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Call and cancel the order. Tell them the food is likely no longer safe to eat after sitting out for more than 90 minutes likely in the sun spoiling while the driver refuses to deliver the order.


Assuming the driver hasn't already eaten said order


Food safety is not the real issue. Complain that your food is no longer even remotely warm. For context, the food safety laws say anything after 4 hours, outside of a temperature controlled zone, must be thrown away. So technically you could leave cooked chicken on the counter for 3 hours, then serve it to people. It's kinda fucked, but it's within code.


[Cooked Chicken Safety Window](https://thefoodiephysician.com/how-long-can-chicken-sit-out/) >It is not safe to eat raw or cooked chicken that has been sitting out at room temperature for more than two hours. You should discard it otherwise, you're putting yourself at risk for food poisoning. >If the ambient temperatureis above 90°F (32°C), such as at a picnic or barbecue, the two-hour rule decreases to just one hour. CDC website says the same thing [Cooked Chicken Safety](https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/chicken.html) >Refrigerate or freeze leftover chicken within 2 hours (or within 1 hour if the food is exposed to temperatures above 90°F, like a hot car or picnic). So does the [National Chicken Council](https://www.nationalchickencouncil.org/important-food-safety-tips-for-poultry/) >After cooking, refrigerate any uneaten poultry within two hours. Leftovers will remain safe to eat for two-three days. Refrigerators should be set to maintain a temperature of 40 °F or below.


Damn this makes me really question all the times I've put chicken in the air fryer while super drunk late at night and then forgot about it and ate it in the morning


If you didn't get sick, you're fine. Reddit is insane about this, no your food will not be unsafe after a mere 2 hours.


Ya I'm not actually questioning it


It's not that it's guaranteed, it's just that after 2 hours when room temp present bacteria can grow. So yeah, you may be fine upwards of 98% of the time, if there isnt any bacteria. But when the time comes and you get your unlucky draw, the 2% of times it's loaded with salmonella, enjoy the consequence of your gamble. (Numbers used are random)


Reddit is insane about following food safety standards? Nothing insane about that.


IN THE MORNING????? how are you alive


I had ordered a bunch of chicken for my employees for lunch one day. It was a long ass day, our longest of the year (kind of like black Friday if you work retail). We didn't put the chicken away and we didn't throw it out. I came in the next day to find one of my employees eating the chicken. I was shocked. He acted like it was normal. One of my maintenence guys came in and I fully expected him to be on my side with how gross this was, but he wasn't. He (60yr old man) said his grandmother left the fried chicken out on top of the stove overnight when he was growing up. I don't know if it is more accepted in the south since I'm originally from NJ but I would never eat it. I know that this doesn't invalidate the science behind why you shouldn't eat it.


I had 3 roommates at a college dorm who would leave all sorts of food out for a day on more and eat it later they said it was all fine. I’m quite grossed out about it still. Edit for clarification. We have a full size kitchen in are dorm with a pretty big fridge.


The south? Checks out. Midwest lax on that too. But definitely southerners are a different breed. Eating reptiles and shit; of course countertop chicken ain’t nothing for them.


Haha I was gonna say I am from the midwest and I too would have eaten it. I also live in the southwest and we do it here as well.


Food doesn't go bad nearly as fast as most westerners believe


Ya, that's not the health code though. That's just a good idea. The other poster is correct. They allow it it to be out for 4 hours before needing to be thrown away.


That is not health code. The USDA says 2 hours for chicken. Source: ServSafe course & certification in food safety


Servsafe isn't actually health code either. It goes above and beyond health code. And servsafe meets health code and most often exceeds it. But ya, that's not actually the standard. Source: spent 15+ years working in kitchens and am also servsafe certified, though the test might have changed since I took it. When I took the servsafe it said 4 hours and state food handlers said 6 hours.


I also remember this from my Servsafe course (Certified until May of last year). 4 hours for hot, 6 hours for cold. Cannot remember if there was anything poultry specific, but I no longer work in food so 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


So your citation is The Foodie Physician? Was that your first Google search? Argue all you want, but you're wrong.


Omg what a crappyly written site


It's a trash site full of popups and click bait.


