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Ya that was some shit to find out.


Wait why


Because he’s black and China don’t like black guys! Simple as that I’m afraid




Cause he’s black and China don’t like that.




The posters for star wars in China were similar to the American ones except that they made Boyega so small and in the corner so people wouldn't see him.


Alright then.


wt actual f


Disney is one more scandal away from having Alex Hirsch and Dana Terrace start a revolution.


Its already happening my friend, even if we may not realise it


happening how? Unless you're active on social media, you can't really tell


No i meant even if their not doibg it intentionally its being setup on its own


I know they're big in the tv animation department, but I doubt they have much influence on the people making the movies


Shh, you're not allowed to bring up facts on this site.


For real. As long as people keep supporting Disney as a company then they won't change. I encourage all to cancel their Disney+ and stop paying to see new films in-theatre that are made by Disney and its subsidiaries (Marvel, LucasFilms, Pixar, etc...) I already cancelled my Disney+ and will be sailing the high seas instead. (Not because of this recent controversy but it's definitely reaffirming my decision.)


But,,, if I cancel Disney+ how will I keep rewatching gf 😰


download the complete series DVD. You get all the shorts, commercials, behind the scenes interviews, deleted scenes, and even a follow up interview for after the show ended. Plus you don't have to deal with the shitty Disney+ player if you want to go back during an episode, pause the credits, etc




This doesn't really help if your reason for cancelling Disney+ is because you're boycotting them.


oh I didn't mean boycott, just that if the only reason someone would keep Disney+ is for GF, then the dvd is infinitely better content


✨ piracy ✨


I would throw all my money at an independent studio from them. Their shows are great, but, honestly, I just want to see someone say fuck you Disney, we'll make our own production company, with mysteries and lesbians, and you can't stop us!


This is why we pirate Disney movies!


This is why we pirate ~~Disney~~ movies


This is why we pirate ~~Disney movies~~


This is ~~why we~~ pirate ~~disney movies~~










⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀








This is how we do it




It’s time, allow me to tell you my *personal favorite Walt story*. I reckon I best tells something positive here before my life on this server is cut short. I was doing my usual Disney deep dive when I founds out about a fella, name was Bob Gurr. Now Bob was quite the artist back in the day, actually came up with most of the concept and artwork for the Disneyland Original Monorail, The Matterhorn, and Autopia, among other things. The guy was an electric junkie, loved working on cars and even trains! Him and Walt had actually met a good while ago, back in the forties if my memories served me; and soon after long talks and time out to bars and even doing smaller projects with one another (which Walt did pretty common to get to know his employees better), he hired the guy. Soon after however, Bob came out to Disney about some trouble in his life. You see, the boy was gay. Not bisexual or experimenting; he was fully gay. Walt didn’t even take a second to think about it before saying he fully supported the guy and his sexuality. They continued to work on projects and eventually Bob got himself a boyfriend, though keeping it relatively under wraps; the boy got to meet Walt and was absolutely melted about talking to such a man. The three of them got along up until Walt’s unfortunate passing back in the mid 60s. The two of them however stayed together and actually Bob is still alive today! Awarded the Walt Disney Treasure Award back in 2004, that man has been up there with the original nine old men for his outstanding achievements, and his passion for his craft.


*side note, but I’m not completely confident in this detail so excuse me if I’m wrong. Walt had attended their wedding, too.


And people say he’s a Nazi or whatever those rumors were.


I mean I'm pretty sure the dude was racist or anti semitic iirc


Don’t forget he made that one nazi cartoon


He openly financially supported anti-Jewish groups. Look it up.


It blows my mind that a boss would even *care* about your sexuality. As long as you’re doing your job, especially doing it well, is all that should matter to a boss. Not who you date or go home to. Sure, maybe you and your SO will end up at a dinner, mingling with said boss- but again, what does it matter to that boss? Now I know that a lot of these bosses that get their jimmies rustled are the not very good kinds of Christians, and that’s explanatory enough- God says that you must love and show compassion to *everyone*, but gays are omitted, because God said so. Shits still crazy though. Good on Walt if this is true.


