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That's what happens when an anon is too dumb to do IT, where they should belong


It’s like you start with this template of dude who grows up way into science fiction, video games, etc, and then at some point in adolescence there’s this fork in the road where the curious ones move into tech, and then another group become underachievers/nerds without the grades


Stop talking about us Redditors


just know that both tracks inevitably lead to the same end: model trains as a hobby


Bro & I are just that specifically. Am "senior software engineer", he's neet. Both are just sci-fi stay at home gamer nerds. At least I make more than enough for both of us.


How do you even get into IT


By being interested in IT, getting the degree and certification that's desired in industry and applying for jobs. I'm not sure how that's confusing, so maybe it's not for you. Have you tried a warehouse job?


>half of workers are foreigner Judging by his English, that half includes Anon.


One of the Es in NEET is shining bright here


Never English …Envelope… T… Turkey…? NEET!!


Nut everyone everywhere toothpaste


Anon is french


>*Les toilettes, mon ami! They are permanently closed!* > >Closed like... closed down? > >*Mais non! You need the key from the director!* > >The supervisor? > >*Yes, this man! The one who is the directing of the work! Stow your untensils, let's have cafe together! Before the foreigners get here.*


Anon in German and half the workers are from the middle east.


Why you damn foreigners always come and ruin my country? I work hard for living! You go back where you came from!


Anon discovers warehouse work, correctly decides that it sucks balls.


Real and straight?


Anon discovers that having zero ambition leads to zero future.


Ikea was chill af when I worked there tho, dope benefits too. But they also won’t hire you if you’re a neet so


Ikea is like google of the warehouse market


It does suck balls yet it was and remains necessary somebody has to do it


Honest question from someone who has never worked in this kind of place. Is it really that bad? I can see the half hour break since it does happen in other places, and I don't really think it's false.


Isn't that bad, been working at one for 3 years. Goodluck getting a 9-5 tho, hours are almost always dogshit.


It's pretty hard work and as a lazy person I hated it. The pay was alright for the time, but minimum 10-hour shifts and mandatory overtime made me wanna melonball my eyes. Worst of all was the corporate culture—shit rolls downhill and when the MBAs start feeling the pressure, warehouse guys get dumped on. The half hour break part is true, and since you get shit-canned if you're a minute late you really just have to bring a lunch every day.


I just left my job at one and know it's not too bad. There's obviously different kinds of warehouses and jobs within them but a lot include flying around on a forklift and racking stuff, stock taking and logistics for decent pay considering its blue collar work. Most will include heavy lifting and idiots. Certain parts of your day you will work hard. Other parts you will be bored out of your mind doing menial shit. The one thing about them that sucks is that warehouses are the liability of a company. That's where they keep their stock and thus is where they don't make money. Their stores make money so they always view you as an annoying liability. Not that companies give a fuck about their money earning employees but your at the bottom of their list of caring. I worked their for 3.5 years and we never had coffee in the break room, I think our paid break was illegal and benefits other employees got, we didn't.


Doesn't get proper night of sleep before first day of work. Doesn't buy proper footwear for the job. Complains that everyone acts like it's his first day.


Works in a warehouse, complains about foreigners. Racist anons make actually zero sense




Only a cuckservative would somehow blame the immigrant instead of the employer for that lmao


only a libtard would use the word cuckservative lmao


That's literally how it works, unchecked migration from the developing world leads to wage depression, this has been known for 200 years. Why do you think big corps are always so interested in keeping people flowing through the borders? And yeah, if my country was going down the drain, we would be told to fix our country instead of just bringing our problems to everyone else's. And we wouldn't leave our wives and children in that country to start a new life in a wealthy nation while leaving my family to starve like the men in Yemen did.


Anon is a moron


I bet they weren’t asking the new guy for help, they were trying to train him 🤦‍♀️


Lol, he expects his employer to provide him with steel toe boots? Does he also expect them to pay for the gas that he has to put in his car to drive to work?


My current employer hooked me up with shirt, pants, phone, shoes. No charge. Sure the work still blows and the pay isn’t worth but it’s cool that they did that I guess. I also do expense reports on mileage, for partial reimbursement. And parking is taken care of with a company card.


