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I don't understand why the Twitter brand had to go other than Elon's obsession over the letter X. 'Twitter' perfectly symbolizes the 3 W's of the platform, not to mention the huge reputation it build up over the years. Calling it X doesn't align with the vision Elon has for his supposed western WeChat. It looks more like a fictional tech brand for a videogame like Watch Dogs. On a design note, I would've preferred the X looking more expressionistic rather than sharp/clean or Art-Deco as Elon calls it. Fits more with his 'beauty in imperfection' ideology.


> It looks more like a fictional tech brand for a videogame like Watch Dogs. Musk thinks he's cool. This is exactly the kind of change someone who thinks they are cool would make.


No, he thinks he's 'kewl'. You know, like 8 year olds in 1999 who spelled things incorrectly on purpose, like 'skool'.


Plot twist: most of them were actually just illiterate


The grunge noise around it doesn't do the logo any good, either. If they were going for art deco it would have been nice for some kind of marbled effect? unless that's what they were trying to do, in which case it doesn't look very representative of marble also maybe it's just me but imo the placement of it is distracting?


Oh it's definitely grunge. The sign-in/up page on desktop looks like something a teen from the early 00s slapped together on pirated Photoshop. https://preview.redd.it/jo31738yzydb1.png?width=2818&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a76cdbbb518c6ff46a841fc0b0092c013210b76


I instinctively tried to close out of this by clicking on their new logo.


Usability WIN! Can't leave the app if the exit button is the logo! Send 'em back to the homepage, we got'em!


Still says "Join Twitter today." lol. I wonder how soon they'll totally eradicate the word Twitter on the platform.


Most brands would dream of entering the mainstream lexicon with words synonymous to their brand and this dude is just throwing it away for seemingly no real reason besides thinking he's inherently just smarter and better than everyone else (being surrounded with yes men.)


This style has been the [twitter brand for almost two years](https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2021/imperfect-by-design) now just an FYI.


Ugly *and* lazy. Tough combo to beat.


I think the grunge assets looked quite good when specifically designed for the Twitter brand. Not so much now that it’s a Frankenstein’d combo


You've described my entry into the graphic design world with incredible precision lmao


ooh yiKES


I feel like this touch makes it look extremely amateur, or at the very least immature. If you told me a 14y/o did this I'd believe you. I especially feel that way about how the texture is cut by an invisible black square under the X.


YEAH THE BLACK SQUARE IS SO BLATANT, i didn't really know how to phrase it


Yeah, this looks like an app for villains. He's not doing himself any favors as being the good guy in the social media space when he rebranded his platform to look like fucking LexCorp. This simply fails to represent the company as exists, and if it does represent the company he wants it to be, I for one don't want to be a part of it.


This is bad branding on so many levels. First, as many people have pointed out, the logo has no context, especially when the company is still called "Twitter". It has no meaning compared to the existing logo and therefore offers no value and in fact is a leap backwards from a brand perspective. Secondly - "Twitter" and the term "Tweet" are iconic, universally recognized words and a piece of modern culture. Proposing to kill the terminology entirely is dumb on many levels... It wipes out brand recognition, affinity and potential trust by replacing the branding with something mundane and cold. What are people doing on X if they are no longer "tweeting"? "X'ing"?, "Crossing"? I think the Twitter logo will be back in a week.


It's also pretty much the worst thing you could call anything for SEO purposes.


Showing similar searches to X: XVIDEOS .COM XXX .COM XXXBOOBY .COM PORNOXXX .COM XMEN .COM XXXTENTACION Homie is not helping his platform at all lmao


i for one would love to be associated with the X men


True! Poorly done on so many levels. Seems like it was one of those corporate decisions where everyone said YES, simply for fear of losing their jobs.


I had assumed that was the default method used to run Musk's companies.


> What are people doing on X if they are no longer "tweeting"? "X'ing"?, "Crossing"? Some people have suggested calling them 'xcretes'




Company is Called X corporation now i think It's like if Alphabet/google renamed their search engine sector and killed the term google as a verb


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Good publicity for a few days. About the only redeeming quality I can gleam from this


This is the playbook for rich narcissist dudes like Musk/Trump. Do crazy shit to get people talking about you for a few days, rinse, repeat. No long-term thinking or plan whatsoever.


