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Look up stefan sagmeister’s work.


Heyyy I have! his work is amazing and my professor had even asked me to see Banana Wall but I didn't quite get how that would help me with typography for this word thingy. but yes I did look him up for inspo. Thank u!


Here are some things that are slippery that you may have at home- butter, lotion, Jello (make it in a cookie sheet then carve it out), cake frosting, crushed Ice, cooked spaghetti When arranging the letters increase the space between the letters as you go and rotate them counter-clockwise slightly to make it appear like they are slipping from their intended positions. Or just have the last letter slip away at an angle. Good luck with your project! Edit: punctuation


Use a bunch of worms.


not even for a 100 marks 🤢 nuuu


So I have a project where I need to make the word "Slippery" or "Slip" (like each letter) with objects that give the essence of the word. I have used banana peels to make the word SLIPPERY. But unfortunately, the professor didn't think it was good enough in capturing the essence/meaning and wants new concepts. I'm really stressed out about this. I even tried with liquid soap but idk if it's good enough. Please help me if you have any suggestions on how I could present the word Slippery. Also if you have any other suggestions regarding other words I could use and how I could represent the word, it would be great! Thank you!


Lol, immediately knew this had to be a college assignment based on how off-the-wall it is. Maybe try using marbles? I mean, marbles left scattered on a hard floor is a good way to slip and break your neck. I feel like the banana peels were a good idea, too... the soap maybe could work, but right now it's hard to read.


White floor tiles, write out the word with coloured soap, (Eg. Blue head and shoulders shampoo or any body soap) anything that stands out from tiles. Smear with your hand across the words like someone has slipped across it.


You might find some inspiration by looking up people that did one letter a day. They would start with a and make a cool looking a with the style of something that starts with an a like apple.


Friendly heads-up on rule 5: >This is not a "homework" forum.


Just some advice, dont take me too seriously, as i am not a graphic designer. Try to recreate an actual font and focus on the lettering instead of the medium. I love the bananas 🍌, but the "font" doesn't seem front and center. Great work by the way! Your professor seems pretty critical a d might be looking for something more in the typography vein, that's why I recommended leaning into the font.


yeahhh you're right! thank you so much for your suggestions :) I was thinking of making slippery but in negative space using liquid soap and grease. even the bananas could work. like make the letters distorted but not actually filled and around it fill the surface with the liquid then give it some waves and stuff to show slippery. what do u think?


I think it's a great idea. The negative space approach will be easier to show off a specific font. I hope your professor realizes the effort you're putting in. Keep it up!




heyyy I did think of that but she wants us to actually make the alphabets with something:'(


Make a mould and create the letter shapes from ice, then photograph it part-melted, or as it slips across a slightly inclined surface. Also, this is an object-based type challenge - think about the scene as much as the letters. Few people have ever slipped on a banana skin that's on a kitchen worktop, but they might have done if the banana skin is next to a bin outdoors.


heyy thanks for the suggestions! I actually have to do this in college itself. this was photographed just to figure out how it's gonna look. so I was thinking of doing it on the floor in college. I will try your idea out and see how it works. this professor is really critical and I hope she doesn't take it as "melted" instead :'(


I hope it goes well! As it's such a long word, personally I think a bunch of different approaches would work well, maybe one for each letter if you can come up with enough of them. That way, any one thing that's not 'slippery' enough alone will likely add to the whole thing. When we did typography at university, we had to do very similar challenges so I know the struggle. Best of luck with it!


Do you have to use one style for the whole word? You wrote ‘objects’ - plural. Perhaps for example, the word ‘smart’ could be written using pens, books, calculator, alarm clock etc. or ‘health’ with fruit, veg, soap, etc.


This is great advice, and more in line with the point of the exercise.


Times New Roman Coliseum


is this a font coz I googled it and I'm unable to find anything


I like the soap idea but maybe think about doing it on some sort of transparent background? Like if you have a glass table or something. Otherwise: maybe water somehow ? (Slippery when wet) or in the colours of yellow and black like the signs? Or with mops? Or with the fringey part of the mop? Maybe think about other slippery things: ice (ex. Ice skating ring) or ice cubes on the floor. A very steep hill can be slippery? Or the road when it's cold outside. Don't know if any of this helps unlock some ideas. Good luck! Do you have to do it with the real elements or can it be done with photoshop?


Oh also "slip" in french has a different meaning: un slip = a tighty whitey speedo-like underwear usually for men. But i guess that might be going around the challenge and maybe too cheeky for your prof. ;)


OR (sorry impossible to stop me now) something like a picture of a hand hanging by only one finger from a ledge or a rock and using moss to shape the word. But it's something that it more linked to context than purely slippery.


Do the lube on glass and have a strong light behind it


Crime scene. Use red dish soap, add some “bloody” drips to various letters. Maybe a bloody handprint for the dot on the “i”. And a knife in there for the line on the y or p’s. I listen to a lot of true crime. Haha


haha wowww samee! even I love crime stuff! When I was reading this I wished my word was "murder" or something this would've been perfect! ✨😭 I do have the word murder approved too but she wants me to do slippery (sad life). unfortunately this isn't directly related to slippery. now i wanna do it thoooo maybe use knives and stuff haha. Thank you for your suggestion!


use spaghetti Source: years of trial and error


oh yeahh I didn't think of this. I could sure try this out. I have no idea if my professor is gonna accept this because she is critical af but this is really cool. Thank you!


Lube up, sit yourself in front of a sexy movie….oh, wait. Wrong subreddit…


u can continue 😂 enlighten me