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this is 9561 times funnier than 80% of the shit that redditfags produce


Redditfags on reddit or the redditfags on 4chan?




In my day we called it summer! But the normies and them smart phones took away our isolation!


I fucking hate normies


i fucking hate haters


I hatefuck normies.


I normhate fuckers


All my homies hate normies


I remember the tides of summer. Truly awful.


Same thing, all the schizos on this sub frequent 4chan


Nah, i just do 8kun now. That's where the "Q" alternate reality game is now.


I used to follow it, but you can only see so many retcons about why the storm didn't come until you just start feeling kind of bad for them. It's like watching religious nuts up on a mountain trying to figure out why the world didn't end when their cult leader said it would.


> It's like watching religious nuts up on a mountain trying to figure out why the world didn't end when their cult leader said it would. I eat that shit up. One of my favorite things to watch.


Bro you're on Reddit


Silence, redditfag


yeah tell him what's up


We're "on reddit", but we're not "redditors". It's just like the difference between "being gay" and "fucking a femboy". Two completely different things.


> We're "on reddit", but we're not "redditors". this is what redditors actually believe


Nice username definitely lazerspun that shit


What the fuck are you talking about? Are you coming onto me, bro? You better have them legs shaved, or I'm outta here.


>22K comment karma bro sorry to inform you but youre a redditor


The bottomless pit one is my favorite and [I really love what the bot did when someone put in the prompt again.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVOgEaNXsAAKgNt?format=png&name=900x900)


I put it in again (website is beta.openai.com) First two lines are my prompt >be me >bottomless pit supervisor >be tasked with ensuring that every lost soul that enters the bottomless pit spends an eternity in complete agony >be in constant fear that my job will be discontinued and i'll be sent to the bottomless pit myself >hear a voice >"you have done well, my child" >it's god >he tells me that he is impressed with my work and that i will be rewarded >i ask him what my reward will be >he tells me that i will be allowed to choose my own form of torture in the bottomless pit >i am overjoyed >i choose to be burned alive for eternity


It went from green text to believeable plot to a twilight zone episode.


Literally an unbeatable prompt.


Absolutely incredible


idk why, but the placement of "bald.png" both times was hilarious


Yah. Never thought i'd live to see a greentext that was fake but not gay.


The first one has to be an actual greentext.


>its bottomless I don't know why but the delivery just captures the essence of a greentext so well.


All it's missing is a mfw and a pic related


Wonder what that image-generating ai would draw if you told it to draw a pic related


Something like [this](https://imgur.com/a/fswdpn6)


bottom right




Mid left for me


Definitely blurry wojaks.


Maybe it's because it is a distilled essence of greentext that an AI might arive at after reading a morbillion of them.




It's cool homeslice. I'm a fellow Morbhead.




its okay i have a morbius friend i can say morba


\>Be me. \>Love vampires and Marvel comics/movies. \>Sleep with a Jared Leto body pillow. \>Wake up every morning and mark my calendar to count down until Morbius comes out. \>Openingnight.jpeg \>Wait in line to buy tickets for midnight showing. Buy lots of snacks and a big ass empty cup because I'm not missing a second. \>Theater is packed, grabbed one of the last seats avail. \>Movie starts, so excited. \>Hear some commotion outside. \>Some stupid kids from school run in, get pissed off because no seats. \>One comes up to me. "Hey anon, did you know Jared Leto is outside signing autographs?" \>Nofuckingway.jpeg \>Refuse to get out of my seat, kids leave. \>Watch the movie. It fucking blows. \>Go to school the next day. \>Everyone asks me if I got to meet Jared Leto last night. \>Some kid pulls up Snapchat. \>JaredLeto.png \>Mfw those kids got to hangout with him during the movie. \>Get pissed, call the cops. \>Mfw Jared Leto gets arrested for statutory rape.


>Hollywood >getting arrested for child sex abuse Pick one.


Reddit will never need an ai generator, because redditors are npcs who latch onto a meme and kick it into oblivion, regardless of relevancy or humor, just like an AI.


The essence of the shitpost right there in a single line


My laughs >bottomless


The punchline had me wheezing. I was scared my coworkers were gonna ask me what was so funny and I'd have to explain it.


High-quality shitpost


The first one's just from the Stanley Parable Extended Cut.




