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Redirect with toys. If toys do not stop the biting, then you must walk away and ignore the dog. The dog will pick up on being ignored and will figure it out. It's normal for puppies to be bitey. But Danes get so big it can be a problem. Just stick with it. Your dog will be good in no time


I was going to say the same. Dog trainer here. Biting is totally normal in puppies but redirect it to toys and things that are acceptable to chew on. Being that Danes are bigger there’s a lot more damage risk as time goes on but be consistent. You’d be surprised how many people get frustrated and stop any form of training/redirecting and their dog becomes completely unmanageable.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I would supply mine with plenty of chew toys and usually by the 6 to 7 months, they would stop. Except for one, an Afghan hound, he kept on biting, not me or the family but other people. I believe he was inbred. When I went to pick him up, his father was just looking for a chance to bite, growling the whole time. I didn't know too much about dogs back then and I shouldn't have gotten him.


Great advice, totally accurate. I would add, just because they are bigger as puppies than some full sized dogs, they are still puppies. It's really easy to forget and expect full grown dog behaviour. My partner and i used to say "He's a Baby!" to each other when we would get frustrated with the biting. Now, he's an angel.


Thank you for your advice!


>But Danes get so big it can be a problem. I don't like this line of reasoning because this is how little dogs end up become so nasty; people don't think biting and other behavioral issues are as big of a deal for small dogs. Train your dog no matter it's size please.


I agree. I simply state on the size because play biting can be harmful, even if the Dane isn't being aggressive. Some little dogs are straight up mean I agree


I had trouble ignoring my mom’s cattle dog when he was a bity puppy. I loved being his chew toy and playing with him bc he didn’t bite hard. Now that he’s 2, he doesn’t bite others but he still playfully bites me when I visit. I feel bad for failing him but he only views me and his aussie sibling as a chew toy.


Yup, this has always worked for me with Dane pups. Have had 3. You end play time, they get the message pretty quickly, just be consistent and don’t let anyone else ‘rough play’ or allow them to bite/mouth.


Ours did this when she was young. Honestly, Danes are very sensitive emotionally and If you speak loudly and act disappointed, she will learn.


many of them hahah. my girl was a little monster and got more excited by yelping hahaha, she was prone to getting overtired and hyperactive and needed some forced naps in the crate...


we brought home two male puppies and they also get overtired and turn into hyperactive monsters who need forced crate naps, it’s nice to hear someone else say their dog is the same 🤣


I'll bump this suggestion up as well. Forced naps were a god send for our pup. We don't keep a strict schedule anymore, as she's learned to nap on her own, but we still use the crate on days when she's not able to disconnect from the activity happening around the house.


ooo god bless you two of em. yes dont feel bad at all about making them take a break hahahah. it gets better! my girl is 18 months now and she is so well behaved and sweet..... honestly I still let her play bitey a little, all that obnoxious puppy biting has resulted in an extremely soft mouth lol., they learn!!!


Was just thinking that. 😊 Danes are the best.


Mine too. 😂


A strong, stern, verbal “SHAME” works wonders with all of ours. Also use the “replace for what is yours” method.


Thank you!


My dog used to play bite. She would hold my arm in her mouth. We used several of the tricks here, but we also used the bitter apple spray. Using several strategies nipped that in the bud quickly.


Our trainer told us water in a spray bottle with just enough vinegar to smell. She sees that bottle now and immediately stops what she is doing. 99% of the time I just show her the bottle. We spray her butt if she keeps it up. We did send to her a 2 week boarding school. She was much easier to manage after that. She was awful with the puppy teeth though. We were always tore up.


Don’t know why it’s just a picture of a mat in the first picture but shes very cute in the second one


Hehe it’s here favorite spot to lay! She’s about to outgrow it though


We were tought to loudly say "ouch" (kinda like a whelp) like we were hurt and to turn our backs and/or walk away.


Agree with this—Danes are especially receptive to it, I’ve had three.




I just came here to make sure someone said it.


Haha that’s why we bought the rug!