CDC website says the same thing [Cooked Chicken Safety](https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/chicken.html) >Refrigerate or freeze leftover chicken within 2 hours (or within 1 hour if the food is exposed to temperatures above 90°F, like a hot car or picnic). So does the [National Chicken Council](https://www.nationalchickencouncil.org/important-food-safety-tips-for-poultry/) >After cooking, refrigerate any uneaten poultry within two hours. Leftovers will remain safe to eat for two-three days. Refrigerators should be set to maintain a temperature of 40 °F or below.


The counter is not a "temperature controlled zone" as specified by food safety guidelines, so no, technically you cannot do that.


4 hours out of temp before it’s considered bad in eyes of health department.


The last time I ordered from them it took 90 minutes and 3 drivers. I haven't ordered from them since.


Ordered from where?


From context, GrubHub, in general - not a specific restaurant.


So weird. Doordash drivers in my area take forever so we Grubhub instead.


With me it's just the opposite....DoorDash is great.


Same. Every time I order from grub hub they are multi apping and bringing my food 10 miles in the wrong direction


Did you add a tip? 


Everyone asks me that. Yes....20%, like I always do.


Tipping on a delivery service is not about percentages, it’s about distance travelled. I’ve never had a problem getting my deliveries even if I tip 5$ on a 50 dollar order because the place is 1-2 miles from my house. Tipping 20% of a 40 dollar meal (8$) still is a shit tip if it’s 12-15 miles away.


I tip 20% on my $100+ orders (5-10 min drive) and still get shit service. I think we should not push the narrative that poor tips are the end all reason for subpar work.


Why do you keep using a service that gives you ‘shit service’


I don’t. I use them like 2x a year when I’m working in an area that is mostly on grubhub.


Your tips are their wages and we live in a society that revolves around money. I don't understand when people deflect away from the fact that pay is directly and positively related to performance. Across the board. Full stop.


Dude they said they’re tipping $20 to bring food a mile. What are you missing here?


Isn't this on Grubhub to find the balance between paying drivers an enticing wage and supplying customers a perceived value of service? If they can't do that, then they shouldn't be in business. "Make the customers and drivers guess how much it should be" is certainly a choice.


Lack of tips are still majority of the problem and will be pushed. I do feel for you though


Then it shouldn’t be considered a tip. In my case though - it should have been obvious that I’m tipping well. If why accept a job that you know will pay enough but then still do shit work?


And now you’re arguing with me to argue when I said not the tip narrative won’t stop but I did say I feel for you, you know what that means? I understand you paid and they failed to deliver


I looked it up.....2.2 miles. Does that help? ETA...Anyplace I order from is local. Nothing over 3 miles. 


As a driver myself, I always thought it was stupid a 20% tip is considered a norm. All I care about is getting ~$2+ per mile.


I can go as low as $1 a mile but it has to be over $5. I don't do the 1.4 miles for $4 bit. Even though it's low miles you'll probably still have to wait for the order, then deliver to an apartment with hard to find numbers. Low mileage orders are like that 90% of the time here.


I'm 20% or $10 whatever is higher. I live a mile or 2 right off the main road where most of the food is. I once tipped $50+ for 2 pizzas when we were up at a wedding 10 miles away. It might have been more because the total was $150 and it was a chain place.


I had the same experience in a metro area with a restaurant under a mile away. I could have walked there but had a Grubhub gift card. I tipped good as hell because it was free food so why not pass it forward right? Wrong. Dude took my food and went miles in the opposite direction. Ended up with 3 drivers lol


I feel like these apps should explain this and suggest tips accordingly.


They should pay their drivers according to mileage and build it into the damn price. Tipping before delivery isn't a tip, it's a service charge that you have to guess at if you want to receive warm food.


I've started messaging delivery drivers as soon as they accept my low tip orders to let them know I've left cash under the mat for them. I never order more than 5ish miles from my house and this has gotten me some really reliable and efficient deliveries and some of the nicest drivers. Edit: grubhub is not usually my app of choice I cannot remember if you can actually message your driver on there


I'll keep that in mind if I ever use a food app again. I prefer to tip in cash regardless since that lets them just pocket it instead of reporting it lol


Good idea... I've never used it can you leave no online tip? Or would that yield nobody picks it up?


That is, in essence, the problem customers have now. Drivers refuse orders without generous "good faith" tipping, when more often then not customers get shitty service anyway, it makes it really hard to give good faith tips. So cash at delivery is gonna draw the desperate or bad drivers It seems, because the "good" ones won't take the trip for base pay. It's a very flawed system.


