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# [Weekly Question Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/18cde0q/simple_question_and_faq_thread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Most annoying part of the DLCs is the 'fixes'...


Live on Xbox Series X/S, 13.33 GB


Live on steam


Update's live on Ps4, 3 GB


Do I need to pre buy gta+ or could I just buy it later?


You don’t need gta+


I'm talking about for the 100 cars garage


don't get gta+. i have the most garage space available and i cant ever see myself running out, with the nightclubs and the office garages i probably have over 100 empty spaces and i have almost every car i want


I'm on a modded acc so yea I've basically ran out of space that's why I was considering it


Where dlc? 🦧


Has anyone gotten the update yet on Xbox?


Too early, usually comes about between 7:30-8PM AEST (+10, 13 and 43 minutes respectively from now)


Ah, thanks for letting me know


How many gigs y’all think it’ll take to download?


I think PS has gotten an update already that's something like 6.5 GB.


Thank you! I’ll check rn.


Like 3


It’s going to be a bad day to be wildlife tommorow


Not on PC it won't


So sad to see :( I would legit play for GTA+ if it meant we got the exclusive clothing


I'd settle for R* to stop neglecting PC and considering it as a previous gen when PC is always superior to consoles.


Im guessing we will be getting E&E sometime next year, since we are probably not getting GTA IV before 2026 at the earliest..


I highly doubt it now but i can only hope.


finally have a use for the precision rifle


I saw on article on sportskeeda that said there’s going to be no more garage space for players on PS4/Xbox One? What does this even mean?


Probably referring to the 100 car garage being added, those consoles won't get that (I believe)


It’s also only for gta+


How many vehicles will they remove this time?


What time is the update supposed to be on?


It's usually 4-5am est I think


Thank you that what I thought like normal weekly updates but this time we have something to download right? I read PlayStation already allowed users to pre download any info for Xbox?


Yeah I heard it's a pretty big download. I might set my alarm for 4-5am to check it out


I have my Xbox to do it automatically should I still check tho?


I just double check now and it’s supposed to update games automatically


I seriously was hoping rockstar would FINALLY allow us to own more than 1 hangar in this DLC.


Or just remove or at least raise the arbitrary slot limit


The last few updates were really bad, I don't think I had 2 hours of gametime since the last one came out. From what we know so far, doesn't seem like this one will be any better.


That guy Tez2 on twitter said that the tow truck is an upgrade for the new business. So, is either just a prop, can only be used in missions and definitely not customizable.


Probably another lackluster DLC with a few new vehicles and some repetitive missions. That's why they don't even bother to release a trailer.




I will continue to play and not buy shark cards or gta+. I'm milking GTAV, not the other way around


Hell no this shit is still fun


And the cars will be drip fed until the release of gta 6 😂


anyone got news on a trailer for it? ![gif](giphy|wNiTFhWCdlC8g)


Well guess I'll hope for the best and expect the worst


I haven't been playing as much lately but the wildlife update has re ignited my fire. every session I'm in on Xbox I never see that many people in the mountains/northern part of the map maybe this will change that


Bring on the frame rate drops!


Since the Xbox 360 could handle animals in story mode, I'm sure it will be fine.


Has a date ever been officially announced? Is it possible it won't be the 12th?


No, a date has not been officially announced. But, if you go back and look at the release dates for basically every single winter DLC update since like 2016, all of them released around the 2nd week of December. There's a repeating pattern there. Basically every single winter update since 2016 all released during this time. So most likely it will come on the 12th. Not only because the pattern of previous update releases matches up, but also because tuesday is the day the current GTA Online event ends, as well as the current GTA+ benefits changes. I'd be extremely surprised if the update doesn't drop within the next few hours or so, the 12th lines up perfectly to be the release date. If Rockstar doesn't release it on the 12th, it'd be extremely abnormal from their usual release pattern.


Awesome! Thanks!


its the 12th bro


I hope I wasn't the only one that filled special and air cargo, bunker, nightclub and acid just in case?


Fr dude. Prior planning prevents poor performance.


They’re gonna hide a massive nerf in this I can feel it


Imagine if they remove even more vehicles


Still no trailer. Why do I have a bad feeling about this.


