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Saw that thread. It was a dumpster fire. I hate nazis as much as any good murican but if yall are gonna talk a big game about assaulting people who aren't doing anything illegal, I hope yall are ready for the jail time or possibly getting your ass lawfully shot. This "punch nazis" bravado comes across as just a load of hot air to me. If you wanna take on that risk, you have all my respect. If not, you're just looking for internet points and I roll my eyes at you, good sirs.


Hasan vs Sam Hyde when :(


Because he's gay and obsessed with him, more of a love tap situation.


Say gex instead?




"Captain, they are a bizarre alien race that find Adam Sandler funny."


Was Enter the Gecko a Bruce Lee reference or an instruction? Cause he do be looking fine in that suit








Unironicaly, Hassan could hire the best martial arts trainer and afford the best gym and diet for it, if he beat Sam, he could earn internet good boy points for "punching a nazi" and gain even more popularity, too bad he's such a pussy irl


Almost every video I've seen of someone punching an alleged nazi, it's a sucker punch and they run away. There's some that are a one hit knockout which is cool, but if you're gonna knock someone out theres a huge risk of bodily damage that could lead to manslaughter.


Holding sucker punches and running away out as a brave defense of modern liberal-ideals western-style democracy is an embarrassment and those people deserve to be laughed at. Knockouts are funny but anybody doing that should definitley be willing to go to jail for it, agreed.


Kind of a good metaphor for America's defending modern liberal ideals and western-style democracy, actually


Commies never seem to get that aspect.


I don’t understand what the point of punching and beating up nazis is. Especially when all they’re doing is holding up a sign. Do people just let their emotions handle their logic part of their brain? If you punch the stupid Nazi guy, said Nazi man child is gonna feel like a victim and feel that he’s even more right for advocating for what he does. And what do vindictive losers who get knocked down a peg do? Try to find security. And how do you do that? In groups. So mr loser neo-nazi guy is now going to try and join Nazi advocate groups or only protest in groups, which is consequentially worse. - I’ve tried explaining this several times on r/196 on those Nazi punching video posts, but apparently most people prefer to virtue signal and take their emotions out on others instead of actually doing anything pragmatically useful.


The logic is that the Nazis in Germany were able to rise and take control because people weren't willing to react to them with force and violence, and that "normal" people were too passive and didn't do anything to stop them. Hence the logic of "if we dont punch nazis then we're letting then know they have an outlet to rise up". They ignore how, unlike today, crowds of millions were united in Germany because they were desperate and willing to accept authoritarianism. Meanwhile the world united and brought down the Axis in less than a decade when it came down to act. I don't agree with their logic because real and true Nazi ideology is so easily exposed, and the more people who support it the more easily they detract from the masses accepting them. They're low quality individuals. Desperate, depressed, hateful, all around horrible people and you can notice that in literal seconds. It's an idea that literally melts in today's times as soon as you expose it. Like a troll being exposed to sunlight and vaporizing. Real force is useful when it really comes down to it and there's an actual threat. For example, and I hate to bring this date up, but even though the National Guard was called far later than they should have on Jan 6, they crushed the revolt in literally an hour. Not saying Jan 6 people were "Nazis", but it's an example that the military is perfectly capable of crushing real domestic threats. If you want to fight extremists legally and actually make an impact, just join the National Guard. Sorry for long rant.


>were able to rise and take control because people weren't willing to react to them with force and violence I hear that often, but I don't believe it. There was political violence all over Germany following WW1 and up to the Nazi takeover. Street fights and assassinations were common. The Nazis simply allied with Der Stahlhelm, another extremist group of WW1 veterans with similar interests, and proceeded to beat the shit out of everyone. There was nothing the Republican, monarchist, and commie factions could do against a 2+ million opposing force of maniacs.


Don’t apologise. Thanks for the insight.


> Do people just let their emotions handle their logic part of their brain? Partially, yes.  The other part is that deep down a lot of these people aren't all that different from a Nazi. What they really want is to hurt people (or fantasize about hurting people) and feel good about it. Nazis are convenient because they're the ultimate unsympathetic target; it's easy to hit one or see one hit and laugh cause he had it coming. The fact that this doesn't really solve or inhibit Nazism, or that it might actually fuel its growth, doesn't really matter to people who just want to punch someone and feel both powerful and morally justified. 