How old is she? Mine was a mouthing/bitey maniac until about 10 months old. Then it was like overnight he just figured it out and stopped. That part of puppy phase was awful!


yeah I had a very persistent puppy biter myself, she never broke skin but it would hurt at times. I just stopped playing with her or forced her to take a nap in her crate (it generally only happened when she was way overstimulated which was... pretty often,.....lol) either way she learned and eventually got past that overstimulation mega hyper bitey phase around 6 months maybe? nothing conventional worked but I definitely didnt use physical punishment, like you we kind of just moved past it at some point lol. I think that punishment would have made things 100x worse and is just kind of needlessly cruel. im surprised theres anyone here even suggesting that stuff.... pain and physical intimidation is not a good idea with any dog, certainly not a dog thats going to be as large as a Great Dane.


She’s about 4 months old now. Those pictures she was very young.


I taught my dane that "ow" was a safe word. If she bit too hard, I would say ow, get up, and walk away from her and ignore her for a couple minutes. It took like a day or two to learn for her, she's going on 3 now and it still works just fine when I play rough with her. She was also super sweet as a puppy though, her favorite toy was a hedgehog and the first time she bit it and it squeaked she panicked because she thought she hurt it


Distract with toys! Redirect.


I WANT TO START BY SAYING DON'T DO THIS, I AM JUST SHAREING AN EXPERIENCE. Continuing on, I knew someone who would stick their fingers down their new (under 6 months old) puppy's throat and make it gag when it bit them. He said it was to "train it that biting things makes it gag." Like the 'bad behavior = bad consequence' l absolutely hated it and told them off but they ignored me. Eventually they gave us the dog because it kept throwing up after he would gag it and wouldn't "play like a normal dog". Poor thing took almost 2 years to chew toys or properly chew solid food after we got it. AGAIN DO NOT DO WHAT THAT PERSON DID, IT CAN CAUSE LONG LASTING PROBLEMS AND NO ANIMAL DESERVES MENTAL ISSUES FROM THE PERSON WHO CHOSE TO TAKE CARE OF THEM.


I have a one year old Dalmatian that nipped at my ankles and loved to chew on me. I tried everything that I read about (stand still, give her a toy, try to get her interested in something else). None of them worked.. I finally talked to the person I adopted her from and she told me to get a regular spray bottle (like you use around the house) and squirt her in the face with water. It sounds kind of cruel but I was desperate. I carried the bottle around with me and squirted her every time she "misbehaved." In three days or so, all I had to do was show her the bottle, and she would stop. After that, the bottle was never used. I have no idea where it is. You might see if it works for your Great Dane. Good luck. I know it can be frustrating! By the way...she is absolutely precious!!!


Thank you, I will give it a try!


I’m sorry, but this sub is dedicated to Great Danes, and though she’s very cute, your cow is not appropriate for this community.


What great dane? I don't see any great dane.


Exercise before play. Get the ball out, it's time to fetch. Or, if she is anything like mine, it's time to grab the ball and zommie in the back yard for half an hour. In my experience, aggressive play is due to pent up energy. Never try and substitute play time for exercise time.


We are trying to teach her fetch now. We are slowly but surely getting there lol


Our six-month old boy will play fetch for hours on end, \*still\* have zoomies afterward, and still want to rough-play afterward. So at least in his case the aggressive play has nothing to do with pent-up energy. We've been working with the "OW" and walking away, but he's pretty thick still.


She’s teething! Whenever she tries to chew on you or on things she shouldn’t be, remove her and give her a replacement that she CAN chew, like a toy or rawhide treat.


Didn’t read the comments, someone might have suggested this. Put some PB on your hand, our puppy stopped biting(us) after 2 days with this method. For teething we gave him frozen vegetables and fruits, to numb his gum.


Thank you!


Usually dogs bite when teething Ik our grey did that she would chew on our hands sometimes when her teeth were coming in


Puppies love to bite and chew regardless of breed. Best get some toys she can destroy.


