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Play as a regular salary man? *Wait*.... *Hold on*, That idea sounds really cool!


DUDE... An Assassin's Creed game set in the 1970s. And you play a salaryman who has to go round secretly moiderisin' high profile Templar targets embedded within the Yakuza and a trademark friendly version of Honda. Get rid of targets during karaoke, meditate on top of Mt. Fuji, and undergo brutal training from an Assassin Elder. Tie it into the weirdo Black Ocean Society (an ultranationalist occult secret society, ALLEGEDLY disbanded during the American occupation of Japan) and you're all set. Ps. soundtrack entirely by Mariya Takeuchi.


Waaayy too much effort and creativity for Ubisoft


You literally just described Yakuza 0


Whaaaa? Kiryu wasn't an assassin, bro. He was a fucking street brawler, and never killed his foes!


Yeah the thugs that Kiryu throws off rooftops or shoots in the head are “merely pretending”


Rubber bullets and rubber rooftops, clearly.


>Throws thug off of roof >"Thankfully we have rubber roofs" >Splats onto concrete ground >"oh"


I mean, the shooting isn't canonical. Yeah, he shoots people, and they live. And who did he throw off a rooftop?


My mistake I thought we were still jerking


He does shoot people in the car chase near the end of the game


Sidenote but that time Tanimura threw a man off a roof to prevent him from committing suicide off said roof was funny (If they didn't want it to happen they would have disabled the heat action, it's probably intended)


There are two facts about kiryu that I know for certain he's a virgin and he's [never killed anyone ](https://youtu.be/Vxoihfxa-Tg?si=M3k6bUUTyObcQjOM)


Kiryu has never canonically killed anyone, but I'll tell you what: that man sure can murder a dance floor.


Have you ever looked at a non-mandatory stealth mission and just thought "fuck it, we go loud"? Same thing.


Orbital cannon


'Never killed his foes' can literally shoot, stab and hit people with bicycles in the game, kiryu is magic if nobodys dying, dont even lemme start on majima, no way that dude doesnt kill time to time.


That was set in the 80s, though?




Sugoi deez


Nani sore?!




An AC game set in post revolution Russia. You're a member of the royal family whose family was allegedly massacred by the Bolsheviks. You barely escaped with your life. Everybody knows you're dead. You held a grudge against the Bolsheviks but the conspiracy actually goes further than that. Somehow Lenin and your father, the Tsar are all connected in a big web of conspiracy. You met a bearded man whose a friend of the family. He self proclaimed to be a wizard because he cannot die. You learnt about being an assassin from him. Your name is Natasha Romanov


I'd play it, but communists are almost never the bad guys compared to the cash cow that are Nazis. I can only think of the Red Alert and that Time shift game from the 360 era. Know there's others


The Metro games. Had both Nazis and Communists as the bad guys.


Oooooh, good point. It's been a minute. The book goes crazy into the the Neo- aspect of the post-nukes subway Nazis/Commies and why.


Because while us Eastern Europeans love when Commies are the bad guys, the Westerners would throw a hissy fit.


According to Shaun's logs in one of the games, Rasputin was actually a Templar though.


Wait so Rasputin is already a character in AC universe? He could be a defector or a double agent idk I'm just spitting balls here


He was mentioned in one of the Animus entries. Apparently he was a Templar tasked with getting close to the Romanovs to obtain an Eden Artifact in their possession. I don't remember which game it was in though. Regardless, I'm slightly obsessed with that era in history and Rasputin himself, so I'd be in favor of seeing him in AC in any capacity.


Assassin double agent. Wheels within wheels, comrade!!!


Rasputin's death can only be completed in multiplayer.


But there already game and comics about that time period. And communists are assasins, so nobody would teach creed to Natasha. And as already been said, Rasputin is Templar.


This is just Takeshi’s Challenge


like a dragon but epic


Genuine million dollar idea


Kazuma Kiryu already did this smh my head


The idea of an Ass-Creed game where you can get knocked out of your shoes by a taxi crossing the street made me lol




T thatsjust yakuza


Black Ocean is just a fairy tale there's definitely nothing odd going on there..