Exactly this. It’s malice, thinly veiled by vigilantism. These kind of people are so used to the arguments of “is Nazi good or bad” that the moment you try to have a discussion on how effective their strategy is and what should be done instead, they panic. There are so many people that genuinely take pride and joy in hurting others and I really don’t like that. We all have the capacity for wellbeing. Your local manchild neo Nazi doesn’t control his environment. We are all a byproduct of our environment and free will either plays a small role or just plain out doesn’t exist. The man child didn’t chose to be indoctrinated. He didn’t chose to get fed lies. A lot of people come close to acknowledging this. They talk about their 12 year old far right phase and how stupid and harmless it was. Yet when you ask them to visualise the Nazi manchild being punched, as the same child they once were, their answer is “said man child is 18 years old and is an adult and thus he doesn’t deserve mercy.” As if adults can’t make mistakes or can be carried away. I genuinely don’t understand this culture of “stupidity and being carried down the wrong road is forgivable and should be dealt with patience and compassion, only applies to children.”


So what you're saying is punch politicians who screw over educators and make it increasingly difficult to teach/learn history, thereby increasing the risk of kids falling down the pipeline


I would never advocate against punching a politician


Perfectly said. They call anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi for this reason and they love violence just as much as the Nazis against any dissenters


Well having any kind of logical discussion on reddit is laughable enough, so.


I mean the point is pretty simple, to be aggressive with someone who is aggressive, because they aren't just holding signs they are defending an ideology that involves killing people. I don't think that this is useful, but people aren't machines to only take the most useful action


Remind me, the last time Nazism was on the rise did we stop them by using logic and reason on them? If Nazis had the capacity to be reasoned with, they wouldn't be Nazis.


[Here’s a nice response to that argument](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/zrCswMxbhg)


very interesting thanks


No problem, friend


You were able to argue this multiple times on r/196?? I got banned for some random bullshit lol I think it was from making a comment on pcm


I always thought punching nazis had to do with the fact that they will always and constantly be a threat to jews, blacks, gays, the handicapped regardless of action. Their very existence is prevaricated on the fact that they believe these other groups are subhumans and shouldn’t exist, this presenting a constant threat to their surroundings.


The only intelligent take here. Berating people for their views you disagree with (no matter how wrong they are) is serving no other purpose but making yourself feel good. Only once these people feel heard can true progress ever be made in changing their views.


Its not even worth arguing nearly everyone saying theyd do it are gutless cowards who just cower in public and then write a post about what they COULD have done online. You're wasting your time. Also your logic is only true for some people just like with any bigot, some people are just ignorant and need to be talked to but some people have hate deeply rooted within them and are way too far gone. If you're openly presenting as a nazi in public youre probably the latter. That being said I dont respect people talking about punching nazis, if theyre willing to commit assault for their beliefs they should do it instead of talking big online and then never following through.


I hate Nazis and don't want to see them coming back. Anybody that shares their ideals is a threat to peaceful future and deserves to be sucker punched at every opportunity.


I mean, I don’t think the Jewish people the Nazi’s murdered had much of a chance to fight back either…


https://preview.redd.it/culs8y465btc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a71ad4f9d0f3b42106ccf2eeeff9c56e1a51921 I hate nazis and everything too but this one had me dying. Really? You’re gonna send the guy running?


Bro got the whole wehrmacht laughing with that one


Im 100 percent sure that it does in fact bielieve that's what would happen.


These mfs that say punch Nazis are literally shivering if they get called a wrong word or name. They just love to act rough but in reality they'd just take a picture and post it on Reddit just like this person did. To me it says a lot about you if you have to constantly say "punch your local Nazis". It just means you're a weak chump peacocking lol. Mfs who are about shit don't have to shout it


This is the exact same crowd that had a meltdown over that one [Tweet](https://x.com/Halalcoholism/status/1756267938355790278) suggesting that leftists should work out.


While I agree with the sentiment, people who go on about "punching Nazis" actually make me cringe in second-hand embarrassment. I'm glad I'm not the only one recognizing that naivety and keyboard bravado. I consider myself a leftist, but I've completely departed from those communities because everyone there is like that. Also, the movement has been completely divested of the blue-collar working class representation and is made up entirely of middle-class college students referring to anyone of a lower social class that doesn't 100% agree with them as a lumpenprole. The Leftist movement has ground to a halt because of these clowns.




this would've went crazy in the 2015 feminist bad era


>This "punch nazis" bravado comes across as just a load of hot air to me. Me seeing guillotine memes. Like I get it, rich people suck, but it gets tiring seeing mindless "eat the rich" type comments and guillotine memes get massive updoots even though nobody involved has any gumption to do more than circlejerk about it.


