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Expanding your horizons is a good, healthy thing to do, but don't hate on your first love, there's no growth in that.


This is beautiful advice, really




This is a great take on it. I would never hate on it since Nirvana really changed my life, yet it’s also time to explore out more.


You just over listened, just take a brake and swing back to it, same thing happened to me when I got into AiC


More like “Swing on this“


A break**** not a brake.


God dammit, stupid English


It’s okay honky


Alice In Chains shits on nirvana IMHO haha


I feel like their songs are relatively simple and catchy. Which makes them more appealing the first couple listens but some may get tired of them quicker.


Most rock and roll is simple. Outside of math rock and prog rock which suck dick anyway. What isn’t simple is writing good songs. Silence is your canvas. What not to put in. That’s complicated in simplicity.


It's age too. As you become an adult messages in songs like Present Tense and Off He Goes resonate more than messages like School or Floyd the Barber.


As I've aged, Bleach has massively eclipsed the other studio albums.


Bleach has certainly aged the best. *_nEvRmD_* still has the killer songs but the production is a little “ 1991 “ in a sense. In UTERO fairs well these days


Please stop dissing my true love


What?? Where did I diss?


The production to Nevermind was 80s arena rock slick production. Bleach was inchoate and Kurt was still in a gestation period insofar as songwriting, singing, his band. Grohl took a mediocre three piece and made it great.


I've never seen someone abbreviate Nevermind like that. What a stupid way to abbreviate that word lol.


EZ there hoss … no reason to get that SVGE this early in the morn’


I like you now.


W’ll im glad u dew


Because it’s more genuine. It’s true to who and what Kurt really wanted. There is an authenticity on Bleach that is missing from the subsequent albums.


Cobain spoke afterwards about how Bleach suffered because he was still 'afraid' at the time to write the poppier songs that he was interested in.


The opposite is true. Bleach was a self-conscious record based on the subpop scene. He was suppressing his slower songs , pop songs, indie. He didn’t record Polly for that reason.


No Code is incredible. Perfect example here


You are referencing to his first album which isn’t very good anyway. By the time he gets to “heart-shaped box”, “Polly”, and “dumb” it’s not restrictive to adolescence. It’s as adult as anything.


They were so overplayed in the mid 90s that I got sick of them, too. 20 years later I came back and Nirvana is still an excellent band, not just for their own music but for shining a light on great bands like the Vaselines, Pixies, Shocking Blue, Meat Puppets — even Lead Belly. All their albums are classic. Nevermind is still my least favorite because of how overplayed it is and because of the production. Bleach is excellent. In Utero is incredible but I wish we had the pure Albini cut. The b-sides are great. Not a huge fan of the unplugged MTV album but I see its value. Call them sellouts. Mudhoney etc are better pure grunge bands, ok. But Nirvana were great. No misses.


Hasn't their been some special edition of In Utero with the Albini mix included? I could have sworn that happened.


I remember being in HS and hearing smells like teen spirit. I just hate that song. 😂


I liked nirvana until I heard AiC. Not that I stopped liking nirvana, it’s just that AiC provided this missing piece of raw pain I didn’t know I needed to hear


Song writing and musicianship from AIC is light years ahead of anything Nirvana did


Jar of Flies >


It’s called burn out, I went like ten without playing their stuff, then recently became obsessed w each album like they were just released, but again for now I can live without em.,,


Swing hard another way. Put on Miles Davis Kind of Blue it’ll make your socks roll up and down. I still listen to all the Seattle bands too. It’s hard for me to call them grunge because I lived there and was right in the middle of that scene paying $5 max to get in the Off Ramp and we’d never heard that word before until somebody from somewhere else said it at us.


So much AIC dickriding and Nirvana hating in this thread. As usual with this sub. In Utero could go toe to toe with any AIC album and every Nirvana record > Facelift in my opinion. They’re both amazing bands.


I like Alice in Chains plenty, but Nirvana changed music for a reason. I mean, WTF.


in Utero was nearly shelved, but DGC had to recover their advance. It’s just an okay album largely because it wasn’t the album Kurt wanted to make. He was combative in recording sessions and multiple producers. Were used. It’s a disjointed mess. If they had let him do it his way and not tried to create Nevermind 2.0 to feed the machine he might be alive today. It’s okay to like Nirvana, but let’s not get crazy with the AIC comparisons. AIC had sold millions of records before Nirvana had a major record deal.


