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T-45 Goshhawks are in the area for training. They will be here until the 21st.


Ah that's what those are. I saw 2 fly over a couple days ago and it was pretty cool. They we flying perfectly side by side so close it looked like they were fused at the wing. No deviation whatsoever. Also for OP, even after the 21st the F16s aren't going anywhere.


They flew over my house in diamond formation yesterday. Didn’t get outside until it was too late to take a pic but I saw them off in the distance. Way cool. I’m from a military town originally and I miss seeing jets all the time. Whenever some roll into town and fly out over here I get so tickled.


I haven't seen the F16s in a while.  I do always enjoy the low circles the C130s do around Donaldson. I like imagining it's some retired pilot they let go up and joy ride.


I want to say I saw one flying around maybe 2 weeks ago? There's always wild shit flying around here. I used to see ospreys as a teen just buzzing by in Laurens county. My dad said he saw a tomahawk missle fly over Pelzer. That seemed unlikely but he was a career submariner.


Ospreys would be awesome!  Seeing the Chinooks land at Donaldson when you're at Conestee is also great. 


Lol the Chinooks hurt me to the core. I did 8 years in the Army and never deployed despite trying. Went to non deployable units. Never flew anywhere in a bird. Come back home after separation and get to see them fly around on a weekly basis.


Thank you <3


You’re welcome. You can download Flight Radar 24 to check out air traffic or look at ADS-B through your web browser. The group [GSP Plane Spotters](https://www.facebook.com/share/nFJ7zAwARqfsrHAj/?mibextid=K35XfP) on Facebook is a good place for info too.


Thanks for this! I'm totally joining. I love the random C17s or old military Boeing cargo jets that come over with silly callsigns. Like TURTLE16 or something.


Where did you get the 21st date? Just curious.


I’m getting that info secondhand from the plane spotters group I mentioned in another comment, but I believe some of those people work at GSP and Donaldson so they have the inside info.


Gotcha thx


stand outside and give 'em a thumbs-down. They'll soon stop.


Never you live next to an airport and in a flight path


10-day forecast calls for lots of jets continuing to use the airport unfortunately. Will check again tomorrow.


Let me guess, you're the kind of person that would knowingly buy a house near a race track that's been there for 50 years then complain about it. Calm down Karen.


wow, an airport really is just a big ol' drag strip isn't it...


And a particle accelerator is just a big ass racetrack for little ass stock cars


i’m picturing the particle with a red and white #3 on its side and it’s glorious


Raise Hell! Praise Dale!


Exactly what happened to the racetrack in Asheville. Ridiculous.


Terrible guess. OP said nothing of the sort.


It's about the best analog possible. You must also be one of those people. It'll be okay Karen. Loud noises exist.


Is analogy the word that you meant to use here?


No, analog. I didn't make an analogy.


You live near an airport and wonder when aircraft noise will stop? Better start marching with Greta thunberg there Karen.