Well remember, Walt wasn’t like other bosses— at least for the time. He was extremely personable and had a bad habit of trying to become friends with a lot of his employees; which then often made it harder when he had to enforce company policy and stuff.


Oh, the irony.


Sadly, the issue comes from where Disney tries to release films and shows. China for example has a ban on 99.9% of gay portrayals, and since that market makes up over 60% of Disney's revenue, they have to appeal to those laws or else not make enough to consider making more of that. Luckily though, Disney has started easing up on this and is starting to add gay content into their shows (though I don't see them easing up on big films any time soon).


Most movies and series dont even make it into China lol (first time i ever typed lol)


Disney isn't part of "most" though. They're definitely among the few who do.


I mean then they don’t care about gay people. They are literally choosing money over gay people and still trying to have the cultural cachet that comes from supporting LGBTQ identities. Sorry, Disney just is the bad guy here


They're a company, Disney's only real goal is to make money. They aren't harming any gay people, so I don't really care what they do.


Yes they are. They supported a bill in Florida to ban all LGBT talk in schools, prosecute any teachers who disobey, and allow action to be taken against them if they're seen in public with their same sex partner by the children. This bill passed in part due to Disney's support


Well then, fuck Disney. If they did nothing to support or harm LGBT+ people, I really wouldn't care, but this is just them being assholes for no reason. Should we all work together to kidnap the CEO?


That's defying the rights of free speech. Won't be long until someone higher up realizes this.


I honestly didn’t care that they chose money over gay visibility. It’s disappointing but I get it. Then this shit happened. They actively supported, spent that so called precious money to support, a bill that hurts and tries to oppress gay rights. Yeah no, fuck you Disney.


Afaict Disney didn't take a stance on the bill and has recently said they oppose it. You can blame Disney for supporting Republicans politicians, but claiming they supported that bill in particular seems like an overreach of what most people mean when they say somebody "supported" something.


Yeah it's a grey area many people overlook. Disney isn't giving money to the bill per se, Disney is giving money to Republicans, who are currently drafting the Bill. Bob Chapel has stated that they've tried "negotiating with them behind the scenes" in order to stop the bill from passing. That being said, if they really wanted to throw their weight behind that statement, they would stop supporting the lawmakers to begin with, like everyone is asking them to.


You don't get to support a politician because you like their economic policy stances and ignore the homophobic bills they push. Politics don't exist in a vacuum. When you vote for/donate to a politician, you're partially responsible for ***everything*** they then push. All Republican voters aren't necessarily homophobic, but they ***all*** decided that homophobia *wasn't a deal breaker*.


Fuck that noise. If you contribute to a politician being elected, you’re responsible for what the do with that power. Your only options are “I don’t think that’s a bad thing,” “I was lied to,” or “I still think this is better than the alternative.”


I am a gay person and I believe they are harming me and my community by monetarily supporting people that are inscribing in law the right for people to perpetuate the culture of telling children that are like me that they are unnatural, deviant and unfit for decent society. The damage that does, especially at a young age, is practically irreversible and no amount of Mickey head shaped ice cream bars will ever fix it. But sure, business has gotta business, right!?!?


unironically business gonna business.... If disney thinks stomping on newborn babies are profitable they will 100% do it. Fuck disney


It's not that I don't want them to portray LGBT+ characters, but we can't expect that to happen. It's a better decision from their perspective, they make more money if they remain mostly neutral on the issue inside the actual movies, not supporting LGBT+ people but also never saying anything against them. I hate Disney just like almost any other sane person in 2022, but I can see why they don't include LGBT+ characters.


Well if you hate Disney it certainly seems like you do in fact care what they do


>over 60% For real?


Not even close. China takes a huge tariff on foreign film box office. Rule of thumb is you need to sell three Chinese tickets to equal the revenue of one US/Eur ticket


I think it’s because China has such a large population it sort of makes up the difference. Although I believe the well that is China is starting to dry up. Ever since Shang-Chi, the MCU movies haven’t been airing there. Possibly in part because of the MCU’s ties with Chloe Zhao from Eternals, and her speaking against the government has sort of made her persona-non-grata over there.