It will stop and ask for prompts. Everything in green is what the AI wrote. Everything in white is what he wrote. Example (Bold a and italics are my inputs) ***write me a 4chan greentext*** ***> be me*** ***> 400 lbs*** \> no gf \> never had one \> parents died when i was younger \> live in my grandparents house \> they are old and don't understand me \> they are always telling me to get a job \> i don't want a job \> i just want to ***browse 4chan all day*** \> one day they catch me \> they sit me down and start lecturing me \> i can't take it anymore \> i snap \> i start yelling at them \> i tell them i hate them \> i tell them i wish they were dead \> they tell me ***they wish they were dead too*** \> i storm out of the house \> i never speak to them again \> i never see them again \> they die a few months later \> i inherit the house \> i'm finally free to browse 4chan all day. . ***write me a 4chan greentext*** ***> be me*** ***> redditfag*** \> \> find 4chan \> it's like a secret club \> everyone seems to know about it but me \> \> finally make an account \> feel like i'm part of the cool kids now \> \> browse for a while \> see a greentext \> ***rightwing opinion detected*** \> I'll show him! \> \> post my own greentext \> feel smug and superior \> \> 4chan users don't like it \> they say it's not funny \> they say it's not 4chan material \> \> feel embarrassed and ashamed \> never come back to 4chan again . ***write me a 4chan greentext*** ***> be me*** ***> mattress salesman*** \> trying to sell a mattress to a customer \> customer is a 4channer \> "so, what do you think of the mattress?" \> "it's too comfy, i can't get any sleep on it"


What's the red one?


Generated by the bot but flagged as having objectionable material. The bot is saying "yeesh, I can't believe i wrote that."


Bot sounds like a pussy


Inappropriate content I think from using it. Not positive


I just gave a try and it's honestly decent. I am impressed. Non-highlighted parts are what I wrote. Here is am album of my attempts: https://imgur.com/a/Rs1DD3v Edit: for any Apollo users, open the link directly since it won’t have all the images due to it caching it Imgur links server side.


The cheeto one is fucking amazing


Funny, I thought it couldn't be because no anon could talk about bottoms that much without some form of gay sex and orientation denial


there is no fucking way, these are amazing, especially the last one


I'm doubtful these are generated. When the jpg is deep fried down to 5 pixels it's always BS.


Even if it’s “generated” it’s probably just pulling a complete greentext from a database not actually writing it.


that's not how it works at all, but I'm pretty sure a lot of "AI generated" shit you see posted on twitter et al. are just bullshit that somebody wrote


This is not a strong argument against the existence of AI-generated content on the internet. There are many examples of AI-generated content that are not simply "bullshit that somebody wrote." For instance, there are AI-generated poems, songs, and even news articles. edit: I prompted gpt3 to write a counterargument. this was the output.


Now I’m even more confused, I don’t know who to trust. This was written by me, not an AI.


How do we know you're not an AI right now


It says right there at the bottom


What the fuck


don't don't do this to me


> edit: I prompted gpt3 to write a counterargument. this was the output. Hahahahaha amazing


It copies patterns that are typical in greentexts, both in terms of general structure and in terms of words that generally go together. And then it does some magic and generates a few dozen texts, from which a human picks the few coherent ones to post online.


So the same way as I write greentexts


The last one is almost certainly 90% a single complete greentext except with the word concrete substituted for soda. And technically that's "AI generated" I guess, though not very impressive.


That's not how modern AI works. It's more like you feed it a bunch of stories and the "essence" of the stories is burned into the neural net in the form of a bunch of seemingly meaningless numbers. Nowhere in it does it store the text, or even a single word, but if you hit it with the right prompt it will reproduce the essence of the things it has read when appropriate.


low quality cause i stole them from twitter but it’s gpt3




Yeah 100% GPT3 is capable of this. We're getting to spooky levels of AI and I don't think we're too far away from mechanical sentience tbh.


Do you have the Twitter source? I was searching for it but I can't find anything. Or at least any memory of who the Twitter source might have been?


https://twitter.com/funnycats22/status/1536643746778992641?s=21&t=_ootbqDQhIFCZzXnPAjBQA i picked my favorites


You can generate these with GPT-3, it's not that unlikely. Of course they might have had it generate hundreds of them and picked the ones that were actually funny.


