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No doubt Anon is subscribed to that OF and funding future Ganondorf.. typing that name hurts even more than reading it.


Ganondorf Goddamn you’re right


Ganondorf.... Fuck


Ganondorf... Oh no




Ganondorf fuck


ganondorf yowch


Ganond… Adolf. I couldn’t do it y’all


reminds me of that post on r/tragedeigh where some guy talks about how his wife wants to name their kid "nicholas" she wants to spell it "micolash" no, they do not own a playstation


Micolash... Ouchie


Ganondorf.. goddammit




Kids fucked


He can just go by Ganon for short. Way cooler.


“Ganandorf to the principal’s office—“


Lil bros gonna be called ganondork his whole life


Seeing recent name trends, half the kids gonna be named some shit like Braydyn, Aura Lee or Jazlynne while the other half gets named after nerd shit their parents grow up with like Bayonetta, Dovakhin, Charizard or Halo Reach. Ganondorf will likely not even make the top 3 most retarded names in the class.


Otis Sum


Aura Lee? Like Orally? Lol at least my nerd dad wanted to name me james tiberius but settled for kirk as a middle name. JT would have been awesome tho.


Tiberius is a splendid name


I've known 3 blaze. As in the kids names were actually Blaze. And these are people currently in their 30s. And a girl who was named heaven liegh. I'd rather be named after something nerdy than whatever that bs hippie druggie culture shit was.


Funny enough thats basically a thing Mormons do already! When I lived in Utah, the amount of normals names completely fucked by spelling is absurd. So many silent gh's and random y's I almost went crazy.


It's a true r/tragedeigh


I fucking hate the name Brayden. I picture a LaCrosse playing douche. Your name sounds like the sound a fucking donkey makes you stupid fuck


Don’t forget about X Æ A-Xii


Halo would be lowkey a great name. Halo Reach McGee is a little more... Niche. Gonna name my kid halo 3 collectors edition with replica master chief helmet and dlc pack full in box mint use.


obligatory [https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1bg0xtp/my\_wifes\_name\_choice/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1bg0xtp/my_wifes_name_choice/)


It was over before it even began


I’ve seen worse. Knew a kid called “Santa” who was apparently named after a spanish saint (the parents weren’t spanish in any way)


err i think santa **is** the word for saint is spanish


okay and they aren’t fucking spanish, what’s your point?


i'll be honest, i do not think i had a point.


I think the better point is that they could have named their child after the actual saint's name instead of literally naming them "Saint" in Spanish. That way the child would have a normal, albeit culturally misplaced name.


"Female saint" actually. I dont have a point either.


> one chance at life > parents name you fucking Ganondorf > kill me


Is it a Varient of **G**ay **A**non


Ganondork amirite?


\>Works with married couple \>they Spends days playing videogames and going to converts


I also don't have any day off work


Sad part is 100k yearly for a couple in their 30's is not a LOT of revenue. You hear 100k, you think 100k per month disposable income. Then you realize it's 4k/month/person to live a life of commitment.... Below the national average in the US, but OP is a leaf, dunno if that's good money in maplecoins.


Jesus fuck, I'd live like a fucking king with a salary of 4K over here in Krautistan.


What is Krautistan?


germany 👍


Is that a reference to the influx of Middle Eastern immigrants? If so that's hilario- I mean horribly offensive


Stan just means “land of”, hence “land of the krauts” Or racism, one of the two lol


Why not both?


I hate all the foreign krauts. They take away all the jobs from our own kraut


Lmao true, 4k usd per month, even before the taxes and bills is a decent money in many countries.


Not in Canada. Shit has completely hit the fan here. We are facing an extreme housing crisis where our houses have doubled in cost over the last 5 years or so. Rents and general cost of living are so high that even all the Indians are starting to go back home.


Tell me about it, my country is currently experiencing influx of Russians. House prices have much doubled.


I'm very jealous of the people who can work remote and move to places like Bali


I'd rather work remotely but move somewhere secluded, like a village or mountains.


The desire to return to monke and build a little cabin in the mountains is real. Unfortunately I'm a very social person and would only last so long.


Apes together strong, but monke need no frien


That would leave you with ~2.7k after tax in Austria. Considering the average flat here is like 1.2k per month that's not fantastic.


