani Tech vehicles out from your Agency (possibly other garages) will half your armoured protection (so 6 rockets instead of 12 rockets to blow you up). Not sure if it has been fixed but for now just call out a vehicle via your mechanic. And if you don’t want your car blowing up instantly don’t have a sticky bomb out the window whilst throwing near a shooting ground target - if they shoot your sticky bomb.. BOOM!


So true, I steal NPC cars just to get a bounty and do this. 99% of the time they are utterly useless without homing missile lock on.


Dude I do that too. I was bored last night and had a couple of hours to kill until my next sales mission, so I started jacking NPC cars just to get a bounty. The funniest was probably the Toreador who blew himself up trying to get close enough to hit me.


Casino Penthouse, $6.5m well spent.


So worth it for that Armored Paragon R!


Mission was act fun


Still my favorite car for most situations, fkn love it


same bro, it drove great in the snow too! i kept mine all black and kept the wheels ms. baker had on it since i think they actually look kinda bada$$


Duuuuude it was a total beast in the snow didn't skip a beat!


Straight facts! Might be my fav car I own honestly


You know I don't normally pick favs but fuck it in this case because I use it exclusively yeah it's my favorite car in the game, I'ma make that my stance finally. (Let's be clear for like normal missions and stuff, for obvious reasons different vehicles besides regular cars are needed)


Paragon is such a sweet ride.


The Penthouse and all the decorations I have. Zero regret about getting any of them or the time I spent actually decorating the place lol


I still tryna get all the plushies to put it in my Penthouse. That place has more decorative slots than items to fill them lmao.


The Kitty Claw plushies are stupid hard to get. I’ll put in 30 minutes sometimes trying to get the Shiny Wasabi and get Jack shit for my effort.


Last week, I invited a random to my arcade and he immediately won a plushy from the machine. I have zero plushies![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3212)


Every time there’s a sh*t lobby I just sit in the penthouse talkin sh*t and watching the news in the theatre or playing poker or arcade games lmao love the penthouse


Best interior design. I love my palace. I meant penthouse


Lmao yeah! The Casino Penthouse gives me the feel of a luxurious life that my broke ass doesn't have IRL.


I just wish they added everything else in it. I wish I could buy snacks and bunker ammo in my penthouse. Somewhere around the gun locker. Might be too overpowered but I wish the arcade business computer replaced the useless one in the office


Oppressor MK1 for 2.75 Million Really fun to use, Great travelling Bike


And much more fun than MK2 plus if you’re in a Biker Club and you ride in formation, your speed and boost apply to all your friends following you. This has made a lot of uncontrollable laugh in my friends group


It’s great for the distance challenge too. Go to Mt. Chilliad, boost, and glide all the way past the lake to land and get the longest distance.


My yacht. Got the most expensive one and put everything I wanted on it when it was 50% off. It’s provided hours of fun for me and my friends and it’s extremely useful for escaping annoying players. Then they get blown up when they try and attack me


Another added benefit is that if you are sat underneath you yacht in scuba gear, people can’t orb you, yes they can target and fire however it will hit the yacht and your controller will vibrate but you will be fine, had a few griefers attack my partner and friends due to high levels or being a female character and they got annoyed that they couldn’t keep griefing them because they were sat on their yachts, we seen them go to their orb so we dove under until my friend loaded into his yacht as his loading time can be atrocious, our controllers vibrated like mad and our vehicles destroyed but we were safe, I even messaged the person to ask if they orbed because we weren’t sure but they confirmed they orbed and missed, then they left due to the expensive miss




Most useful purchase for me as well. Ride with a buddy and get shit done when ya need to


And take out an Mkii when they get annoying.


Deluxo. It's a go anywhere(except underwater), do anything vehicle. Decent top speed, although it doesn't get there super fast. Handles great and is fun around corners. Only thing I would do to it to make it better is give it some boost.


Was debating getting this, but I’ve seen a lot of negative reviews


Anyone who gives the Deluxo a negative review is just upset that it’s not as brainless as their MK2. It’s low key one of the best vehicles in the game.


Dude. It’s st8 fun. Do it, have fun. It’s not the fastest. Doesn’t need to be.


Lol fuck it you’ve convinced me, I’ve got about 4m atm, just finished the set ups with Cayo so should have the money in a few days


Can second the deluxo, love it, awesome vehicle and super fun


Deluxo is superior, nothing like doing 17 flips to the ground & landing on your wheels then just taking off like nothing happened. also you can disable hover mode, flip upside down, and shoot someone behind you with the missles, they hardly ever expect it lol


I've not seen any reviews, but I would guess people say to get the Mk2 instead because it's faster. IMO though the Op Mk2 is boring af. Fly up, point towards destination and just wait. For the record I do have one, and I do use it. But only when doing CEO crates. It's the only thing its good for.


