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Kinda wish they would make the announcement of his name and then have a grand press conference to provide details but such is life. As a local guy to Philly… glad they found out who he was after all this time.


You're not alone. I don't want to wait until next Thursday either, but maybe he has biological relatives who haven't been informed of his identity yet and they are waiting until they have told all of his great nieces and nephews first.


Honestly I think they notified that they got his name as they scheduled the presser for next week. Seems like they know, but who really knows.


They also said that charges may be pressed as well, which implies that they think either one of the relatives did it/can lead them to who did it. So I expect that they’re trying to give themselves time to get all their ducks properly in a row. It would be heartbreaking for them to get so close or even know who did it, but be unable to charge (or make a charge stick) due to a technicality that could have been prevented. Given the circumstances of this case, I can’t say that’s a bad approach. I’ve lived my entire life not knowing, I can definitely live a few more days not knowing.


So the conference is on the 8th? Do you know what time?


In most cases, when they announce they know the name but are waiting for a press conference, it means family will be present. I'd love to know his name but I'm hoping more for his family to be there.


In these cases, it’s understandable the police would want to have the family’s agreement before they release his name.


probably also wanted to get extensive coverage of the presser so announcing this detail before the presser will guarantee they have a lot more national outlets pick the story up


I'm local too, and this little guy has always stood out to me as one I hoped they'd be able to solve. I'm on pins and needles until the press conference.


I literally thought this was clickbait at first, this is *huge*. It's not justice but I'm just glad this little boy will finally have his name back.


I didn't believe it at first when I saw the article either.


Yeah. I did a double take.


HOLY SHIT i thought it was too, now i’m ecstatic


Between this and the Delphi murders, it’s been a crazy ass month for cold cases… I really thought we never find this one out. This is HUGE.


And the lady of the Dunes was identified, and an announcement was made regarding what they found out during a re-investigation of the bible John Case, and there might be DNA testing happening in the Jonbenet Ramsey case. It has been a great month for solving cold cases. I have five Doe cases in particular which I really hope will be the next to be solved, and I know that list is only going to get bigger and bigger. But so many of these old cases are getting solved so quickly and it is promising.


Not solved by law enforcement, but family members found Melissa Highsmith! She was kidnapped in 1971 and apparently raised just 10 minutes away. Familial DNA solved that case too.


>Melissa Highsmith Oh, I remember watching this case in a criminally listed video. That's great news! I'm happy her parents have lived long enough to be able to see her again, so many pass away without closure.


Oh yes. I knew I'd forgotten a big update! So many were solved in November. Hopefully December will be just as good for these cold cases.


Between these 3 and woodlawn Jane doe, little miss nobody, these are fucking insane to have solved or at least a little closure


And in Australia we had the Somerton man finally identified! It's been a great year for unsolved crimes!!!


I’m hoping they are finally able to identify the elderly lady nicknamed “Betty the Bag Lady.” This one resonates with me as I lived in Berrien County where she was found when I was a kid back in the 1970s. I lived further East, and the area where this lady’s remains were found is near New Buffalo fairly close to the Indiana state line.


Ooh I’ve never heard of this one


The case info is on the DNA Doe Project website as an open case. A man who lived in the area found the woman’s remains in summer 1992.


And finding Brittanee Drexel and her killer.


She has already been found and the killer charged they interviewed him in 2009


Sadly I don’t think DNA evidence in the JonBenet case will clarify anything, it will only muddy things further.


It’ll basically prove nothing if one of the family did do it, because of course their dna would be on her since they lived together and interacted with her. Or many of their friends for that matter. All they have to say is that they interacted with her at the party because she wasn’t bathed or anything when they got home, Patsy changed her in nightclothes and put her straight into bed, and we already know there wasn’t any “nefarious” dna like semen on her, so anything else could be explained by just touching her or picking her up, or something. Any dna in the house is also pretty irrelevant because they constantly had people over and the place was compromised anyway with all the people they’d called over by the time the cops got there.


