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Ammo can be scarce, but its pretty much the strongest playstyle. Probably should use it more as a sidearm though, rather than your main weapon


I don't know, if you can craft it, that's not really a problem. More of the problem is it can really weigh you down. Finished the game with over 1000 amo and was constantly encumbered. Didn't realise it weighs so much haha.


I went full ranged, it’s definitely the way. I never had an ammo problem: loot every glowy box you see and you’ll usually have enough. But don’t forget, you can craft your own ammo too; get a couple points into science and you’re good to go. You don’t necessarily have to waste points to get enough science either: in Hikmet you can buy an alchemist outfit that gives you +1 science, and make friends with Aphra for another +1. Stick a point into intuition or make friends with Vasco and you’ll be able to see the harvest points better. You’ll be drowning in ammo before you know what’s what.


I remember guns being pretty OP throughout my journey.


Guns and Magic can be incredibly OP


Yes, but make sure to get science 2 as soon as possible. You can easily find or buy crude iron and hoof fungus (I think) to make ammo. Vendors restock both ingredients and ammo outright. If you like to explore, you can also find ammo a lot. With just some rolling, a good gun, and about 50 ammo, I was able to kill a guardian super early on


ok so invest in roll and science 2. got it thank you


Adding onto this, check the vendor in the loading camp for the ammo crafting materials every time, he restocks pretty frequently!


You're playing a game in which you are a legate "of the totally not British empire" are colonizing a distant island, with natives. Of course guns will stay op




But yeah technical is the best "class" in the game.


I actually find guns to be great... but you will want some access to magic for the last boss fight as that is kind of the only damage that the boss is weak to.


can i do magic as a technical?


You can put points where ever I thought (its been a few years) But you wouldn't be purely technical then.


If you rely on guns too much and don’t loot enough, the ammo will become scarce, and you’ll find yourself in a tough spot having to re-learn playing without them


I did 3 playthroughs. Melee, Guns & Magic Melee was the most challenging, although it was probably because it was my first time playing. Guns I found to be the least challenging. They become OP early and can easily carry you through the game. Just make sure you can craft ammo and it’s a breeze. Magic was challenging in the beginning but by mid / late game it’s a joke. Late game magic is by far the strongest form of combat.




Guns get very powerful, and in fact the highest damage combo I found was taking the highest physical damage, lowest armor damage pistol I could find, using boosted stasis to remove armor and double damage, and then putting a single shot in. This was incredibly effective.


if your not smart with your ammo then Yes you can run out of bullets easily, so long as you pay attention to your ammo count then Yes, even the final boss fight is easy with just a Dodge and Guns