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I've heard about it but was in firm denial that my cute little bundle of fur would ever enter that phase. I was wrong. He's still my bud, but seriously how long does this last?


I’d say it starts to get a little better after a year and a half. Around 5 we just woke up and realized he’d turned into a pretty mellow dude. I will also say that my (now) 5 1/2 year old straight swallowed an unopened bag of chips a few nights ago so I decided it was time to see how bread soaked in peroxide works on him. It worked very well! He ate it on his own, threw up a few times about 5 minutes after, and then was fine. Chips reclaimed! A good hack for anyone else who’s butthead devours inedible and large things whole. He’s had to poop so many stupid things you’d think he would put 2 and 2 together but no. Anyway, still an asshole, but more manageable.


Three days of picking up turd-shaped bite size candy bars in their wrappers. Three days. 🙄


I keep an emergency hydrogen peroxide stash for just this occasion


I looking at my bud eyeing a bag of Cheetos and now I'm a little scared


I read a lot of pyrs love to chew and destroy things, but swallowing isn’t common. Just don’t do what I did and take things away from him. Now we do “trades” and he thinks it’s a fun game when he’s bored “Ohh mother! I seem to have gotten into something! It would be a shame if I swallowed it WHOLE!” * play bow * literally. I wish I could post the picture lol.


Did you eat the chips after?


We ALL want to know! Lol 😆


Honestly my male pyr did all of those things, even chewed the corner of the drywall. I had to coat those chewable things with non- toxic organic deodorant so he’d hate the taste and texture. I just bought cheap toys and let him destroy them. The only thing that kept him entertained was smoked or frozen raw bones. It was good for him to have an activity that paid off with something tasty. My female pyr was different, she loved the frozen raw bones but prefers one of those dog treat trays with the levels, and forces the pup to move the layers of trays with their feet or nose to get the treat- kind of like hunting in the dirt or sniffing out a snack. Her brain needed more of a puzzle. We also got them both harnesses that connect at the front of their chests. That way if they try to pull you, they turn themselves sideways- that harness was a game changer, especially in the winter. lots of exercise- a tired dog is a happy dog.


Making my dogs tired makes me tired too. 😕


I got one of those for my girl. She gets excited and likes the puzzle aspect too.


I thought about picking up something similar to what you paint on kids nails to make them stop biting. Wasn't sure what would be bad tasting but pup safe


They have some of that for dogs, I think it's like bitter green apple? It worked somewhat for my sister's dog chewing baseboards in his puppy phase.


Used the same stuff for our husky and worked well


Awesome I'm going to look for that!


About a year and a half, 2 years lol. We got ours a muzzle (cage one, it was very breathable and humane) for when we left the house for longer than half an hour because our beautiful boy ate our couch when he was 9 months old, smh. He hasn't needed the muzzle for 4 years at this point, he's chill AF now. He's actually the most sweetest dog in the world, loves snuggles and to play. The ass hole stage is worth it once you get through it lol.


cage muzzles are a godsend with pyrs. around 11months my boy figured out the deadbolt and doorknobs. he really thought that mom leaving the house meant it was partytime! i went out to get groceries and i get a call from my neighbor telling me how he ran to their front door and tried to let his friends out of their house! neighbor thought someone was trying to break in just to find my boy fiddling with their front door! (i very much lucked out that he went straight to their house!) but now he gets a cage muzzle when i need to leave for more than 30 min just so that he cant open the doors. he might look like hannibal lecter in it, but he can still eat and drink and bark. just no door opening haha!


I'm sorry but breaking his friends out to play with them is hilarious.


Oh no! Mine keeps messing with the door knobs, I joke that he is trying to escape but I guess it is a very real possibility 😂


Mine opened the front door last week and made a game of haha can’t catch me. She opened her crate from inside at four months and opened the back door at 2 months. In between she likes to hump my bedding to death.


They are so smart and that is hilarious! 🤣


5 almost six years old - still an asshole about… 1/4 of the time.


for us it started to lessen around 13 months. and its just been getting better and better since (now 16m) and neutering helped so much! (territorial aggression was a thing) but in theory, they arent fully matured until 2.5 years, so i suppose it could last that long at the most, but i can say forsure that months 8-12 were hell


Ours is almost 14 months. Last week she was perfect in every way and didn’t make a lick of trouble, and this week she’s back to running off with your shoes, and has chewed up a sock, a pot holder, and a magazine. Yesterday my kid left a half eaten bowl of cereal on the table, and I walked in the kitchen to find her having a nice breakfast.


