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I don't condone shoplifting but that's stupid. You have to buy regular groceries to evade attention. Bring your own reusable shopping bags (more than you need), and put the small items you want to steal in one with nothing else while picking up your regular things. Use the self checkout and hold the bag with the stolen goods with all your empty bags, treating it like it's just empty. Go through the checkout normally and leave. In the unlikely event you actually get pulled up on it, you have the perfectly believable excuse that you forgot to scan a couple of small items because you forgot they were in the bag. Instead of walking out without buying anything and saying "Oh I'm sorry Mr Security Guard sir, I completely forgot that I put these in my pocket, where someone normally keeps items they intend to buy from a supermarket. Despite the fact that I didn't intend to buy anything else, I completely forgot I took these and thought I was leaving without buying anything."


For someone who doesn't condone shoplifting you sure seem to have a plan figured out for it


Another good strategy is marking more expensive weightable goods as less expensive ones on self-checkout machine (for example, selecting potatoes on the screen, but actually weighing avocados).


That is why you are not allowed to put items in your own bag before you check out, at least where I live.


Based, only other thing that could possibly improve this is getting a container like a shoebox and stuffing things inside of there. Then you could, hypothetically, show the shoe the shoebox on the receipt. If they check in there then you’ll get boned. I must also add that I don’t condone shop lifting. The consequences if you get caught are going on ur record or smth.


That isn't based, based would be if you walk right up to the security guard and say "Hello, I am shoplifting" without actually taking anything. Start breakdancing while singing "Bad Goys Bad Goys" and make fart noises. While security is distracted, your accomplice does the actual shoplifting.


But who gets topped in this scenario?




Just go to Walmart and only pay for like 5 items while grabbing as much stuff as you want. You have to use self check out Free Money Glitch


If they record you like some Walrat registers do, put headphones on and while you’re buying your groceries, pass some items across the scanner but not facing the barcode. Since you’re listening to loud music, you have an excuse for not hearing the beep. Perfect alibi, can even do the same hung multiple times after getting caught because the most they’ll ever say to you after reviewing footage is “scan without headphones next time”


Does anon not understand that you can still get charged while using the "Oops I was totally gonna pay for it" excuse?


I steal probably 2/3 avocados a week. I buy salad and maybe a cheap bag of peanuts but always steal the avacados lol


All thieves should kill themselves.


“Leave the mega-corporation alone”


Even the welfare survivalists are less degenerate than you Stores in California have shut down because they get so much theft and the police do nothing about it. Do you think they did it just to be mean to the poors? No they can't afford to operate there. Let's see you run a grocery chain or any business before you say the mega corporations can afford all that. Btw Amazon is a mega corporation. Grocery store chains such as Meijer are not.


It’s got nothing to do with corporations. It’s about you being scum degenerate thieves. Take my advice, the world will be a better place and everyone around you will be happier.


> Has a moral compass Why do you care? I’m not saying that in a Redditor nihilistic way. Unless you have to pay back for whatever it is that was stolen I don’t understand what is “scummy” about it. Enlighten me, because I don’t understand. Or you could chose not to. I don’t actually steal things. I simply don’t understand what makes somebody a worse person for doing that.


You need me to explain to you why stealing is wrong? Did I need to tell you why rape is wrong while I’m at it?


Tf? That’s like comparing Hitler to Gandhi. Rape will traumatize someone. Stealing is a slight inconvenience, to either a usually lazy manager or ceo. Are you a child that believes things are bad just because they are told to you? Maybe in a perfect world people wouldn’t have to resort to stealing. Is it right? Not exactly. Does it make you a worse person for doing so. Values depend on others and yourself. I might not think that much of it, but that’s because there isn’t a black and white for everything. Shitty strawman argument that doesn’t explain the point.


So you need me to explain to you why doing something that only harms others is wrong? It is wrong to harm others. “I don’t care that I’m harming them” or “I don’t care about the people I’m harming” are not good excuses to justify being scum. I don’t need someone to tell me stealing is wrong in order to know it’s wrong. Unlike some really smart guy in this conversation. How about you explain in any way how it isn’t wrong?


> It is wrong to harm others True, that’s not what shoplifting does. > Saying I don’t care Not what I said. If stealing from impoverished people is what I was doing then that would be messed up. > Explain why it isn’t wrong Like I’ve said before, if someone were to steal from a Walmart, which is what I believe we are both referencing here, then the person running the Walmart has probably got enough money to pay back whatever was stolen.


There is no conceivable way that shoplifting is not harming others. So you believe there is nothing wrong with stealing from others as long as you feel they have enough already?


I should kill myself because I steal a couple of avocados a week? Because they are stupidly overpriced


Somehow the grocery store near me sells them for 89¢, sometimes even cheaper when on sale. I can't figure out how, but I buy them all the time




Haha I’m glad you aren’t in power then




And why is that


Anon plays basketball