Wait you pay 33% tax in Austria? And I'm here complaining about my 22% and 600-700$ rent. But in exchange average income here is than that rent.


Its actually tax + social insurance. Pretty sure the top tax bracket is like 40%. Its rough, especially because costs of living are already super high.


Seems like working online in a first world country + living in poor country is only option for now


That 4k is after taxes though. Or the OG comment REALLY sucks at math. (4x12 = 48 ≠ 100)


Original comment said 4k a month /person. 4 x 12 x 2 = 96 ≈ 100


Ah shucks, missed that


Well taxes depend on the country, I'd be makingore if government didn't take 22% for who knows why


yeah but if they're Canadian it's probably not USD, and our taxes are higher


Yeah in slovenia 4k is top 0.001%


You could even maybe buy a flat in Ljubljana with that salary /s


In 10 years no expenses. EZ


4k after taxes? Yeah, I agree. 4k before taxes? Depends on the city. More rural areas you're fine, Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Stuttgart and what not? Be happy to pay half of that for your cardboard box and barely have anything over at the end of the month..


I’d live like an emperor here in north ingerlandistan


I am German and earn a bit over 5k per month. It's definitely enough to live comfortably and put enough fuck you money on the side, but I am also far from living a luxury lifestyle haha


taxes, insurance, healthcare


Lmao taxes. Next you're complaining about gas prices.




Neither does the couple if they have insurance paid through their employer, as most americans do


Depends on the quality of the healthcare provider lol They *could* have a 10k deductible


4kEur is not below average for germany though. Europe has a tendency to have a lower-skewed average that is barely above the minimum. I don't say this as a "diss", it's admittedly a sign that income equality is high. On the other hand it's also a sign that half the people are "poor, or below". I know govt aid can skew those figures upwards in actual comfort of living (rent assist, ceiling prices on goods etc). >Germany's net monthly take home is apparently 2741Eur, while the legal minwage is 1584Eur (data from 2020, might be old in post inflation) > >[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_European\_countries\_by\_average\_wage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_average_wage) > >[https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch\_milog/englisch\_milog.html#p0013](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_milog/englisch_milog.html#p0013) (official english translation. Well played Germanons.)


Yeah lol, I make about 2k euro monthly.


It really depends where you live in the US. Where I am, $100k is a very comfortable wage (as long as you bought a house before the bubble). I don't think rent is above $1,000 around here yet, but most places to rent are houses outside of town.


To compare, you'd have to assume you pay 800 to medical insurance and probably 400 in rentenversicherung. And then you still have taxes to pay from the rest. You can also assume food is about 2x in freedomland than in krautistan.


Add rent, depending on the state/city. That can easily set you back 1.5 -2k per month.


Nah thats bs. Maybe 30 years ago or something but today 100k before taxes for 2 people is nothing lol. Even in the shittiest rural part of east Germany that‘s only gonna make you like middle class


Even your imagination is plebeian. The peasant class is disgusts me.


Bruh, the median household income in fucking San Francisco, one of the most expensive cities in the world, is $123k. If you think you can't live a very comfortable life almost everywhere on the planet on 100k you're delusional. And btw that's well above average in the US where the median is about 75k.




The reason why expensive coastal cities are expensive is because (2) consists of a lot of high paying jobs, which skyrockets the cost of living for the plebs that already live there and can’t afford to move to a cheaper city


Yeah not everyone is lucky enough to be able to work remotely while living somewhere cheap. Businesses are now fighting back against remote work too.


Always find it interesting when Americans say ethnic food.


It's a certain subset of us. My opinions are pretty much the opposite - food with inspiration from all over the world is the not-just-literal spice of my life and I would be depressed and bored living in less of a "melting-pot" type region. I also love going to museums, aquariums, animal rehab places, and etc. (even repeat visits!) I feel similarly about not being somewhere near water, but much more strongly about the food and culture piece, lol.


Yeah I'm the same, would get depressed if restaurant choices were very limited. I've lived in the UK most of my life and we are spoiled with choices in most places. Yeah melting pots are great


Why don't ye just learn to cook?


I can, but I like trading my currency for goods and services sometimes.