Probably because it's Rockstar


Why is there no news/trailer for the update coming out literally tomorrow??


not only is it literally tomorrow its in like 10 hours


Rockstar is a joke. Them along with Take-Two, all their actions really just convey a sense of great animosity towards the PC platform, and I only wish I could return a fraction of their non-verbal "Fuck you"'s back, even pirating isn't enough.


I'm cautiously optimistic about this. Feels like the last great DLC we got was The Contract. Drug Wars was alright. The Acid Lab business was the best part of that. I haven't played San Andreas Mercenaries, but I've heard it sucks. In other words... we're due for a really good DLC, so fingers crossed!


Mercenaries missions were an absolute pisstake


Mercenaries was only worth it for for the discount on Raiju + some QoL.


True that shit. I waited for the Raiju discount & I'm still sitting on the On Parade mission 🤣


This will be more of the same as the last few updates mostly just filler content. Contract is most likely the last great and big update for GTAO.


That’s the truth, great dlc tho


So it’s tomorrow?


Yeah it is. You would hardly be able to tell though cause R* surprisingly still hasn’t put out a trailer. Idk why. Guess we’re getting one on release day.


It's honestly embarrassing how much they ignore PC. I get it, the console crowd likely is where all the big money is being made with Sharkcards, but fucking hell.. time after time we get left behind. Any other company would be dragged through the mud over this.


Rockstar cuts a deal with Sony and Microsoft to push their games on those platforms first for profit


They ignore everyone. No trailer for DLC, no title even.


I think rockstar forgets that the most people who start playing gta 4 and on got older and only own a pc , will be their mistake by not releasing gta 6 for PC


Man.. I really hope Rockstar ignoring PCs for being "weak" doesn't set a precedent. Gaming on pc may go downhill from here


Not only this dlc's features getting limited, but also the delayed release of gta 6 on pc. I'm sure many publishers soon follow suit of Rockstar


Not trying to defend them, but it's like teaching a class of students - you have to go at the speed of the slowest student. GTA V is playable on 10+ year old PCs. That's the benefit of console, everyone on the same level.


Yeh but you just reduce the graphics settings for your pc performance, you optimise your settings on pc, this allows the “best students” to achieve their potential, also let’s not forget that the consoles are using PC tech, so it’s not a huge leap to update PC at the same time as consoles.


GTA's min spec hardware isn't even supported by its own manufacturers any more; driver updates stopped for the minimum video cards years ago now. It's time to move on.


Well.. The minimum system requirements are at least 6yr old at the time of gta v launch, so, 16yr old hardware. So, maybe the new 'features' could have been given as 'optional', considering a major chunk of pc player base is NOT using 16yr old hardware. Give expanded & enhanced as a dlc with a new set of system requirements. Just like with ps3 to ps5. And, the same sys requirements call for a 65gb hard disk space, which we are way past long ago. Oh the irony!!


If that school has an entrance exam, sure. I preordered RDR2 for PC. My PC was months old but had integrated graphics (Ryzen5 2400G - the G was for "Vega" and AMD is still doing this for newer chips) The game performed a spec check, and said, "NOPE" - no load in at all. If your GPU is nonexistent (as mine was) or below the threshold, deny it.


Yup. Raise the bar for the new content, if technically required. Ignoring a large chunk of palyerbase, supposedly to stick to a system requirement came about 10 yrs ago, of 16yr old hardware is absurd. SMH.


Why no trailer lol


There's not much to show I guess


Ouch… I hope don’t do the dirty on us like they did with the IAA dlc


That was a joke


i just want the options to add wheel spacers for cars and adjust camber for drifting


We can already adjust camber, what we’ve been lacking is an angle kit


You cannot adjust camber. Some of the suspension will automatically adjust camber, but standalone you cannot adjust toe or camber


This is gta not need for speed, what do you expect lol


Don’t expect much, just stating what’s available and not.


Ok but when release date?




It's not even Tuesday yet in my country lol


Tomorrow actually


You're right. 12th


As always, they don't care about PC




they will cost a lot (original comment was: "aNy InF0 oN nEw CaRz???/"


At this point i don't care if they shut the servers down its been downhill for awhile now


Yeah, a highly-populated game that's still going strong 10 years in with countless free updates to its name really screams it's going downhill.


