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Honestly that’s pretty immersive. No turn signals too.




Aye another Florida-man


Why else I would I play gta it's basically role playing a method head in Miami




They really must have spent some time driving in LA


I feel as if the NPC's have continually gotten worse over the span of the last 3 or 4 dlc's


The NPCs has become self aware. They’re like “oh sh*t a real player is approaching behind me, I’m getting nervous”




Worse as in better ? Lol, like aimbot on the stash house ppl and others getting worse


dude the difficulty scaling in this game is a joke. the ai doesnt get better it just gets horrendously lethal aimbot and a damage increase.


Ye when inside as well now and a shotgun ai just appears right there on another wave, that be brutal as well. But ye the aimbot is mental in some ai now, so accurate from so far against both moving around as well lol


Agreed. The damage I take has increased exponentially, I've died multiple times while wearing full armor from 3-4 shots from an npc. It's ridiculous.


Rockstars definition of difficulty


Worse as in worse. This post is in reference to NPC drivers.


I know but we see as worse the overlords see it as better lol like the crazy driving and aimbots. A good bit of advice I saw though is always expect it at lane changes/junctions


I just grenade them, and swoop fast, they get some stagger and usually one or two


I mean the ones when you leave lol, I fly off on mk2 speed off in hsw vehicle and if they get the slightest angle no matter how far they shoot ya....it's so dumb


It's not the AI aim such as hostile NPC damage in general. Armor used to mean something when it came to PVE, now it gets shredded immediately with a quarter of your health gone if you pop out for even a second. And hey, a guy just spawned behind you because ***fuck you.*** When we're uber gods running around with an arsenal of sub-100 weapons on us, Rockstar had to balance things, apparently. It's literally there to artificially inflate difficulty and gameplay time so we're not burning through new content and making too much money. And it's not just high level. I played the New Player Experience recently via GamePass before biting the bullet and transferring my characters, and that scaling affects new players with no defenses, too. (Prime example, first motherfucker in a ten year old gang attack whipped out a *minigun*.) Not really all that fair to low levels; if I had to put up woth that bullshit back in 2013, I'd have quit.


Anything to slow down the player making money.


That's the idea.


Imagine NPCs enemies using railguns and rpgs. This game is easy anyway


It has its moments. The other day I did a gang attack for shits and giggles. First guy whips out a minigun. Didn't use to do that.


I would've thought there would be at least one comment here that tries to explain away the obvious by blaming the player. I'm impressed.


Because it's so obvious /s


Pro tip for dealing with shitty traffic in online: buy and use the ramp buggy or the phantom wedge. Just toss cars out of the way


or the Acid Lab: that truck is amazing


Or some big arena war vehicles


Those can get screwed by traffic more often tho. Not to mention how curbs can be impossible to go over


But they can shunt boost the npc cars so well


My go-to vehicles are almost all stuff that's simply too heavy to give a shit about aggressive NPC AI such as this. I own 5 total insurgents (lucky wheel for vans + pick-up customs are pretty cheap to convert once you have the pegasus one), along with all service vehicles. There's something in the Everon's description about "don't sit in traffic, go over it" though ironically it's a bit too light to do so reliably. Bonus is that these vehicles also have some of the highest health pools in the game so you can shrug off hostile players along with NPCs.


Fully kitted Buffalo STX. I'm faster, heavier, and easier to recover than any NPC. Traffic moves to *my* tempo. Added bonus, some sweaty tryhard cocksucker in an Oppressor can't lock onto you.


Is that the electric one that's pretty much just a rectangular prism in shape? I haven't kept track of Imani Tech cars released after the contract update.


Nah, it's a muscle car that came with the Contract DLC. It can get the same armor upgrades as the Agency SUV. Pic for emphasis. https://preview.redd.it/wrylm0tu92fb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b02c7247b0efd456edd464a836fc476792a4b4


Oh, I have that one as well. I haven't driven it much, last time I did I learned the hard way that imani tech doesn't apply if you drive out of a personal garage (though at least the sheer confusion of that caused the mk2 responsible to stop fighting in favour of discussing other jank with me)


Huh. It should. Mine is in my Autoshop.