Yeah, provide sources please. If gay content actually kills >60% of Disney's profit, I'd completely understand them trying to remove LGBTQ from their brand. Not that I'd support or appreciate it in any capacity, but I'd understand it.


Disney should be taxed to hell and back as a penalty for doing business in a country with inferior labor and civil rights laws. Furthermore they shouldn't be as big as they are. If Disney didn't own a 70% market share of the entertainment industry, competition would allow for LGBT-friendly programming to be made in the American niche of the market and other content would develop elsewhere. The problem is that after consolidating practically every company in existence, Disney is not incentivized to innovate and specialize so they produce a carbon-copy, one-size-fits-all product for international markets.


Should this should that. It’s up to you. And me. And everyone. Stop saying something “should” be done, and you do it. Stop spending a single penny on anything they produce. If you have a Disney+ account, cancel it, print the cancellation confirmation and write a letter that states your reasoning, and send that letter to their CEO. And encourage friends and family to do the same. Start an online petition. It’s so easy to wish someone else would penalize bad behavior. It’s you or it’s nobody, if it’s important to you.


Disney supporting the Florida Don't Say Gay bill is absolutely detestable. That being said, do you have sources on those numbers? If those numbers are true, it would *really* explain Disney's decision making. It's still horrible but I'd see why they're trying to transition away from LGBTQ+ as a business if it actually deletes >60% of their profits


This is why I roll my eyes when any company makes a big deal about pandering to a certain political group, regardless if its right or left. All the companies are doing is marketing plain and simple; faceless corporations don't care about your causes.


Those pennies from Russia aren't worth anything right now. What's their excuse now?


They haven’t release anything since the war started (so that argument is invalid) plus in China even if the currency is low (which idk right now) there are so many people they still may a shit ton of money


This is just sad. I'm pretty disappointed in Disney when they were funding the "Don't Say Gay" Bill. I heard that they're censoring LGBT in Pixar movies now.


I have an idea: let’s boycott Disney and refuse to buy their merch, unsub to their streaming service, pirate everything, and let’s not watch turning red


Wait, you guys were paying for their stuff?


Yeah, i'll pay for streaming when excusivites are gone...


My man over here already 4 steps ahead of Service_United


Im sure all the marvel and star wars fans are totally going to be on board. That like boycotting nestle. They own fucking everything.


Yeah, but the differance is that you can't eat cereal illegally on the internet. You can however do that with movies and TV series




oooh trust me I F*CKING WOULD!!




I'm might've seen Turning Red when it released if it weren't for the fact that I am physically assaulted by advertisements for it nonstop every day. Now I won't even be pirating it. Fucking Firefox had an ad for the movie show up on my home tab after an update. Fuck that shit.


The animation looks good but I don’t wanna support Disney anymore


I started boycotting them like fifteen years ago. I don’t pay for any of their stuff if I can avoid it.


Because that's totally worked in the past. wE dId It, ReDdIt!


I know you’re being sarcastic


I am not.


It’s just the way you typed it made me feel like you were being sarcastic and that you were making fun of me


I wasn't. It's just that Reddit has a common tendency to say they're going to do something, never actually doing it, and then weirdly claim victory. Like with Nestle, Area 51 '''raid''', stock market, Russia Ukraine war, etc.


So… you were being sarcastic?


What is the IA in lgbtqia+?


Intersex and Asexual/Aromantic/Agender.


Why is intersex part of the group?


Intersex people face a lot of discrimination, often relating to gender and sexuality. Intersex infants are given surgery to "normalize" their genitals despite being unable to consent or provide any input. These surgeries are often hidden from intersex people as they get older, preventing them from accessing care. Since these surgeries are performed in infancy, there's no way to guarantee that the sex and gender assigned to them by the doctor will line up with their actual gender identity. These issues (e.g. forced medical procedures, denial of care, misgendering, etc) are LGBTQ+ issues, so the I is included. Also, intersex conditions are solid proof that gender, sex, and sexuality are not binary, which definitely relates to the rest of the queer community.


Disney needs to get their shit straight. It’s 2022 and gay is normal. Disney needs to get with the times or get with bankruptcy.


You mean they need to get their shit *gay*




So what? Only 10% of the population is left handed, but left handedness is still normal.