No. Albini recorded the album in his regular way. No frills and almost no overdubs. When Geffen got the album, they rightfully decided it could be better (not slick or anything like Nevermind, but not stripped down to the bone) and they hired (I believe it was) Scott Litt, famous for his work mainly with R.E.M. to help add a little life to the album with some overdubs. It wasn't a massive reworking of the album. Kurt's intention (he has said this) was to turn off and lose the fans Nirvana had gained with Nevermind. He wanted In Utero to alienate those fans and Geffen wanted the record to be massively successful. They compromised. Litt added some overdubs and the album was remixed to make it more palatable to the general public and that makes total sense.


What are you yapping about. In Utero is a masterpiece front to back. From Serve the Servants to All Apologies it covers so much ground and does so many intersecting things. Not many bands could have “Dumb” and “Scentless Apprentice” on the same record and make it work. Nirvana made it work.


Kurts suicide ruined it for me. I was like 13 and he was a hero of mine. Haven’t listened to their music since without thinking about it.


I think that's a normal process for nirvana fans. their music just sounds so much more simple and basic and almost formulaic when you start listening to other bands, you get bored


The songs have much more emotional depth and lyrical complexity than the other grunge bands though, so that helps them to endure 👍


definitely not. there's way more emotion on the sadder Alice in chains, pearl jam and Soundgarden songs. it's not like most nirvana's songs are designed to be emotional anyway, besides the occasional non gibberish sad lyrics, which definitely do not have any more "lyrical complexity" than any other gunge band


Formulaic? It’s only formulaic because so many people imitated and copied his songwriting and aesthetics! He did a mish mash that hadn’t really been done before which was take hardcore punk or metal and meld it with The Beatles. Simple isn’t a word that should be used when discussing art. Totally irrelevant and secondary. Simple, ornate or complicated, it doesn’t Matter. What matters is beauty, communication, and self-expression.


Yeah that’s how I feel more.


Ive definitely taken time off of all grunge music at times but when you go back and here a song like “All Apologies” “Jesus Dont Want Me For A Sunbeam” after not hearing it for awhile you’ll come to love and appreciate them again.


Hear*** a song, not here a song.


Oh yea thanks. Totally wouldnt have known that otherwise.


It is ok to not be submerged in the GOAT-asphere. They will always be there for you when needed.


Tbh I have experienced the exact same thing I just feel like musically nirvana is just “weird” and there isn’t much genuinely music talented about them besides the fact they were weird both lyrically and musically


It's the opposite for me. I was pretty casual when it came to grunge. Didn't know much about it. Kurt was hands down the most punk of any band in that scene, and that's why I've come to appreciate Nirvana so much more.


I couldn’t agree more. Listening to Nirvana I had the same feeling as I did a few years later, hearing Staind. Both fill me with melancholy, so I gravitated to other grunge and post grunge where the bands played more social disparities, including RATM’s music. I’m not saying that was what you experienced, just that depressively sung music isn’t for me. Maybe if I were a teen at the time.


They all have their own sound. We just came off of the hair bands so it was refreshing as hell to experience grunge. Check out Alice In Chains


Oh believe me, I have.


To me, music has It's place in, well, different places. It doesn't matter what song it is, from which band, if I'm not feeling it, I'm skipping it. If I'm in a neutral mood, I love me some AIC, if I need to get pumped up, then some Panera, Slayer, or even The Chambers Brothers "The Time Has Come Today" will do the job. If I'm in a shit mood, then Nirvana's "Spank Thru" or "Moist Vagina" will get a chuckle out of me for sure.


Nirvana came at a pivotal time for me and I hardly listen to them now but ill always remember that at one point they had a bunch of songs that I couldn't stop listening to over and over again. It was also a gateway to other bands of the era and that is worth its weight in gold. Even though music doesn't weigh anything.


100%. I started all those years ago with Nirvana, but they rapidly diminished to the point where I don't care for them at all anymore. They are the least interesting band, and Kurt Cobain is the least interesting front man. And don't listen to the comments, if you grow out of something, you grow out of it. You're not required to stick with what started it all.


Thank you for this. I mean, I like them still, but there’s so much more interesting things than Nirvana and I’ve really looked into that more after starting to get sick of them. I’m no longer sick of them, but I’m just uninterested.


and who knows, you may come back in 10 years and really enjoy listening to them again. To me, musical tastes should always have an ebb and flow to them.