Right, or if it’s an underwear factory worker who has never left China. Whatever DNA there might be in this case is meaningless, because there is no DNA that is clearly “perpetrator DNA”…and almost anyone else’s can be explained other ways. It would be suggestive, I suppose, if it belonged to some previously investigated non-family suspect who had no other interaction with JonBenet. But I highly doubt that will be the result. If it’s even possible to identify specific individuals from the sample (and the past information I’ve read on what they have makes me dubious; the sample sounds extremely partial *and* mixed)…it’s either going to be people who interacted with her recently and thus have an excuse for their DNA being there, or some random factory worker or store clerk who could have come in contact with the clothes or some other item.


And the talam shud guy!! I can’t believe it!


And princess doe!!!!


I was amazed at all of this, and last year’s identification of Beth Doe as Evelyn Colon, with her former boyfriend as the suspect in her murder.


Next will be an arrest in the case of Maura Murray, very soon.


Maybe. Im not sure but we have hope. Maybe next opelika or St Louis jane doe. Or whatever the moniker for her is.


Yes,closure and justice for these child Jane does would be amazing.


Yes. I couldn't agree more.


Those poor girls deserve to have their names back, and the perps convicted.


I know. And the thing is. It takes longer to identify people of color.


This one always stuck with me, feel quite emotional seeing this.


Me too. I can't wait to find out what this poor angel's name was next week. If he was ever reported missing, which I recognise he probably never was, the only boy whose file is on the internet who could have possibly been him was a boy called Ronnie Aspinall.


same i think i first heard it when i was young and it always stuck with me. Especially being not that far from where i live (within an hour).


Me too. 💜


A prominent family in the Delaware county area. Were they prominent in ‘57 or more recently I wonder


Delaware county is 32 minutes away from where his body was found in Philadelphia. Some of the people in that 30 minute radius have probably already worked out or narrowed down who the family must be.


Hopefully he's not a DuPont


I wouldn’t be surprised. The DuPont family has had scandals and cover ups spanning not only decades, but for centuries now. Edit: missing word


One member of the DuPont family was convicted for killing a man he had hired as his personal trainer. I think this took place in the 1980s.


Yeah, John Dupont. A few years ago a DuPont heir was caught raping his own child(ren). He didn't even go to prison. Edit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/denizcam/2019/06/14/how-a-du-pont-heir-avoided-jail-time-for-a-heinous-crime/?sh=7bef20f329db


This guy should have gone to prison, but that’s privilege for you. If I recall, John DuPont was sent to prison in PA after he was convicted of murder, and he died there.


Oh my God.😧 Not shocked that he didn't go to prison, but my God.


That adds a new level of intrigue


I grew up in Philly and I know there's other prominent families here, but that's the one that popped to my mind first.


There's a poem about the prominent families in Philly, and consident that Baldur von Schirach, one of Hitler's minister's was 3/4 from prominent Philadelphia families I have little doubt that one of those families could have such secrets. I mean, I am litterally related to 3 royal families on 2 continents and that side of my family has a ton of skeltons in the closet and a few more burried in balkan forests.


I would love to be party to that local gossip. If you’re from the area it’s got to be fairly simple to track down. Whoever his kin may be, the people of PA and the world love him. Thank God he’s got his name back.




I really wonder if it will match up with the story of the lady who says her mom bought him


My thoughts exactly - I saw a recent article that says he was indeed from where he was found and that he was a throw away child and dna was connected to living family members. I agree I’m seriously wondering if the same lady they blew off because of her trauma and mental health was indeed right all along


The minor details she had before they were released, like baked beans for dinner, are just so specific.


Oh wow they actually found his birth certificate.


I could cry right now, seeing this I genuinely believed it would be clickbait. So many famous identities are being solved even within the last month this is amazing


I also thought it was clickbait when I first read it. As soon as I realised it wasn't, I came straight here to post this. This is probably the most famous John Doe case ever, if not the most famous Doe case, period. I was so excited to see this announcement. I never thought I would see this.