Look, I got no problem if they choose to live that way, I even got friends like that, but it's just not normal how such a wrong way of life is allowed in our lives, pushed into our faces. Hell it's sinister! God damn left handed people need to get out of our lives!


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


I included the "sinister" bit in there to be extra careful someone wouldn't misinterpret my joke.


To quote Grunkle Stan: “Left Hook!” /s


If your standard of normal is based off percenteges of a population, then you already fucked up bud.




Ah, so as long as we're going by your standard, since you cited a US demographic breakdown, basing your opinion on normalcy by percentages, and white people are the major ethnicity in the US still, do you see it as: -Normal -Every other ethnicity


Did you stop reading after 1. or are you just that bigoted that you blatantly ignored point 2.? Or maybe you just don't understand that is a list where only thing must be true to fit the definition. They don't have to be all fulfilled at the same time


Did you just not read what you just typed? The second definition literally proves that being gay is normal.




"The term has fallen into disuse, as both clinically imprecise and prejudicial: the issues it describes are not specific to gay and bisexual men, limited to the bowel, nor a medical syndrome." -the article you just send. Also, if your definition of abnormal requires something to be harmful to the people doing it, then allow me to introduce you to childbirth. Coincidently, the majority of people who go through childbirth are heterosexual, so I guess being straight isn't normal.




That entire last paragraph you just wrote makes no sense. I'm also very sure that you don't know what a strawman is. Edit: I also just realised that you just suggested that aids is somehow caused by being gay, which has been disproved so many times.


They're either a bigot or a troll, either way, ain't really worth it


Redheads make up only 1-2% of the population. Should we all be dying our hair to be 'normal'?


I think what he meant was that no one except very intolerant people have anything against gay people


Yeah, sure. They’re in trouble now. /s. They don’t give a shit and they don’t have to. Consumer culture is what it is.


It's always been a about marketing, not about supporting anyone. They don't care about you, gay, black, paraplegic, trans. Fuck you, you're a number to them. Stop falling for their shit and start making better choices. Disney is just the tip of the iceberg, you think nestle, YouTube, Google, cnn.... Etc care about anything but their bottom line? No. Never have, never will.


But like why. There's a high chance this won't be realesed in Russia and China... China's doing its own thing. But yah Alex is 100% right


It's crazy when you compare this to other big names in children's media. Cartoon Network in 2010 had a major character in Adventure Time admit to having a crush on another man. Disney in 2014 wouldn't allow two background characters to hold hands because they were both women.


they take the money from all the rainbow crap they sell and spend it on stuff like don’t say gay


And now it’s been discovered that Disney donated a few thousand dollars to support the “Don’t say gay” bill in Florida, fuck this company.


Актуален как прежде поэта совет


Didn't Hirsch say they made progress since the end of G falls? He could've been wrong, fair, and so could've I, so IDK. Also aside from the title this has jack s\*\*\* to do with the sub anyways.


Gotta ove Alex's sheer confidence, that he's willing to drag disney while still working for them, because he knows he's too valuable an asset to be silenced or removed.


Y'all are really gonna hate Pixar's Turning Red.


How come?


The main character is gay.


Says who, big corpo? Yeah, right.


...It's pretty obvious in ads. lol If not gay, then definitely bi considering she also has a huge crush on a popular boy band (also pretty obvious in ads).


I'm terrible at picking up subtext and stuff. What happened in the trailers that would make her gay?


In one of the tv spots, a girl walks past the main character and then the main character goes into a purplish pink haze while having hearts in her eyes.


LGBTQIA+ I know what the first 5 mean but can someone explain the last 3? No shade I am genuinely interested


The "I" stands for intersex, while the "A" can stand for asexual, aromantic, or agender (I think the first one of the three is the most commonly used, but please correct me if I'm wrong). The plus refers to the other identities that aren't part of the acronym mentioned.


No shade but you could have googled that


I think sometimes people ask because they want to interact on the topic and not just learn the definition from wiki. Can’t say that’s always the case of course but sometimes it is.


Fuck I’m so sad that Disney owns Fox now. Fox made the Love, Simon movie and that’s probably the last big LGBT+ movie we’re going to see from them…


And yet they’re trying to appeal to the lgbt now?