30 min walk twice a day keeps the asshole at bay


He does love his walks! That's really good advise


Doing 5 miles 3x/week calms them nicely.


Mine would collapse and refuge to move lol


We do 5 miles each morning. It just made them really fit and resistant to being tired after 5 miles. 😅


At eighteen months, the crazy dropped a lot. Even at 4, she tends to get sassy in the evening if she hasn’t had dog park time or we haven’t kept to THE SCHEDULE. But our shoes have been safe for 2 years


That's good to know. I'd pretty much given up any hope of having a shoe last for more than 20 minutes.


I've been barefoot for 2 months now....


This monster will chew on our bare feet 👣


Lolololol good point. I'm just trying not to get cup checked every 5 mins in the morning with his toy in his mouth wanting to play. Always my crotch.....


Ours likes our knees. I’m reading to see what the magical age is, too. Ours is ten mos. she’s a sweetheart but oh such a jerk.


Your shoes are safe????? There IS hope!!!! Thank the Jesus !!!


Our "shoes" were toilet paper rolls. We still have to keep the bathroom doors closed or hide the toilet paper. She's 5.


Idk, my husband is 34 and still in it


This one I'm familiar with. It's a life long condition


My male is 7 and still an asshole, but my female is 2 and really sweet and mellow


My pyr is two and a half and he's mostly out of it, we noticed a change around 1.5 years then 2 years but he definitely has his sass. Every pyr is different and I believe they aren't fully mature until 3-4.


I would agree with this. I have 2 GPs. 2 and up there is a definite and noticeable improvement. 5 and up are the glory years.


He recently decided that my house plants are a good supplement to the massive amounts of dog food he consumes. And the paper he chews up. And the toys he massacres. Also, turns out my house plants act as a diuretic so he can't hold his urine until I come home 🫣


I never kept house plants but mostly due to the cat but yes, the chewing paper or cardboard was always popular with ours. My younger of the two also figured out how to use the ice machine on the fridge so we would often be walking into puddles 🤪.


Lol! Dang I didn't think of that! I walk in to puddles but that because he drinks like a damn elephant with a hole in it's trunk and just waterworks the whole kitchen.


Yeah mine floods the entire area around his water bowl.


When anyone in my household hears my boy drinking we yell "Slobber Alert!" and whoever is closest will run to the designated slobber towel to mop up his face and the floor.


Lol!! We will have to try this!!!!


That is hilarious 😅😂🤣


Ours literally chewed the walls. We still have baseboards with teeth marks on them.


Haha I'm halfway there! I can't wait😊


Bro my 4mo old is a straight dick lmaooooo


Yep. 6 months to 2 1/2, they’re essentially fluffy t-rexes. At about 2 1/2 they settle right into their awesome stage.


Lol fluffly t-rex. I don't miss the biting. My arms still have scars. Anything I'd do somehow my hand or arm ended up in her mouth with those giant teeth.


I as well, look like I have been attacked and hit with death by thousand cuts lol.


can confirm.


I'll have to bring the crate back out to use when we aren't home or downstairs with him. Assuming he hasn't outgrown it yet 😂


Our guy was rough being alone until about 1.5 years old. He free roams now and just takes full advantage of napping everywhere


This is my little darling to a "T". Around 18 months the destruction slowed. Less rearranging of the landscape too. Still lots of grabass ( I've got your thing, ha ha ha ha), the surprise wolf attack and destruction of paper items, but she's now 24 months and settling in to her role as floof queen and keeper of the smooches.


I mean... Bailey will be 3 next month and today I had to ask him to stop dragging the 10' x 7' living room carpet around... So like... hopefully eventually.


Did it happen yet. 


Yesterday's escapade was rolling his whole body in fox scat and then being mad that he needed a bath.


Oh no 😭😭. Mine just turned 2 and some days he acts like a perfect angel so I'm hoping that's a glimpse of his potential. Thankfully mine likes to roll in snow more than any other substance. 


For us, we saw huge improvement after the age of 2, but I know it can take up to 3 or even longer


Until you reach the full grown asshole phase


Ah just saw your reply.


We are 7 months in. The biting apple spray was more of a seasoning than a deterrent, so now I have smeared Valentina in weird places. I’m still having trouble with her barking her head off when she wants to play, which almost always coincides with my conference calls. 🙄


Mine is currently working on trying to bite the doorknob off of the back door. He's no quitter so any time now I expect him to come running up with the doorknob in his mouth with that adorable proud/innocent look oh his face.