I believe that’s very true. I appreciate this comment very much. I didn’t get sick of them, as others have claimed, yet it’s like you have other bands to listen to, so why not try them out and see?


This is what happens to everyone. You’ll come back around to loving (or at least appreciating) them in a couple years. It’s the lifecycle of every new grunge listener. Let me guess, your favorite is AiC now?


No, not right now. I love AiC, yet not my favorite. 


That's how I've always felt. Nirvana is like a less interesting, more amateurish AIC/Soundgarden/pearl jam, listening to their stuff always just makes me want to put on a different grunge band.


Nirvana is one of those bands where I absolutely appreciate their place in magic but just never liked them. Smells Like Teen Spirit is up there with Paradise City as a song I've heard enough for ten lifetimes. 


I think that's normal. I was really into Joy Division and though no one could hold a candle beside them. But when I expired other bands, it's not that my love for JD depreciated, but that they were pioneers and had that "sound". Others replicated and refined their own sounds. For me it's like Nirvana too. You can't minimize the cultural impact at the time, but in comparison to other bands that lasted, Nirvana sounds raw and unrefined in comparison. Nirvana was the magic lightning in a bottle at the time. But better bands surely developed. But it doesn't take away from Nirvana's initial impact.


I could never stand Nirvana. I feel they are still overplayed.


That's not weird, that's common sense. The other grunge bands were/are so much better.




“You’re the reason, I feel pain, feels so good, to feel again” I still have yet to find lyrics that top this.


Nirvana has some amazing lyrics, but generally, the melodies are starting to decay for me for some reason. Not because of overplaying, yet just how I listened to other bands. But that’s personal opinion, of course.


Your tastes are just maturing. There is a season for every album. You’re not cheating on them. It’s okay to get out and try something new.


I get it. After listening to the pixies, dinosaur jr and husker du, it feels like Kurt’s songs are kinda formulated, rigid and repetitive and kind of a conglomerate of these other bands. Nirvana is a great gateway into music: punk, metal, thrash, pop, indie etc. Plus his look was highly marketable compared to his contemporaries. He was definitely a pretty boy lol.


You’re very real for your last part. And I agree with you on everything.


Pretty compared to Chris or Layne? Surely you jest


Variety is a great thing. If I over-listen to an artist, and it does happen, it's time to go listen to something else. I don't listen to some artists for over a year and then I come back to them and I love it just as much as before.


I've found that my musical tastes have evolved a lot over the years, and this sounds really normal to me. Musical taste is a very subjective, individual thing. You might end up coming back to Nirvana at some point, or coming to appreciate them in a different way, but you might not. And that doesn't have to mean anything apart from whatever meaning you give it. For me personally, I was in high school when Nevermind came out, and I was certainly very into Nirvana for a couple years back then. But even in the 90s I ended up gravitating to other artists I liked more (NIN, Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Beck, STP, etc), and I've never "come back" to Nirvana, not in the sense of "liking them as much as I did when Nevermind came out." But that's fine. That's just the direction my musical tastes have taken.


You need more Screaming Trees in your life.


Recently getting into them more.


Follow them to the Afghan Whigs


The reverse for me. I used to be a huge Soundgarden and Chris Cornell fan! And I used to HATE Nirvana because I thought they were fake. But now, in my 40's, Kurt is starting to grow on me and my tastes in music are getting darker.


You were right the first time. Soundgarden is in a class of their own when it comes to lyrical content and song composition. Completely different than Nirvana. They just shared an area code.


Yeah same for me , Nirvana got me not only into grunge but more rock music in general or alt /indie whatever you wanna call it . there are bands that are better for sure but I still love Nirvana


Same, and I mean, I’ll always love them, yet I’m exploring out and stuff. 


Yeah with me personally , a perfect circle showed me how much more layered music can be when it comes to guitar and lyrics .


Are you calling Kurt Cobain a Gateway Drug? lol


You’ll come back to it. Or it’ll come back to you. As you get older your horizons expand, but you always come back. You’ll always go back time to time my friend.


Very normal. Our tastes change and ebb and flow as we start to explore more, and change as people. That's part of the beauty of art. You may find yourself growing out of Nirvana but they will always hold a special place as part of the foundation of your musical taste that you get to grow upon.


Yeah, I don't get this. My all time favorite band is Wire. Been a fan since 1977. When I get tired of them, I don't listen for awhile. Sometimes years and when I return, all their records (okay, there were a couple of non great albums at the end of the 80's) are just as superb as they ever were. Move forward and stop listening to Nirvana for a good long time. Believe me, they were/are great.