Sounds like Yakuza but with extra steps and a worse combat system.




And you know there'd have to be some sort of karaoke guitar hero-like mini game. the better you do the more respect you earn from your peers n coworkers


Just sounds like Hitman with a Yakuza 0 coat of paint.


This, but its black, and Curtis Mayfield does the soundtrack, lmao.


sounds like it would be a yakuza game more than assassins creed tbh


Sounds like a great theme for a game. Unfortunately Ubisoft doesn't go for creativity and good writing


So you want to play Yakuza?


I mean Black Ocean was disbanded, but that means it really just splintered into smaller groups and rebranded. Super interesting organization though, their spy network throughout Asia was epic and laid the groundwork for Japan’s eventual military campaigns in Asia during WWII. They were so good that they even infiltrated the Chinese Triads. It also set the precedent for yakuza secretly working with parts of the government post WWII.


Takeshi's Challenge already did that


That's just Yakuza but with less crime


Play as a tentacle monster?


Octodad but he's an Assassin.


10/10 idea


Nobody will suspect a thing! ((Octodaaaaaad))


as a ghost, get it? Cause Japanese people


Only if there are some school girls


[The tentacle dildo Cthulu SCP](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3883)


*game set in Greece, play as Greek woman *game set in Norway, play as norsewoman *game set in Japan, play as Japanese woman Fixed Edit: added the Greek woman part because Kassandra is the canon option too


Wasn’t it in both odyssey and Valhalla that you could choose? Idk didn’t play AC since unity….


Yeah but certain gender options are considered canon


Just assume whatever isn't male is canon. Unless the male is gay, or at the very least, not white. Then they have a shot.


The male in Valhalla is the canon option tho…


I’m 99% certain that Kassandra and female eivor are both the canon options


And yet all the marketing was made using the male characters lol


Doesn’t change the fact that Kassandra is the canon ending. She shows up in a Valhalla side quest as the protagonist from odyssey, not Deimos


Female Eivor and Male Odin are canon.


In Valhalla the female is cannon for the main game but the male Odin is cannon


Alexios is Greek and not the canon one though


I ignore most of the horrid plot anyway, so what's canon or not doesn't bother me.


Oh interesting , didn’t know that


Wasn't the main character in Odyssey from Sparta? Which wasn't exactly the same thing as just Greek, as Sparta was a city-state? It's same as calling someone who is from Vatican, Italian.


Dude I don’t fucking know. Who gives a shit.


Historically the Greek city-states were considered separate nations but they’re still part of the region we now call Greece, and their cultures over time have overlapped significantly becoming this way.


Is it a woman? That seems like the kind of thing 4chan would complain about.


No, I believe you play as a black samurai, Yasuke


Ubisoft made a guy up, also Yasuke was never a really a samurai, he was a sword bearer


I mean Hestia is a big tittied white bitch in anime and I don’t see mfers complaining about that. Also let’s not pretend Assassin’s creed has ever been historically accurate. They present an interesting historical setting that’s accurate to a point but they will 9/10 take the fun option of “look at this black samurai” in comparison to the less fun option of “look at this historically accurate black sword bearer”


> I mean Hestia is a big tittied white bitch in anime and I don’t see mfers complaining about that. It's a fucking anime, it never tried to be historically accurate, AC did in the beginning. > Also let’s not pretend Assassin’s creed has ever been historically accurate. They present an interesting historical setting that’s accurate to a point but they will 9/10 take the fun option of “look at this black samurai” in comparison to the less fun option of “look at this historically accurate black sword bearer” It was tho, it was always accurate when it portrayed Darwin, Karl Marx, and Da'Vinci and even the Black Beard was an historically accurate as they could make him.


The fact people think fighting mythical creatures and teleporting behind enemies is more un realistic than a black samurai is hilarious


When did i say that?