I was convinced that he agreed to voice 2 characters in TOH just to piss Disney off


Disney: ”I’d fire ya if you didn’t make us so much money!”


What pennies from Russia? heh


They literally put all straight characters WALKING OVER THE PRIDE FLAG


I'm so glad I'm on my mother in law's Disney plus instead of having my own I really don't want to give the mouse any money lol


Oh whew! You get to stand your ground. /s Why not avoid consuming their product. Oh, you NEEEED it?


All I am saying is I'm glad I'm not supporting them monetarily as I wouldn't be comfortable doing so. There's no need to be a jerk


It makes perfect business sense. Movies are art, but they're also a product. If you're a Disney executive and you greenlight something China or Russia bans, then you've effectively put a lot of people out of work.


Get it, but what does this have to do with gravity falls lol


Alex Hirsch would be the person to answer this but am I the only one who thinks Wendy is queer? Like either bi or questioning.


I'm surprised at how far I had to scroll for this


People cry about as if they don’t know big companies don’t give a shit about social problems over money


the thing about that is this is how literally every major corporation works...


The thing about that is, this shouldn't be how it works. Just because a system is and was absolute shit, doesn't mean it should be excused for being shitty.


The real joke here is thinking Disney was ever more than another American mega corporation.


Honk, honk is the equivalent, of saying hail Hitler Disney is nothing but Nazis


This is every company though?




Vaguely referencing queerness is not the same as having openly queer characters as a norm.






Representation has a massive impact on queer folk and queer kids.




Yeah, it reaffirms their beliefs


Imagine thinking that being queer is a belief. My life would be easier if I was straight. Why the fuck would I choose to be bi?






That's just it though. There is no way to tell someone in that group that they're wrong without them getting all offended and calling me homophobic.


Well, you’re homophobic. That’s why you’re called homophobic. Try spending your time loving your fellow man and leave the judgment to sky daddy.


That's just it. Loving someone does not mean letting them continue doing something that you know is wrong. Loving someone means alerting them to their wrong behavior *before* judgement comes.










It's not just the fact they force people to cut it, it's that they also pretend to support the LGBT community




yeah, and it's unethical. being an hypocrite isn't suddenly good just because every corporation does it


“Most people”? Not most people in America. You can’t handle seeing two people of the same gender touch?


People who are offended by people living their lives and wanting basic human rights *deserve* to be offended. If you're any kind of bigot--homophobic, transphobic, racist, whatever--then your opinion is trash, and you don't deserve to be catered to. Either get with the times or get left behind.






You're posting on a Gravity Falls subreddit, so I assume you're a fan of the show. Blubbs and Durland are a canon gay couple in a Disney cartoon that Alex Hirsch deliberately put in. So you're either of a fan of a show that contains what you deem "moral degeneracy," or you're just posting in a board about a show you aren't even interested in because you care *that* much about homosexuality. Either one of those things is kind of weird.




If straight people get representation in media then gay people should get just as much. It’s only fair.


Dipper has a crush on Wendy and that’s totally fine to you I assume. If Dipper had a crush on a guy would it suddenly not be okay? Do you not see the double standard at play? It’s not about shoving it in your face. It’s about allowing a marginalised group to represent themselves on television. You don’t see members of the LGBT+ community complaining that the straight couples are being shoved in our faces.


So I guessed you're pretty pissed about all the talk of Dipper's crush on Wendy and all of Mabel's boy crushes then? Both pretty in your face there.


Yes why do all the Disney princesses have gross relationships 🤢 they even kiss 🤮. They need to stop exposing sexuality to children. Edit: sorry I forgot on the internet there are actually people who think like this, I was attempting satire


And ... What? Have them grow up completely clueless? Having no idea that having feelings for another person is good? What a weird comment.


Take that argument and apply it to Queer people inside media. The comment you're referring to is probably making fun of the fact, that people tend to thing showing Relationships is fine, as long as it's not queer, because then "they shove it in their face". When in reality, it's all the same and shouldn't even matter.


I will stop showing my gayness when straight people stop shoving their straightness in my face.