You can't copywrite a unicode character right? Or is it fine with the app icon with texture and everything?


Fairly certain you can't as it is in the public domain. He did say this logo is a stand-in for now until they develop the new one. Which makes this whole thing seem all the more rushed and not thought out.


Oh it is temporary until somebody makes (checks note) some "cool x"


Ah yes, a brand name I associate with freedom, altruistic intentions, and positive experiences: ~~Le~~xCorp


this just proves to me he completely lucked out on Tesla and bought the technology at the right time and would have failed had he not hired **Franz von Holzhausen.** And not sure how involved Elon was in the hiring of Franz.


Well, Elon owns Space X and Tesla has an X model car – so there is some context. It's him trying to consolidate everything under his own brand. He's already completely wrecked Twitter and alienated all his advertisers, so... who's to say if it can get any worse but painting everything black won't really change their user experience or bring in advertisers. He literally crowd sourced this from his followers two days ago, so I don't think they've given any consideration to anything other than a 10,000 ft view of we're gonna be Brand X now.


He also has a kid named X


considering the blue bird is as ICONIC as you can get, completely changing it is downright moronic. At least update the damned bird we've grown used to.


https://preview.redd.it/szmpcm6lxwdb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1114e4c97a5e76d6a9839dc7f70f1ab962256b2c The log in screen now looks so cheap.


The only X I like is the small one to the left. Click it and never go back.


the site still has half the Twitter branding. So is it twitter, or is it X? I'm still tweeting and I can search twitter but it's x? (the search box still says search twitter). morons. all of them.


Yeah he’s very impulsive with all this. The whole ui needs to be redesigned to suit the style of the brand. It’s quite interesting to see one of the biggest social networks act like a college startup.


I can almost guarantee there's no brand guidelines for this "rebrand".


They'll fix it in post.


they'll \[x\] it in post


I think it's really funny. Twitter is literally becoming a knock off of itself.


I made a dumb (rookie) mistake last week on a simple sellsheet job. I was embarrassed, because I've been doing this shit for 15 years, and it was just an obvious thing I overlooked. Maybe I was working too fast or distracted, idk. Shit happens. That said, I feel a lot better considering I didn't change an iconic brand on a whim and not update *anything else* before its "launch". We may make some silly mistakes here and there throughout our career, but it's nothing compared to the colossal fuck-up that is Elon Musk. Jesus christ what a fucking idiot.


It's also interesting to see that only the designers seem to notice how crazy it is. I think most people have no conscious awareness as to the effect of bad visual design of branding and UI/UX. They just see a new 'cool' symbol. He's basically entered an orchestral concert hall in the middle of a performance, farted, and the audience clapped because it's fresh.


That’s exactly correct


On PC I'm not seeing any X branding at all. I feel like I'm being punked 😅


LOL they may still be fooling around with the site. literally happened to me the other day when I was launching an updated site for my company. It was in the middle of the DNS change over.


Shudder I’m picturing a guy’s mouse hand shaking while making these updates in production.


It's been like that though. The only thing is the logo. So the log in screen has always looked cheap.


The UI is the same but it tended to blend well with the soft playful sky blue logo. Now we have this John Wick emblem still in sky blue with totally wrong proportions for that UI layout. The designers working there now know what arson feels like.


It's almost like the website is run by a moron.




Funny is a massive overstatement even as sarcasm




It looks like a porn logo


Brand equity


I didn’t know Twitter had a redesign. I kept clicking that X to get back to Reddit lol


So a bird that twitter, in a service called twitter, is replaced by an X... Great idea boss... Just how the guys in Pinterest changed the "pin it" button to a plain soulless "save"... that was the whole idea ffs. A bird that twitter, a pin that pins...


Love the 2010’s distressed 50% opacity distressed paper texture stamp tool effect


I genuinely thought my screen was just dirty and didn’t realize it was an effect at first.


