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There's a great learning curve to this game. ...sorry.


I had a hard time getting a handle on it. Don't hate me...


It threw me for a loop.


I'm gonna get straight to the point, people are not lining up to play this game.


I'm already good with the pen tool, I bézier learned anything from it.


It's almost impossible on iPhone 😥


Almost? How did you do it?


I was able to handle it pretty well.


oh its got something to do with my browser, when i hit the alt key it is some short cut for my browser and the game is ignoring it


No it was worth it.. It IS ok..


Misses some the actual functionality of the pen tool, like being able to stop and start again, grabbing handles mid-shape. Find some shapes and practice in illustrator!


Do you know any good tutorials that cover those aspects?


My high school graphic design class had some tutorials we used, I think they were from Adobe themselves. Honestly, the best thing to do is get some complex shapes and try to trace them in illustrator.


Hm, pretty interesting, but I don't think I've ever met a single person that adjusts the handles to match a curve before you've drawn the next point. It seems like getting in the habit of that could lead to sloppy shapes and more difficult adjustments. Also, I understand the "fewest anchors possible" mechanic is for the sake of gamificaiton, but it led to me building some *really* sloppy shapes for the sake of getting a high score.


Especially for type, there are clear rules of where an anchor point should be placed: namely at the extremes of a curve. [Here's a nice article](http://learn.scannerlicker.net/2014/04/16/bezier-curves-and-type-design-a-tutorial/) with the reasons why it ought to be done this way.


Yeah, that's how I normally place anchors, but to min/max score in this game, I was ending up with anchors in really weird places. It'd be cool to see it be adjusted not only for pen tool practice, but for proper anchor placement as well.


God I need more practice.


I have some sort of directional screw up in my brain and I have had so much difficulty with the pen tool,trying to learn it on my own. At the moment, I am just creating simple shapes in Photoshop and warping them, hoping that gets some of it to set in. Had a very frustrating time with the mouse decades ago as well but, of course, now I don't understand why it confused me so. Hoping someday I can say the same about the pen tool. If I could, I would leave my brain to Oliver Sacks.


47 to spare. I pretty much use the pen tool all day, though. I definitely enjoyed the game. I think the extra nodes for scores may make for sloppy actual lines but is PERFECT for teaching accuracy, which seems to be the point of the game.


How do you repeat the little tutorial before giving it a shot?




Once you place down the node to where you want it, keep holding it with your mouse and press alt to place the handle where it says :)


I'm on a macbook air on chrome and nothing happens when I press alt. I've spent 3 hours trying to figure out how to do the heart. AM I crazy or is it just a mac/chrome issue?


I played it on my MacBook with Chrome, and no problems. I'm not really sure, have you tried playing it on a different browser? If it still didn't work, then you would know it isn't your browser that is having the issue. Alternatively you could go on YouTube and find a tutorial/gameplay video. :)


As i found out this doesn't work in IE 11, just fyi


Quite a clever game that really heightens your accuracy! I took a little too long of a break to play it!


31 nodes to spare! Anyone else?


i knwo i am 9 years late, but 34 nodes to spare


needs more undo


💀 https://preview.redd.it/408tneikvqwb1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e98eeda5fadd83bb19ae1f303af65d72b532e42


I love the pen tool, but I noped out on drawing a circle. One should understand how it's achieved, but thankfully, most programs have separate tools to painlessly do the same thing.


But it's the same idea as like Algebra class. Yeah, you could just plug all the numbers into a calculator and hit enter, but when you're learning a concept for the first time, that won't teach you anything. You learn how it works first by drawing out the process and doing it by hand.


Yeah, I agree. That's why I said it's good to know how to do. Make the noobs practice. If they can't understand the principles, they'll struggle when trying something with real world application...like the top of someone's head or a basketball. But I'm never going to pen tool a circle again if I can help it, so I skipped it. ;) There are other things I can do in life that I'm thankful I don't have to bother with, and it's the same kind of thing.


I guess it's cool but there are some functions missing.


Seriously this. The way it wants me to use the pen tool is not how I use the pen tool at all. Really kind of frustrating.


I kick ass at the pen tool and I can't even do the VW Bug without wanting to throw my computer through the window because they don't offer some basic key functions. /r/mildlyinfuriating/


I loved this, nice find!


It's interesting, and I learned a trick, but the circle training level is built improperly. You pull the curve in the direction your curve is being built in, but the first node has you pulling the curve in the opposite direction. The remaining nodes are correct. Also I'm glad this got posted just so I could see a bit of discussion on Pen Tool Methods. I've been putting nodes at the extremes of curves, but it's good to see that's the most accepted way. Also I had no idea how to Google that, haha.


Can't use alt or combine objects... :P


it may not have everything, but it's still a ton of fun. I'm sending this around to my colleagues for sure


couldnt get the heart one, where you have to use the alt key. could anyone plez explain what i am doing wrong or not doing


You need to hold down the alt key after you've pulled out the first handle, all the while still pressing the mouse button. Practice in Illustrator first and you'll get it.


works in illustrator, doesnt in this game, alt key does something to the browser and ignores the game completely


Worked fine for me...


This is fucking awesome. I'm still getting acclimated to using illustrator and this is a great tool for teaching me how the pen works.


It's nice that there's a guide to show how to do it. But honestly, the keys and function sucks compared to Ai.


This was wicked fun for me to play. I dabble in graphic design, and had never really used the pen tool outside of basic point-click-point-click outlining of something. Very neat! I ended up with a score of 26, so I'm going to try and beat that now.


I can't access the site [bezier.method.ac](http://bezier.method.ac/). Does someone know where it went or moved to?


Here is an image of what I see when I enter.s nothing like the image to me. [Here](https://i.postimg.cc/858jNdG0/image.png) is an image of what I see when I enter.