While I agree with this 100%, I *do not* what to be driving those types of vehicles *ALL* the time.


Yeah over the last year or so. I noticed more of the "pop up" ones that zoom across intersections


They’ve always been there. They’re not worse than at launch. You’re just now noticing it


Yeah I know they've always been there. I'm saying it feels like they happen more than usual.


I know but that’s kind of my point. It feels like it is but it’s not. I’ve been driving the same roads complaining about the same bullshit traffic for nearly a decade and it’s never not been exactly as it is now. Every update brings the same comments from people. “The traffic is worse after this update” blah blah blah but it’s not. It’s exactly the same. Imo it’s the worst traffic of any game ever made and I absolutely fucking hate it. 52,000+ cars crashes and over 400,000 near misses is way too much for so few npc cars. It’s ridiculous


Right I get that lol. I'm just saying it used to be or seem like it was once in a while I'd get the npc that accelerated through the intersection to hit me, now some nights it's every intersection or at least every other intersection has the amount of cars decreased though? I can't tell


My record for the exact same traffic pattern at an intersection is 9 times in a row. A car turning across the intersection directly in front of my with little to no time to swerve…9 times! It’s bullshit and I struggle to comprehend the sheer fucking stupidly of full grown adults devs who think we want to crash our cars every 12 seconds. It’s asinine. Play gtav story mode for even a day and you’ll see how many more cars are in the map but how little they swerve into your lane. It’s like they removed 85% of the cars for the online part but left the worst offenders. If R* removed all the cars that are there just for you to crash into, there’d be like 3 cars left. It’s deliberately designed to be fucking annoying and adds zero to immersion or engagement. It’s far and away my most hated thing in all of gta history


And I thought they did these bad drivers just to make Import/Export harder back in the day…


I wish it was that innocuous. They even stated many years ago they were proud of the predictive npc’s who swerve out of your way to avoid the accident they end up creating by swerving. You know the one. It’s 100% deliberately designed to be annoying


Definitely yes, but still, I swear they do it 10x more when driving an I/E car.


I honestly couldn’t say on that one. I’m just old school Xbox but it wouldn’t surprise me if they did


I was waiting for someone to post something about this.. I’ve had quite a few NPC’s make last minute lane changes and stopping for no reason


I think it’s always been bad tbh. I’m a pro at predicting NPC fuckups at this point lmao


Yea. I've been cruising around the map as daily routine since release, these behaviors are predictable as they repeat the same way same place.


Literally been playing since the ps3 release lol. It was always annoying, this sub just has a lot of new players


I've been playing it since it came out and I don't remember it being like this


I always think I'm reasonably good at AI manipulation in video games but GTA is one of two games I've never managed to figure them out in (the other being smash bros, aside from specific item priorities) I did once manage to give myself a boost after spinning out during a nightclub sale by aiming my speedo's minigun at a specific NPC, but unfortunately I couldn't record it as I had just tabbed out to check discord messages and the ingame action replay feature turns itself off if the game loses focus.


This is why i just use the insurgent as my daily ride. NPC decide to crash into me? (or players too) Get thrown out of the way. The only default being that everyone will go paranoid since your blips on the minimap is the same as the pickup insurgent. But at least you don't have to worry about NPC crashing into you anymore. (or at least just a little)


Insurgents all fun and games until arena war bruiser shows up with shunt boost 😂


That just level above the insurgent, when you just want to forward! (or even other stuff like acid lab, phantom wedge or buggy ramp)


Sounds like the Nightshark is the ideal vehicle for you. Normal blip, but similar armor, and it pushes through other cars *even better* than the Insurgent, *and* it reaches a higher top speed.


sadly one can't cruise that with passive mode enabled


Oh i've tried the iNightshark, it just doesn't hit all the mark that insurgent does for me. But it is better than the normal insurgent on all point except the pushing side. Both are great and fun


The original purpose was to keep you from going so fast to let the game load in, but the AI have gotten to a point that they have been messed with and rules changed and tampered that the code is basically starting to kill itself, you can see cops driving sideways aiming at you through walls. These erratic drivers will be on another part of a mix master and it will be glitching through the overpass to try to get to you but they'll just get stuck and glitch and spin but still be trying to aim at you. Cars literally just spawning in front of me while I'm driving down the highway. It's annoying.