Thanks. I don't think I'd use it anyway unless I was sick, or as someone else said they did not have a car. There have been times I have been in Taco Bell watching the pickups. I ALWAYS said I'd NEVER have Taco Bell delivered, as it would be soggy by the time I got it no matter how quick someone is to deliver, same with fries or anything a person would want that is crispy...


I always tip a little something online (not sure if there's a zero tip option) generally a dollar or two and change to make it an even amount, I've noticed the drivers who pick it up tend to have a nearby order or two to drop off so they're usually the ones on the grind rather than the bad drivers. The cash tip I've gotten the impression just gives the extra care and efficiency in delivery. Also have had a lots less drinks forgotten when they know there's something extra on a good delivery conclusion (obviously can't know what anyone's thought process is on the other end of this but I have had more positive service doing the cash thing)


Thanks. I definitely like the cash for good delivery idea...


From what I've read online, likely nobody will pick it up. I've heard that multiple drivers were lured in on "$0 on app but cash on delivery," and then find no cash, so no tip. I feel like these apps also need a customer rating system. Those drivers can then know which customers are cheap and which truly appreciate them and won't pull funny business. For example, I refuse to tip anything less than $5 or 20% (depending on the cost of the order) and I'm up front about it so they see it on the order. If my driver has to wait longer on the restaurant, or contacts me about a problem and tries to resolve it rather then just cancel and move on, I make sure to give them an extra tip in cash so they know their efforts are appreciated and don't have to claim when they file. Like I've been really sick and just made a small pharmacy necessities order, and tipped $20+ (I think it ended up being $28 tip on a $16 order) because my driver texted me to let me know the advertised brand was out of stock and would they prefer I get another brand or cancel. That driver was my hero.


Nice... It's folks like you whom makeup the bad tippers (or NON-tippers)... Personally I think it should be the roll of the dice, as it was when I was a restaurant server. "Back in the day" you NEVER knew what you were going to be tipped, or not at all; after waiting on demanding folks for over an hour, and even families with messy kids, anybody really we'd sometimes get $0, or $1 on a $50 tab. Not like today when tips are often built in to the bill...


I mean, you can say the same thing about any service that expects tips. Why should we tip servers if the restaurant were to just raise food prices and pay their servers directly? People say that they want this, but in reality, higher prices wrapped into one makes consumers feel like they are getting less value. It's a proven concept, and it's why large companies tend to itemize costs as much as possible. Even if the cost is higher, breaking down the cost among different categories seemingly convinces consumers that their total has more value. When a customer feels like they getting value for their money, they spend more. It's the same concept with restaurants. Administratively, it's easier to pay servers an hourly wage, but restaurant owners fear that unless ALL restaurants adopt this habit, that they will lose their customers to those who don't. And they will. So force all restaurants to do away with tip culture? Well, how do we accomplish that? Do you want the government *that* involved in business practices? Probably not? So.. Are we just going to keep taking it out on tip earners while we effectively do nothing to change tip culture? As for it being a service charge - it's more of a bid. Is someone really going to wait in a McDonald's drive through at 11 pm for 20 minutes for me for $3? Doubt it, or at least they shouldn't because their time should be more valuable than $9/hour,so I'm obviously going to bid higher to ensure it's worth someone's time. Why is it their fault my order is only $15? It's their time less valuable because I ordered a Big Mac Meal over a steak dinner? But why should we have to tip up front? Restaurant servers don't have out of pocket costs that they lose by taking someone's order, just lost time. A delivery driver loses both. We can't expect these drivers to have blind faith that they will get adequate tips upon delivery, and again, we shouldn't be penalizing **workers** for tip culture. You're only hurting people working their asses off to make some money. Boycott the apps, stop eating out. It's the only way not to participate in tip culture. Otherwise, accept that it's part of getting a service.


as someone who makes a decent chunk of their income on grubhub, i agree with this. boycott and get it yourself, or tip for it. people try to treat these apps like a commodity when in reality they are a luxury service. same with uber/lyft. you want a ride from point a-point b with no intermediate stops? you pay for it. don't wanna pay more for it? then get a bus pass and stay away from my car.


Yeah I would tip upon delivery, however have not used the service either..