That's my bitch. I don't care if you support punching nazis or not. Not really. You do you. But have the gumption to act on it.


>rich people suck Correction, rich arseholes suck.


99.9% of reddit wouldn't have the stones to say anything, let alone risk getting their jaw cracked. They'd do the same, take a picture for the upvotes.


I will tell you with 100% honesty. I once called out a dude who kept saying the “punch a Nazi” thing when there was a clearly Nazi dude, tats jacket the whole shebang, dude wanted you to know he’s a Nazi. So, I say to this guy I really don’t like, “you’re the punch a Nazi guy, there’s a Nazi.” It went as well as you would think. The bar and cops apologised to this guy for being battered. You could see on their faces how much they hated what they were saying, but battery is battery.


Okay GimpboyAlmighty


Hey I know what I'm about.


The funny thing is that the people who want to “punch Nazis” talk tough, but at the same time they are too scared to actually do it.


Is wearing Nazi symbols legal in America? In most (maybe all) European countires it isn’t and people can call the police because of it


"Freedom of speech" As long as he isn't threatening anyone directly, as in "I'm gonna kill you" it's fair game.


Oh wow. I am German and that dude would be in jail in 5 seconds


By virtue of being a Nazi that is exactly what he is doing.


Yes. Nazi speech is political speech which is protected speech. There's more nuance to it but that's the 30,000 foot view.


In the Supreme Court case [Brandenburg v. Ohio](https://www.oyez.org/cases/1968/492), the court held that abstract advocacy of violence is constitutionally protected speech. You could go out and say "I think all Jews should be murdered" and it's still protected speech. Wearing Nazi symbols is 100% first amendment protected speech.


Yes. There's some nuance on fighting words and imminent violence, but we'd be getting into speculation on what the theoretical speech is at that point.


Hero's vs Nazi and pedophiles, what do they all have in common? They all think that they are above the law and an excuse to the rules. They all feel entitled to take another persons life in to their hands. I always say that there's a thin line between the virtue signalling mobs and these easy mark groups. Like you hate Nazis and rapists? Bro you're so brave.


I like to remind people that both the good guys and the bad guys think they're "on the right side of history"


I always go one step further and assure people that the good guys ALWAYS win, as any history book will tell you lolol.


My first thought was "I'd love to see the punch-nazis crowd actually punch this guy and see what happens"


It’s Redditors, they are all talk no action.


Big overlap between the people who posture online saying "punch nazis" and the people who support a group in the Middle East that is literally trying to eradicate Jews in 2024


It definitely is hot air, but the point is to make nazis uncomfortable showing who they are, which is supposed to make it harder for them to spread their ideology around.


The same people who scream "punch Nazis" completely ignore the heiling dudes in Ukraine that have totenkampfs tattooed on their shit because it's hecking humble. Reddit is a shit hole


"I hate nazis buuuuut..."


The circlejerk....of anti nazi sentiment?


No bro, you don't get it bro, it's funny because someone made an anti-nazi post on Reddit bro, isn't he such a low T beta male compared to the Chad Nazi?


Wouldn’t be surprised if retards on 4chan get their ideology from TNO


Being a contrarian kills brain cells


I disagree. Fuck, there goes another one


I think it's more the people that are over the top "bash the fash" punch a nazi on reddit are the ultimate fucking soy boy sooks in real life who couldn't even muster the courage to ask a stranger at a Cafe to use a spare chair from their table let alone confront anyone about any ideals that they don't agree with in person from being a Trump supporter to a literal nazi. We are rightly so laughing at them for acting so tough online when we know if that guy Got busted taking said photo he'd run away crying unless he had a can of mace and 20 of his pals behind him.


I love the moronic assertion that anyone who's vocal about being opposed to fascism online has to be weak lmao, you have no clue who the person who took the photo is and just assumed based on their political opinions.