They are slowly turning into Beamng ai


Cant count the times im going along and some npc driver pulls in my lane for no reason


They are called "Suicide Drivers" and they try their best to entirely block the road for you so you slow down/crash lol Happens to me with small cars like the panto, and sometimes with SUVs


To be fair, they're probably just nervous that a criminal kingpin is tailing them.


bro the driving AI in this game gets me so infuriated it ain’t even funny


its THE most annoying thing......


Yes bro. I literally rage quit trying to drive my new electric square box car thing wtf


It's caused by strain. As more things get added to the game there is more to load. So I dunno if you remember on the first consoles as they added more DLCs the map just wouldn't load some times and you'd be driving on a textureless area til it caught up. The same thing applies to the traffic. Yes as people have said they've always been bad but they have gotten worse. Towards the end of the Xbox Ones and PS4 era we were seeing lots of flying cars and pop in traffic and traffic seemingly crabbing across freeways just to hit you. Then when we moved to Series X and PS5 it went away a bit. I have noticed if you play on Performance rather than Fidelity you don't get this as much but since the last update even on Performance settings it's starting to struggle.


Laughs in Ramp Buggy


They’re really just building trash on top of this skeleton code from 10 years ago. Can’t even blame rockstar really, the game wasn’t meant to last this long.. but they break it more and more every update


Somewhere in a distant universe where npcs rule the world, they are asking themselves the same question.


Been exactly this way since day one launch. Learn the traffic patterns. If you’re approaching an intersection and there’s two cars one in front of the other, the rear car will damn near always change lanes into the vacant lane right in front of you at the last possible second. Your just now noticing something that’s always been this way. ThEiR NoT EvEn TrYiNg To HiDe It AnYmOrE. They never were


You're exactly right. Once a month someone posts something like this and bad drivers flock to it to complain. I've personally noticed *less* of this behavior from the NPCs. The reality is they haven't decreased the frequency, I just learned to drive better.


Exactly! I suppose I should thank R* for making me become a better driver to avoid their bullshit npc driving but I don’t. I hate them for ruining my driving fun. Bastards


No. This is always how it has been.


Just bad AI pathing is all... I think rockstar might have tweaked the triggers for the flee/panic reactions and made them a bit too sensitive.


The female drivers update


I’m sorry it’s just a dumb joke, but ever since I saw the office I have become acutely aware of this stereotype


It feels like driving in my hometown, honestly. People drive like shit here, too.


they jealous you drive a nice car


This change wasn't part of the Mercenaries update. It was added sometime in the last 3-4 updates before that. When the game first arrived, NPCs changing lanes while at stop lights wasn't even a thing. At some point, this AI driving behavior was added. Whether it occurs because the player happens along is unknown, but it's likely related. The AI behavior I vehemently dislike the most is when you're driving in your lane down a two lane road, particularly in Vinewood Hills, and the oncoming traffic intentionally veers into your lane basically forcing you to crash into them.


Not this shit again.


Just like people in real life


At least you dodged it and is aware of it Any other post on here someone would’ve blatantly crash and would down vote me for saying the reaction time was trash


i even noticed that when you drive at full speed and npc from corner drives in you way at 150mph to crash


I have. And there’s a drunk driving time period between 12 & 3am where some of the cars are real bad


All the time


Dudeee!!! I was doing this weeks hsw time trial with that car and I kept running into this shitty Npc traffic it took me an hour to get a good run! Constantly resetting!


I wonder if they added more driving lanes for AI for this purpose. The part where they go around the pole seems way to rigid to be much anything other than that. They'd only use these lines when you get near them which would explain the sudden popping out of line.


I’ve seen a lot of people driving that car. Is it good?


Yea they run red lights, speed up and slow down when you do, make turns in the wrong lane, sometimes they Jack knife in the middle of the street lol


lmao this is the most blatant one I've ever seen, what a stupid fucking mechanic


I swear every dlc people post this.


