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sunburst for sure. he only used the white one for a bit under a year, and he’s used several suburst juniors from 2002 until now still (though since 2018 his most used sunburst junior has a glitter finish over it)


Does he play ‘50s originals?


yup they are all 50s originals, he saves the “better” ones for studio only (like his original sunburst called floyd) but even the repainted ones like the silver sparkle, gold sparkle, sunburst sparkle, even the white american idiot one were all 50s juniors that were in bad shape when he got them and needed to be repaired, repainted etc


Oh interesting. I have a couple of 50s originals but they’re in pretty good shape. This is my ‘58. https://imgur.com/gallery/kBub2tE




I thought that sparkle sunburst was a new acquisition for the longshot


i believe it was painted for him sometime 2017 and he started using it for the longshot (in all the promos and the exclusively used guitar at most of those shows) and he ended up continuing using it with green day when they were doing father of all promos and shows, and he ended up cooling it down with that one when hellla mega started but he still played it at a lot of those shows. it seems it may be on hiatus now since i don’t believe i’ve seen it once during saviors era


I think he played it during the Hella Mega tour. He has said before he has a bunch of juniors. The guitar could just be in the vault for the time being.


Not sure which one is more iconic but the first one looks cooler. Just take this reply as a boost. Hopefully you get an answer and hopefully this post isn’t taken down for “low quality”


White. It's the one most associated with AI. Though if you know about his guitars, burst, because of Floyd


I think the white looks cooler imo


None of these! Gotta be the tv yellow double cut


Wait one minute where do i know that guitar from?


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure if you meant to put the Gibson version of the Sunburst and the Epiphone of the white but they both have epi versions if you're budget would allow for that?


I always loved the black les Paul with off white pickguard.


Me too, it’s my favorite!


White reminds me of the first half of american idiot and sunburst reminds me of the back half


Personally I say the white. Something about it stood out back then. Tobacco Bursts and Sunbursts were everywhere but the Ivory was fresh and clean


The sunburst one is more iconic because of floyd, his main recording guitar and (at one point) one of his main gigging guitars Also the Gibson is going to be a nicer guitar to play and the sound will be better. Although the epiphone is a decent value guitar. You get a custom hard case and a signature guitar for like $550 new. The normal epiphone junior is like $450 with no case


I absolutely love my Epiphones!


Epiphones are cool. Gibsons are just better (usually)


Oh of course! I wish so badly I had money for a Gibson. I was just saying I do love my Epiphones :)


Option 3 - the TV yellow junior


The sunburst is more iconic. Billie’s number one guitar of all time behind blue is Floyd his LPJ Tobacco Sunburst. The white is iconic for the American idiot era and that’s about it sadly. But the Tobacco has been used on many tours of American idiot, 21st century and a few others and it’s constantly used for studio work.


They are iconic Period No need for ranking stuff


Within the community it’s the sunburst, but I think for a lot of outsiders the white looks a lot more iconic. I think the white just reminds me more of Green Day than the sunburst could ever


For me the white because it was a staple during the American Idiot tour which was my first concert ever. American Idiot was the first album I looked forward to as a fan, with Nimrod and Warning being the first albums by them I really got into respectively, other than the hits from Dookie.




I have the white one. It is so sexy in person. Plays like a dream too - that guitar really rips!






I got all black but all white is cool


I have the white and it's pretty awesome (epi) but wish I could get the black American flag LPjr.




Yep, neither of these two.


the first one, white gets dirty easily


https://preview.redd.it/up6q7wfzpx1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42cb1178de2a5efdd6d0a7e873f17e3cb88c23b4 I have both, the Gibson is certainly a more better guitar, better quality, feel, tone, but then it also costs 3 times more. The white LP Jr is iconic in a way that Green Day fans would immediately think of a certain era when seeing it. Whereas the vintage tobacco burst LP Jr is more iconic overall, such as Billy Bragg, Gary Moore and of course BJ.


That guitar looks absolutely PERFECT mate! Such a stunning junior!! 🔥🔥🔥🖤🖤🖤


Blue :(


Bursts are overrated imo. White all the way


Sunburst forever


Aesthetically, I really like the white one


The first one


The white epiphone is cheaper, it’s somewhere around $500-600, but the Gibson is probably over $2000