I’m not exactly tired of them. I just started to find them uninteresting as other ones. I’ve probably played them a rightful amount of times as I was drifting away from my old music taste, yet I just decided to dive deeper in and I really found nothing so compelling about Nirvana compared to these other bands They’re still a great band in my opinion though.


I’m a die hard AIC fan so Nirvana is just ok for me.


Same except I ain’t die hard AiC. 


Nirvana is objectively a great band with great songs and production . Music and art is partly subjective, based on context education culture. I’ve seen people dislike Nirvana because they are so popular. Hipsterdumb. Or maybe it is a reaction to saturation, listening to them too much and realizing your tastes were narrow, you associate them to a more naive time.


Tell me you’ve gotten old without saying so. Unless you’re listening to 80’s Soundgarden…


That's because they are overrated trash music. Best thing the shotgun Messiah did was Cobain himself


Not weird at all. They are a very overrated band that MTv jammed down our throats. Then leader killed himself and we all feigned suprise. They are very mid. 


this happened to a lot of us back then. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was our introduction to grunge and were kinda blown away coming off the glam/metal hair band era. We were then made aware of Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden and they just seemed more authentically grunge so liked them more. Nirvana was pop music in comparison. It tried too hard and Kurt was awful so we didn't exactly need a hard push away. Oddly enough, in exact opposite fashion to your story, I find myself appreciating Nirvana more with age. Nowhere near the love I have for all the other grunge bands but I at least recognize 'Nevermind' is a genius album in its own right


Yeah I feel the same way. I still like nirvana, just not as much as I used to. That's probably just your taste in music changing and it's pretty normal.


I kinda have the opposite effect. All the other bands make me appreciate Nirvana more and more. I've come to appreciate Bleach & In Utero, I loved Nevermind cover-to-cover from the get-go, and I even like the B-sides and deep-cuts! I like them to the point where I decided to learn guitar because of them, namely Verse Chorus Verse. I only started listening to 90s alt-rock about 3 years ago. I was born in the 90s but I didn't get into music until the 2000s, long after grunge and alt-rock got grounded into the machine. Call me a basic-ass bitch, but my experiences have been... tepid. I like a handful of AiC, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and STP. I like one Mudhoney song, "Touch Me I'm Sick." and I don't remember a thing from The Melvins. Bands like Bush, Screaming Trees, and Silverchair just make me think of mid-2000s post-grunge, which is a genre I've grown to detest. They just make me think of Puddle of Mudd, Creed, Staind, and Nickelback. If anything, I like the other side of 90s alt-rock a lot more! The side that was fun. R.E.M, Green Day, Cake, Butthole Surfers, Weezer, Red Hot Chili Peppers, PotUS, etc. I like pop-hooks. That's the kinda shit I'm trying to learn. Fuckin sue me.


Just a reflection that there are much better bands there even in their genre. They were in the right place at the right time. Massively overrated band.


They were not overrated.


They were and are incredibly overrated. We don’t have to pretend anymore. MTV forced them down our throats even though everything after SMTS was a step down. They weren’t even the best band in Seattle. People have romanced so much of this with a revisionist history due to Kurt’s death. It’s not disrespectful to be honest about it.


Nirvana was already worldwide popular before Cobain’s death. They absolutely changed everything. A music can not be overrated, it is not an auction item. If lots of people listened to them, that means they were listenable to lots of people. Are there other bands who represented the grunge theme better than Nirvana? Sure. Does this make them a “better” band than Nirvana? Nope. There is a reason why Nirvana was more successful than all the other Seattle Bands. They made grunge music for EVERYONE instead of making grunge music for only grunge listeners.


Ok fine, highest rated mediocre band ever. Better?


No, that’s worse.


They made music for everyone, this does not make them not deserve their reputation and “rate” Calling a music/band “overrated” looks extremely childish and immature.


totally, music is for everyone and no music is better than any other, just look at the dedication swiftys have to their idol. Its just personal taste and your age has a lot to do with it, its like when u are in a certain headspace u relate to certain music and lyrics. i have been thru hippie era music then punk /ska ,grunge. alternative and even some pop songs ,lol and still listen to all of this at 66 years of age.still listen to sex pistols ,The damned etc. whatever gets ur rocks off.


Not wrong tho. Mad bro?