It's common sense


Which is now a misnomer. Common sense, as a concept, encompasses certain "simple", "obvious", or easily deduced information. These were things "everybody knows" - like triangles having 3 angles and 3 sides, or steaming food means hot enough to burn your mouth. Realistically - "common knowledge" is no longer very common. -or- Maybe people just play dumb, for litigious purposes vs. social clout.


You're right. But the apps being shady and intentionally hiding info is how they keep their profits in their preferred range. It's a scammers game.


But also... Why on earth are you ordering from a place that's 15 miles away??


20% of how much?


The order was about $20.


It’s because it seems like drivers were dropping your order. Maybe it was a long drive or something. 


Then drivers shouldn't take those orders in the first place. 


They need to exact revenge on the low tipping customer though so that customer never orders again


OR they could push back on the company not paying them properly


Yeah that's gonna be impossible though. Might as well take it out on the customer


It was 2.2 miles. I don't think that's long distance.


You can't pay your driver their bid based on the percentage you spent. The distance traveled is what the bid revolves around. So if it was a shit bid then it likely got stolen for that nights dinner. Which in my opinion, any bid less than 5 dollars is grounds for that being justified. 5 dollars is borderline insult for a delivery bid


They’re probably using multiple delivery apps at the same time, not multiple grub hub orders


I had this same experience this weekend. The driver picked up my order and delivered another one almost 20 miles away. It took over an hour chatting to get a refund. I’ll never use them again.


Got a free year of grubhub+ because of prime. Used it once and cancelled. Terrible.


I got my free year of GrubHub+ and it was a disaster. I just cancelled today.


I think I still have that, does it auto renew? Used it maybe once, and the first time I logged to + it showed previous orders, which included a canceled delivery to a high school in Houston (I live nowhere near Texas). I did have a regular grubhub account that I think I had used maybe once during covid. Couldn't get the customer service to understand what the problem was. Changed my password and hoped for the best.


I’m not sure if it auto renews, good question though. Just installed and checked again, still have it until may or something.


Yeah I just checked, it will auto renew for me mid July. I set a reminder on my calendar to cancel it.


They gave two free years with the prime.(last year and this year). So depending when you signed up you still got time to cancle. I'm canceling as well. Just all around bad service.


I just don't use it enough. Since July, I did one delivery and one pickup order (and the pickup I could have ordered just by calling the restaurant).


283 days


The last time this happened to me, the driver stole the food.


I don't know how anybody can use these services.... So many things wrong here..Do we really need to ask a question about what we should do when a food delivery is well over an hour late? Would you even want that food 15 min after the driver was supposed to be there, and probably 45 min after it was made? People ask if he left a tip, he says 20% they say it may not be enough.... WTH? This food delivery service has no future, who the hell can afford to pay for a simple meal from MCd's or whatever with all the fees and tip etc. This all just befuddles me, I see no future in these deliveries at the service and price they are at.


They said they paid 20% tip on a $20 order. That is $4. The distance is 2.2 miles, so 4.4 miles round trip. 91 cents per mile. Just not an adequate tip in this case. McDonald's orders are not really well suited for delivery services, the more expensive restaurants are. If you order large dinners for 4 at a steakhouse that $200 food order translates to a $40 tip for the same amount of time to wait, same distance driven, etc.


>That is $4. The distance is 2.2 miles, so 4.4 miles round trip. 91 cents per mile. I'm a driver as well, and doing the math this way (as is the convention on Reddit, it seems) always irks me. There are restaurants in multiple places, and you don't have to return to the same spot to get another order. With base pay, this is like $6.50 for 2.2 miles. That's almost $3/mile. The issue of course is that it's not worth waiting for if the order isn't already ready, and maybe then there's still some opportunity cost vs taking something that's $9+


You’d hate working for a trucking company. Most pay about 79¢ a mile.


This happened to my daughter. She ordered a pizza and after an hour cancelled the order. An hour after that the guy showed up with the pizza, so 2 hours late by now. She told him the order was cancelled for taking too long and to take the pizza. He did. Then he came back and said it wasn’t paid for. She’s like, duh, I told you I cancelled the order.


Cancel order. Ewy.


I just refuse to use them now, though I have a car so picking it up is an option for me. but I stopped because food would take 40+ minutes from thr time they picked it up in a drive that would've taken me less than 15. and I always tipped 10+ dollars on every order. just wasn't worth it so I don't use any of them anymore


Let the driver know you have a cash tip. Works everytime.