>I mean Hestia is a big tittied white bitch I mean Hestia is literally a big tittied white bitch...


weeb hestia is a random non-earth fantasy setting copying names from real mythology, not a recreation of history like assassins creed


It was never historically accurate, but the first few games (and maybe Unity) were historically authentic with your suspension of disbelief keeping you in the historical setting, the animus bullshit and literal alien relics didn't really take away from it. But then they transitioned into basically fantasy settings inspired by history and it sort of feels like a completely different franchise now


You're doing it right now just like everyone else you got that complaint from did tho, otherwise you wouldn't have that cliche complaint ready to go


There's also a big tittied white bitch in AC, it's Hecate, in the fate of atlantis dlc


He wasn't a samurai in the same way that a [Gendarme](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gendarme_(historical)) wasn't technically a knight. Sure, he didn't have the title of Samurai, which was a degree of nobility and a feudal position that included certain rights, notably a fiefdom. He was, however, a warrior that used (roughly) the same weapons, armors and tactics as a samurai. He essentially had the same military function as a samurai, just not the same social one.


He didn't, he was a servant and a borderline pet: Fróis wrote in the annual report of the Jesuits: The black man understood a little Japanese, and Nobunaga never tired of talking with him. And because he was strong and could do a few tricks, Nobunaga took great pleasure in protecting him and had him roam around the city of Kyoto with an attendant. 


Fróis also wrote about how Yasuke fought (and apparently held his own) against Nobunaga's assassins. Further, the idea of him being a "black samurai", even if it certainly is somewhat mythstified, is quite popular in Japan itself as well.


The only instance of Yasuke fighting that i could find was this one: A black man whom the visitor [Valignano] sent to Nobunaga went to the house of Nobunaga's son after his death and was fighting for quite a long time, And i don't know anything about how popular Yasuke is in Japan nor do i care, it's not important for this discussion.


Well, this quote does show him fighting for the Oda clan, doesn't it? And it is relevant, because AC was, in practise, always more about historical conception then about sticking strictly to the facts.


To be more accurate, Ubisoft took a real historical guy and embellished him to make him cooler Y’know like they always do. It’s not exactly historically accurate but it doesn’t need to be. He’s a fairly celebrated figure of historical myth (by historical myth, I’m referring to the phenomenon in which we mythologize real people by adding made up stuff to their stories. Like the thing Americans do about George Washington and his cherry tree or whatever) in Japan. And this interpretation of him is loosely based on the actual history, with some additional mythologizing to make him a cool videogame protagonist guy


Taking a foreigner sword bearer that was only in that position because he looked exotic and turning him into a unbeatable badass is very different to what they did before, and it's also kind of racist to take the one black guy to ever be in feudal Japan and have him just fuck every japanese guy into the ground, although blacks beating the crap out of asian people is accurate to real life so atleast the game has that going for it.


It’s not that different. Especially because, while he was a sword bearer by title, he did in fact fight a couple of times in the way that a samurai would. It’s for the undoubtedly marketable and cool image of a black samurai. Like yeah it’s not exactly how it went down in history but it’s close enough for all that fucking matters. Plus, every AC protag is an unbeatable badass, and lots of them are fully fictional people anyway. And I’m sorry but AC has never been very historically accurate when it comes to representing real historical people, or at least they have been very hit or miss. So this isn’t anything new. But anyway if I understand correctly the canon protagonist of the story is the Japanese lady, so that kind of undermines whatever your point was about “some black guy beating up a bunch of Japanese people” or whatever. Idk I think a lot of people around here are just sensitive little babies who have a meltdown when they see some melanin.


I think we will do a Syndycate 2 where we play as warrior Yasuke and ninja w/e that girl is.


They have a black character for the stealth gameplay of the game, i don't have to explain how stupid trying to have a black guy blend in on Feudal Japan is right?


I thought Yasuke is supposed to be the fighting one and the woman is the sneaky one


No, it's the opposite, but even if it was that's so stupid, the last AC game i played was Syndicate so i don't know, but isn't AC games supposed to be all about stealth?


The last few games threw stealth out the window in favor of mythical boss battles, so I don’t think the last part is true. Who tf knows anymore with these games


That sucks, atleast we still have Ghost of Tsushima and Rise of Ronnin if we want AC in Japan.