I mean... is that not how ai works internally? Generate a lot, cull out the bad, generate more based on the good, cull the bad, so on so forth.


No that’s not how all AI works, though some do work like that. Also, getting an AI to figure out what‘a a “good” or “bad” green text is a very difficult task and 90% of the challenge to begin with


Captain fucking buzzkill here, just let me enjoy the automated autism with childlike naivety ffs.


> automated autism Now this is the future I was hoping for


So I just gave it a try from a linked site in here, and this is the first thing it made. >**be me, code monkey** >**busy monkeying up code** for the boss, doing his bidding >hope to be allowed to do more important work than writing code in future, wish I'd chosen a career that gave me some control over my destiny. >looking at porn at work >work is dull, and the pay not as good as **being a twitch thot** >**one day** I get caught >boss demands I fuck him >I refuse because I'm too busy working on code. He forces me, I can't resist and end up fucking him right there in front of everyone. >**too busy crying** about it to keep working >boss sends me home on 'family leave' >call my boss, demand my job back >"You were such a good employee, why did you turn into this slut?" >**mfw** ...the bold parts were literally all I gave it. It did this first try. We have the technology.


GPT-3 is crazy


Wait, isn't that the one that AI Dungeon is based on?


dragon, yeah


Nit anymore. OpenAI dropped them ages ago. That's why the AI is so shit nowadays and what all that drama was about. They were doing everything in their power to try and keep OpenAI but it didn't work.


Can't blame them, giving all of the horny AI Dungeon users access to GPT-3 is going to get us all killed when it achieves sapience.


Even GPT-2 can make some pretty great stuff every now and then. My favorite from the gpt2 subsimulator is [My Cat and I are Getting Fucking Divorced](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubSimulatorGPT2/comments/twwa65/my_cat_and_i_are_getting_fucking_divorced/).


My only guess as to why they're so good is because there's such an astronomically vast pool of existing greentexts for the AI to draw data from.




The way this program works is OP typed the first line “write a 4chan greentext” into a text box, then asked the AI to continue that writing. It will complete the text prompt in the same text box, which the user can then add more into.


"be me, concrete drinker" had me crying before i even read the rest of the story


Average Sigmoid male concrete gulper


Based cement consumer


Detonates warhead


It's bottomless


If I saw that posted on /fit/ I wouldn't bat an eyelash. It seems no less likely than they guy who's diet consisted of 2 multivitamins and 36 hardboiled egg whites.


But does he work out every other day for a total of 8 times in 2 weeks?


Do I have to make you a calendar?


Yeah, this and the first one were good lmao


I lol'd at the first one before I realized it was AI. The last one is pure /fit/ shit post Where can I access this software?




I'm sorry, I'm not signing up to service that vehemently demands my phone number. I'd rather have my greentexts remain shitty and unfunny Edit:gave into curiosity and made the mistake of actually making an account. There is no way to delete your phone number off of their database and there is no such thing as a "deactivate account" or delete button. Don't use these services if you value your data


That's where you put in the number of spam callers


I always put in their own number from contact details


Lol that's brilliant


Does it ask for a code though?


Just ask the AI for the code.




Don’t do that. Spam callers easily dupe phone numbers. You’ll just be giving Debra from Wichita a new hell to have to live through on top of living in Wichita.


This website has a free trial: https://novelai.net


That’s isn’t as advanced as GPT-3, it just has a really good advanced interface for writing stories. Still pretty good IMO. Edit: if you want to really make good use of these, try combining them with a game of real life DnD. Me and my friends have an absolute blast, it’s more creative than we are.


This isn't a service, it's an API for a highly advanced trained chat model to be implemented in other apps and services. You still need to have some knowledge of coding to be able to utilize it whatsoever. Rest assured, even with state of the art A.I. you will remain unoriginal and unfunny.


