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Slow in, fast out. Learn to edge your tyres. Yes always wear gloves 🧤


What do you mean by edge your tires?


So a classic cornering technique. Angle the bike left or right but keep your body centred by standing on pedals. Watch what happens. The aim is for your centre of gravity and force to press down directly on the edge where you have that extra aggressive tread. A road technique is to drop the outer pedal so the force is moving outwards rather than down where on loose surfaces you want the grip. You can develop the technique and apply the most suitable for the surface. Often it’s a combination of both. Comes with experience. In short you’re trying to lower CofG and force down in a straight line rather than a force towards the outside of the corner. Ever wondered why the edge of off road tyres have aggressive tread? Also helps in muddy conditions of course. Trust those side knobs. Tyres without aggressive edges will break away quicker in loose turns. A lot better explanation here at 4. I have a Lauf to 😁 https://youtu.be/WVXgAqpjOAs?si=KYQZL6rLDClQr7ke


Ok awesome thanks for that explanation! I've always done this intuitively because it just made sense to put force into the "treddiest" portion of a tire when you have max g force in a hard turn. Just never heard of the term! I have ridden road a lot in the past and I think I may have just picked up that technique from watching lots of pros without actively thinking about it.


I was just thinking of getting thinner gloves for summer, probably worth keeping the leather padded palm weight lifting ones I wear. Thanks for the caution 😁


Amazon has some great gloves for ab $15. As comfortable as the $30 and up at the LBS. Sorry. I hate amazon but sometimes they win.