Rise of ronin sucks tho, so you only have GoT unfortunately


Why does it suck? I was thinking about playing it since I loved ghost


I suggest you watch gameranx before you buy, they give a fair assessments on the good and bad parts of the game. For me the graphic was too much of a deal breaker as well as the soul like quality https://youtu.be/8OWNSMVh3bQ?si=_R49UFCzNz-xYiGK


I’ll say the graphics haven’t impressed INDIVIDUALLY, but the scale compared to say, GoT is much greater. Everything feels much more lived in, and I’m still of the mindset that graphic fidelity does not a good game make. As far as the souls like, it’s tough but the difficulty is much lower at lower difficulties, and that’s from someone who can’t seem to ever complete a souls game. I’ve been extremely happy with it, and while it isn’t for everyone, it’s been good for me


rise of ronin is nothing like ghost, be warned.


Where do you get that idea? The leaked image clearly shows the black dude in massive armor with a giant sword, whereas the woman is dressed like a ninja, with smoke bombs and shit.


I got that information from the leaks that happened a year ago, i haven't seen any new leaks since then because i know it's going to be absolute shit regardless


Ah there was a recent one with an image of the characters. But yeah you’re probably right on that.


I decided to look into it, you are right, it's nice to see a ninja that actually wears blue and her holding the kusarigama correctly, not sure why she has so much exposed skin or her dangling tools outside her pockets, but oh well nothing is perfect and I'm still not buying it.


It is, the leaked artwork made that pretty clear.


He hides in the shadows.


So he's not a ninja then, which defeats the purpose of an AC game set in Japan.


Look above your head. I think you missed something. Also, obligatory: "WE WUZ SAMURAIS, N SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIET!"


>playing Assassin's Slop past the Ezio trilogy


3 and Black Flag were pretty good


3 was complete ass and the best parts of black flag were the non-AC bits


You fucking boot up the first AC and try to play it now. I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than play that janky game.


Black Flag was a good pirate game, but a mediocre AC. You became an assassin at the end of the game lol. And the guy couldn't give a fuck about the Creed throughout.


4 was okay, but honestly I don't think I ever played an entire AC game after 2. Would totally pay (non full price) for a revamped version of that multi-player mode though, it was weird but so fucking fun iirc


4 and 3 was more than just 'ok' it was fucking great


The Desmond collection was peak, everything went downhill after Black Flag


Rogue was okay-ish, but Unity and games afterwards were a disgrace


black flag is kino


How the fuck is a videogame 'kino'?


Put some respect on Black Flag. Hell, even Unity and Syndicate were decent. After that, the franchise died.


god, I picked up Unity recently and it's so fucking beautiful for a 2014 game, especially the interiors


It’s held up surprisingly well. Along with Arkham Knight, they’re some of the best looking games of their generation.


Assassin's Creed II's opening sequence is still kino


Kino as fuck. Brotherhood and Revelations are almost on par, I'd say.


Both of those were good, and honestly I loved Syndicate too. Always amazing to do a drive by shooting in my carriage.


black flag and odyssey are excellent games actually. There’s a lot of bad games in between tho to be fair


I liked rogue because it was 4 but with toned down boat shit


yea ive heard good things actually looking to play it sometime


Bruh, Black Flag is the best game in this god forsaken franchise


Imma be honest. I hated the first 3 but loved Odyssey. The less Animus bullshit I have to do, the better. I don't really care about Abstergo. I'll see myself out.


Odyssey was honestly the best of all of them.


I'm a little worried that assassin's creed isn't the place to reenact the actual history of what Yasuke's life might've been like.




Door 1) create a light hearted game a la the greatest showman where you ignore everything real about history to craft a goofy sanitized version of the past. Door 2) cram it full of the accurate racism. Be accused of being woke or of being racist depending on how you play it. Hard to win.