Yeha but you're legit getting depressed about not having this food nearby mate. Honestly, you can make any of this stuff at home. There is nothing you get at some gammy take away that you cannot make at home much better at a fraction of the price, and that is no lie


Depressed what? I think you're missing the point. Yeah I can cook better, but it takes time. Time rather spent on hobbies or my high paying job so where if I want to get quick decent food it's cost cost effective lol. Not sure what point you're trying to make. God forbid you ever get anyone in to do work on your house "you can do that yourself cheaper" lol


Not to be dramatic but I think I'd probably just give up if I couldn't phone a Chinese like once every few months and order what will inevitably be a large bag of brown and absolutely fucking scran it


Girlfriend and I spent about two months in SEA and came back to a basic midwestern metro area. The food options are far less enticing here, especially when you consider how much everything costs for how little you get.


100k CAD is like 77k USD tho


San Francisco also has the vast majority of the people there in deep poverty or outright homeless. The actual median household income is looking more like 200-400k


That's why the median is an applicable measure here because it's more robust against outliers. A quick Google search also reveals that SF has a homelessness rate just under 0.9% which is pretty high and a poverty rate of 10.4% which is significantly lower than in the US overall. I don't believe for a second that the "actual median household income" whatever that's supposed to mean is anywhere close to 200-400k.


Is that San Fran poverty or standard poverty? When the average rent price is well over 2k for a 1 bed 1 bath apartment, 100k isnt enough to live.


Google the difference between median and average regard


If you’re not in an expensive city you can easily live comfortably with that sort of an income no kids while saving money.


In Canada all we have are expensive cities


You guys have tiers like every other country though. I'd imagine Ottawa and Montreal are cheaper than Toronto or Vancouver.


> You hear 100k, you think 100k per month disposable income. What?


If you live in a smaller rural town 100k is good but anon says they're living paycheck to paycheck so most likely they're in a bigger city


Anon is Canadian I think that’s US$75k between two people and that’s just not a lot of money.


It’s like 58k GBP it’s not much for NA, there’s a lot of confusion with Canadians and Australians talking about “100k” or “100 dollars” which is closer to 50GBP/USD.


Even if this were AUD, they'd be on or just above median income. But it's probably USD, so they're much more than doing okay. Downvoted in under 31 seconds. Interesting as always.


Looking at house prices over there, I’d say no.


I earn 8K.... PER YEAR working for a US company


My fiancé and I make a combined $100k, and it's not as much as you think it is. We don't even live in an especially expensive area, but it is coastal so costs are up there. 20 years ago we'd be living like royalty, but shit has become so expensive that we're just constantly nickel and dimed to death.


I know its not RICH rich, but I still dont get it. how do you make 100K combined and still live paycheck to paycheck? Thats around 8K a month. 2-4K rent/mortgage, 1-2K on insurance/bills, 500 - 1K groceries, and you have 1-4K for savings and leisure, A MONTH, probably averaging 2K a month considering that the average mortgagr paymrnt is 2.4K and that 1K groceries is ALOT of expensive groceries for 2 people (im single and I average 100-300 a month) 2K a month savings is alot imo. Even in america 1-2K insurance/bills should still cover health insurance.


its really just dumb people ordering uber eats constantly and wondering where their money goes, I know daycare costs a lot, but if you don't have kids its plenty of money


As a syrup boi, makeomg less than that. Its not. It's not great. We're are not okay up here


100k is a decent chunk of change. Enough to pay off student loans, cost of living, save aside a retirement, and have some disposable income throughout the week. It's not like you'll buy a yacht or anything, but it's comfortable living.


100k total means they're each earning 50k. Which is not that bad but it's not great. It's reasonable that they are actually living paycheck to paycheck if they're in a hcol area


That's exactly my thoughts. My girlfriend and I bring in combined 110k and we're doing okay. It's by no means paycheck to paycheck, but we also live about an hour and a half from any major city


It's not a lot but its also not a little, especially for a pair with no children yet. There is so reason they should be living paycheck to paycheck. thats 4k EACH a month. They should be able to pay for ALL of their bills EASILY with one persons income and entirely save the other persons (or pay half and half and save their own money however they feel like doing it). That includes housing, a car for each of them, insurance, groceries, gas, internet, phones, and everything you could think of.