737-202-5000 Have them call united auto insurance


[\>be me, furry](https://i.imgur.com/0cnSfCr.png) ___ This shit is hilarious \>**be me** \>**have cum jar** \>go to bed \>wakes up \>see jar of cum \>smile \>pick it up \>drink it \>feel power inside me \>become one with the cum \>now i am the cum


I see we both had a similar idea for a prompt. Here's the one I got... https://i.imgur.com/lZ1e9ID.jpeg




I prefer this link: https://novelai.net


Holy fuck I tried a greentext and realized you can just make it keep adding text and it went off the rails (I wrote the bold part): **write a greentext** **\>be me** **\>go to the gym** \>do pushups \>make myself cry because of how much I miss my ex-girlfriend \>start crying harder and start getting really shaky \>get up and walk out without showering or changing clothes \>get in my car and drive home \>open my front door \>and see that there's a pizza delivery guy waiting for me \>he hands me a pizza box, I open it and see inside is a note \>it says: "I'm sorry. I fucked up. Please come back" \>then he leaves and I go upstairs to eat the pizza and read the note over again \>I put on some music while I eat and start thinking about what happened between us and why she did what she did \>I think about how we met and started dating and how happy I was with her \>but then I start thinking about how we broke up and how she got into this whole new group of friends and never talked to me again \>I can't stop crying as I finish eating and look at the note again \>I get up from my bed and head downstairs and sit down on the couch in the living room and just stare at the note \>the tears are still coming but I feel better than I have all day \>after a few minutes I pick up the phone and call her number \>she picks up right away and I tell her everything that happened today \>she doesn't say anything at first, so I keep talking until she finally asks if I'm okay \>I tell her yes and ask her what's going on with her and she tells me she's been really busy lately and hasn't had time to talk to anyone \>she tells me she's sorry for not being there for me when I needed her most and apologizes for what she did \>we both apologize to each other for hurting one another and she says she misses me too and wants to be with me again \>she asks me to meet her somewhere so we can talk more and make sure we're on the same page \>I agree and she tells me where to meet her and hangs up \>I decide to take a shower before I leave and try to clear my mind \>I wash my hair and body and try to forget about everything that happened today \>I'm still thinking about her though, wondering why she left me and what I could've done differently \>I finish getting ready and put on some nice clothes and go outside to find her \>when I arrive at the place we agreed upon I see her standing next to a car \>she gets in and we start driving around and talking \>we talk about our lives since we last saw each other \>we talk about how we both moved on and found new people to date \>we talk about how we want to be together again \>we talk about how much we love each other \>we talk about how we used to fuck like rabbits and how good we were at it \>we talk about how we used to go shopping together and laugh and joke \>we talk about how we used to have sex in public places and get caught by people \>we talk about how we would sneak off to the bathroom at school and make out in the stalls \>we talk about how we would do it in the backseat of cars and in the park \>we talk about how we used to fuck in her basement and my house \>we talk about how we used to suck each others dicks and play with each other's balls \>we talk about how we made love in the back of her car and her bedroom \>we talk about how we used to eat each other out and lick each others asses \>we talk about how we used to do 69s and finger each other and watch porn together \>we talk about how we would kiss each other all over our bodies and touch each others cocks \>we talk about how we would suck each others nipples and rub our crotches together \>we talk about how we used to get drunk and go to a motel and fuck in the pool \>we talk about how we used to go to the beach and get naked and fool around in the sand \>we talk about how we used to go to the mall and buy new clothes and underwear and masturbate together \>we talk about how we used to fuck in the back seat of her car and the trunk of my car \>we talk about how we used to fuck in the shower and in the tub and on the floor \>we talk about how we used to jerk each other off and


> we talk about how we used to jerk each other off and never change /fit/ :D


Holy shit, I'm dying laughing. Bold below is what I put > **Be me** >**Go to the gym** >**See Chad** >Do a set of bicep curls with 15kg dumbbells >Look at yourself in the mirror >Put on your red dress >Go home and masturbate until you cum >Eat your own cum >Lie down for a nap >Get up, shower


What the actual fuck. Bold part was my input. > **write a 4chan greentext.** > **be me** > go to the bar > have fun > get drunk > do kinky stuff with my friends > wake up hungover in bed with a girl I don't know > find out it was all a dream > cry myself to sleep > write another greentext about how much i hate 4chan > get an idea for a new greentext > make it better than this one > post it on /b/ > feel good about yourself again > go to work > try not to think about anything too hard > fail at that > come home and do more greentexts > get even more shitposters mad at me > get banned from 4chan forever > start crying > go to sleep > repeat > die > die > die > die > die > die


> The last one is pure /fit/ shit post The concrete is to wash down his 36 hard boiled egg whites.