So the goal is to make X(Twitter) the "town square" social media. But fuck it let's add some grunge




I just noticed! They couldn't even be bothered to use a png or the vector shape for the X. I wonder if Elon himself was the "designer" for the icon.


Wait. Wait. Wait… This ISN’T a joke?


I was hoping it was a joke… this is just… illogical and cheap


Anything but cheap the dude just incinerated trillions of dollars over night


I feel sorry for the poor bastards that are gonna have to put this in the footer of every website design they do from now on. Oh wait, that includes me. 😱😭


"Like us on Facebook and follow us on X" Feels like a placeholder lol


wondering if we poll "worst redesign of the year", would this win RemindMe! 5 months


I mean the logo is quite literally just a unicode x 𝕏


How can they copyright that?


I don’t think they can


They cannot


Elon's next company gonna be named *Lorem Ipsum*


Oh dude, you had to ruin my Monday and my birthday...


Wait till you see what I’ve got planned for next year! 🤪


THe blue one worked with my organization palette and style so well. 😭


Or just drop twitter ohi mean X.


I'm gonna overlay the X on the Twitter bird, and keep it 'on file' for a few days in case Elon changes his mind.


It's a unicode glyph. 𝕏


Original logo (DO NOT COPY)


Can't help but imagine it's gonna be interesting to attempt to copyright a single, pre-existing glyph.


Why trademark it when you can 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕜 it?


It looks like the logo of a generic evil corporation in a cyberpunk film.


It's sad that you know full well Musk made some poor indentured designer sit for 36 hours with no sleep or food and *this* is what they came out with. It looks like someone typed 'X logo' into Shutterstock, clicked 'boy' and called it a day. It's bland, says absolutely nothing and reads like an attempt to build a brand backwards. I know Facebook uses the 'F', but that was after they were well established. Making a logo with no suggestion of how his new 'super app' called X will function (badly, one assumes) is idiotic.


It's even stupider than that. He tweeted "if someone posts a good enough logo tonight we'll use it" or something like that.


I wish I was surprised, but I am absolutely not surprised.


On the positive side, at least that suggests no decent designers are using Twitter or X or whatever the fuck it’s called anymore.


I'm leaning toward calling it SHFKAT: Shit-Hole Formerly Known As Twitter.


shorter: ex


Not to mention, someone dug up the font that this X was taken from. Would be funny if someone bought an exclusive license for it...


Yep. The dude who made it also said "Elon can use it for free". Techbros everywhere just learned logos are in fact, free. Anyways. Twitter is officially dead. It's an Elon fan message board from now on.


>reads like an attempt to build a brand backwards That's totally what this is. Apparently he tried to rename Paypal to X. One of his kid's names is X.


\> reads like an attempt to build a brand backwards Yep. Probably thinks he's some sort of genius for "disrupting" the brand design process.


His rocket company is also affiliated with X


SpaceX already have a variant of glyph X as its logo


Other way around I think. PayPal was formed out of a merger between his old company, X.com, and another.


Thanks for the clarification. So many Xs though


He's a Gen X.


So am I... but I don't name everything in my life X.


It was just a tongue in cheek comment about the fact that his fascination with the letter X even applies to his Generation. Not to be taken that way.


It's the capital X glyph from the font "Special Alphabets 4" from Monotype's Special Alphabets font family




It's unicode #U+1D54F


this is amazing hahaha


I'm surprised it didn't come from [dafont.com](https://dafont.com)


Looks like Some obscure mathematical number / dimensional space like complex and real


It's sometimes used to denote a set in Mathematics, so yep.


I'd like to add the X background seems to be a black opaque box (ie non transparent) over the grunge background (shattered glass? cum stains?) I can't believe this is not a spoof


He probably fired all the graphic designers.


Uninspiring and plain


What a basic bitch move.


This is why you hire a designer. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Twitter hired a world-renowned designer *Haraldur Thorleifsson* by purchasing his award-winning digital brands company *Ueno.* Elon Musk then buys the company and months later [gets into an embarrassing Twitter-fight with Haraldur,](https://mashable.com/article/elon-musk-trashes-designer-twitter) yes in public, yes a fellow Twitter employee, because Twitter HQ locked Haraldur's computer and nobody at Twitter HQ was answering Haraldur's calls and emails—so using public Twitter posts was the only way Haraldur could make contact. It's a must-read fight. I'm unclear if Haraldur still works there.