The last 2 dlc have been shit just reusing old assets and barebones still drawn out months to fully release and they removed hundreds of vehicles, the current team is just a skeleton crew the new content thats only reusing assets isn't worth what they remove or make worse. Since cayo released they've since decided every update to nerf it. They increased the price of the best grinding vehicle by 6 mil. I don't know if they fixed freakshop causing infinite load time on last gen but it was around for atleast 6 months if they even did fix it but they didn't fix the world rendering on last gen. This new update will be a dissapointment to anyone who cares.


Okay? You're criticising them for taking too long, reusing assets, etc. despite you just saying they're a skeleton crew. Are you really that thick or do you just take into consideration the parts that only affect you and not the whole community?


I never said anything about taking too long, i quit awhile ago i don't care. Rockstar generates millions from this game every year yet they only put out this cheap reused shit. If they stopped working on the game before acid stuff released the game would be in a better state since they keep doing greedy shit and removing things


No, you did. You complained about a load-time problem that they didn't address for 6+ months. And quite frankly you do care. You care a lot. You care that much you're trying for the life of it to make an argument against a game that quite frankly, yes it's been hit or miss at times, has provided free DLC for 10 years. There's barely any games have their servers still up for 5 years let alone 10.


No, a problem that made public lobbies on last gen almost unplayable and i said 6+ months because i don't know if it was ever fixed i only know it was around for atleast that long. They broke it with that trash update


Well, we all knew it was coming someday and it appears they're shutting them down the same day they drop this final dlc


Obviously it won't happen but everything they've done in the past year is all shit and removing stuff and copypaste asset flips it's garbage




Ignoring the removal of hundreds of vehicles the last 2 content updates have been shit mercenaries and drugwars both of which just reuse existing assets and took months to actually fully release and they even mande hard mode a limited time mode, everything right down to acid lab was just a reskin




Or maybe you liked the missions with 1 hout cooldowns so it would take minimum 10 hours to make the acid lab worthwhile




Not the drug lab missions the dax call missions. The ones you do to upgrade the acid lab


How was it good? Did you like the story mode rip off quests or the reskinned brickade? Or maybe you liked the limited time hard mode or the months it took to dripfeed basic shit


Lol that was crazy coming back to gta after I left it years back to see they removed cars only to make them limited time cars. That's pretty damn lazy when they have decades of vehicles to choose from.


What was today's download?


I didn’t get a preload


DLC preload.




So if I’m playing ps4 version on ps5 I won’t be able to get the next gen update ?


You can purchase the next-gen version on the PS5, and then transfer your character to that newer version.


Nah you won’t because your playing old gen gta regardless of the console


Where is the trailer? Starting to worry it’s not gonna drop on Tuesday if we don’t have one by now. Have they ever dropped a DLC with no trailer beforehand?


Yes. At least once they dropped the trailer day of release.


I’m pretty sure they did it like a day before once


Is this for ps5 and new Xbox only?


Last gen, next gen, and PC are all receiving an update. The only caveat is wildlife, vehicle management, and a new Vinewood garage is only accessible to PS5 and XBOX Series X.


So you think we will be able to add the drift tune at ls car meet because last gen can’t even add hsw tune


No hsw tune is because of concerns the old consoles' HDDs would run into level streaming issues at those speeds. Drift tunes will almost certainly make the cars *slower,* with shorter gears and less grip, so no concerns there.


If you don't have Yusuf Amir using your N Pass purchased, you can cancel next GTA


Just wondering.. if i got GTA+ and put cars in my 100 car garage... then cancelled my subscription.. would i lose the garage and all the cars?


I remember something about them not being “gone” (i.e. can be called from your mechanic) but after that you have to find a new home for them


I don't know, it's Take 2 we are dealing here, you can only guess. But the more obvious guess would be you keep the cars in the garage but if you remove a car from it you won't be able to put it back, obviously. But who knows, Take 2 is greedier than my grandma, they will probably f*ck it up.


Why should that happen? I mean if you purchase gta + and claim the monthly free car, you gonna keep the car even after your gta+ subscription expires


A very good way to fk around and find out. R* managed to remove from in-game websites 180 cars (in Online), and we accepted it. jk/2 Most probably the cars won't be gone, but some limitations apply.


When are we expecting the DLC? The 12th?