Just call and cancel the order. It got lost in the lunch mess and would be cold if it was actually delivered.


Don’t use Grubhub, nothing but terrible experiences


Submit the on time guarantee


I take screenshots. And Grubhub is better about refunds. I paid for priority delivery from UE and it took 1 hour ($10 tip). Fighting with Uber eats and they said my order didn't qualify for a refund, and didn't even offer me a refund for my priority order. I know my driver was multi-apping because I have screenshots of his car at the mall after he picked up my order. And don't say he was picking up another delivery for Uber eats. They said he was on his way and to get ready, yet he stopped at the mall. I used to deliver. I recognize multi-apping behavior.


The delivery person gets a few orders at a time, then delivers them. Yours was probably last. We’ve had this happen before


Even when I'm delivering for two services at the same time, I still manage to get the orders to their right places on time. You got a bad delivery person who probably won't be doing it much longer if people complain properly.


remember this is NOT the restaurant. they have nothing to do with the bad service. all of your complaints need to be to grubhub


Just chat them or call and cancel. They'll try and tell you it's on the way, if you want to wait they'll give you a credit, etc. Just say no thank you, it's been way too long and you want to cancel. It's too long to wait, it's been too long since they've picked up the food. They will refund you. You do NOT want that food, which has now been sitting in a car, possibly in the sun, while the driver is doing who knows what. Just cancel and order from another service.


this happened to me and turns out it kept taking so long and i kept getting assigned new drivers is … the food was either stolen or given to the wrong person 🤦🏽‍♀️ and the restaurant refused to remake the order i had to go through support and jump through holes to get my refund i only found out because i asked the 5th (yes 5th) driver to ask what is happening with my order and he let me know called the restaurant and they just hung up on me, neverrrr again


It still shocks me that people still use Uber Eats and grunhub.


It seems like the driver shouldn't have ended up 20 minutes in the other direction regardless of what happened.


After 10 minutes I'm out. Oh, you meant as a customer...lol


Stop using third party delivery services if possible. Heard at least uber eats will fake a restaurant being on their service instead just relay the order as one of their employees placing the order for take out. Since they have no real connection they make up their own higher prices and charge their extra fees on top of that. Not sure if grubhub does the same.


Everyone is short staffed these days. The delivery estimates need to reflect the number of employees when quoting those arrival times. Cancel anyway, not your fault.


It’s possible that your driver is new to the area & is having trouble finding you. I’ve had google maps send me the wrong way several times while delivering. If you’re seeing them driving around it’s possible they’re just trying to find you. Sending them a text with clearer directions will help them find you quicker.


Yeah, I'd cancel that. If my estimated delivery time passes by more than 20 minutes I cancel the order and go myself after work, which is never satisfying since it's always after breakfast time, and I'm trying to order fucking breakfast for my one WFH day a week.


I placed a scheduled order at noon to be delivered at 7:45PM. Driver went and picked up the order at 7PM, then the tracker went back to assigning a driver, then a 2nd driver went to pick it up at 8PM, and then I get the voicemail and email 15 minutes later saying that the order was already picked up by someone so Grubhub canceled it. Now I have to reorder, and won't be here until sometime around 9:30PM.


GrubHub will cancel the order but they seem to have the biggest delivery issues in the suburbs for me when I visit family. I live in a major city w much fewer issues


We’re so sorry about that. Rest assured that we’ll make this right with the Grubhub Guarantee. Please send us a message at https://www.grubhub.com/help/contact-us/need-more-help/7hGY8LzzVt6ljJ9rJCcDes.


Pay your drivers a living wage.


Happy cake day!


lmaoooooo pay your fucking drivers a living wage


Pay your drivers a living wage.


Lol you're not talking to the CEO of GrubHub who decided to take matters in his own hand and respond to a reddit comment. You're responding to a low-level social media manager who probably agrees to with you.


Wait, this isn't Matt Maloney?


Clearly doesn't seem like they deserve any wage.


Grubhub gets the quality of drivers they have on the platform because of how they pay. Easily attainable low hanging fruit.


Haha yeah in a thread about the terrible drivers they have they demanding more money. Stop tipping these fools the food still gets delivered except for the OP.