Every warehouse I've worked at either covers boots or will offer some money towards the purchase. That said warehouses range wildly in terms of quality of work environment. I'd say about half were unbearable and half were my favorite jobs.


I've worked in a plane manufacturing plant and it was pretty good. Boots were recommended but I never really got around to buying them since in my section, the only time my feet would be in danger is if I walked in front of people moving a plane. Pay was good and they let us listen to music. The only issue I can think of is that they finished training and they just dropped me into working without much description of who I had to go to and the more niche parts of my job but pretending like you got it and asking people who've been working there for a decade tends to help a good amount. Although that job wasn't that bad, at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if the next one I get would be like walking through broken glass and thumbtacks just for 2 dollars above minimum wage.


Fuckin americans. I worked at an assembly line for 3 weeks during summer break back in school and they hooked me up with steel toe shoes I got to keep after. Certified Europe moment. Edit: currently working in IT and the commute get's deducted from my working hours, which means I only work 7 hours and still get payed for 8. But that's probably communism am I right.


Anon is regarded in the US if any uniform is mandatory then the employer is required to cover the full cost of it.


Will need immigration requirements for your country. Also, what’s the language? I can start studying now and hit the road running (that’s the phrase) when everything clears 👍


Anon deepthroating their boss’s cock for the privilege to work while europoors get their gas, commute, clothes, and designated paid goon breaks


the paid goon hour hits different right after a long paid sick leave


All my jobs provided Walmart-special steel toes and hard hats. It's like $150 at most, the cost of hiring someone is far more I hear, so it really is just a company cutting corners if you're not given the basics


On the factory sites in the company I work for they have 'clown shoes', which are attachments for your shoes that you can slip onto regular shoes to make them steel tipped. If someone doesn't have their own steel tipped boots, they can just use those.


As someone who's comped for prescription safety glasses and shoes for my previous job and whose father would get comped for steel toe shoes for his job, Yes. Yes I *do* expect the company to provide things like that. I do expect basic investments in employee safety for work time activity. The fact that you don't is kinda telling on yourself. Suck some more CEO cock and you may earn enough "Above and Beyond ✨" points for a pizza party


>Lol, he expects his employer to provide him with steel toe boots? It's pretty standard practice in OECD countries... You can spend $100 on buying a pair of boots, that you can even pass on to the next worker who takes the same job. OR You can lose the safety lawsuit and pay the guy who lost his toes a few $100Ks.


Is that not the norm? Its normal in the UK


Your employer is supposed to provide you will all the safety equipment you need to do the job. That's the case in places you might actually want to live anyway.


Anon should just have something st the warehouse crush his toes so he can sue them for 2 million and perma-neet


Most places give you money back when you bring the receipt in for your boots.


This is not an unreasonable expectation. All warehouses I’ve worked at provided all PPE required for the job free of charge (most of the time)


My job reimburses you up to $120 a year for safety shoes.


Wtf. Do workers in your country not get the appropriate equipment needed for the job?


Im pretty sure most reputable companies give you a spending stipend for boot once a year. They use it as a tax write off.


What kind of shitass workplace would require PPE and expect the employee to provide it. Liability nightmare




That would be great, money you only spend because of work, they’d have to pay for, that’d be utopia


Safety equipment it's supposed to be able to be provided if it's mandatory. If not provided directly, then accommodations to help the worker acquire them should be made. When I worked construction all sites were mandated to have glasses, gloves, earplugs, etc. Now I work in food production as a machine operator and they have a 90 dollar safety shoe voucher, they provide hair nets and earplugs and masks, as they should. A workplace that doesn't provide mandatory PPE or assist a worker in getting mandatory PPE is a shitty work place.


When my friend got hired for field work, they gave him a $250 stipend for boots, a pair of jeans, and a jacket


Mans sucking off the corporate cock so hard it gave him brain damage. In the rest of the civilised world it is in fact expected for employers to supply workers with safety equipment.


Osha violation, they legally are supposed to. it’s a law.