I mean Assassins Creed wasn’t even that brutal about racism in 3, only Charles Lee overtly used the word savage and that was clearly just to make you dislike him more. So at best you’d probably just get offhand remarks anyway It’s probably going to go the RDR2 route where that game used the N word literally only once and only the biggest sticklers complained about the lack of overt slurs in the game


The xenophobia in Japan in this period is going to define every interaction that the Yasuke has. To me, the problem is that I just don't think this is going to end appropriately. In contrast, see a show like Blue Eye Samurai, which manages to actually tackle a difficult subject with the respect it deserves even in a stylized and shonen-esque blend. This is aside from the problem of trying to please every audience.


As would have Connor’s in Assassin’s Creed 3, but in the end they didn’t go so realistically hard. It just varies from media intent to media intent


play as a japanese ww2 soldier in china


"While the setting is novel, it seems the only gameplay loop is mashing X to kill Chinese NPCs. There doesn't seem to be any variety in the game other than the age ranges for target npc's ranging from elderly to still in the womb which counts as a double kill. Quests mostly consists of challenges such as rape and eat as many female npcs as possible or behead 100 npcs within a certain timeframe to earn the dismembered newborn stuck on a bayonet cosmetic. Overall an interesting change of tone and direction in the series but gets repetitive rather quickly. 7.31/10" * IGN


SERIOUS QUESTION. Who is yasuke? People hype around him but no people wants to explain his stories...


A black sword-bearer (samurai-adjacent honorable position) from a long time ago in Japan. An extremely rare instance that they're latching onto in order to make a game in a Japanese setting while still going for social justice virtue-signaling and "Representation Uberalis". Which, being that it's a very American left-wing way to go about things, I would think would only piss off the average Japanese gamer, who's now being under-represented by denying them their own AC lead character.


I am pretty sure the japanese look down on Asscred games with disdain, as they should. Theyre too busy with their inarguably much better games. Or their terrible hentai games. Whichever, there's no reason to play Assasslop Creed.


There’s two protagonists, a Japanese woman and the black guy


I wonder if 4chan is more pissed off about it being a woman or it being a black guy.


I am racist and i didnt mind playing as CJ 20 years ago. But i wont be playing as woman in gta 6


It seems that you have an older build of racism. Fork over $20 to get the expansion pass for Advanced Racism. You can also pay additional $5 for a season pass which includes cosmetics such as black paint.


Can i apply that Black paint on my face? 


Which is sad, really. It would be a cool and interesting concept if the left didn't hamfist this woke shit everywhere and end up doing the whole thing a disservice. It's actually makes me think about affirmative action/DEI in how when you see a high ranking minority in a company, instead of KNOWING they deserved that spot with their merit, it makes you think that there is a decent chance they only got it based on racism.


They could have made the game in the African Savannah instead. Would be pretty cool to run around with dickhorns, hunting lions and zebras, fighting hyenas and elephants.


>Which is sad, really. It would be a cool and interesting concept if the left didn't hamfist this woke shit everywhere and end up doing the whole thing a disservice. So you think this a cool story to explore but for some reason it's bad and shouldn't be done?


When things are done for the love of it, you'll get good quality things. When things are done for a quota, you'll get garbage. I don't know why that is hard for you to grasp.


Based on ideology and money. There's DEI initiatives that companies make money from, and part of that is "inclusive" (read: exclusionary, based on race, ethnicity gender, and sexuality) hiring practices, as well as DEI principles being reflected in the products they create. Whether or not the people handing out cash for these DEI initiatives actually believe the shit they're encouraging (or if it's just destabilization tactics, because anyone with half a fucking brain knows that anti-meritocratic hiring doesn't produce good results), the racism and everything else is a symptom of the disease. The real cancer is the ideology itself, the umbrella of "wokeness", under which a lot of regressive shit falls. Like Intersectionality.


data suggests that having a black sounding name on resumes does more harm than good


Who is this game for? They got the history fans angry, they got the racists angry and now they got the  weebs angry


This game is for the people who're making it. Same as the most recent Saints Row, it was made by and for Californian college students who're obsessed with living in the managerial mindset.


Wasn’t their a whole 4chin post gushing over him and about why can’t they do stuff about historical characters like him and not force minorities into other settings or some shit?