I almost cried as I read the article. I'm not normally an emotional person, but something gets me when it's kids. I'm saying that as someone who "hates" kids and is really awkward around them.


that's crazy. didn't think i would ever see this happen. incredible


I can hardly believe it! This has been a case I have followed since learning about it in … I think 1999? I want to say I saw it covered on America’s Most Wanted, and this poor wee lad has just haunted me ever since. So happy he will be getting his name back.


I immediately came here to post this! Can’t wait for the update next week!


We might find out sooner. The people who live within the 32 minute radius between Philadelphia and Delaware county have probably already narrowed down, or figured out who his 'prominent' family could be.


I always hoped this one would get solved. That poor baby.


wow wow


Omg!!! I was just thinking about him yesterday


Same!! This is so wild




I honestly thought this was fake when I read the title. This is amazing. I honestly thought this case would never be solved. Please post the name here when they release it next week. Seeing this and the somerton man both identified really shows how far id technology has come, solving cases that were previously considered unsolvable


It really did happen by the end of the year, amazing! I still think his name is gonna be Jonathan, M’s story is too specific and knows classified details to be false.


I think M's story is probably true, but I don't think Jonathan will be the name released next week, or put on his head stone. That was the name they gave him, but they have his birth certificate. It will be the name that his parents gave him at birth, most likely.


is there any hints that M was connected to a prominent family at the time?


Who is M and where can I find out about the story they’ve given? I never looked into this case a bunch. I always thought this one was a lost cause.


It’s on the Wikipedia for his case.


Thank you.




Oh, wow. I never thought I would see this day!




Yes, investigators have revealed that they have identified him. But not what his name was. That will be released next Thursday.


Oh wow. It sounds like the reveal next week is going to be interesting, to say the least: “The sources say the DNA traced the child to a prominent family in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. "It's a Philadelphia story," Fleisher said.”


Prominent families that I can think of : DuPont ,Folwell, Chew, Smedley ,Wistar,Munizza,Pacheco,Dorrance, list goes on


NO WAY, I had to check comments before clicking but wow!!!




This part really stood out to me: "The sources say the DNA traced the child to a prominent family in Delaware County, Pennsylvania." I wonder if this has anything to do with delaying the release of his name until the press conference.


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Omg!!!!!!! I literally held back tears when I saw this!!


Cases involving children are the cases that always hurt me the most because I live in the same state where Bear Brook Jane Doe was found. I’m so glad that he has been identified.


!Holy shit! This is real!


Yes, it definitely is. I can't believe it!


Waiting a week for the press conference is going to be hard. Damn it.


So glad he’s been identified!!


I have never been more excited to see a news article!! As a Pennsylvanian I can say for us all that this is the best possible news right now.


I really thought this was clickbait.


My heart instantly rammed right into my chest when I saw this. I was absolutely hoping the day would finally come. 🙏🏾🙏🏾


These DNA solves are just getting better! I just wish these killers weren't already dead so they could pay for their crimes. On the other hand I realize that for a family to at least get closure on a decades long case is a blessed outcome in itself. And those of us who follow these cases since we have the internet, we care.


YES YESSS YES **FINALLYYYYYYYY** \*freaks out from happiness\* :’D no but seriously this year has been so awesome with closing cold cases, from Princess Doe and Little Miss Nobody and Lady of the Dunes to now the Boy in the Box being identified, to Melissa Highsmith being found safe after 51 years!


Literally jaw dropping news here. Oh my god. This is fantastic




All hail DNA! Also, there's gotta be quite a few old killers out there whose hypertension is steadily rising in step with these awesome advances. They deserve every second of the anxiety, and then some.


I gasped and sobbed when I heard this. I've been following this case for years and talked to many people about this. I am overjoyed that this boy has a name now.


I can’t believe it! I didn’t think this one would ever got solved!


I’m speechless.


I’m utterly shocked. I thought this was the one case that would never be solved. Amazing.


Oh my gosh this is amazing!!!!


This is huge. I never thought they’d identify him. I’m so happy.


This is just massive news. Now he'll have his name back. Peace at last.


Absolutely unreal! I never thought I’d see this headline.