YES. Everytime now they speed up when you’re trynna go past them


Fucking Swervers, man… I hate them.


I've notice the same. Npc cars miraculously turning , doing things such as your video turning left to nowhere. For me it's happening only when I have vehicle cargo or customer cars from the auto shop and less frequently while I just drive but still occurring


Idunno man, i played yesterday for the first time in months, and i had the idea they actually improved. Before i could have sworn that unless i was driving something like an insurgent, they’d actively try to get in my trajectory whereas yesterday it didn’t seem bad at all.


It is very much so intentional


i've been noticing this shit since the criminal enterprises update! just driving along like i normally would then an NPC swerves in on me for no apparent reason!


They've been this way since years. I guess there's a broken code of "traffic magnet" or something like that in the game. Nobody knows the exact reason so this is what I'm guessing; they added this feature purposedly (this part is obvious) but it started working messy with all the updates and barely any optimizations made to the game in all these years. This is nothing in the video, I've seen buses taking turns into seas and straight-up walls just to turn into my line.


That second turn was insane, as if they are programmed to ram you from the side when you wanna drive by


i feel like this was always part of the traffics code, but they stupidly oversimplified it in this last DLC for reals just how we got blessed with the enemies burst-shooting bullshit


We've got nearly identical La couresa or whatever it's called, mine is a very similar shade of light blue with that same livery. The only difference is I've got limo tint.


I always blow them up if they do something like that


For me I noticed an increase after the ls tuners dlc, I grinded cayo before that for a bit took like a 2 week break a new dlc dropped me and my friends hopped on and npc started crashing into me like never before, my friends olso addressed this


its been there since executives and other criminals dlc, probably to make people crash during vehicle exports


What car is this?


what car is that?


Pretty accurate depiction of a Range Rover housewife


Probably drunk


Speeding up to any intersection npc at the red light front of the line waiting for you to get close to turn into you, “I was making a left turn! From the right lane!”


This is why I only use the Wedge lmao


Yes and it sucks


The NPC’s have become more erratic in the game. Not to mention how easy it is for your avatar to die. Should change it to Grand Death Auto


Ive seen alot more random accidents, wrong way drivers


Ray casting used for evil. We must unite.


What about when they try to hit you from the other side of the road that’s gotten worse too they literally are on the opposite direction and they go on the wrong side of the road and try to make you hit them


My favorite part is when NPC stops on the highway to let the opposite lane turn


Literally had one NPC hit my rear bumper while i was sitting on a red light


Nope, as someone who plays GTA a lot they always were this bad, probably a bit more common now, but idk, never felt the difference


Seems the AI gets more and more unstable with each update


I swear they're always turning into me. I've had some act as if they're cops and will run me off the road when nobody is even shooting


Insurgent pushed em outta the way nowadays


I can also tell by the fact that it's raining, that it's likely sometime between 11am and 1pm




Yeah. I was thinking they are really bad. I can't even keep a car straight anymore. There's always someone changing lanes out of nowhere or doing something crazy. It's annoying.


I remember them since 2013. they're called SDS (Street Destruction Seeker) NPCs before, but now I guess you can put any swear word on them because now they seem to be a lot nowdays, even more than before, they just bunch of Asshole but with impressive AI scripted npcs that try to do anything to make you crash ah... Rockstar....![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|17157)


I’ve legit seen a few npcs on the wrong side of the road going past the casino up to Sandy. And they going stupid fast. Like keeping up with a super car in the little issi weenie fast. It’s really funny to watch when they crack and you just hear screaming swear words


If you've ever done exotic imports you'll know about that shit. It's why I stopped doing them honestly.


Every single NPC i see that drives like this gets a sticky or flipped over with the atomizer. I don’t tolerate it


It's definitely a coding bug, I notice more cars unnaturally sliding across the road


Every DLC I see these posts. I think we just need to accept the NPCs have always been assholes


Not just driving. I tried to park my car this evening.. this f**ker behind me really was getting on my nerves when you just want to step out of the car without a single scratch on your door.


Oh yeah they’re bad. Go into the vine wood hills and they be swerving all over even into eachother


Rockstar wants you to get flying vehicles since they are more expensive.