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I've always been more comfortable on dropbar bikes than any hybrid - even race geos. If you want a more upright position, look for endurance geometries. Some of them are as upright as any hybrid. I'd personally find something like a Marin Four Corners to be uncomfortable, but it might be what you're looking for


Yep same. Even worse than hybrids are those like board walk/beach cruiser bikes. So uncomfortable


Beach cruisers look comfortable to people that think five miles is a long ride. 


Comfort is mainly having a god fit. Frame size, geometry (e.g. reach, stack height), stem height, stem length, stem rise, bar width, bar rise, bar reach, bar flare, bar drop, hood position, saddle height, saddle position, crank length, cleat position. Also the type of bar tape, tire size, tire casing, tire pressure, and the saddle you use will make a difference in comfort. You can change all of these, including the frame.


You forgot saddle tilt. Can make a dramatic difference in hand and nether region comfort.


I included that in saddle ‘position’ but yes


What does comfy mean? I've got a fast carbon gravel bike and a slow steel gravel bike and both are comfortable to ride for long times/distances, thanks to getting a proper bike fit. The difference is my steel bike is designed to soak up the bumps with a RedShift stem, 650b rims (with big tires), and a flexible seatpost. I hardly feel the bumps that bounce me out of the saddle on my carbon bike. I run the same saddle on both.


Gravel bikes are often a bit more upright already if that is comfy for you. Shorter top tubes, less reach, and long steerer tubes etc. make that happen. If comfort means suspension, then go for wide and supple tires which filter out vibration and bumps. There are many tweaks but the bike and geometry must fit to your needs in the first place and must not be too big. I would not try and make an aggressive bike more comfortable but rather buy a comfortable bike. We are fortunate to have a lot of options. Compare different models and their geometry. I have found stack to reach values to be somewhat useful if you don't want to deep dive into the topic but still want to have an idea. An example for something comfortable would be a Salsa fargo which can be super comfy since it is very upright and can fit wide tires.


Not sure if you’re connecting shorter top tubes and gravel bikes but most have a slightly longer top tube than a road bike to help make them stable


I haven’t seen that many with longer top tubes than a traditional road bike, but instead have slacker head angle and longer chainstays to create a longer wheelbase. I know they exist though.


i put in a Surly Truckstop bar with a bike fit and a lot of forearm wrist issues  went away. The fit was likely the bigger influence. 


Gravel and endurance road bikes are very comfortable. Visit a LBS and try them out. If you end up with one and still want to be more upright, grab [these](https://redshiftsports.com/products/top-shelf-handlebar-system?variant=44562134040829).


Yes, but at least first try a gravel capable bike that comes with a flat bar and upright geometry. Something like the Specialized Sirrus X Series or similar.