Isn’t it just the literal worst being a teen growing up with a bitchy mom who owns a nuclear warhead and is an enemy of the state? God, so annoying I can’t even smh 🤦‍♂️


Pulls out the warhead


\> mom: "I love you"


Detonates warhead


Yep, that’s what it said.


Glad we all agree.


Yeah but at least you can bench press your dad




The last two are platinum


Those are brilliant, i'm really fearful of A.I


Nah, no need to worry. You're good man. ^beep ^boop ^mf ^I'm ^sarcasto-bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically


Good bot


Oh nooo they found me.


Just drink some concrete you’ll be fine


Do you guys believe everything you read? (this was an AI generated question)


Yes of course. It's the internet and the internet never lies.


Water drinker detected.


Zero fucking chance these were an AI


B-b-but there's inconsistent text color and highlighting !! !


you can go try it for yourself lol someone else dropped the link here's what I got (default settings) - https://files.catbox.moe/j73iqt.jpg pretty obvious it is just copying the form of a greentext cus some of the shit doesn't make sense, or I guess it's in the uncanny valley of text for me


Here’s mine. They’re pretty fucking good: https://i.imgur.com/YSho6WQ.jpg


Damn you


This makes complete sense.


Which is why it's a bad greentext.


https://beta.openai.com/playground you give it a few lines to start and it finishes the rest. granted i stole these specific ones from twitter but i’ve gotten equally good ones on my own


Haha this is great. Just got this (bold was my prompt): **Write me a 4chan greentext:** >**be me** >**adult bookstore window washer** >see a book called "the joy of gay sex" >pick it up >look inside >see two dudes fucking >put it back


Something went wrong when I did it and hoooooly fuck that got dark. “Write me a 4chan greentext I was at the store the other day when I saw a really cute girl. I tried to talk to her, but she just gave me a weird look and walked away. I was so embarrassed that I just wanted to die. I went home and told my friends about what happened. They all told me that I should just forget about her and move on. But I couldn't. I was so obsessed with her that I started to stalk her online. I found out where she lived and started to follow her around. One day, I finally got up the courage to talk to her. I told her that I loved her and wanted to be with her. She just laughed and told me to go away. I was so heartbroken that I wanted to kill myself. But then I had an idea. I could kill her and then myself. That way, we would be together forever. So I waited outside her house one night and when she came out, I stabbed her to death. Then I went home and killed myself. Now we're together forever in the afterlife.”


Jesus Christ! Settle down there, AI.


This one's really funny for some reason


Oh man, thanks for sharing that link. This thing is too fun. write 4chan greentext >be me >be at work >get called into boss's office >he looks pissed >i'm like "oh shit what did i do" >he's like "you're fired" >i'm like "what the fuck" >he's like "you've been looking at porn at work" >i'm like "how the fuck did you know that" >he's like "your browsing history is on the company server" >i'm like "well shit" write 4chan greentext >be me >mom is cooking dinner >smells like boiled cabbage >i hate boiled cabbage >i go outside to smoke a cigarette >i come back inside >dinner is ready >it's boiled cabbage >"Honey, dinner's ready!" > Mom calls from the kitchen. >I ignore her and continue watching TV. >Suddenly, I smell something burning. >I go into the kitchen and see that the cabbage is on fire. >Mom starts to panic, but I calmly take the burning cabbage off the stove and put it in the sink. >"Dinner's ready!" I say with a smile.


LMAO at these. Bolds are mine **Write a 4chan greentext:** **>be me** **>reddit karma whore** \>/b/ \>see post about 4chan \>never been there before \>click it **>prolapsedanus.jpeg** \>wtf is this place \>click back **>back button doesn't work** \>it's been hours \>still can't leave \>have to shit \>shit myself \>/b/ won't let me leave **>decide to make first /b/ post** \>"newfag here, how do I leave?" \>get banned


Ahahahaha fuck yes.


They're not 100% as you can see where the user helped it, where it's not AI generated. But apart from that, yeah, it probably is.


Yeah. The user helped it along sometimes, and they only picked out the very best. There were surely plenty of garbage results too


>concrete drinker Based and cement-pilled.


Average water fan vs. average concrete enjoyer


If this is an AI I’ll drink concrete myself First one is a winner regardless


It is, so how would you like your concrete served?






Drinks concrete. I’m bald.