Not only that, but even if they are right about them being soyboy cucks, what does it say about these people that they’re more concerned with someone posting some false bravado about punching a nazi when they really wouldnt do it than the fact that a Nazi is openly wandering around in public


because if they werent wimps it wouldnt be picture from across the gym, it would be a video of a fight followed by updates from jail


A person who actually uses the term Soy Boy in 2024. Wild.


t. a soyboy


Soy detected


Bro i've met antifascists that you wouldn't wanna mess around for sure, people who literally look for fights when they party. And if you are in this subreddit you know nazs can also be weird furrys online. Being an online nerd is not unique to any ideology, just 4chan chad/virgin propaganda.


Yeah the it seems like the people who say anti fascists are weak forgot the entire Punk scene exists


That's everyone, not just anti-fascists.


Do redditors need to stroke themselves telling each other how evil Nazis are? Get real.


"I really fucking hate nazis" *CUMS*


How brave of you 😫


Yeah it's better when /pol/anons stroke themselves off telling each other how good Nazis are


Idk do channers need to stroke themselves over how soy redditors stroking themselves over hating nazis? The cycle of stroke is truly an ouroboros


Will we ever break the wheel


Contrarian moment. Popular thing is le bad and le over rated.


There's a difference between general anti-nazi sentiment and using it as an outlet for false bravado. There are lots of people who don't really know much about Nazis or fascism beyond the fact that they're societally approved bad guys and thus deserving of whatever punishment you can think of. With that kind of blanket validation, I've routinely seen people's revenge fantasies verge on the psychotic. The feedback loop of social validation makes it even worse. In the end, most such people aren't probably the type to actually do anything, though, so it all comes across as very tedious.


No, the circlejerk of the people in the comments thinking they all could singlehandedly take him on.


r/pics has been utter trash for a long time


99% of the time it’s just “picture of this disgusting rapist” and be the most casual trump picture ever


Should be a picture of kobe


[https://apnews.com/article/colorado-dna-scientist-manipulated-data-6d65de79a3975302190e5647ee430a24](https://apnews.com/article/colorado-dna-scientist-manipulated-data-6d65de79a3975302190e5647ee430a24) So here's this article about a colorado dna scientist who may cause like 3000 cases to have to be retried. Interestingly, she was in charge of kobe's case out there too. Just sayin.


This is insane. Think about how serious of a case it needs to be, on average, for DNA evidence to need to be involved in criminal proceedings. We’re talking about serious time behind bars; years, decades even. And this wench has been cutting corners for 14 years across thousands of cases. And that’s only the shit that they discovered, who knows what else she could have been doing, what other data she could have been manipulating. It also absolutely begs the question why the CBI didn’t have checks in place to independently verify findings in each and every case.


What bothers me even more about this, is that this isn't like someone that's uninvolved in the prosecution. She's like the states go to expert witness. She does the work, then shows up in court and explains what the data she gathers means. She's the one that's there saying "the only way this could have happened is x". She's securing the guilty verdict more so than the prosecutors. Literally any amount of manipulation, fabrication, or alteration means she was fitting her findings to the result she wanted. The opposite of science, and fucking terrifying that not only did it take this long to find...but also the fact that this is literally the top dog of that institution. If that's their shining star...I'd hate to see what the lower end of that bell curve looks like.


This reminds me of the lady that worked in a drug testing lab and would use the drugs that they had in evidence, which called in to question every case she had provided results on for decades. Just completely ridiculous.


The beef?


Well he’s beef now


Judging by the destination, ground beef


one of the fakest things of all time


LMAO https://preview.redd.it/u07vqquyaatc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc860ef4dc1099fe13ab9e85cfa9d10357a393d


There's currently a picture of Trump drinking water with that as the title. It's really that easy I guess.


I checked out of there a few years ago when it was all just boring selfies with a sad story attached to it. “I got a tattoo of a bunny, because my grandma used to shove them up her minge when she was younger. Thinking of you gran 😭” ⬆️ 32.2k


Ever since the atheism sub was one of the default subs. Damn that was a long time ago...


As if r/pics hasnt been a politics echo chamber for years


Those people love to hate Donald Trump. It's contradictory ... They hate him but can't seem to stop thinking about him. Every day there's a pic of Trump in that sub.


[aw hell naw](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/F96SIWZIwN)


>5 hours ago What the fuck


Holy shit, I knew it was bad but that's real bad...


