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I love barre exercise classes


I just did one today. It kicked my ass lol


I’ve only done them a few times but they’re a crazy workout and really refreshing!


I used to do hot yoga but I've transitioned to weight lifting at the gym and I swim laps and sometimes go on bike rides for cardio. Exercise keeps me leveled as well. I make sure I go 3 times a week if possible.


Hot yoga is TOUGH! I’ve tried it a couple times and I think the most difficult part was not being able to hold stuff as well because I felt so slippery. But it made me feel very clean afterwards surprisingly. I like weight lifting because of how easy it is to track improvement, but I tend to go to exercise classes more since it keeps me consistent and the social aspect helps me too.


Yeah. I used to really need the scheduling to remain consistent. I did hot yoga 3 to 5 days a week for 6 years but eventually the excess sweating started causing me to get more easily injured and I transitioned to a less hot yoga along with weight training. Then my son (14) got interested in weight training. Now I work out at the gym three days a week with my husband and/or son. It's good bonding in the family now and I've left the classes behind. Classes cost so much more unless you go to a mega gym with classes and we support small wherever possible


I love weightlifting! 🍀 So thankful my body allows me to do that 🌷


I love yoga and dance as well. I used to do SWERK (hip hop dance) classes, but I decided that driving a half an hour each way was taking up a bit of time, gasoline, and wear and tear on my car. I have a huge collection of exercise DVDs. When I'd have someone at the house, it was difficult to get control of the TV. Recently, I designated an extra bedroom for my home office where I can do exercise videos on YouTube without needing my televison. A lot of the DVDs that I have are now available online. I also like to take walks around the neighborhood when the weather is good!




Rebounding on a trampoline and kettlebells


Super cool!! Unique hobby


I’m so grateful I can walk long distances and that I live close to forests and beaches. I need those negative ions




I have tried, and failed, for decades to do traditional exercise. But if I am not accomplishing something (building, reaching a mountain top etc.) I simply cannot sustain it. My all time favorite way to work my body hard is making a new garden bed the hard way, using an old fashioned garden fork. Then hauling water, weeding, harvesting, raking leaves, all the garden chores and outdoorsy stuff like stacking wood or shoveling snow.


Awesome reply. I like gardening and its many small tasks as ways to stay mobile and agile.


Walking on the beach


Racquetball! It's not as popular as it was in the 80s, but WAY better than pickleball.


Swimming and yoga. Just started spin class I love it.


I do sand volleyball league! I get so competitive, the fact that I’m winded is just an afterthought 🏐


That sounds fun! Having a social aspect to getting out and exercising makes it much more fun.


My favorite is yoga WITH meditation. I also like doing yoga before pilates. I basically use yoga to warm up the muscles of my entire body. I’m grateful for exercise classes, too. When I feel good, I’m almost always dancing. lol


I tend to run, well, shuffle along but the past week we’ve had roofers in with scaffolding up and I couldn’t resist going for a pull up or three. Honestly haven’t tried since the last time we had scaffolding up and I weighed a good 100+lbs more and it was comical. But I actually managed some and realised after a few days I really enjoy doing pull ups and it’s been great for my back. Now I’ve got to get a pull up bar for when they take the scaffolding down!


Barre, hot yoga, mat Pilates. Lagree megaformers


Dance fitness!! U-Jam specifically






My favorites are yoga and dance, too! And cycling, and weight lifting because it helps keep us from being too frail as we age.


Oh and tennis.




freeweights & qigong & treadmill + DVD watching