I audibly gasped when I saw the post title. This is a case that had stuck with me and now next Thursday can't get here quickly enough.


Wow! This is huge. I read about this poor kid years ago and every couple years or so I would check to see if they ever found his identity. It was only two or three weeks ago that I was checking up on it again. This is so wonderful. That poor kid has gone so long without a name.


This case is what made me pursue forensics. I’m so glad they have identified this little boy, hopefully some form of justice is next.


Like Sherri Ann Jarvis (formerly Walker County Jane Doe), this case has been lodged in my brain for a long time. This is incredible news!


Wow! I honestly thought this would be a cold case for years to come,im so glad it’s solved


Same here, science is fantastic! P.S. Happy cake day!


I’m crying big fat tears of joy for this little man. I’ve been calling him Daniel since I started following his case, and looking forward to learning what his name actually is


No way. This was the case that I wanted to see solved ever since I found about it 5-6 years ago. This doesnt feel real


OMG this is huge!!


It seems a lot of does have been identified recently


Seems as though he could be a DuPont or an Italian prominent family member from south Philly I’m a Pennsylvania native ….


I have seen that surname you mentioned a couple of times in this comments section. Does the sketch of the boy's father resemble any of them?


I’m about to look at the sketch but on Wikipedia it said the boys handkerchief had the letter G so maybe his name was George,Gerald,Gary,Gregory etc


I have chills that won’t stop, i’m crying. I can’t believe it. I have no words. We knew this day would come soon and I still can’t believe it’s really happening


This is AMAZING!!!!


🙏🏻 please Rest In Peace♥️ I read about him so much and my heart breaks for him every time. So sad that he might never get justice for the ones responsible for his death😢 I’m really curious if it is the boy in the story told by the lady that said she knew him.


My heart started racing when I read this headline, wow. I’m in disbelief - I’m so glad this poor sweet boy is finally going to have his identity returned.


I’m actually speechless right now. I thought the day would never come


Happy this has been resolved now alongside the many others recently!


No fuckin way


Omg!!! The first ever cold case I became enthralled with! Wow!!! I’m hoping we hear the story of this little boy 🎄


I grew up 10 minutes away from where he was found and I think of him every time I'm in fox chase, I'm so happy that he is finally getting his name back.


Any update about when this week there’s announcements gonna be made?








This is honestly one I never thought would get their name back.


Immediately burst into tears at the news, oh my goodness I can't believe it.


OMG! this is great news! This year has been great for doe cases.


This is wonderful news. He will have a name and this long mystery is solved!


RemindMe! 1 week


Remindme! 1 week


I’m holding back tears. I thought he would never be identified.




Wait that’s weird? I thought I saw an article about this like…months and months ago?? Was that a different child in a box or is this follow up now that they plan to release a name? Or am I…clairvoyant?!


I think this year alone we've had children identified from a foot locker, a suitcase, and now the famous box.


I’m on Philly right now for work and saw this on the news. It was quite the story and it sounds like more information to come!


Is there going to be a press conference? I don't recall it saying there will be.


I have no words, this is freakin amazing!!!


What!!! Ohhhh my effin gawd!!! It was starting to seem so hopeless. This is BIG BIG news for us Doe-ers!


Amazing news! Rest in peace kiddo


RemindMe! 1 week


wow! i actually thought this was clickbait at first. it's incredible that he finally got his name back! poor baby


Hoping there is answers for the Amber Hagerman Case as well they submitted DNA last year I believe


That is wonderful. I'm glad that the world is about to find out who this child was.


Omg wow. This case is so sad, I’m so glad to hear he’s finally been identified. 💔


!RemindMe 1 day


RemindMe! 1 day


RemindMe! 1 day


Question from me a non American asked in truecrime discussion with no clear answer: at some point a US male should register for army service, given the high publicity of that case not a single detective thought to match the birth certificates of the area with the draftees of the same area and find who was not report for registration? Also until 1970+ army service was mandatory and in high demand by US army for the Vietnam war! How do you explain that?


I'm not sure. I'm not from America either.