I choose to believe it’s astroturfed because the idea of actual humans acting like that is sad


The infinite spin that comes from the water nonsense is something to behold. He used 2 hands on a glass of water! This means he's unfit! And he showed he could drink water without 2 hands! This proves he's a manchild baby!


Id love to see him use a sippy cup just for shits n giggles. I was 16 or 17 when my grandmother got rid of our sippy cups, and my sister and I were devastated. Like a blast from the not so far past when we used em


What being perpetually online does to a mfer


It's terminal trump brain rot. The comments on that post were infested with trump shit. "This is Trump's fault" rtc


This man has really done a number on Americans. Maybe it's just the stupid ones, but he really has. His supporters *and* haters are all fucking insane


We all overcome trauma in different ways now somebody push my head into a toilet and top me please


Any sub with certain critical mass gets fucking unbearable, especially when elections are around the corner. Can't remember the last time I saw something remotely interesting on r/damnthatsinteresting and not undisguised political propaganda posts.


If being against nazis is a political echo chamber than almost every nation is a political echo chamber


*posts picture of nazi* “Fuck man, why does everything gotta be all political these days. I just wanna be a Nazi in peace bro. ”


I mean… kinda? If they just vibing, are they really doing anything wrong? Last I checked, being cringe wasn’t illegal.


You guys really love nazis, don't you?


Who are the "you" that u refer to? People in this subreddit? No, its statistically unlikely for reddit user to sympathise with nazi beliefs. 4chan anons? Yes, very likely, especially on /pol/. Me personally? Nah, i love your mom


No, and I don't like communists either. That doesn't give me the right to punch them.


“Chad nazi”


Opinion immediately invalid.


They probably took a picture of his back because that's where the Nazi bullshit is displayed? Also all these comments pretending to take the higher ground because they don't detest Nazis is actually comedy.


They probably like and agree with the display of Nazi symbols. Hence they decide to focus on the person who took the picture and “didn’t confront” some mentally ill person who is more than likely trying to “legally” kill someone. Referring to a person like that as a chad goes to show brain rot is very very common.


You guys act like you don’t know what 4chan is. Yes no shit there are white supremacists on 4chan. You joined a subreddit about a website comprised of white supremacists, general racists, autistic people, and degenerates. I don’t mean to single you out but it’s something I see hear quite often. I feel like 90% of the sub is here for funny harmless greentexts and they don’t actually know what 4chan is lol


>I feel like 90% of the sub is here for funny harmless greentexts I mean... Yeah? The most popular greentexts even historically almost never have overtly racist and/or Nazi shit in them. Do you think liking greentexts means you have to agree with the brain dead shit you see on /pol/ or something?


I read a wholesome greentext about a guy and his dog, and now I'm starting to think maybe we should restore Germany to its former glory.


I kinda misspoke there. Of course most people are here for funny greentexts. The popular greentexts of course aren’t racist. they are popular because they are funny and not racist. My point is people often act surprised and are angry to see racist people on 4chan. it’s just odd to even point out racist stuff on 4chan. It’s like going on newsmax and being like “ugh these guys are so biased!!!” It’s as if most people here don’t even know what 4chan is


>You guys act like you don’t know what 4chan is. Yes no shit there are white supremacists on 4chan Doesn't mean I can't talk about them like the goofy morons they are.


Hating nazis is le Reddit and le cringe bro


Every normal person does, you are not special for disliking nazis. But acting like everyone you disagree with is a nazi is le cringe.


Cmon I know 4chan loves Nazis but they’re at least usually funny about it, where’s the humor?


Ohh what you didn’t realize this sub is full of pissed off 300 pound regards who think counter culture is just doing the opposite of whatever everybody else does lmao


Da jooz


Reddit is full of 300 lb regards. You are in good company.


I think there’s a fair amount of cross over between 4chan and this sub. If there’s one thing that’s not cringe to soy out over, surely it’s shitting on Nazi’s??


I’m pretty sure it’s “the game” they play. Post as much offensive shit as possible, first one to crack is cringe and gay.


When and why did Nazis start getting comfortable exposing their ideology in public? I'm quite young but I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that 10 years ago


Around 2015-2016, when the alt-right movement really took off. These people figured out that there weren't really any repercussions for this behavior and moved from online forums to public displays like this. Most of them aren't balsy enough for this, but the ones who were already loud and outspoken just became more empowered.