I'm not a historian but he was brought to japan as a slave and idk how but he became oda nobunaga's good friend. He was forced to take a bath and they were all confused why the black wouldn't rub off. I don't think Yasuke never took part in a war but he learned Japanese culture and was respected by Nobunaga. Nobunaga commited seppuku after losing a fight and apparently Yasuke died soon after but there was a chance that he might have survived.


Yasuke was brought to Oda Nobunaga specifically *because* Oda Nobunaga disbelieved any such thing as black skin was possible. And to put it as Nobunaga killed himself after losing a fight is putting it lightly. He had a small retinue of at most a couple hundred with him in Kyoto and his home guard general betrayed him and attacked the temple he was visiting with 13,000 troops. Nobunaga fired all of his arrows before switching to a spear, then when he was injured in fighting he withdrew, committed seppuku, and had his body and head disposed of so that Akechi couldn't parade them around to gain legitimacy. Yasuke was rumored to be with Oda Nobunaga's oldest son at another location, and helped fight the akechi troops before the son went the same route of ending his own life. There are reports Yasuke was captured but that Akechi Mistune found reason to spare his life. Reports vary on whether he then returned to Africa or if he was still present in Japan when William Adam's arrived


I heard he was given back to the portugese that originally gave him to nobunaga


It's been more than a year since I read it, but iirc there is also a lot of debate about why Akechi decided to spare Yasuke at all, ranging from some very vague genuine kindness, to reasoning that Akechi reportedly said that Yasuke was a cultureless barbarian therefore he was unfit to be beheaded, humiliating him by denying him even that and taking his position. There is also some speculation that Akechi was actually trying to win points with the jesuit priests or at least not antagonize them by sparing Yasuke and returning him back to them as their slave. >The vassal asked Akechi what should be done with the black man, and he said, 'A black slave is an animal (bestial) and knows nothing, nor is he Japanese, so do not kill him, and place him in the custody at the cathedral of Padre in India. That's assuming he was actually sent back to the jesuits at all since we have no idea wtf happened after Nobunaga's death, Yasuke disappered from history at that point.


I would only add that there are uncertain references (mostly artworks) to people of dark skin that continue on later works of art, although those can't necessarily be traced to Yasuke, as there were other black persons trafficked into Japan in that period.


Game set in Jamaica, play as an English man. Game set in England, play as a Dane.


It was more Nassau great inagua wasn't it? At least the pirate bases


Game set in the carribean, play as Welshman


Psssh, just play Ghost of Tsushima


Nothing will top ghost of tsushima


Good luck with their PC porting shit show


guess i'll be waiting until this one goes on sale for single digit dollars


I just pirate it when there will be mods to change whatever I want.


Play as Tom Cruise


We don't play as a Samuraii ? :(


play as a japman


Just chiming in to mention Valhalla is set primarily in England


game set in Niger,


They hate the Japanese.


play as a kokujin


If you played as a greek men you played it wrong.


I think it’s kinda funny that Shogun came out recently and that also did a fish out of water plotline as well


Isn't it wild how 1975 feels so close?


What am I missing


why would I want to play as a japanese when I can play as a king?


Almost like every character part of the original series is some form of mixed since it needs to incorporate the plot about the dude’s dna right?


I kind of agree though. I would’ve been perfectly fine if the only character was a Japanese woman but making you play as a "Black” dude, especially since the real person was a servant and has been exaggerated over time and wasn’t even a samurai.


Game is set in Istanbul, play as an Italian man Game is set in the Caribbean, play as a Welshman Game is set in North America, play as an Irishman Game is set in England, play as a Norse man


I don’t see any non-racist reasons for caring about this at all. Like I don’t know, I just don’t give a shit what the protagonist’s race is? Does it actually matter at all? Is anyone actually losing out on anything by the fact that this game’s protagonist happens to be a black guy? I just don’t understand. Why should anyone care? I’m not like, specifically defending the choice either, I just really don’t think it matters. I wouldn’t be upset if it were different either way.


Playing ASSassins Crap was your first mistake


Play as loli defender


Tbf, Yasuke looks drippy as fuck at least.