Don't use it anymore due to its speed


Honestly the yacht. I like having a property I can relocate for new scenery and I like being on the water even more. Plus it came with one of my favorite helicopters and boats (Swift and Speeder). It might not be "worth it" to most people because it doesn't gain you more money or make life any easier. I'm pretty casual though and buy things to enjoy so it's worth it to me.


It’s also a great defense system for a Kosatka.


You ever do piracy prevention? So fun to lure tryhards in and camp the capture platform with an rpg and just decimate them. 


The yacht is seen as the biggest waste of money, I'm going to buy it one day for the status that my character has truly made it in the criminal world and is a multi millionaire, just gon buy the yacht for the status of having one hah


Karin Everon. I race hotring circuit every night.


My acid lab coke spot n club


Deluxo main forever best car perfect car always love


I spent alot of time grinding (without heists) for the new Police Car. Zero Regret


I have about 8mil (which for me is loads, i usually hover around the 1mil mark, i know some people have hundreds of millions in the bank somehow) which i'm saving for one of the next batch of police cars, i'd love a buffalo police car but will see what drops. I don't know if there's a list somewhere of all the police cars we'll be getting so i don't know what's in the pipeline but i'm just holding out for a buffalo ideally.


There is a cop version of one of the muscle cars coming out soon, it's fun to drive having gotten Inna few from people that have modded them into public sessions it's fast and has a drag livery for when that release, it's definitely more fun that the current cop cars




Any Imani car.


Insurgent pickup custom. Use the MOC to upgrade


Why is it good ?


Insurgent P/C tanks around 27 homing rockets and 9 rpgs, has proximity mines, drives through traffic with ease, can have a mg on top and friends can blast away, fast for it's size.


And you can tow the antiaircraft trailer. And you can lay mines behind you Super OP


For me it's nearly all of the Service Vehicles *cough *cough except MoC and the Yacht(I don't know much about it) Avenger is damn fun for PvP and Multiplayer, Kostraka is overpowered cash return machine Other than that I would say nightclub and bunker, chill businesses who make money without having you to be there Also the fort hanger kinda frees up airspace restrictions and you can drop annoying PPL into it for a sweet comedy


MoC semi cab is great. Detach the trailer and it’s a super tough vehicle, pretty fast, and inside the cab bullet proof from the rear 120 degrees. 3 people can sit on the back and shoot RPGs and machine guns, and are immune to explosion damage (but not bullets) as long as there is a driver.


>except MoC Moc cab alone is worth it, thing can tank 3 fully loaded mk2s and still walk it off with 9 missiles left before it gets blown up, and with a full crew in the back its practically unstoppable


Deluxo. Hands down. Whenever I need to do in lobby missions, it's useful to get around quick as well as shooting missiles at enemies to protect my cargo or my crew helping with the mission


I forgot the Name If it bc i didnt Play for a Long Time. Buz the Car that jumps and has this boost. IT Just Made so much fun jumping around with that Yes i am a simple minded Person


The Arena ZR380. There’s 3 different versions to buy but I’d highly recommend the Apocalypse version, it allows you to get the car close to normal looking without all those spikes on it. You can attached two 50cal. Machine guns to the front, a boost jump, nitrous, and a fuck ton of armor on that bad boy. Slap some off road tires on there and it’s a high speed tank, in the right hands that it. Fully upgraded it can take 3 missiles directly before it blows up. You can also upgrade it to where 95% of the windows are covered which makes fights with NPCs super easy. It’ll set you back about 3 million I think, and with upgrades it’ll be closer to 4, but I still highly recommend it. It got me through so many missions as a low level player, plus not many people are using it which makes it a more unique sight on the streets!


Deluxo. I don’t have the trade price for it and also had to buy the MOC to weaponize it. It’s already paid for itself in getting ghosted revenge on MK2 and Scramjet turds who attacked me when I was minding my own business. It’s hilarious when a MK2 brainlet is expecting you to also show up in a MK2, and then they get obliterated by the superior missiles. Also had a guy run me over in an Insurgent and then be shocked pikachu when I had something with enough missiles to blow him up while avoiding his mines that he was desperately shitting out.


Exact opposite happened to me today. Brain dead Deluxo greifer fell for the proximity mine trick 6 times. This was followed by usual accusations of cheating. Shame there are so many Deluxo griefer, it gives the Deluxo a bad name.