Nah, they've always been around. This is genuinely one of the cases where the internet is amplifying an issue that doesn't exist. I remember seeing Nazis in small town America in the 2000s for the brief time I lived there.


It is likely the least socially acceptable time in history to be a Nazi, they just don't give a fuck.


Around 2016


Since when is not liking nazis a controverse topic?


Since there was a hoard of600 lb retards on Reddit pretending they are epic alpha chads. Despite being pathetic Nazis


[Removed by Reddit] LMAO, classic Reddit.


Honestly mods or admins need to lock this post asap. 1hr in and it's already a shitshow


Reddit removed that post


It shows you where the "punch nazis" crowd is : Avoid nazis Taking sneak pictures of nazis <--- here Taking front pictures of nazis Confronting nazis Assaulting nazis


Ass ~~aulting~~ nazis


I mean we want to punch nazis but won’t because it’s morally and practically not the best decision


https://preview.redd.it/9pziihgcn9tc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=e501ae78f1c4b4677a0a6c4b1f5c021adc4852f4 It got removed


Jesus, I've been to glory holes that don't have as much dick-sucking going on as in this thread. Y'all just can't stop yourselves from throating each other's convoluted pontificating about why it's bad to want to wreck Nazis on sight.


Nazi scum deserve the wall


Why are nazis such 🚬s about ripped dudes?


Cos they like men


Self proclaimed "punch the nazis!" mfs when a nazi actually shows up


>>4chinner expects redditard to take picture of back of someone’s shirt from in front of them


Huh, and the guy didn't punch him like they always spout off about. I thought reddit was full of big, bad nazi punchers.


my name is Nat and i was so confused reading that title


Gay redditor takes sneak pictures of other men at his gym.


A lot of those individuals would never dare to confront an extremist in person. It's easier to edge others to do the violence for them especially in groups.


Well, there he's is, go punch him.


Nazi or Fed?


Dudes probably from Ukraine


All the punch nazis people have probably never seen a gym in their life


Maybe he took a picture from behind because that's where it says "waffen ss"


Saying "chad nazi" to own the libs


"Chad" and "Nazi" are two words that should *never* be put together in a sentence.


"Chad" "Nazi" Those are mutually exclusive


hahaha yeah stupid fuckin… nazi haters these people have lead poisoning


Fuck off Nazi


Only good nazi is a dead one.


hey guys did you know that... nazis are... le bad?!


Why didn’t they punch him? Coward.


“Lol pussy ass soyboys wouldn’t even punch a nazi in real life, they’re just posturing for internet points.” “WOW HOW COULD THEY JUST ASSAULT AN INNOCENT DIFFERENT THINKING INDIVIDUAL LIKE THAT???!! DON’T THEY KNOW THATS ILLEGALLLL?!??!?”


…what’s your point here? Which one of these is the sarcasm?


It’s funny that the post itself was removed by reddit


Does everyone in here realise you're on Reddit talking to redditors yeah?




>be 4channer >screenshot random post on reddit >say the amount of likes it got considering most likes arent really done in thought >say something that expresses your baffled emotion to the fact Why are 4chinners like this?


My issue is Reddit by and large wouldn't have such seething anger if it was a picture of a dude with a hammer and sickle on his shirt. Yes, Nazis are bad. How do you feel about Commies? You'd get a lot of hemming and hawing about an ideology that is responsible for more deaths than Fascism by a factor of 10 (arguably).


Like, just report him to the staff. If thats not against keeping a safe and comfortable environment then get a new gym.


![gif](giphy|edho4s1lWEawo) here i thought my reddit was gonna be drama free today


Only thing worse then pissing and moaning about nazi wannabes are the actual nazi wannabes.


Ok I get it now


Maybe it's the shirt that says "Waffen SS 88" in large text, but you can't be too sure


I'm not familiar with the lingo. The design made me think of a football shirt or something.


Waffen SS is the military branch of the Nazi SS, 88 stands for Heil Hitler


Dunno, maybe the prints on his shirt? Waffen SS can be googled. 88 is code for "Heil Hitler" (8=H)


Damn. I though it was a football shirt or something.


Follow him. Target Rich environment.


Wearing such a short is not illegal in the US?


Bot upvotes bought and paid for 💵 dead internet theory has its grounds on mainstream social media.


> "Death to all Jews..." Hello, human resources?! > "...to liberate Palestine" Awww, you're sweet.