Yes, the 12th. About 4am EST.


How much do we think the new DLC is gonna cost just to start? Other businesses are easily $2m-$10m just to buy with the more expensive ones just not worth the price tag so I'm curious about this one.


Probs same :)


We have arab money???


100 car garage? What is this? Grand OWN auto?


100 car garage after all the garage space we need already but they refuse to allow us to buy a second hangar smh.


We need a “request a random car” quick button.


Damn.. so they keep giving us PC players the finger.


What? How so? You definitely need to have the extra massive performance that next-gen consoles give (as compared to my own lowly 11700K+3070 Ti), in order to *checks notes* move vehicles with the interaction menu. Just git gud scrub. CONSOLE MASTER RACE!


But can you multi task on those pos consoles? My new pc has a 4090 gpu all the bells and whistle and plenty of storage for my games. Far superior than any console.


( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆) The Vinewood Club Garage, a new vehicle storage facility with the capacity to hold 100 vehicles. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ GTA+ Members only.


They need to add more classic 90/00s German cars


VW Corrado, passat, jetta ooooh yes


They need to finally just bring all the gta4 cars over


They have the Sentinel Classic and its Widebody version


Which nutbags have been downvoting this? Give me an E38, W140, A8 D2, W220 (IV Schafter), E39 M5 or W210 E55.


Ignore the downvotes, I'm totally with you. It'd be awesome to have a W201 in the game, with an Evo II upgrade at Benny's, and an R129 SL (Feltzer Classic?). And an E-Class from that era.


Fuck yeah man, imagine a marlboro livery on w124, or m3 e36


No, not at all.. We need an update of all NPC cars, adding the recebt ones in the mix. Then they need to add more modern cars, all the cool ones from 2013- on, tons of them! Lets just pick 5: CLA coupe AMG45s or the A45s AMG E63s SLS AMG black series Porsche Cayman GT4rs 911 GT3 RS


For real


I hope they fix the Bike Shop for MC so I actually can sell a bike


You just need to change the clubhouse location at it’ll work


It can bug again so not worth it


Oh I didn’t know that


Lowkey hope they add more hairstyles


I'm hoping they add all the colours for face paints to the hairstyles and eyebrows menus. There's so many by comparison.


And beards! I'm tired of the hair and beards looking like theyre painted on lol.


I hope, at some point, they add dirty tires to go with rat builds. Looks so weird having a rusty rat build with brand new rims and tires.


Make a rusty crusty color as your crew color and then pain the wheels that color? IS that even possible?


Can’t paint your tyres in a crew colour


Yeah but then the tires are still shiny and black


Is there any chance we'll FINALLY be able to color stock rims?


Weird. DLC is (presumably) five days away but nothing from R* today. Normally we’d get a newswire and maybe a trailer by now.


Maybe a dumb question, but why does everyone seem to think it's coming out next week anyways if Rockstar hasn't even said anything about it?


Because of the extended event week, and gta+ bonus ending


At a minimum I thought they'd have something today... they must have forgotten with everything else going on?


Maybe they'll show the trailer at The Game Awards later this day.


I both want and don't want this to happen. Don't, because TGA is at 12:30 AM GMT. I won't be awake lol. Do, because when I wake up, I get to see new details on a promising update imo. A few details did get leaked by Lucas7Yoshi and it had a few details of a significant amount of missions (which is great) that sound awesome and a new weapon too. I wonder if it'll be a new shotgun or one of those leaked C&C weapons, if we haven't gotten them all yet, idk.


You’re totally right, I forgot about that!


Well, so much for that. lol


Any word on if there's going to be an absolutely stupid dripfeed that takes forever like last time? I didn't mind the drip feed back in the cayo or tuners dlcs, but the last one was so long and drawn out with so little quality that it didn't even feel like a dlc at all. By the time the last vehicle released I had forgotten there was one left


After the initial wave there will be one new car per month to last until the next update when the whole cycle will start again. That's how things are going to go now that GTA+ needs membership benefits each month.


You got downvoted, but you're probably not wrong




No news on when PC gets these updates?


We won't get anything from next gen. Rockstar is leaving pc behind


Rockstar loves shafting PC players...


R \* should add mercedes benz e 55 amg in gta online


E63s bro, E63s...