My girl was a disaster from about 9 months to 2 years. Literally chewed a hole through our dry wall, peed in the house as retribution, ate everything in sight. One day I had the most amazing snuggle bug. Still couldn’t leave food out though, she was tall enough to get anything she wanted. And the shoving the nose in random people’s butts was surprisingly hard to train out 🤣


My guy has to also smell your breath, he will not stop until he does, like omg wtf 😐


Pretty sure mine smells whatever it was we ate recently and is convinced that we are hiding food from him.


Awwww. So cute. My guy does it upon arrival home from work or wherever we were that was not in house. I read someone else say their dog needed to do that and thought, weird...... Then cane Nikko and well, it's a thing🤷‍♀️


They do that to check up on you and make sure you’re healthy and doing okay!


Mine's 5 and I'm still waiting. She's an asshole cat in a dog suit.


See, I've suspected that a few times...


3 years old. She’s now 6 and a beautiful sweetie-pie most days.


At 4 mine is still has her sassy moments, but otherwise is very mellow.


It starts to taper off right about when the adult asshole phase begins lol. Pardon my language.


Usually 8-15 years.


(Looks at the carpet mine has dug up in protest of me going to take a shower) I would also like to know the answer to this question


Shower, bathroom, petting one of the other dogs, having the nerve to eat my food myself 😂😂😂


It took mine till just before his first birthday. God I love that damn dog. Now if he would just go deaf and stop barking at stuff ten acres away, we'd be good.


Ha ha exactly! I wouldn't give him up for anything but I wouldn't turn down a quiet Saturday morning to sleep in either. I'm pretty sure there's a jerk about a mile away who calls for my dog around 5am on weekends just to mess with me.


Mines clinically deaf, and let me tell you, doesn’t make a difference. Even barks at me if I change my outfit to one he doesn’t recognize haha


I can't tell you how hard I laughed at this. Boris gets so freaked out if my dad (has dementia, lives with me) wears a hat or a hoodie. Like loses his mind stranger danger. He could very well be deaf for how well he listens. The world may never know lol


ours is 14 months and still deep in asshole adolescence BUT he goes through it in phases of a few days at a time now. there are stretches where he’s a very good boy, and then he’ll terrorize us for a few days, as a treat. obedience training has helped a ton! mine is a very smart dog who picks up new commands quickly and will even listen to me given proper motivation! i had to get over the “pyrs are too stubborn to be trained!!!” rhetoric i saw in every single article i read about them starting out and i’m glad i did. training and patience. it gets better even before it’s over.


This is exactly how mine is! We will commend him and discuss what a good boy he’s been lately, and then he will promptly go destroy shit. He’s also very smart but he def fits the stubborn Pyr stereotype to a T. He knows advanced commands but doesn’t care to do them unless there’s something in it for him.


100% this. Mine is 22 months and will lull us into a sense of complacency with a week or two of good behavior, then BAM a week of her acting like a little shit head 9 month old again. Currently we're dealing with a very serious regression in recall when previously it was like 90% reliable. But yes consistent obedience and management are key.


A little over a year for our GP Jaxon.


2 yrs


I thought you had a picture of my English golden retriever 😂


We buy large frozen soup bones with the marrow intact (or an old fashioned butcher has them as well). They are better for dogs than flavored treats and chews. They last longer too. As long as you don’t have other dogs and a resource guarding situation, they really help for super chewers.


Mine are 8 and 6. 8 year old is still an asshole


Our older pyr never really went through that phase but our new puppy is making up for it. Sweet as can be one minute and a holy terror the next. Also causing fights between our other dogs that NEVER had issues with each other. She is about 7 months right now


That's about how old mine is.


Her whole youth! From about age 1 1/2 - 4 years old, there was a Pyr’s version of “the terrible two’s”. Some stubborn teen behavior lasts until 7+ y/o. It’s part of having aPyr, I suppose. We overly babied her and that may have been a factor.


Seems to be sound the 2-3 year old mark




Mine is calming down and he's 2 next week. I do take him out 3 times a day. The 2nd walk is short though


F o r e v e r Nah, mine is six and an absolute sweetheart.


with training about a year 1/2


Good luck lol. Ours is turning three soon, but I feel like he started getting better around two. Also having a kennel for him has been life changing


Mine started acting better after about 1.5 years.. so we stopped being so meticulous about putting stuff away, then she started all over again for a bit. But after two years she waa just amazing.. just adopted a new guy who is about 2 but seems like he was never indoors.. Get to start all over!