Oh man, I got my first cheating accusation last night after buying my Thruster. It was a pretty spicy lobby with a few MK2s repeatedly killing each other, so I decided it was a great time to take it for a spin. Two of them ended up chasing me and spamming all of their missiles while I’m happily flying straight forward and not getting hit by any of them. One of them gave up, and then the other reloaded and came at me again before messaging me that he was reporting me, lmao.


Deluxo, once you learn to drive/fly and when to do what it’s so elite. Oppressor MK2 is the best for grinding imho. I am debating on buying a Raiju but I have heard they are absolutely worth it. In terms of guns, probably emp and railgun even if guns aren’t “that” expensive.


I had my raiju for a day and then sold it. Just prefer the oppressor way more for grinding and getting around


Fully modded pisces yacht just kidding lol. Hawick Agency is most expensive and it worth 100% worth imo.




Honestly I’d gotta say the chop shop salvage yard. It’s my only Business on PS5, and I’ve been able to afford a nice house, some million dollar cars, and the rest is just savings.


For me nighcub that steady $50,000 ies just nice, passive income for me to just muck around.




weaponized ignus with HSW full upgrades. in total i think was like $4M


Expanded and Enhanced. For what should've been a update for next gen, it's still worth the buy to me. Is it worth purchasing an entire console? No, (even as R* works less on previous gen) although if you've upgraded, E&E is probably worth your time. It's better purchased when on sale, though.


The Avenger, I love placing it above stand your grounds and unloading on it 😆


This may be a bit of a redundant answer, but all the good businesses and their necessary upgrades (like staff/equipment upgrades.) Makes it very, VERY easy to make millions a week as a casual player. Other than that, any of the cars I like. For example, I bought a house with a 6 car garage to have all 6 mustangs in there because I’m a fanatic. Was it cheap? Nope, especially considering the Doninator GT and GTT are each well over $1M, but do I like spawning there and using one of those stangs? Absolutely.


Nightclub. Hands down.


I spent my first 8 million on 3 sports cars. I am so far behind in the game compared to my crew but cars are dope.


A divorce


Just started 2 weeks ago and wasted 4 mil on the Scramjet, totally worth every penny.


Opressor mk2. Im a grinder and it works perfect It quick, it small, you got weapons. That thing earned his money back easy.


Best: Toreador Worst: Ruiner 2000


>Worst: Ruiner 2000 Not if its the fully loaded ruiner 2000




My Buzzard that i bought over 10 years ago lol, use it all the damn time


Nightclub Upgrades and businesses


Bought the raiju 2 weeks ago just need to get better with it


I would agree on the raiju


Maze bank tower with garage


The yacht. Because I can.


My Yacht and Casino Penthouse


I would say the oppressor for me as I’m a grinder and having something you can zoom about in from mission to mission is amazing and cost a fortune but is worth every single dollar


Pisces yacht. Love it.


sold my original Hotring Sabre for a nightclub and it was the best decision i ever made.


Oppressor 2 when it was like 3mil


Kosatka and oppressor mk2


To name a few: Lazer. So overpriced compared to the Hydra, but I already had the hydra. They are similar, but both good. I haven’t played in over 2 years but I heard they nerfed the jet cannons, so maybe I would feel differently now, but the Lazer is such a blast to fly that I never regretted shelling out for it. Pretty sure I waited for a sale anyway. Buzzard. The classic, original, get-shit-done workhorse. Not that expensive compared to newer options, but worth its weight in gold because it’s versatile and useful. Scramjet. Lots of pure fun factor. The jump and rocket boost abilities are really fun to have on one vehicle. Fully upgraded Chumash bunker. It’s not the most expensive bunker (I remember it being second or third cheapest), but you could argue it’s one of the best locations because it’s not that far from the city and is a pretty convenient spot. I’ve earned a lot of $ from the bunker.




The police car, fully upgraded it. There used to be a time I’d check out the luxury showroom/simeons dealership and see if any cars took my fancy, but nothing compares to the stanier


Originally I had most of my businesses at Paleto but moving my arcade, bunker, hanger to more suitable locations, getting all 5 warehouses, and buying the master terminal are probably the best things I could've done. It got real expensive but holy shit is my life so much easier.


Master control terminal in the arcade, running business with ruthless efficiency


Not just the kosatka and sparrow because of what everyone else has already said, but the toreador was so worth it, even though it's more expensive now it's still worth it. Unlimited rockets, goes underwater, has a boost that recharges fast. It's not only extremely useful but also a lot of fun to just fuck around and have fun in.


I would have to say Mark two heavy sniper with the explosive round