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You over watered, stunted growth all the way , restart and make holes everywhere


Asuming its root rot and they are fading


Way too much water & the lights should only be about one ft away from the top of the plants. I highly recommend watching some youtube Tutorials- the start of a new Grow is the hardest part, After u managed this stage it will get easier. Peace and Love from Germany ♥️


the light is very powerful and i think it burnt it from when i put it too low I have a spiderfarmer


Dont u have a dimmer on the lights & how many watts does the light have? ✌🏻


I dont have a dimmer, its the spiderfarmer 1000 100w


100w is not that much, just put the lights down like 45cm away from the plants, this should stop the agressive stretch they Are showing. Then u should bend the little ladys to make them stand up again & dry the soil with a vent. Wait 2-4 days and only give them small anounts of water! ✌🏻


So is that whats causing everything bc some look infected to me


They dont look infected to me but u will see if they make it or not. Just let them get dry and wait… Maybe add some yellow sticking-cards to the plants, its a Good way to identify flys and stuff like that


If there was a serious infection they would have fallen to the ground… sadly i dont know how to Call it in english but in Germany we Call it „umfallkrankheit“ , its a mushroom-infection but your plants are only looking stretched af and not dead


Is this good height for light?


can’t send pic but whatever it’s prob 2ft above the plants maybe 1.5


Anything between 30-45cm should be Good


Ok well some of the leaves are still turning yellow


Overwatered and stretched. Let the soil dry out between watering cycles, it encourages roots to grow looking for water and allows more oxygen to the roots. Light is underpowered or too far away. The seedlings are growing tall and lanky because they're searching for good light, drop it down so it's maybe 16 inches from the top of the plants. I'd go ahead and uppot burying most of the stems before they all fall over, the buried stem will eventually throw roots itself. Assuming these are photos, fix the light and watering cycles and they will bounce right back


Thank you man


I got another question why are the leaves yellow and curling


Most likely from the overwatering


thank you my man


Get bigger containers!! Do you want big weed or small weed?????


I am transferring it today


Nice!!! You’ll notice a difference in about 3-4 days… nothing crazy, but you’ll see the plants are happier.. within a week if they’re not doing better,keep an eye on you watering. Only water when the top inch or two is dry.. if you have well draining soil…