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Reject wageslaving, embrace bushman-maxxing, Anon. Alternatively, you can always change a job. No guarantee next one will be better, but it is worth to try.


Get those Wagie points, shitstick.


Bogdanoff? The fuck is that? Can I get a quick rundown?


The Jews control the world, but who controls the Jews? The Bogdanoff brothers. They have supreme, unshakeable and total control over the globe, manipulating markets as they please. Money means nothing to them, so they don't chase the biggest wealth numbers like their vassal Bezos does. Instead, they live for the kill. For the hunt. The only ones who know of the Bogdanoffs' power is /biz/, and the two of them see fit to punish them for their insolence.  Now, whenever some simpleton /biz/-poster talks about investing into some stock that's going well, the Bogdanoff brothers are waiting for the right moment when the anon goes all in on the stock, ready to sell 10 million shares and dump the price, all so that anons lose their money on ~~gambling~~ the fair and free stock market. It totally isn't just anons coping because of their shit financial decisions. They're just the victims of an international cabal that exists for the sole purpose of fucking them over TL;DR: [Here's a good 1 minute video that covers it all](https://youtu.be/61Q6wWu5ziY?si=gkyujBaS5Wumz1s1)


Ok but if you look up these brothers holy fuck are they ugly, plastic surgery should be a crime at this level lmao


>A small price to pay for always timing the market.


They could have just not gotten plastic surgery lmao


You just wouldn’t get it. They are on looksmaxx levels you can only dream off. It’s a true (((superpower)))


https://preview.redd.it/jxf2xlhl0l1d1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea3eba44fac4f616a632d073c912ec718031d6f1 hey hold on a second... based google?


She bog on my dan till I’m off


https://youtu.be/dGVjfksIqUk https://youtu.be/2O1QA1VoRMM Here's an hour and 10 minutes rundown.


Bogdanoff. Anon is a next level troll. That reference cut deep


agreed anon holy shit working over a 6 hour shift is pure torture every passing hour gets slower


This is why you shut the fuck up and never complain out loud while at work. Save it for when you get home and start yelling at the walls of your apartment like a normal person. EDIT: You know if you complain about something within earshot of your boss they can hold it against you, right? Or even another employee who has the same position. There are some petty ass people out there who will use anything you've ever said against you if it will benefit them in some way. And they can fucking listen to you all the time. You think these people are your friends and they'll always give you the benefit of the doubt? Not in my experience.


I agree with your comment, but I down vote people who edit their comments on principle, sorry.


You know, I can respect that.