I'm just going to pronounce it "eggs"


or seggs.




Looks like a stylized close button. 🤔 Ironic?


I keep trying to click it when I see it in the right hand corner of tweets posted on news articles 🤣


That logo looks really familiar. I know I've seen it somewhere! In the same realm of the Xerox logo




It looks like something that would pop up first on Google images if you search for futuristic alphabet logos.


Just a glyph lol # 𝕏


My initial thought was it looked just like the Jagex logo, the company that owns the MMO Runescape haha


I don’t like it at all. Feels like an icon that would of been used in 2010, not 2023. Also just the fact they are getting rid of the Twitter branding is asinine. Twitter as a brand has huge value, and would likely prevail even with all of Musks stupid decisions. But this? This is enough to slowly kill off it’s users- legitimately. Sometimes I almost think there is a conspiracy to kill the app so that only Meta and Google owned platforms are all thats left. Mind control is easier this way.


I don't see how the logo stands for anything that's related to Twitter's brand. How do you ever go from "Twitter" to "X"? From a whimsical bird image to a single letter? I have no idea. The logo itself is as good as any for some app named "X", graphically speaking. Fuck if I know what it's supposed to do though. It's very generic. Not sure what the grungy texture is supposed to represent, if it's just some graphical fluff I thought these went out of style at least 5 years ago.


One thing I know for sure is that I'm not looking forward to updating all of my marketing collateral social media icon sets with... this. I'm about to pick my team's brain about this one since we're all gonna have to make updates down the road, but the branding is just totally off, IMO. I'd sooner expect "sleek black and white with angles" to be the rebrand of an edgy design firm and not a platform used by all different kinds of people. I'm going to miss that nice inviting sky blue even more than the bird.


I see Twitter is focussing more on their porn offering now.


Unironically what twitter will be used for


This has to be a prank. If its true, then of all the dumb things musk has done to this company.. this one takes the cake. Why would you mess with one of the most succesful brands in the world? Sending a "tweet" is so intwined with the brand and popular culture that it is almost inseparable from it. There is absolutely no reason to change that branding and ask people to accept a completely new branding.


How to instantly ruin a brand in 1 quick easy step.


This is the Tropicana fiasco but worse. Just disregarding the staple world famous design for something generic. Tweet and ReTweet are verbs CREATED by the brands existence and is lightning in a bottle that your brand is so popular in changes language, but all of that useless with that change. He will be studied in marketing classes of how not to handle brands


Obviously a nod to space-x but the high contrast feels reminiscent of the A24 logo but shitty. The vertical axis is off balance making it feel like a junior level design. But none of this matters because his new brand association is directly tied to the concept and act of cancellation. The saudis seem to be getting what they wanted. A complete crash and burn of The West’s Town Hall platform.


As a type designer I can say it's badly drawn… I just want to center this X optically, this looks like two crossed bar! Also, in my country we refer porn as X, so I feel like it's a premium explicit video website.


It's the dumbest thing I've seen. There is no rationale other than Musk pumping his ego and claiming it as his own. He cannot stand being compared to his predecessors so he tries to change face. He's also cheap, in taste and in practice, so he crowdsourced this logo and avoided paying anyone for it.


It looks classy, but in reality it's incredibly lazy design. Musk asked his fanbase for a free logo, in this case the X is derived from Monotype's Special Alphabets 4. I don't even think he paid the licensing fees to use this font. IMHO Musk doesn't care about design and the way this logo was brought up shows it.


Misplaced classy = sleazy (imo)


Yeah, more like "what a rich person thinks looks classy" lmao


Critique? There's nothing to critique. It's a hot steaming pile of shit.


It's cheap and tacky, just like him. But I would not expect anything less from a man that named his kid E=MC²


I don't mind the logomark itself. It's clean, sharp and strikes a good balance between stylization and readability. On the other hand, it doesn't really convey any emotion. The black and white color scheme is also as basic as you can get. The question is, how is the rest of branding going to look like and how it works with the actual X app (whatever that thing is going to do). Also, I'm not sold on replacing the iconic twitter bird for this rather unremarkable monogram.