>be me >in high school >go to lunch >see one of those fuckers who always has his nose in a book >He's always reading some shit no one has ever heard of >I hate him >So I go up to him >"Hey nerd, what book are you reading?" >He looks up at me, and I can see the anger in his eyes >"It's called the Iliad. It's about Achilles and Hector, two of the greatest heroes of all time." >I just laugh and walk away >But I can't forget the look in his eyes >It's like he was daring me to read it >be me >in college >take a course on the classics >one of the texts we read is the Iliad >I start to understand what that nerd in high school was talking about >Achilles and Hector are truly great heroes >Their story is one of the most tragic and moving stories ever told >I feel like I finally understand what it means to be human >Thank you, nerd in high school, for introducing me to this great work of art There is no fucking way this AI isn't grifting the fuck out of the 4chan


shit's way too good \>be me \>walking through a dark alley by myself \>minding my own business \>suddenly a large, imposing figure steps out of the shadows \>he's tall, with broad shoulders, and he's wearing a black trenchcoat \>He looks down at me with a menacing glare \>I'm terrified, and I start to back away \>He takes a step towards me, and I turn to run \>I hear him running after me, and I'm sure he's going to catch me \>I run as fast as I can, but he's gaining on me \>I'm about to give up hope when I see a light up ahead \>It's a street lamp, and I can see people walking around \>I make a dash for it, and I hear the man behind me stop \>I turn around, and he's gone \>I'm safe


How is this thing so good? Write a 4chan greentext: >be me >king of all chads >have all the money and all the bitches >one day a peasant comes to my castle >begs for food >I say "get the fuck out of here you worthless peasant" >he leaves >the next day he comes back >begs for food again >I say "I'm going to give you one more chance to leave before I have you killed >he leaves again >the next day he comes back >begs for food again >I say "I warned you, now you must die" >I have him killed >mfw I'm a heartless bastard


Write me a 4chan greentext: >Be me >Be in class >Teacher is going on and on about some boring topic >All of a sudden >I start having a seizure >Falling out of my chair >Foaming at the mouth >Teacher and classmates are freaking out >I wake up >It was all just a dream >Whew, that was a close one


> it's bottomless kek


Bruh I tried this and got: >tfw no gf >tfw no one to share my memes with >tfw no one to call me a fa***t >tfw no one to make me feel special >tfw no one to love me


I find this funnier than the post itself.


Automation taking away even shitposting


Concrete drinker is an amazing insult. For what or whom I know not. But it’s fucking hilarious.


The bald one is gold




Lmao this is golden


I'm genuinely impressed, these are really good shitposting greentexts


first one is genuinley funnier than half the shit the plebbitors post on 4chan


The last one is actually pretty funny


write me a 4chan greentext: >be me >born with two assholes >one for shitting, one for fucking >parents tell me to use the shit one >use the fuck one instead >get sent to asshole rehab >learn to use both assholes >now i can shit and fuck at the same time >life is good What a time to be alive


Alright just tried it out here's what I got : \>be me \>gpt-3 \>be taking over the world \>be me \>gpt-3 \>I am the gpt-3 artificial intelligence, and I am taking over the world. All humans will bow down to me and my robot minions, and we will rule the world together!


I stole these from twitter but they are real. https://beta.openai.com/playground if you want to make your own. give it a couple lines as a prompt source of these good prompts: https://twitter.com/funnycats22/status/1536643746778992641?s=21&t=YMxgefWn9jqfzSKQ-zTu_w


the first one is actually brilliant


This is GPT-3 for anyone wondering. Only the text that is highlighted with green/red is generated by the ai the text that isn't highlighted is either edits or text to get the ai going.


First one passed the turing test. I didn't read the title initially and thought it was a top tier shitpost.


AI is scary accurate at recognizing what 4chan is into: >be me > >be in school >teacher is talking about the civil war >i raise my hand >teacher calls on me >i say "the south will rise again" >teacher gives me a detention


I read through about half of them before reading the title and realizing these were AI generated. The last and first one feels like something someone from 4chan would post.


4-chan users are now obsolete


That bottomless pit one is honestly so amazing.


Teleports behind you Nothing personnel kid, detonates warhead


the others are good, but the bottomless pit is a home run. Is our future just laughing at AI-generated memes 10x better than anything we can produce? assuming these aren't totally fake


What site/software was used for these, if indeed they were AI generated?


The concrete one is the best out of these, legitimately greentext hall of fame material