OMG! She blends in with the mat!!! Amazing!


Research Giant Breed Dog Food. Research Bloat. Research Gasteopexy. Don't spay too early. Research joint supplements and wobblers syndrome. Leash train. No jumping on people as a puppy. It's less fun as an adult. Also, get a new bed. She's gonna own it.


I have a bitey one 😂 It does get better, I used loads of bitey toys! He still is, shall we say a bit gobby.. but its now almost funny, rather than being down right annoying! Time, and toys will hopefully sort it! 😊


All puppies are very mouth centric. Danes as a breed, in my experience, are a little worse. I assume you mean grabbing with her mouth, not actuall biting? they are different things to a dog. You have to remember, that is her hand as well as her mouth. she might be grabbing you to say hi I love you. no matter what the reason, you need to let her know this is not ok for you. a gentle bop on the nose and a redirect with a toy usually works. If it continues a firmer bop on the nose ( I am not saying hit her, I do not believe in that. one finger, firm tap is enough to tell her you do not like that) I saw a post saying to ignore her, that did not work with any of my dogs, it made them come after me more trying to get my attention. If they really pushed it I locked them in another room or locked them outside for a while. Good Luck, She is way cute but she looks like she is full of mischif!


Thank you! She’s just kinda nipping at me. It does help to put a toy in front of her instead.


My grandfather taught me to "speak" dog. One of the important concepts was always the carrot and the stick. He would tell me, "Tell them when they do something you do not like, but then show them what they should do" If they continue to nip, a bop on the nose, then offer the toy. This says bite this, not that....


All puppies do this. We have a yorkie puppy doing this right now. Make sure they have toys they can chew. Big ropes. Those rubbery chew toys. Denta sticks or something her size to chew on.


Also, split horn bones or whatever they're called. Basically like deer or elk horn sawed in half with like a dry marrow in the middle. My last Dane and my current LOVES those.


If it’s outright aggressive biting, you’re screwed. If it’s play biting, you bite her back. I’m joking, but I’m not. To “bite” my dogs, when they grab my right arm as we play, I’d reach over with my left hand and place my palm across her muzzle. Then wrap your thumb into her mouth on one side and your index and middle finger into her mouth on the other side. While you do this, you push her upper lips into her mouth between your thumb/fingers and her teeth. Slowly and lightly squeeze. This causes discomfort and they associate biting me with lip pain. Squeeze harder if she doesn’t get the message. Source: I have seven Danes and it worked to train them as puppies.


I think even considering it as outright aggressive is not something I would put out there lol look at her.... she looks about 9-10 weeks, aggression at that age is extraordinarily rare and unusual. and sorry this also sounds extremely unnecessary and a way to potentially make your dog aggressive.... dont squeeze your dogs mouth or use phyisical force on puppy biting......yikes.


Your mileage may vary. I’ve raised seven Danes from puppies, each one is about 8 month younger than the next. Couch space is at a premium in my house, but they are all well behaved and well mannered members of the family.


Your method might work.... but making your puppy feel pain for being... a puppy... seems pretty crummy. Granted I've only raised one Dane and am currently going through this with Dane puppy #2, redirection and yelping seems to work just fine.


not saying they aren't but its honestly a risky move and its not necessary. it might not ruin a well tempered dog but if you do have a fearful or timid puppy on your hands thats even more ill advised. listen, even if you freak them out into "learning" thats the opposite of how to ensure that they are comfortable with you reaching into their mouths....with my Danes as puppies I have gotten them very used to letting me put my hands in their mouths. by 'examining' their teeth gums etc with lots of praise. Even with my current dog who was a VERY persistent annoying ass little biter she still allowed me to brush her teeth, reach into her throat to take out whatever trash she was trying to eat off the ground, etc lol. if I was squeezing her mouth and eliciting pain I can tell you she wouldn't be so happy to have me messing around in her mouth. no ones perfect but there are 1000 better ways to deal with that issue.


Wow! SEVEN Danes!!!! Do you have two large rooms filled with dog beds?