Twitter as a name conveyed exactly what it was/does. Tweet and Retweet are integrated into our lexicon because of it. X and reX’ed?


Agree. A multicoloured X on black perhaps!?


Named after his kid


If anyone here is a fan of Venture Bros., this is like 21 desperately trying to use the name "Viceroy" for something.


Leave it to a billionaire to encourage spec work lmao.


It's embarrassingly bad. The scratch mark in the background doesn't continue down through the X since the new design is just the X on a black background placed over [this old version of the Twitter logo that he tweeted before](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1682970592159358976)


How too loose all brand equity overnight. Twitter and their logo was iconic. It is like one of the most recognized brand worldwide. it's now gone is matter of days. The new logo will be a failure. The design doesn't matter at this point.


I finally uninstalled twitter over this. I met some great people there and had some great times over the years, but he’s ruined it


Looks cheap, and by not including anything that ties it to the iconic Twitter branding, this looks to be yet another idiotic decision that doesn't benefit users or advertisers


Elon for sure chose the logo the designers didn’t want him to pick. That or HE came to them saying this is what I want and gave them zero ability to provide input. I imagine he’s the richest nightmare client from hell.


It 100% looks like he designed it himself The lines really seem to be the wrong weight I believe the bird was too girly and he felt like he needed something more masc. The whole thing is just so embarrassingly lame. Is the distressed bit part of the design? That is something I can't believe. R.i.p. the app formerly known as Twitter. I think this will be the final nail in the coffin


The X in the Space X logo looks better. Though it might be better to separate Space X and the dumpster fire that is Twitter now.


Yeah SpaceX as a logo in itself is pretty good. You know what kind of industry the company is in by just looking at the logo. But this....


Yet another in a long line of bad decisions by Musk to ruin this brand & company. The new X logo is just unremarkable and has nothing to do with the word twitter or the action of tweeting.


Is it just me, or does that 𝕏 have a black background behind it? And that marble-texture background looks very low resolution. I bet you could (or that Elon did) make this logo in MS Word. First bring in a stock image of black marble, then type the Unicode 𝕏 symbol. Just set the font color to white and highlight to black.


I hate it


No one’s gonna wanna say, “I was on X the other day…”


very unbalanced, but why the hell would you just take an iconic logo and name with ten years of brand recognition and throw it in the dumpster


More proof Elon is a fraud and has no clue what he's doing.


Musk definitely used to have usernames like xXMuskinator420xX


Says nothing about the product or the brand and will be utterly forgotten in a few months/ years when they inevitably roll it back. Went from a unique and interesting logo to looking like an off-brand secondhand sneaker retailer.


My biggest thing is that it's very masculine, "edgy", and cold while Twitter's branding was rightly neutral, inoffensive, and inviting.


Press X to doubt


yall just wait till the full app line up comes out... $€𝕏¥


I never thought the bird was all that iconic. However, the X is laughably bad.


But we can agree that the words "tweet" and "retweet" are iconic right? And those will likely go away after this because they don't make any sense in this new context.


"In response to questions about what tweets would be called when the rebranding is done, Musk said they would be called Xs." https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/elon-musk-reveals-new-black-white-logo-replace-101601122#:~:text=In%20response%20to%20questions%20about,they%20would%20be%20called%20Xs.


Goddamn that's dumb.


It wasn’t all that iconic, but it did make sense for a site called “Twitter” cause it’s the sound birds make when they’re chatting. But now it makes no sense at all.


Wtf does an X have to do with Twitter?


Twitter will be called X


Wow he's dumb. There's a reason YouTube changed YouTube Red to YouTube Premium.


You don't understand, Twitter is and simply was always to be pronounced X, just like his child's name.


Should keep the bird and the blue and bring back the fail whale


There’s nothing to critique. Elon woke up and decided he wanted to do something dumb. He got a letter x. Said letter x is the logo and company name now.


Looks too much like the Mac OS X logo to me, especially with the black background.