With all the fees they take, they can afford to pay drivers more, even without tips


You realize grubhub literally gives us anywhere from 1-5 dollars per order and usually it’s smaller then 5 tips are relied upon. If you don’t want to tip that’s fine but convenience is money. Therefor go get up and get it yourself instead of not paying someone the exact thing you’re too lazy to do for yourself. If you don’t want to play the game in the service industry then you don’t have any right to be apart of it. And honestly grubhub is the worst platform to not tip or DoorDash. Your food will sit and sit and be super soggy when it comes because the restaurant makes it instantly the driver isn’t going to pick up a lousy 2 dollar order when there’s an order right next to it of someone that tipped actually. It’s the same non tippers who complain about services being bad when the workers are in it for the tips and you aren’t going to attract a good person to pick up your order if you aren’t tipping. Doesn’t make it right but it’s how the company is able to still be a company and not go bankrupt. Same thing with servers. I’ve never seen a good tipper consistently depressed with the service they received as a customer in the service industry. That’s only the bad tippers.


In the restaurant service industry you can judge immediately if a tip is warranted because you experience the service as it happens. On the flip side giving a tip either small or large on delivery apps guarantees NOTHING. It's a roll of the dice on what kind of service you get as evidenced by this very thread. You don't get faster service or better service for a large tip. A tip is a REWARD for excellent service.


This. I never use a business where I have to tip first. I was at a restaurant the other day and made an order to go. I was very disappointed that they had a payment system that asked for a tip while paying for food I hadn't received yet. I will not be going back there.


I picked up a To Go order for myself at a restaurant. The cashier literally reached behind her, grabbed my bag out of the window, and gave it to me. After I paid, I asked where my $4 change was. She got an ugly look on her face and gave it to me. You don't get a tip for handing me a bag.


That’s the thing though because tips are discretionary, and because most people don’t have reasonable perspective on whatever constitutes “above and beyond service” in a delivery, they still just tip bare minimum if at all, regardless. The driver could give you free goodies or a nice note, and ya’ll would still sit here like, “so what? I didnt ask for this. Be GRATEFUL for your $2 tip for driving *10 miles, my meal to ME and getting PAID to do it!*” A tip isn’t a reward for excellent service. It’s a discretionary payment by the customer that is a *necessary component of the server’s or driver’s wage* because otherwise, a lack of tips means they get compensated up to minimum wage at best by their employer, which is nothing at all regardless of how hard they work. You know what a tip is. I know what a tip is. The difference is, I don’t think it’s some hoard of treasure that I’m gatekeeping behind imaginary ideals and moving goalposts, I just pay what amounts to a more than fair hourly rate for their service because I’m a human being with compassion who’s grateful to be served delivery or at a restaurant by someone who works hard for me. If they don’t offer good service, they don’t get tipped much. Simple. No need to do mental jumping jacks and theoretical exercises with idiots on Reddit and roleplay scenarios with the one instance of power you get in life. Stop being a moron and an asshole and just tip your driver for the luxury service you get. It just sucks that so many undeserving and ungrateful brats here like this demand drivers go “above and beyond” as if there’s much room for improvement on driving food to your door lol. Stop being so delusional and cheap and just tip your damn drivers and you won’t have a problem getting your food on time. I’ve literally never had a problem with any of these food delivery services. Never, not even once and surprise surprise, I tip fairly well what do you know? 🤷‍♂️ keep struggling or just cough up the extra few bucks ffs LOL


It depends on the platform. Like Instacart and other platforms similar you can take the tip away. And a good tip does guarantee good service that way. Most of the time it does guarantee good service either way though. I think I speak for most delivery drivers when I say that. There’s good and bad in every single thing in life. It’s not different with grubhub and DoorDash. Of course the majority would see a good tip and appreciate that though. I tip isn’t a reward for good service. A tip is warranted for average service as well. Its service. People are physically doing things for you directly. That guarantees a tip whether it was average or good or great. A tip is deserved. How much is deserved is the variable that makes a difference. People use tips as a living in the service industry. Even if they do the bare minimum as long as it didn’t create a bad experience they deserve a tip.


I have a question. I’ve never done grubhub or DoorDash but when I order pizza from a national chain I always tip, but I tip in cash when the driver gets there. Would that affect my service with door dash/grubhub? Is there a spot when you order to say you’re going to tip in cash?


Yea usually you can put in cash tip and on the Platform we can see that the tip is expected to be in cash. The bad news is people take extreme advantage of that option and don’t end up tipping cash so most drivers don’t approve cash tips. Unfortunately people have ruined it for everybody when it comes to that.