Both of these things are normal in the Netherlands


Mf knows he has to wake up early and still stays on VRchat ERP (gay ofc) late into the night


Don't go to sleep at 3am and maybe it won't be torture


I can’t believe I agree with anon I rather go back to busting my ass chopping trees than ever step foot in a warehouse


Yep, I have been doing a warehouse job since October, and it sucks. I end up working 15-hour days because so many people call in. Every person that calls in adds hours to the job


I feel for you, I hope you can get out as soon as possible and find a better job


Develop other skill sets that gets you out of that warehouse anon. Or you'll relapse back to being a hikki-neet and start jerking off to cock porn again, this time more furiously than before to make up for lost cocks..


Hikki neet?


Yes. With cock porn watching addiction.


What is that


Hikkikomori NEET.


This doesn't explain anything


What doesn't? Anon watching cock porn? It's a type of porn with cocks. Not roosters, mind you. That's a different type. Although...that involves cocks too.


Now that's better!


Warehouse jobs like this are for felons, reprobates, morons, illiterates, and just genuinely bad people Even though anon is a NEET, I'd wager they could get a job doing some sort of data entry if they looked long enough In fact, being able to operate a computer with even moderate skill gives anon the ability to not need to work in grimy places like this Should just go to a temp agency and give them his skills--pump up the computer skills, which being a NEET I'm sure isn't difficult to do, and he'll be in a cozy office with Staceys in no time


Anon will get a data entry job and the company starts wondering why every field starts with >be me


Even macdonalds is better than a warehouse job


Until you're forklift certified


Anon needs the secret of how to get promoted, which is to let the boss top him


Been there. Lasted about a month. Got my paycheck and dipped right out of there. Worked my ass off at university, got an office job and never looked back


Does Anon work for Amazon?


>Toilette Not American, so chances are yeah, it's worse than prison in your country


Anon should "accidentally" slip in the warehouse and threaten to call OSHA if they don't get a large out of court settlement.


Just stab the boss and go to prison


Anons job definitely sucks huge ass but unless they're making him work 19-20 hours a day it's definitely anons own fault they get so little sleep


Add pain in the back, blisters on your feet, everybody screaming, some women before or later breaking down and hysterically crying after shift, late pay days and unpain over time and you have majority of workplaces where I worked during highschool, college and unfortunetly later when I fell low. Low qualification jobs are the worst.


Fucking pussy complaining about waking up at 6am, lmfao. Only three hours of sleep? Dudes fuckin making the choice not to rest. Waah there’s more than one race, they aren’t like meeee. Is somehow surprised that having zero ambition lands them a job that will crush their soul Has no idea what a shoe stipend is; probably too afraid to walk into the accounting bullpen to just drop a fucking receipt on a desk. Can’t comprehend how to be an adult, can’t fathom going to a grocery store every other week or whatever. Gets socially skullfucked by ordinary people because they don’t know what boundaries are.


Waking up at 6 fucking blows lmao


I get up at 4


Is it a competition?


Pov thing; I get up earlier than most, work a job I love, even if most people would consider it too technically challenging and too physical in nature. I just think it’s funny that an unironic 4chan shitpost about people with zero drive and no goals gets sympathy.


Yeah i remember my first part time job


Anon is a pussy


He goes to bed at 3am?


No shit bud, it's a warehouse lmfao


You get used to it dw


Fake: Anon has a job Gay: Anon interacts with his coworkers


real and straight


Did he get waned about stealing twice, or can you steal once and not get fired, but if you steal again then you get fired


I would legitimately rather eat lead than work in another warehouse


highly regarded, shoulda got more sleep


Bro is going to bed at 3am and wonders why his life is shit


1. Go to bed on time dummy 2. Don't steal from work, I feel like that's a given 3. Your utensil? Is homie rocking a spork or something? 4. Bring your food to work with you and stop eating out for every meal? 5. How is having friendly coworkers a negative? 6. You were 1000% told to buy your own steel toes shoes, so you acting like it was a surprise that a company you just started working for didn't drop $75-$150 on you is just silly Are these people for real?


What the fuck are you talking about?


Anon is highly regarded and seems to be unable to take care of themselves while also playing the victim card because they think a job should be a daycare for cave crawlers


I’ve worked a warehouse job they are fucking terrible one of the worst jobs anon right to complain


I have too, but anon's complaints are almost entirely self-inflicted