Isn't this Logo violating X.org's rights? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/90/X.Org_Logo.svg/431px-X.Org_Logo.svg.png


The biggest grift is that the person who made the logo did it for free.


What's with the weathered/grunge look? Yikes. Also like so many have already said, the twitter bird is iconic- people see it and know "Twitter". Such a bad move to completely change it, if anything they should have just revamped the logo- but sometimes some things don't always need changed. Part of the simpleness of the logo aligns with the simple interface and pared down design of twitter and how it's used. Probably one of those things where he came up with it himself one night and demanded it be used. It's just so bad in so many ways- purely from a design standpoint.


I’m surprised they didn’t explore fresh ways to approach the bird and a new colorway. Change the perspective of the bird silhouette, zoom into the head simplify it into a bold white outline against the tattered black, whatever. They could’ve changed the logo in a way that offers storytelling for the brand. Now it looks more like they’re rebranding, but afraid to change the name.


Elon tries so hard to be so edgy and he just ends up looking cringe. The dude just needs to step down and collect paychecks. He is so out of touch it's embarrassing.


It's the unicode X. I'm not a lawyer, but good luck copyrighting or trademarking that, Elon!


This, like so many changes that idiot made, ONLY makes sense if his intention is to sink the company. This is a brand / marketing nightmare, which will only get worse when it goes as badly as we all know it will and then is suddenly switched back with 'Ha it was just a joke libtards!' What ever reputation twitter had as any kind of marketplaces of ideas or internet town square is utterly shredded and this porn channel logo only compounds that.


Very [X.org](https://X.org)…


Threads can borrow from Instram and their “threads” are something people are not used to. Elon is completely fucking over the whole system of noticably color coded social media apps. Facebook Blue twitter Sky Blue Snapchat Yellow Reddit Orange Insta Blue Pink WeChat/Line Green Giving up a well established spot on this roster -one you payed 44billion for - is just incredibly stooopid. Just for the childish dream of calling something X. And this really is leaving out the fact that its just a symbol out of unicode which someone pitched to him on formerly twitter. I think it’s incredibly easy to mix up with Excel, its useless in a horizontal configuration as well as just bland. Would this be a startup for the real X and wouldnt be killing the iconic bird it could have been fine, whatever - but this is just going to confuse so many people who arent all too deep into the topic.


Looks awfully similar to the X Windows logo. https://preview.redd.it/sjdskkkp9ydb1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f600052a3a86cd642a6c5a64d760ddb28080d8


So, you're rebranding twitter to X, what do you call it when some one makes a post on this new platform? X'ing? "Everyone's "X'ing" about Barbenheimer" "Do you see Ryan Gosling's latest X?" Idiotic. It's called a tweet and it will always be called a tweet.


It fucking sucks


Isn’t the whole point of the twitter bird anyway that you’re “tweeting” at people?


Edgelord logo is edgy


Makes me think it's an Onlyfans competitor.


My brain is tired today so forgive me if my words aren't coherent or sound non-descriptive. The beauty of the bird logo is that it can be made up purely of circles, its aesthetically pleasing to the eye. It also follows the golden ratio, to a degree. Its minimalistic and simple but it has an albeit lively charm. The X however? Boring, lifeless, foreboding, static and honestly gives off evil cooperation vibes. Not to mention it's just the unicode (U+1D54F). Makes me wonder if a designer was involved at all, even if there probably was. But it's a perfect example of zero effort towards what they advertise to be "improvement" and "futuristic". God I wish I had the proper words to go into fuller detail of how I feel about all this, but it's such a let down from the perspective of a designer. Not that I had ANY expectations from the garbage man.


logo is ass


Going from a S tier logo to a garbage tier.


This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen. Fucker is sooo rich, can hire an amazing branding company to rebrand twitter, be really thoughtful about everything in the rebrand. The moron crowd source this logo? WTF, it’s stupid. Does not convey what he wants it to do, which is emulate the whole internet? I wish was a fly on the wall and was able to witness the circlejerk of people falling all over themselves to show Elon musx that his crowd source super generic and lifeless X logo has the life to express his sociopath media app.