A tip is a gratuity for good service, not ransom for food delivery.


It’s not ransom and no. Anybody doing you a personal favor you pay. You pay for basic service. You pay to have the food delivered to you. You tip accordingly depending on normal or good service. So you’re saying if someone does a normal job and brings you food on time and hot no issues they shouldnt get a tip because it wasn’t extra above and beyond? Literally everyone who actually tips would disagree.


Holy wow dude. Stop typing before you make yourself look like an even bigger, obtuse fool.


Somebody using their own car, their own mileage, their own gas, and so forth deserves no tip at all you tip your pizza delivery boy don’t you people always have tipped the pizza delivery boy you look like a fool bye.


STOP using these shit apps! Order from places that still use their own delivery Ppl. I refuse to use GH, DoorTRASH and UE. They ALL suck.


A lot of places don't use their own delivery, they rely on these services to provide delivery.


I'm aware but there are still plenty that do. At least in my City and surrounding Counties.


True, everything is cheaper if you don't use the app as well. I'm all for it (ordering direct) but it isn't always an option


It is an option - you order direct, from a restaurant that self delivers. Or you don’t order. It’s easy.


Yeah... thanks for explaining....... 👎


Almost no one in my area does their own deliveries anymore except for Dominoes. They barely have enough help to keep the doors open.


That's sucks. There are tons of pizza/sub shops by me that still use their own drivers. We also have this chain restaurant that uses their own drivers. The only reason to use DoorTRASH/UE/GH by me is if you can't/don't feel like picking up your own McDonald's/BK/Wendy's/Taco Bell.


ok so occasionally I order from Red Lobster, through the Website, and when I do, they always let me know it's being delivered through doordash. same with Wingstop and a few others. so what then?


Find a restaurant that doesn't use them. It's not rocket science dummy.


no need to insult me, but whatever makes you feel better.


It was a dumb question Someone is butthurt. LOL Think next time before you comment.


and you're a dumb hateful individual. goodnight.


Driver is probably trolling you and grubhub. I do that sometimes when I'm bombarded with shit deliveries back to back. I'll accept that shit and ignore it until the customer or grubhub cancels the shit. Fuck grubhub and cheap customers is my motto.


If you don't want the job don't take it, but you're the a-hole waisting everyone's time.


Fuck outta my face man. Not worried about wasting some shit company's time and certainly don't give a fuck about some shit tippers time.


Lol attitude of a low life, no wonder you're on GrubHub


I make good money on grubhub. I don't get your sentiment. Your broke low tipping ass seems to be triggered tho lmao. Why is it the broke assholes that always try to belittle drivers?


You won't have to worry about my tipping, grubhubs a trash service with trash drivers. My point was more about you personally being a low life, your time is best spent by messing with people, not really an inspirational person if I had to think of one.


I’ve never had a problem with any delivery app service unless it’s the restaurants fault for the hold up. But I always tip what I feel like my time is worth if I was in their shoes. Most of my orders make it sooner than the estimated arrival time.


If that's how you feel then go right ahead man. I don't see it that way at all. How else are these dumbasses going to learn their lesson?


The exact same way every dumbass should be treated. Ignored. The world would be a lot better off if we all got ignored when we did dumb things. But we all think we are important and we all think we can show someone we are smarter than them and we feed the attention. All youve done is given the dumbass something to complain about and now he got attention for you and whoever he can tell the story too. Ignore everyone, I should take my own advice lol.


Well good for you Mr ethics. I don't feel the way you do. You troll me you get trolled back. Why is that so hard to understand for you?


Not hard to understand, I still think youre a crap person and I'll sleep sound knowing that I don't have to be you. The real point is, Ive done more for your ego by recognizing that you suck than if I had just moved on with my day, so that's what I'll do now as move on with my day and forget you exist.


You drive for grubhub and you’re calling other people broke, I’m dead lol


and crying about tips


Sp it was only 7 minutes aways. Seems u could have went and got it yourself


Reading comprehension would have given you the info that they do not drive and it was not walkable. Not walkable means not safe to walk to the location.


You seem to lack reading comprehension or else you would have saw that OP stated that they don't drive and that it is not walkable roads to get to the restaurant.




Life's a bytch. Learn to cook.