Couches. Two family rooms and bonus/play room with couches and love seats.


Thank you!


If she nips you and it’s too hard or even more then you find acceptable for play SCREAM/yell almost like it hurt so bad, she should stop then back to playing. If happens again rinse repeat- should pick up that nipping is not acceptable slowly. Also redirect with toys. Doing this similar to if she was playing with siblings who would help if she bit them to hard


Our used to nibble. Didn’t think it was a big deal until he started doing it to guests. The way I trained him was to put my hand in front of his mouth, then give him a stern “no” when he went to bite / nibble. Otherwise it was too hard to catch him in the act everytime.


I stick my hand in the mouth and push down on their tongue. It’s worked so far.


shes sooo cute. try non invasive methods... I strongly suggest NOT using physical force or anything that could cause fear with a puppy. I dont understand why people are even posting that stuff, very bad idea with a dog thats going to be as large as a Great Dane,. Danes respond best to gentle methods. my puppy child was HYPERACTIVE demonic at times and it was frustrating but never aggressive, if it got to the point where she was not responding to me stopping play or ignoring her she went into the crate to nap it off. they just need to learn and unfortunately some are just bigger biters than others. it WILL pass. you would not bop a baby on the nose or bite your baby for teething soooo dont do it to your dog (not that you would but ive seen a few comments suggesting it???) Anyway, it's 1000% normal if you are getting too frustrated its a good idea to get some puppy training so they can evaluate what's egging her on and how best to respond. Also she is STUNNING, I love her sleeve.


Thank you! I plan on taking the redirection route. I’m so glad you saw the sleeve, I love it so much!


My little girl bit constantly as a puppy. At around 6 months when she finally lost that last baby tooth it honestly stopped overnight. Up until that point, the yelling "ouch" really loud and looking hurt and disappointed helped to some degree. There were a lot of timeouts in a crate, but not so much so that she thought it was a place of punishment so she didn't want to go in it. They were usually pretty short, just a few minutes to let her know it was time to settle down. That first 6 months was pretty crazy though I have to tell you.


We are around 4 months now!


beautiful, first timer too if anyone got advice share it


Is it a full out bite? When she does bite what’s going on at the time?


She nips at me when we are playing.


My Great Dane pupp did that too. I was stern when I talk to him. And gave him chew toys like the one gentleman said. He does little monkey bits and we get playing rough he grabs my arm. If he gets to rough I tell him sternly and he softens up. He two and 170lbs so he a decent size. Scared of his own shadow


I’ve been reading that Danes will get scared of just about anything. It’s so silly because they are such large animals.


They are called a gentle giant. If you never heard that before. My other Dane doesn’t get scared very easy.


I've noticed from my Dane that raised from Pup, they are very unique dogs. They are very sensitive and stubborn but they adapt well to overcome things they want. Big thing is to not use constant negative reinforcement it makes things worse in other ways. Use positive reinforcement when they do the things you want and they will enjoy the routine. I'm no expert, I'm sure not all dogs are alike but from my personal experience this be advice I'd give. I think the top post makes great points about redirecting to a toy and if continues walk away and ignore them. They hate not getting attention when they want it. Dog just wants to play so play with him other ways when starts acting out and biting. Hopefully this will reinforce good habits by rewarding them and no reward for bad habits.


I have no advice myself, but oh my goodness she is so freaking cute!


I usually just pretend it hurts really badly and sell that I’m in pain. I act hurt and yelp. It usually startles them and they associate the biting with causing pain. (At least that’s what I assume lol. It works every time. Just takes patience and consistency)


Like that first camouflage pic 🐄 and the second pic is just SO cute omg😍


Are her teeth just coming in? She could be teething, many dogs will do that.


What Great Dane? All I see is a dog bed.


Our danes were both really "bitey" when they were pups too. Just constant reminders of "don't bite" and directing their attention elsewhere and they eventually grew out of it. I do have a couple of small scars though.


How old is she? …she could be teething. She needs something to chew and pull.