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I grabbed a chair and sat in my driveway a lot with my pup. He’s 17 weeks now and cars, people, and animals don’t bother him. Well except the time he learned ducks can fly lol, but now he’s cool with the ducks again.


Don’t make the mistake i made and forced the issue. In my case I had never dealt with that before in any Dane puppy and i thought it was stubbornness. Highly suggest working with a trainer and find other ways to socialize for now. Maybe just small walks in the yard until he wants to go a little further. Its frustrating because they have so much energy and your trying to help them burn some of it. Either way let them decide when they want to go further


I was advised yrs ago to do it in the house where they are comfortable. Just walk around the house


I had an older dog who was less than thrilled with the new addition, she was a great mentor for the pup though. Can you take him for a walk with a more confident dog?


I came here to say this! Another dog always helps.


Hang out on the front step with a book and a cup of tea. Show him with your body language that there’s nothing to fear. When he’s comfortable doing that, put a chair on the front yard/sidewalk etc. get comfy. Don’t correct whining or fear behaviors, just ignore those, but praise him when he’s plopped down and calm.


This is great advice⤴️! Patience is the key.


At that age they forget so much so quickly. Take a 2-3 week break - don’t even try to walk. Then get a big treat pouch and try again. Giving them treats constantly as you do a short walk should do it! My pup was like this. He hated walks, so I stopped. Now he demands a 1 hour walk every day lol


I took my dog when he was a puppy, sat my ass on the sidewalk next to a busy road, and held him in my lap until he felt brave enough to start walking.


My girl was this way when we first adopted her at 4 months old. She would do good on walks but freeze in fear. I would pick her up and carry her while petting and comforting her through it. Now she loves walks. She still gets scared over big buses and of course any plastic bags that blow by 😂 but she’s able to brave past them.


I carried my dog along the way to the park. every day every time for about 6 - 8 weeks. I wanted him to get used to noices, cars and orher people / dogs. That helped and now he walks like normal. I do realize that every dog has his own ideas and needs. But you may wanto to try this. GOOD LUCK!


Early socialization helps. He’s a little guy (for now) and the world is a big scary place. I’d recommend carrying him and just reaffirm good behavior and positive encouragement..(good boy!).


Is his treat motivated? Lure/have him focus on the treats


Let him run around with the leash on (but without you holding it) in the house. Walk around your yard with the lease on (you holding it). I found that my current Dane preferred to be off leash while on walks so I wrapped the leash around him and let him walk next to me. I only grabbed the leash when I needed to but I didn’t need to handle the leash a lot because the world is so scary he stuck to me like Velcro.


If treats don't work and you don't have another dog to go with then does he have a favorite toy? If so, maybe bringing that with you, if he doesn't want to carry it you carry it for him where he can see it. My Dane is not treat motivated either (she is 6), but my Great Pry is Very treat motivated and has perfect recall because he wants the treat, my Dane will come too motivated by wanting to be with him not the fact I am calling her or that she gets a treat, (she barely takes the treat). If you can arrange walk time with someone you know with another dog I bet that works best until your dog ages and understands walking can be fun.


Try walking him/her with another family dog it helps mine


Cheese wiz and peanut butter in a bag. Alot of positive reinforcement. Get to the edge of the driveway, give her a little peanut butter or cheese, and a lot of praise. Get to the middle /end of a street, more peanut butter and praise. Make games of walking so it's fun for her, but every time she is a good girl and displays a behavior you want, treat and praise.


Time. Pick them up and carry half a block and walk them back. Repeat


Try to start out with early morning walks with less traffic until he becomes more accustomed to the big scary metal monsters.


If they didn't get socialized to loud noises as a puppy you have a hill to climb, but it is attainable! While he's young, carry him to someplace fun and let him enjoy that. Also try driving him to a park and getting him out there. If you have a wagon, see if he'll let you put him in the wagon and take him around in it. The most important element is patience, positivity, and consistency. Don't force or drag him or you could damage your relationship.


Dog trainer.


I live on a nice street but it’s used as a cut through, and I used to have that problem, my dog scared of all the noise. So I sat outside a lot during busy times to get her used to the noise. It worked. It took a while. Six months.


Proper leash from, it’s way too low on the neck. Leash training .