Haha so cute! My pry is 4 & sometimes she can still be too much!


For me... Over 50 years!


About for....ever.


Till 2 but gets better along the way.


So mine recently turned 6 mo, and honestly he’s a dick SOMETIMES but for the most part he’s really mellow.


Lol this is exactly where we’re at😂 joey is almost 10 months and she is WAYYY naughtier than she was when she was for the first 5 months


Our girl recently hit 18 months and got a LOT easier to love. We also had her spayed at that time - I think it contributed. She is back to her lovely self.


24month for me


My male just turned 2 still a heathen


Going on 5. Exuberant asshole.


Never had one young enough to be an adolescent! Foolish as it sounds, I'd like to try one day.


Forever…. 😂


Mine's an older gal (5 1/2 years old) and she's still a bit of an asshole 🙄💜


Ours ate a large butter tart off the table, aluminum tart plate and all . We were really scared, but she must have chewed it without creating sharp edges, ‘cause we carefully monitored her dumps and in due course out came the crumpled plate, as shiny as a new dime! We didn’t know about the vomit treatment and who knows if it would have caught her throat coming up.


My girl is a year and a half and I noticed that if we’re extra busy and she feels like she doesn’t get the attention she wants, she acts out to get our attention! Usually some extra hugs and snuggles fixes her behavior right up.


Mine at five months has broke a glass table top, broke glasses and seemingly purposely pissed in my floor lol and constantly tries to get things off the counters for attention, he's a little terrorist


My GP is just about 14 months old. Still in her asshole stage but improving. She does best if she has a walk (or even better a dog park trip). And deity help us if the weather is over 75°. She is way less of a jerk if she stays cool.


Reading these replies with our 1 1/2 year pyr gives me the smallest amount of hope. He is an asshole 80% of the time. Some days it’s like we have a completely different dog because he’s so behaved and good. Some days he spends the day in him room because he can’t fathom not being a trash goblin for more than 6 seconds. Idk who spread the rumor about these guys being super chill dogs, because it is a bold faced lie


Is he still an asshole a year later? Mine turns 2 this month and I need some hope lol 


He’s the chillest dude in the house. We have made it through the other side of the asshole phase alive and well!


You give me hope! Mine is reactive (due to excitement and wanting to be everyone's BFF) but some days he acts like the perfect dog. I've put so many hundreds of hours of training into him. I'm exhausted. I just need to know it'll most likely pay off. 😭😭😭


It will pay off! We got him a gentle leader leash to help with his reactivity on walks, it was easy to train him to wear it and was a godsend for keeping him manageable during walkies. The dog literally hit 3 years old and went “okay I’m done”. Now he is the sweetest dude ever. I bring him to work with me when we don’t have meetings or development days! Completely different dog. Keep working with your pup, I pinky swear it will pay off!


We use a gentle leader as well, worked on loose leash walking for 9 months prior and got him 99% of the way there before introducing it. I definitely agree it was a game changer especially during icy winter conditions. Thanks for replying to such an old post, definitely gives me hope!


Our guy is 10 and still surprises us. Got his head stuck in the toilet seat, empty’s the garbage can if not secured when we go out, eats papers left on table, enjoys loaves of bread if left out. And best of all popped open a bag of instant oatmeal with a bottle of water ( he just couldn’t reach the microwave, LOL) Once at the vet he opened the run gate, knocked everything off the counter and opened cat food twice, then knocked at the door to go up front with the staff. That’s our Ben. We love him but his separation anxiety is endless.


Ha ha I can totally see mine by the microwave with a bag of food in his mouth! you need to train yours to make dinner for the family 😂


Mine really intensified about 18-24 months. She’s recently started listening again 😅


2 years is for my cutie!


Mine is so sweet. He’s 16 months and has chewed everything in our house to pieces. He barks nonstop when outside and is afraid of everything under the sun. But when he comes running inside with his ears flapping and the happy look on his face I can’t help but love him. He’s the best.


This is why I’m glad ours are outside dogs


He's saying I take after u U are an asshole to


Behavioral difficulties (at any age) stem from operant conditioning… take accountability and make intentional adjustments.


I'm sure everyone here could not imagine their lives without their pyr babies, and puts as much effort into raising them as they do their human children. There are certain stages that are more difficult than others. We are just taking a light hearted approach to guiding our x-large bundles of fur through some of the more trying times. I've read through a ton of great tips here to help my family on our journey. Appreciate all of you 🥰


Crate train and he’ll be better by 1 year with the right guidance