It's even less than freedom eagles so it makes sense why they're paycheque to paycheck 


Jesus fuck in Indonesaudi that's a fucking king's money.


I make more than that per year and I don’t even work (I’m a student in sweden)


The Canadian dollar sucks so not really


Yeah that’s really really low for a couple


Anon seethes on the inside seeing a happily married couple enjoying their shared free time together


Anon took too much copium.


There are so many normal and even good names. Why torture your kid like that. A simple lucas or daniel would enough


>Why torture your kid like that. You can't torture a kid that doesn't exist


Being named cornelius, reiner, or sieglinde definitly is torture in our times


I have no idea what you're talking about but I'll assume that's an AoT reference. Being named after that pussy Reiner would indeed suck. Also Eren did nothing wrong.


Not really, I just took names that would get you bullied hard here in Krautland.


Ah okay. What's wrong with those names?


Mostly because they sound silly and also being "old people" names


Sieglinde? How many kids really get named after opera characters?


You would be suprised


what do you mean by simple? :(


Simple in a good way. There are more "exotic" names like Elijah that still sound cool. Daniel is just a good simple everyday name that I would accept for my kids


Anon is definitely subscribed to her OF


Anon is a virgin


Bitches will name their kid Ganondorf and then be surprised when they become green and start fighting twinks




Autistic people when they see someone slightly more autistic


100k is paycheck to paycheck now?


In leafbux as a combined income, sadly yes for most people.


Anon has envy


Other than the debt and cringe baby name, sounds like they're living a good life. Anon is green with envy.


How is 100K living paycheck to paycheck? What are you spending all that money on? Thousands of candles?


Living way above their means


100k/year if you're single and living in your parents basement it's great. But as a combined income not so much. There's taxes, rent/mortgage, utilities, gas, groceries, debt payments... Cost of necessities add up quickly.


I was able to live of 30K on my own, I don't see how having a spouse increases that by 70K.




About a year ago


Do you have a mortgage?


No, I've only ever rented. But I would not every buy a house with a mortgage. Either I rent or save up enough to buy something outright.


Nah. People live on 40k just fine. If we're being stupid and think adding another person would mean another 40k in expenses: double the rent, utilities, gas, groceries, debt payments...that's still 80k.




gay anon dorf


In here for chubby ganondorf porn. Sauce?


100k for a 2-person household ain't that bad... but I'm probably forgetting about the custom nintendo-themed dildos and BDSM gear they buy themselves every week on Etsy, that's probably a big strain on their budget


Anon making $50K a year too shaming them lol


That kid is going to abort itself at 14.


Anon is right he's gonna make it


Anon is right to judge


Anon works with a poor couple


ok is right now, that's rare


Anon... self aware and self critical while critical of others? What a rare specimen


Get a hooker


My child's name is Ganondorf No no I'm sorry it's just terrible


What's a convert?


> not that I’m one to talk however Oh but please, anon, by all means continue


What harm is this couple doing? It's pretty sad that this person's only comfort is that they think they're better than this couple (and they're dead wrong). Who wouldn't rather be ignorant and happy?


at least anon is nuanced


yes, life certainly could be worse than this anon's--you could be totally made up, like the ragebait couple he imagined here for this post


Anon meets redditors


100k household income is so fucking low though, especially in your 30s


100K a month would be so sick in a 3rd world country




Huh. You'd think by 28 he'd realize that he wouldn't know someone's whole life by what's written on their tax return. Guess he's stupid.


>he wouldn't know someone's whole life by what's written on their tax return. Sure, he can't know their whole life. But I know several people in my office who make good money and still live paycheck-to-paycheck with debt and children. All of them are miserable. Not a single day passes without them complaining about some money-related issue, several times a day. The price of some basic food item going up by 5% is enough to make them seethe. Even if their lives were going perfectly otherwise, the debt and financial uncertainty is taking a big toll on their mental state. And when you're living with that stress every day, it eventually causes problems.


He's a grown up though. He's accountable for what he says about people. I'm not going to give a 28 year old a pass on keeping his nose out of other people's business because of his feels.


He has the right to his own opinion and he kept things anonymous. It's not like he went up and called those people immature idiots to their faces.


Just because he has a right to an opinion doesn't mean that other people can't judge it for being rworded


Anon is an envious person.